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After more than 20 years of practice and construction, China’s higher vocational education has developed into an important educational category and become an important force in the development of China’s higher education. But in the course of this development, higher vocational education is facing problems such as excessively fast development, weak content building, severely inadequate investment, and uneven regional development. Therefore, the government must create a policy environment suitable for the equitable development of higher education, establish fair education spending policies, strongly promote the balanced development of regional higher vocational education, and strive to strengthen basic capabilities for quality projects.  相似文献   

Hamlet’s soliloquy shows the inner studying of the idealist hero to the most extent, the inner contradiction is derived to the summit in this soliloquy, and also these inner characteristics eventually ...  相似文献   

高维珺 《海外英语》2015,(2):107-108
Hamlet’s soliloquy shows the inner studying of the idealist hero to the most extent, the inner contradiction is derived to the summit in this soliloquy, and also these inner characteristics eventually cause the sad ending of the hero. It embodies the everlasting subject of human society—the conflicts between person and destiny, and the thinking of individual during puzzle Dom.  相似文献   

李明校 《海外英语》2011,(7):232-233,235
The Scarlet Letter is a tragedy itself.Dimmesdale,the number one hero in the tragedy,is doomed to be a tragic character.He commits adultery with Hester,which should be punished by law.But because of his cowardice and selfishness and Hester’ protection,he escaped from the punishment of the law.Because he is selfish,cowardly,hypocitical,and lonely,he has hidden his sin for seven years.And because he is kind,he finally stands up actively and takes the responsibility,which belongs to him.At that time,he dies an honest true man.Through the analysis of Dimmesdale’ s characteristics,we can know his inner world,and we will be more sympathetic to him.  相似文献   

罗鹏 《海外英语》2014,(9):212-213,231
The Tempest,most likely the last play written entirely by Shakespeare,parallels The Genesis of the Bible in its plot and structure.It seems that the Moses in The Genesis goes out of the bible and becomes Prospero to save people’s soul and help them out of the trouble.This article endeavors to analyze the archetypes of the drama in terms of its individual stories and overall pattern.  相似文献   

周叶函 《海外英语》2012,(14):200-201
In The Bluest Eye,the author narrates a little black girl’s strong desire to have blue eyes.At last,Pecola imagines possessing blue eyes at the cost of going insane.This paper mainly argues that it is the family’s influence,the internalized racism and the whites’powerful and dominant culture that leads to Pecola’s tragic fate.  相似文献   

刘淑洁 《海外英语》2014,(8):197-198
Scarlett,the heroine in Gone with the Wind,is always the disputed figure in the academic world.She gathers kinds of traits in herself,including contradiction intricacy and diversity.Then,Scarlett is a person not only selfish and rebellious,but also in the pursuit of equality and independence.What she eagerly seeks in her life is genuine love.To begin with her unique thought and conception,this thesis analyzes the characteristics of her self-assurance and self-reliance represented behind her selfishness and rebellion.It makes emphasis on the profound changes Scarlett has in terms of belief and self-value when she experiences the baptism of the Civil War.The process that she changes from a spoiled noble belle to an independent and confident businesswoman indicates the self-awareness of women has wakened up.  相似文献   

王云 《海外英语》2015,(6):90-92
Throughout the history of the listening comprehension teaching at home and abroad, the research mainly focus on the correlation of the learner’s English listening proficiency and their self-efficiency. Scholars like Alisa J.Bates, Penny Ur. and Widdowson, H. G. have claimed the significance of teacher’s role in listening comprehension. For the purpose of proving the necessity of the teacher’s role in listening comprehension, based on the analysis of the features of classroom listening comprehension,this paper presents the teacher’s role before class, in class and after class. Meanwhile, during the teaching process, teachers and learners are revealed in two way interactive relations and the pedagogical process is the result of the bilateral interaction of the two sides.  相似文献   

Throughout the history of the listening comprehension teaching at home and abroad, the research mainly focus on the correlation of the learner’s English listening proficiency and their self-efficiency....  相似文献   

作为全球最为重要的国际教育组织,联合国教科文组织的高等教育观点对各国高等教育发展具有极大的影响力和引领作用。通过对教科文组织两次世界高等教育大会公报的解读和对比,分析了两次公报中所涉及的高等教育的平等权利观、公益观、社会责任观、多维质量观和国际合作观等五个主要观点,指出了这些观点既相互联系,互相支持,又反映了世界高等教育在进入21世纪后的一系列发展与变革。  相似文献   

由于国家在推动民办高等教育发展过程中扮演着重要的角色,因此民办高等教育的发展依附于国家的相关政策的制定与执行过程。文章通过对民办高等教育发展阶段中相关政策的梳理与分析,提出了民办高等教育政策调整的建议:首先,政府应转换职能,从管理者身份转换到服务者身份;其次,构建民办高等教育具体、细致、完整的政策体系,引导民办高等教育向多层次、多类别、多样化的方向发展;最后,保持政策的连续性和稳定性。  相似文献   

尼日利亚高校毕业生就业状况自20世纪80年代起渐入困境.为此,尼日利亚联邦政府和有关部门相继出台了许多政策,包括改革大学课程内容、调整人才培养结构、拓宽毕业生就业途径等,积极推动和促进高校毕业生就业.然而,总体上看,这些政策并没有取得较为明显的效果.究其原因,既有国家经济对劳动力吸收力低和高等教育迅速膨胀等客观原因,也有政策实施不力和政策自身存在偏差等主观原因.  相似文献   

"终身教育"是20世纪以来最有影响力的教育思潮。本研究借助福柯的"话语实践"分析框架,运用N-Vivo8.0对UNESCO的"终身教育"政策文本进行编码分析,发现"终身"的哲学根源是回归人的价值理性,彰显人、制度和合作的力量。这正是"终身教育"拥有如此强劲生命力的根源之所在。  相似文献   

英国当今高等教育政策框架及其影响分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在政府公共管理模式市场化取向改革背景下,高等教育领域引入竞争机制,在高等教育经费紧缩的情况下,为保证高等教育战略目标的实现,英国政府采取了拨款、评估、规划等政策措施对高校进行宏观控制和施加影响.  相似文献   

澳大利亚高等教育改革政策的发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田莉 《外国教育研究》2005,32(12):48-51,66
进入21世纪后,澳大利亚掀起了一轮全新的高等教育改革浪潮。在高等教育必须为国家经济发展提供动力的理念下,政府动员全社会的力量参与到改革的讨论中,并制定出了一系列的改革措施。它们将引导澳大利亚高等教育走向新的发展道路,从而为国家的发展提供动力。  相似文献   

当前我国民办高等教育虽然得到了的较大发展,但在整个高等教育体系内仍处于"二级市场"的地位,面临产权不清、办学水平不高等问题.这种状况的形成与我国民办高等教育相关政策的影响密切相联.本文对美国各州政府管理私立高等教育所采取的三种不同政策类型进行梳理,对各自的优缺点予以探讨.在此基础上,对我国2002年以来民办高等教育政策的特点及所带来的影响进行分析,并据此提出政策建议.  相似文献   

建国以来,高等教育政策是一种单向度的政府选择模式,表现出国家中心和行政机关中心的特征。改革开放以后,我国的高等教育一度走上了市场化取向之路,但是这条路走得并不是很顺畅。社会主义市场经济环境下高等教育政策改革的方向是提高高等教育在市场化生存环境中的效率,并有利于市场经济改革和政治稳定。  相似文献   

高等教育与社会就业的关系极其复杂,一些研究发现了"就业"与"就学"的相互替代、高等教育发展与经济发展的"反周期"、高等教育调节分割的劳动力就业市场供需关系等现象,这些发现已经具有了公共政策的意义。事实上,很多国家在运用高等教育调节社会就业中取得成功。本文研究了高等教育调节社会就业的理论基础和主要经验,提出了我国现阶段运用高等教育作为公共政策工具调节社会就业的四个方面的政策选择。  相似文献   

高等教育政策既有一般公共政策的共性,更有自身独有的特性。拉迪斯拉夫·塞里奇认为高等教育政策具有目标的含糊性与冲突性、执行的复杂性与缓慢性,以及环境变化的多重效应等特征。塞里奇的高等教育政策观,对我们揭示高等教育政策的本质与规律,以及提升高等教育政策制定的质量和执行的效益无疑都具有重要的理论意义与实践价值。  相似文献   

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