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The anecdotes of Nasreddin Hodja, who lived in Anatolia in the 13th century, have always attracted people due to the humour they contain, but this discussion also focuses on exploring the educational value of the anecdotes. According to teachers who contributed to this study, the anecdotes stimulate students’ interest in language work, create a relaxed learning atmosphere and help students think positively through Nasreddin Hodja’s humour. The anecdotes, which relate to social life and society, cover a rich diversity of topics with both positive and negative examples of behaviour; and they also may provoke positive effects in the personality development of children.  相似文献   

廖巧云 《海外英语》2012,(1):231-232
Since the study of Shakespeare’s sonnets came to China,people come to an agreement that there is more than one theme running through these sonnets.The most popular and well-accepted ones are singing for fairness,kindness and truth,singing for friendship,and singing for love.Among all these themes,time,running through these sonnets from the beginning to the end,is absolutely one of the most important.In the eyes of the poet,time is cruel and destructive;however,he figures out poetry as a key way to triumph over it.This article attempts to argue for the triumph of poetry over time in Shakespeare’s sonnets based on an analysis to the poetry.  相似文献   

王伟 《海外英语》2011,(4):206-208
The publication of the famous novel The Sound and The Fury projects the long-enduring reputation of William Faulkner as a household American writer in every nook and cranny of the world.Just in this novel,Faulkner employs the literary device of stream of consciousness and makes a good play with time and order to his own joy,which makes it an outstanding literary feature in the novel.In this essay,the unusual conceptions of time and order in the novel are tentatively probed mainly from the following three perspectives:1) the initiative for Faulkner creating the novel as a novel against time and order.2) the disordered arrangement as an artistic device——the optimum key to delivering the story.3) the potential order underlying the seeming disorder in the novel.  相似文献   

The Myself-As-a-Learner scale (MALS) has been constructed to assess academic self-concept (Burden, R. L. [2000]. The Myself As a Learner Scale. Birmingham: Imaginative Minds; Burden, R. L. [2012]. The Myself As a Learner Scale [2nd ed.]. Cognitive Education Development Centre, Graduate School of Education, University of Exeter.). The scale consists of 20 self-referring statements to which individuals are invited to respond in a positive, negative, or neutral manner. A Norwegian translation proved to be an internally consistent tool for schools. The internal consistency was explored in a sample of 84 monolingual children in which all children were assessed twice with a time difference of about 8 months. Compared to a control group (N?=?31) we found no significant effect of participation in a vocabulary training study on the children’s academic self-concept. Instead we found that high achievers evaluated themselves more positively over time, while low achievers evaluated themselves more negatively in the same period.  相似文献   

In our lives, we may make many kinds of friends. But do you know who is your very close and trusted friend? Maybe you do not know, but s/he always comes to help you when you are in trouble. S/He will do the utmost[最大能力] to help you and will never tell you. The coming of the dark always makes me feel  相似文献   

This paper explores how mandated literacy assessment is reorganising teachers' work in the context of Australia's National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy, which was implemented in 2008. Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are tested annually, with school results publicly available. The wider policy context and the emergence of different forms of interconnected educational work associated with the testing phenomenon are described. Taking an institutional ethnography approach, the local effects of the federal policy regime are examined through a case study of one school. What mandated literacy assessment does to educators' work in a culturally diverse low-socioeconomic school community is discussed. Key themes include strategic exclusions of students from the testing process, appropriations and adaptations of literacy theory, work intensification and ethical mediation of results. Questions concerning equity are raised about the differential effects of policy in different school contexts.  相似文献   

张静 《海外英语》2012,(21):273-274
John Dewey was a pragmatic philosopher,psychologist,and educator commonly regarded as the founder of the pro gressive education movement.His philosophy of pragmatic education not only exerts great influence on Western education,but also on China’s education.This paper attempts to make a detailed analysis of Dewey’s philosophy of education and its value.  相似文献   

文艺与政治的关系以及文艺大众化问题,是瞿秋白文学批评理论的重要组成部分。本文认为瞿秋自在这两个问题上的观点,具有明显的“工具论”色彩,而贯穿其中的政治血脉则是“阶级斗争”,它反映了当时革命文艺队伍对马克思主义文艺理论的基本立场和态度。瞿秋白也以此建立起一套具有典范意义的文学批评模式。  相似文献   

瞿秋白的文学描写艺术集中体现在他笔下人物形象上。作者娴熟运用各种人物描写方法和艺术技巧,主要刻画了革命者、独裁者、普通民众及作者自我等四类人物形象,其中"以形显神法""效应烘托法""特征勾勒法"和"内视角法"等描写技法运用得极为成功,取得了较高的艺术审美效果。这些描写技法充分展示了鲜明的艺术特色:在人物形象身上折射出时代特征和社会背景;从独特的文化视角展现人物群像;审美描写与审美情感、审美判断有机地融合在一起;长于简笔,善用讽刺。  相似文献   

文艺大众化思想是瞿秋白现实主义文艺思想的重要组成部分。瞿秋白文艺大众化思想在"向群众去学习"的前提下,主要表现为文艺形式的大众化、文艺作品内容的大众化和大众化文艺的创作方法等方面。瞿秋白对大众文艺的倡导对改变当今大众文艺的"低俗化"倾向有着重要的现实指导作用。  相似文献   

我国上个世纪二三十年代文艺界关于文艺大众化问题展开了热烈的讨论,形成了几种观点,其中瞿秋白的文艺大众化的"三化"原则,即题材的斗争化、体裁的朴素化、作者的工农化,就是其成果之一,并成为他文艺思想的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

20世纪是中国译学蓬勃发展的时期,因为这个时期的关于翻译的争论异常激烈:有长达八年之久的鲁迅与梁实秋的论战,也有鲁迅与瞿秋白的书信争论等等.这些论战中,首当其冲的是鲁迅和梁实秋之间展开的长达八年之久的关于文学与翻译的激烈论战,震撼了当时的文学界.这场争论涉及到了诸多方面的问题,如文学的阶级性、文学批评的态度、翻译的标准等等.另外这场论战的复杂性还表现在它一开始就掺进了敏感的政治因素,使得双方的态度变得严厉甚至敌对起来.可见,这次八年争论已不是单纯的翻译讨论了,而是带有浓烈的政治思想斗争色彩.与之相比,鲁迅与瞿秋白的翻译争论可以说是只涉及了纯学术问题.  相似文献   

瞿秋白的文化思想综论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瞿秋白是我国无产阶级革命文化事业的主要奠基者之一。他在认真反思西方文化的意义与价值的基础上,阐述了文艺思想、翻译思想、新闻思想等文化思想的基本内容,提出了中国新文化应坚持的指导思想和具体道路,为中国新文化建设提供了可资借鉴的理论与历史经验。  相似文献   

1935年,瞿秋白身陷囹圄,写下《多余的话》,对自我革命者的身份和几年的政治领导生涯进行了"否定"。这部语义错生、背景复杂的作品引发了后世研究者的争论,作品的境遇也几经坎坷。"滑稽剧"是阐释《多余的话》有力的切入点,以此切入,探析出作者对小资产阶级知识分子"无产阶级"化难度的自觉和在中国现代性变革中对小资产阶级知识分子从政的反省,表现出他对马克思主义政治在中国出现危机所进行的反思和寻求中国政治"再生"的尝试。  相似文献   

文人和政治家这两种身份认同的激烈交锋贯穿了瞿秋白短暂的一生。从《多余的话》中可以看出,瞿秋白明显趋向于文人身份,而对政治家身份持拒斥的态度。这与他对革命的理想化认识及其绅士意识有关。瞿秋白的悲剧与其说是他个人的性格所导致的文人从政的悲剧,毋宁说是诞生在一个革命语境当中的知识分子的由于时代而造成的悲剧,甚至可以被看作是在我国现代社会急剧转型过程中知识分子命运的典型。  相似文献   

个人与社会的关系是五四时期思想界的一个重要关注点。1923年前瞿秋白在这一对范畴关系的认识上,既受到了此前思想界观点的影响,也有自己的看法。但同时也在关注着个人对社会的责任,也开始谈到了个性发展当融入社会发展之中,以及个性与阶级的关系。1923年后,对马克思主义的深入研读和运用,使他对这一对范畴的认识在延续之前观点的基础上,有了新的变化。此时他并没有放弃对个性发展的追求,仍认同个人的历史价值,只是更着眼于在理论上论述社会对个人的塑造与决定性,个人人生观的阶级属性,意在说明个性发展的追求必须与社会发展、阶级发展的要求融合在一起,才能真正地实现,而脱离现实与集体的个性追求最终将归于破灭。  相似文献   

瞿秋白留下的近500万字的著作凝聚着他独特而丰厚的文化思想,主要体现为四个鲜明的时代特点:批判性、创新性、前瞻性和科学性。首先,批判性是瞿秋白文化思想的首要特点,他善于运用马克思主义世界观和方法论审视并批判中国文化现象及文化运动,以此来表达自己的文化观点。其次,瞿秋白具有较强的创新意识,他总是把文化问题放在整个社会运动中考察,把握文化的时代性,同时能根据时代需要介绍并宣传马克思主义以推动中国先进文化的发展。第三,瞿秋白一直坚信无产阶级文化方向并极富远见地构想了中国未来文化的发展趋向就是社会主义文明,充分展现了其文化思想的前瞻性。最后,瞿秋白始终坚持并倡导反帝反封建的、科学的、人民大众的文化,并对建立这一文化有科学、系统的认识。这既是新民主主义文化的科学性所要求的内容,也是瞿秋白文化思想的又一个突出特点。  相似文献   

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