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He established his status in the arena of contemporary Chinese oil art with his landmark works “Spring Wind Comes Again” in the late 1970s. His creation later encountered popular artistic trends in the 1980s such as “nostalgia style”, “scared art” and “neo-realism”. Many of his artworks, including “On the Harvested Land”, “We Sang This Song Before”, “The Land with Prickles” and “The Body Under the Sky”, explored common feelings and formatic elements of his contemporarie…  相似文献   

As an initiator of "Wounded Art", a representative of "Rural Realism" and one of the founders of the "Sichuan School of Painting", Gao Xiaohua has unarguably been recognized as one of the leading artists in contemporary Chinese art history. In 1978 his oil painting entitled "Why" daringly broke the political taboo and boldly raised the touchiest social question with awesome guts. Therefore his name and his painting become everlasting in Chinese art history. In 1982 he had another great success of completing his oil painting entitled "Rush to the Train", which is highly praised as the contemporary version of "Riverside Scenery on Pure Brightness Festival", one of the greatest Chinese classical painting. He focuses on everyday life of general public with stunning realness and sensation. It becomes an epitome Red Crag" and "Chongqing on a Bomb-site". He demonstrates his open mind, lofty ideal and strong sense of historical and social responsibility nowadays when the domestic art market is booming up in an unprecedented manner.  相似文献   

Art Information     
China-Mozambique Contemporary Art Exhibition "Cultural Symphony", an exhibition on Chinese and Mozambique contemporary art, was held in Beijing in November. Jointly organized by the Ministry of Culture of China and Mozambique Embassy in Beijing, this exhibition displayed 50 contemporary artworks by Chinese and Mozambique  相似文献   

Popular Culture in Contemporary China (English version) With China's reform and opening up in 1978 as a starting point, this book records the development and evolution of contemporary Chinese popular culture. In the form of story-telling, it introduces wave upon wave of the popular culture in contemporary China and shows how Chinese people are open-minded toward international popular culture. A very important feature of the book is that it explores social and psychological changes of the Chinese people during more than 30 years. This books is published by New World Press.  相似文献   

Chinese contemporary art hasbeen the focal point of China'S culturaldevelopment since the mid-1990s.Itis not only an active genre in thedomestic art circle but also a vibrantparticipant in the international artcommunity.Thanks to the reform andopening up,Chinese art is no longerfettered by the limited cultural  相似文献   

A Leading Artist in the Art Market Wu Guanzhong is a big name in the history of Chinese contemporary art.In 1978, he held his first solo exhibition in the then Central Institute of Art and Design at age 59. Since then, he has amazed the art market with one miracle after another.  相似文献   

On my way back to Beijing, I dropped into the art museum of Hebei Provincial Institute of Painting in the city of Shijiazhuang, where an exhibition on Wei Kuizhong's off paintings was on the display. I was so overwhelmed by those extraordinary works that I was eager to talk to the painter. Wei was a sincere and determined artist. He looked taciturn but when it came to his artistic pursuits and ideas, his eloquence surprised me. In the Chinese art market today when everybody complains about the lack of mainstream artworks, Wei's oil masterpieces with thrilling make him stand out as a leading figure.  相似文献   

A 36-person delegation from the US President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanity paid an official visit to China from June 5 to 13 at the invitation of Chinese Cultural Ministry. On June 10, the delegation attended a seminar on the cultural identity of Chinese contemporary art chaired by Director Fan Di’an in the National Art Museum of China.  相似文献   

A 36-person delegation from the US President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanity paid an official visit to China from June 5 to 13 at the invitation of Chinese Cultural Ministry. On June 10, the delegation attended a seminar on the cultural identity of Chinese contemporary art chaired by Director Fan Di'an in the National Art Museum of China.  相似文献   

Art Information     
Uli Slgg's Collection of Chinese Contemporary Art Ukely to be Permanently Displayed in Shenzhen Ult Sigg, former Swiss Ambassador to China who has the largest collection of Chinese contemporary art, is negotiating with Chinese partners about permanently displaying most of his collectians in China  相似文献   

A large-scale cotemporary art exhibition entitied “Left Wing“and Planned by celebrated indepedent curator Gu Zhenqing opened on decemer 20,2003 at Left Bank Community in Zhongguancun,Beijing‘s answer to Silicon Valley.The exhibition eatured mew artworks by a group of the most active contemporary Chinese artists.  相似文献   

Pan Yuanshi, an art teacher in his early years and a renowned print artist, enjoys high respect among southern Taiwan's art circle. In his professional career as the CEO of Chimei Foundation, he remarkably enhanced its public exposure and abilities to organize events, making it the most important cultural and art foundation in southern Taiwan.  相似文献   

Chinese contemporary art has been the focal point of China‘s cultural development since the mid-1990s. It is not only an active genre in the domestic art circle but also a vibrant participant in the international art community.  相似文献   

Art Information     
COLLECTION & AUCTION CHEN DANQING'S "SHEPHERDS" HITS RECORD HIGH AUCTION PRICE Chinese oil painter Chert Danqing's "Chinese Studies Institute" was sold at 12 million RMB at Poly Autumn Fair 2007. But the record was only kept for less than 24 hours. On the next evening, his masterpiece "Shepherds", one of the oil paintings from his "Tibet Suite", was purchased with the price of 32 million R.MB at another auction fair, setting a world record for his personal works. Chen's "Tibet Suite", a seven-piece oil series created around 1980, made a stir in the art circle in the 1980s and was considered bringing fresh air to China's art world suffocated by mediocre realism.  相似文献   

Art Information     
Second Arabic Arts Festival to highlight contemporary works
The 2nd Arabic Arts Festival in China, organized by the Ministry of Culture and nations of the League of Arab States, was held in both Beijing and Shanghai from June 18 through 25. The festival comprised of four performance galas by Arabic artists, art and fashion exhibitions and a Chinese and Arabic Cultural Forum  相似文献   

Twisted painting is a unique genre of traditional Chinese painting invented by Wu Jiantang and his father. Known for vigorous and chaoticbeauty, twisted painting has obtained a recognized status in the art arena of the world.  相似文献   

The National Stadium, a major sports venue for the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, stands on the southern tip of the central section of the Olympic Green. As a landmark of the Olympic Green, this multi-function stadium is the city's largest and most advanced sports facility. The National Stadium was co-designed by Herzog & Menron, Arup and China Architecture Design &. Research Group. The whole structure covers an area of 258,000 sq. km. Its exterior resembles a bird's nest. The steel nest, looking like gray mineral, is covered by transparent coating. Inside the nest is a bowl-like bleacher in earthen red. The stadium's design reminds viewers of the red palaces within the gray walls of the Forbidden City. The National Stadium is a perfect blend of traditional Chinese aesthetics and culture, contemporary art and the Olympic spirit. The whole building is fnll of dynamics. Even human activities on the stadium's staircases constitute integral elements of the building's exterior. While it is amazingly innovative creation, the stadium is characterized by a simplistic and elegant style.  相似文献   

“The Image of China: Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Painting and sculpture” was recently on view at the National Art Museum of China, following its display at the Grand Palace in Paris this March, as an event celebrating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of China-France diplomatic ties. The exhibition displays contemporarv works by 61 Chinese ink painters and 21 sculptors, representing the greatest achievements o[ the Chinese art communitv and dynamics of contemporary China.  相似文献   

Woodprint is pronounced “Shiangba” in the Tibetan language. Shiangba features its own distinctive style, which makes it different from other forms of woodprint. Not long ago, an exhibition on Shiangba works was held in the National Art Museum of China (NAMOC), jointly organized by the print art committee under the Chinese Artists Association, Sichuan Provincial Association of Artists and Aba Higher Normal School. It is the first exhibition on Tibetan-style woodprint ever held in China's top art gallery, which set a milestone in the history of Chinese painting.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, Ren Rong has dedicated himself to cultural dialogues between China and West and gradually developed his own artistic stvle and built his own image and svmbol system.In the context of globalization of contemporary art, Ren Rong, as an international artist with the background of Chinese culture, is gaining growing recognition worldwide.[第一段]  相似文献   

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