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Chinese contemporary art witnessed high-profile exposure in the international art community in 2007. Both art exhibitions and art expositions taMng place in China attracted worldwide interest as its art market continued to grow. In fact, international art community has shifted their attention from Western countries to Asia and Middle East. "Apparently,  相似文献   

LTB Media, a prestigious global publishing group and on-line information provider on art, announced the opening of the Chinese edition of its website for world artists—www.myartinfo.com, in Beijing on November 27. It is the second foreign online art media that has accessed the Chinese market, following www. artnet.com. Luousie Blouin Macbain, founder and chairman of LTB Holding Co., Ltd. & LTB Foundation, and Wang Guangyi,  相似文献   

On October 30, 2007, Chen Songyao took out the two flower-print boards stored in his closet for years and to his surprise, strong herbal fragrance from the board made him so refreshed. After more than one decade of stand-by,these two old print boards were again used for producing Chinese blue calico in the clamp-resist dyeing.  相似文献   

The ten national permanent museum exhibitions of the year were announced on the World Museum Day on May 18, co-organized by China Museum Association, Xi'an Municipality and China Heritage News. The permanent exhibition "The Art of Black and White" in Cizhou Kiln Museum won this annual award.  相似文献   

Puppet and shadow plays are two old artistic expressions that integrate painting, engraving, carving and performing. Their history in China can date back to at least more than 2500 years.  相似文献   

"Cultural relations comprise an important part of China-US relationship. Steady and buoyant cultural exchanges help to ensure the healthy development of the bilateral pofitical and economic relations. Cultural ties at the governmental dimension should be given top priority when handling the bilateral cultural relations. The visit by the US President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities (PCAH) represents a landmark progress in the bilateral cultural relations at the governmental level, indicating the attitude of great support and active promotion of China-US cultural ties by the two governments and official institutions of the two nations." -- Sun Jiazheng, Chinese Cultural Minister  相似文献   

Jiaxing County, located in the Yangtze Delta in southeast China, is a land of abundance and home of silk. For many local peasants in Jiaxing, painting is an important means of artistic expression.Most of the artists labor in the field during daylight and paint at night. Their paintings are known for rustic styles, bright colors and plain designs, drawing extensive attention and praise of the art circle nationwide.  相似文献   

Over the sweep of human history, various types of cultural landscape have been created and developed in light of different natural and ecological conditions. These cultural landscapes go beyond the scope of cultural heritage as we originally defined and evolve in greater natural and geographic contexts, with more dynamic combination of elements and more sophisticated cultural richness. Urban cultural landscapes, as one category, were developed through several centuries or even longer spans of time. They thus feature more distinctive local characteristics and reflect the harmonious relationship between culture and nature, with significant aesthetic values.  相似文献   

Folk paper-cut works pasted in village houses of rustic simplicity fascinate tourists at their first glance of Ruichang, a historic town in the southern province of Jiangxi. Those villagers-made creations with authentic, vigorous and plain appeal outshine even masterpieces by many artists with academic training. Exaggerated and transmogrified designs betray innocent, unadorned and romantic pursuits of local artisans.  相似文献   

一从内典看梵呗进入中国的基本情况 引用《中国佛教术语词典》的定义,梵呗是"宗教仪式中用来约束外在与平息内心的佛教唱颂;也用于对佛陀的赞美。"梵呗的第一个要素"梵",是"梵览摩(Brahma)"的音译,与印度术语语源相关;梵呗的第二个要素"呗",  相似文献   

Miao ethnic group, most dwelling in the southwest province of Guizhou, is versed in singing and dancing. Folk dances of Miao people vary in accordance with props, movements, themes and performance venues. In terms of props, there are wooden drum dance, copper druln dance, reed pipe dance, bamboo stick dance, big knife dance, spear point dance and flower stick dance. From the perspcctive of movements, there are chicken fight dance, chicken dance, flower drum dance, rolling dragon dance and rolling pearl dance. Migration dance and stepping-bridge dance are so named because of their themes. And dances named after their different performance venues include stick-passing dance, round dance, Nan-hall dance and hidden-drum dance. Even for the same type of dances, there are minor differences in light of performance venues, gender and agc of dancers as well as instruments. The four most famous and popular types of folk dance in Guizhou include wooden drum dance, copper drum dance, flower drum dance and reed pipe dance. As these four dances are all accompanied by drums or reed pipes, Miao culture is thus called "culture of drum and reed pipe".  相似文献   

Linxia, a Hui autonomous prefecture in northwest Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, is known for its distinctive folksinging called "flower". This indigenous music form evolved from the combination of folk melodies of ancient Qiang and Han ethnic groups and developed into a mature singing expression with the contribution by many other ethnic minorities. While "flower" enjoys popularity in northwest China, Linxia attracts more tourists and heritage conservationists alike with the appealing art of brick carving -- now included on the first List of National-level Intangible Cultural Heritage.  相似文献   

咸丰八年《中美天津条约》原刻本、手绘清代世界地图、民国时期新四军、日伪军的传单……这些深深烙印历史的民间珍藏,日前在江苏省拍卖总行2011年秋拍预展亮相。其起拍价均于2000-4000元间。而《柳州外集》元刻本、《大般若波罗蜜多经》唐写本等珍贵古籍的起拍价均以数十万元起步。当江苏省拍卖总行顾问展示《中美天津条约》时,尘封的历史仿佛回到眼前。  相似文献   

ART GALLERIES Artist Village Gallery North of Renzhuang Village, Songzhuang, Tongzhou District 9a.m.-12p.m. Tel: 6959-8343 Email: sally-liu@263.net Website: www.artistvillagegallery.com Admission: 15 RMB Blue Dream Gallery Kabab Kafe, Opposite to 46 Sanlitun North Street 9a.m.-10p.m. Tel: 6415-5812 Email:sally-liu@263.net Admission: 100, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 RMB Court Yard Gallery 95, Donghuamen Street, Dongcheng District Tel: 6526-8882, Fax: 6526-8880 Email: courtart@cin…  相似文献   

ART GALLERIES Artist Village Gallery 画家村画廊 North of Renzhuang Village, Songzhuang, Tongzhou District 9a.m.-12p.m. Tel: 6959-8343 Email: sally-liu@263.net Website: www.artistvillagegallery.com Admission: 15 RMB Blue Dream Gallery 蓝梦画廊 Kabab Kafe, Opposite to 46 Sanlitun North Street 9a.m.-10p.m. Tel: 6415-5812 Email:sally-liu@263.net Admission: 100, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 RMB Court Yard Gallery 四合院画廊 95, Donghuamen Street, Dongcheng District Tel: 6526-8882, Fax:…  相似文献   

The exhibition "60 Years of Fine Arts of China" was recently held in the National Art Museum of China in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China,The 687 masterpiece exhibits represent important accomplishments made by the fine arts circle of China since 1949.  相似文献   

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