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浅议知识经济时代与企业人力资源管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄奔原 《大观周刊》2012,(14):75-75
知识经济时代,给企业带来了全新的机遇和更大的挑战,企业之阿的竞争点也图此集中到对人才的吸引、开发、激励、管理及应用的层次上。在知识经济的环境之下,企业的人力资源管理工作成为其经营发展的重要问题。因此知识经济环境之下,企业人力资源管理的问题是企业面临的核心问题.本文对我国企业目前人力资源管理的新内涵和要求,并就如何对企业人力资源开发提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文是湖北省教育厅人文社科研究项目"数字图书馆工作管理应用系统研究"课题应用软件开发的文本介绍.本项目研究开发"以馆员为中心"的公务管理信息系统,既要实现高校数字图书馆公务流的创新管理,又促进图书馆"以读者为中心"的服务理念能更好地贯彻与实施,力求高校数字图书馆能均衡健康地发展.  相似文献   

<正>习近平同志指出:"档案工作是一项非常重要的工作,经验得以总结,规律得以认识,历史得以延续,各项事业得以发展,都离不开档案。"档案工作作用重大,但是多年以来,档案系统人力资源管理在国家各公共事务部门中处于相对封闭落后状态,影响到了档案事业的发展。习近平同志强调要"把人力资本开发放在首要位置",对档案系统人力资源管理有着重要的指导意义。一、当前档案系统人力资源管理中存在的问题  相似文献   

舜帝,名重华,是传说中的原始社会后期的氏族部落首领,世居于虞地,所以号有虞氏,也称虞舜.虞舜是上古时期的一位圣君,与黄帝、颛顼、帝喾、尧帝并称"五帝".在舜帝的长达60年的辛勤治理之下,他的部落率先建立了较完善的行政管理体制和用人制度,开创儒家"为政以德"的先河,此"明德"思想在后世圣贤的发扬光大之下形成了儒家学派的完整思想体系,形成了中国的"德治天下"、"勤政爱民"的思想基础.因此中国的行政管理之源当始自舜,故舜帝被司马迁称之为?明德皆自虞帝始".归纳其和谐亲民管理思想,主要可分为如下四个层面.  相似文献   

本文通过梳理传世史料及出土文献,将动物与阴阳相结合,确认秦时动物与阴阳间存在对应关系。延伸到秦代大量苑囿及畜养的珍禽异兽品类,上至飞禽,下至走兽、水中动物等,种类繁多,数目庞大。苑囿功能为秦王或帝狩猎、游乐观赏的场所。畜养珍禽众多,需要大量人员从事管理,涉及苑囿安全、动物饮食、王或帝狩猎管理等,是秦官制系统不可或缺之部分。苑囿管理与出土秦封泥御弄、阴御弄印和阳御弄印等相关联,由此考证苑囿管理机构。御弄从属少府,下设阴阳御弄负责不同类别珍禽异兽,是苑囿管理的中央机构。苑囿之下,有各苑令、丞主管苑囿,苑尉管理禽兽,根据动物种类分属阴阳,设置兽圈,是苑囿管理的"地方"机构。同时通过对阴阳御弄、御弄尚虎等职官解读,探讨秦中央和"地方"苑囿管理系统的职官设置及运作关系。  相似文献   

本文通过梳理传世史料及出土文献,将动物与阴阳相结合,确认秦时动物与阴阳间存在对应关系。延伸到秦代大量苑囿及畜养的珍禽异兽品类,上至飞禽,下至走兽、水中动物等,种类繁多,数目庞大。苑囿功能为秦王或帝狩猎、游乐观赏的场所。畜养珍禽众多,需要大量人员从事管理,涉及苑囿安全、动物饮食、王或帝狩猎管理等,是秦官制系统不可或缺之部分。苑囿管理与出土秦封泥御弄、阴御弄印和阳御弄印等相关联,由此考证苑囿管理机构。御弄从属少府,下设阴阳御弄负责不同类别珍禽异兽,是苑囿管理的中央机构。苑囿之下,有各苑令、丞主管苑囿,苑尉管理禽兽,根据动物种类分属阴阳,设置兽圈,是苑囿管理的"地方"机构。同时通过对阴阳御弄、御弄尚虎等职官解读,探讨秦中央和"地方"苑囿管理系统的职官设置及运作关系。  相似文献   

香港特别行政区政府的政府档案处隶属于政务司司长办公室之下的行政署。该处由历史档案馆、档案保存及修复服务组、档案管理及行政组及档案系统发展组组成。政府档案处职责是制定及推行有关一般档案及历史档案管理的政策和计划。以便有效地管理政府档案。  相似文献   

移动网络的发展催生了图书馆的移动信息服务,也促进了读者阅读方式的变化。根据图书馆实际功能与服务,设计构想基于iOS的移动图书馆客户端系统,包括"新闻信息阅读""书刊检索功能""图书借阅功能"和"个人信息设置"等主要模块的设计与实现。服务器端采用PHP语言开发,完成了内容管理、统计管理、用户管理和系统管理等模块的设计。  相似文献   

在华北电力大学图书馆开发制作的"馆员之家"小型办公自动化(OA)系统中,实现了文件上传管理和用户浏览、访问功能,还有内部"领导信箱"功能,大大方便了馆内业务信息交流、访问,该"馆员之家"现已投入使用,收效良好.  相似文献   

纸质图书报刊管理应遵循的总的最基本的原则是读者至上原则。在此之下,要实行所有的图书尽可能"站"起来的原则、图书报刊日常管理要细致入微的原则、在图书借阅室里不另设新书专架的原则、在图书借阅室里不另设期刊专架的原则以及在图书借阅室和阅览室里不设读者刷卡处和签到册的原则。  相似文献   

The International Records Management Trust has demonstrated that there is currently little capacity or infrastructure in the developing world for managing government records as authentic evidence of policies, transactions, activities and entitlements. Records management itself will not halt corruption and bring about accountability, but it is an essential contributor to public sector integrity. The Records Management Capacity Assessment System (RMCAS) provides a means of assessing records management policies, procedures and resources against established international standards. It uses a diagnostic model, based on the records life cycle, to identify strengths, weaknesses and risk areas, and links with a database of training and capacity-building materials that can be used to plan improvements. Designed initially to measure records and information systems in the financial management, human resource management and legal and judicial areas, it can also be applied generically. The RMCAS software application will shortly be available, free of charge, through the Internet or in CD-ROM format. RMCAS can be applied flexibly to take account of variations in size of institutions and the administrative contexts in which they operate, as well as developmental and national aspirations. It can be applied to both paper and digital records and assesses the relationship between paper and electronic systems. The views expressed are those of the author and should not be interpreted as those of the International Monetary Fund.  相似文献   

James Lowry is the Deputy Director of the International Records Management Trust (IRMT). He was the lead researcher on the Aligning Records Management with ICT/e-Government and Freedom of Information in East Africa project, conducted by the IRMT from 2009 to 2011, with funding from the International Development Research Centre.

Freedom of Information (FOI) regimes can only be effective if government records are managed well. This article sets out the findings of research conducted in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania to establish the level of alignment between those governments’ FOI aspirations and their records management readiness for FOI. The article sets out a high-level regulatory framework for the effective management of government records in the ICT/e-government and FOI environments to highlight areas that could be addressed, in order to prepare for FOI in the three countries.  相似文献   

本文从中外档案工作模式的比较出发,认为Records Management相当于我国的档案室工作,考虑语境对翻译的影响,由此提出Records应不唯一译为“文件“或“档案”的中文译法。通过对Records中文译法的讨论,得出Electronic Records管理应是我国档案管理体系的一部分的结论,并提出我国档案管理系统建设“业务系统—档案系统”两段式的思路。  相似文献   

The Future Voices in Public Services column is a forum for students in graduate library and information science programs to discuss key issues they see in academic library public services, to envision what they feel librarians in public service have to offer to academia, to tell us of their visions for the profession, or to tell us of research that is going on in library schools. We hope to provide fresh perspectives from those entering our field, in both the United States and other countries. Interested faculty of graduate library and information science programs who would like their students' ideas represented in these pages are invited to contact Nancy H. Dewald at nxd7@psu.edu.

Heather Dodge is a recent graduate of Long Island University's Palmer School of Library and Information Science and has completed an additional Master's degree in Humanities and Social Thought from NYU's Draper Program for Humanities and Social Thought. In this column, she discusses the effective development of chat reference competencies.

The ALA-Accredited Palmer School of Library and Information Science was established in 1959 at Long Island University's (LIU) Post campus. Palmer's mission is to empower information professionals through education, research and achievement. The Palmer School offers a Doctorate in Information Studies; the Master of Science in Library and Information Science with optional concentrations in Archives and Records Management, Rare Books and Special Collections; Advanced Certificates in both Archives and Records Management and in Public Library Administration. The School also offers a Masters in Science in School Library Media. The Archives and Records Management certificate can be taken post-Master's or concurrently as part of the MSLIS program and is now offered both face-to-face and online.  相似文献   

杨宾《柳边纪略》对"档案"一词的解释,在档案学界流传甚广.本文以清代笔记为载体,以纵线时间轴为线索,梳理对"档子""档案""档册"三词的运用与解读.并对《柳边纪略》中对"档案"一词的错误解读进行分析与匡正.  相似文献   

电子文件管理系统实施过程中元数据方案的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着电子文件元数据标准的不断颁布,元数据标准的实施日益重要。本文根据电子文件元数据形成和积累的规律,基于ISO23081的最佳实践,结合杭州市电子文件中心建设的实例,围绕电子文件管理系统(Electronic Records Management System,ERMS)实施过程中的元数据方案设计展开探讨,着重讨论了文件管理元数据实体、实体级次及其元数据的确定等问题。  相似文献   

基于知识服务的档案管理模式的理论探索   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
基于知识服务的档案管理(RMBKS)是指以编码化知识管理模式、档案后保管范式为指导,以用户为中心、以需求为导向,通过档案知识积累、档案知识组织、档案知识评价、档案知识服务,以及相应企业文化营造、组织制度建设、人力资源管理、信息技术运用,满足用户对档案信息、知识的需求,从而支持公司业务运转,推动企业战略落实。文章论述了广东移动RMBKS模式的提出背景、基本内涵和理论依据。  相似文献   

An Australian Research Council project, Electronic Health Records: Achieving an Effective and Ethical Legal and Recordkeeping Framework, brought together experts in recordkeeping, privacy, confidentiality, intellectual property, torts, medical law and ethics to address concerns with a major networked Australian health record initiative. The research required developing innovative research tools and understandings, which provides an exemplar for methodologies to address multiple-disciplinary concerns and priorities that set a precedent for future inter-disciplinary collaborative projects concerned with the analysis and design of such systems. This article provides an analysis of the research design, methods, tools and findings of the project which operated within a records continuum framework.
Barbara ReedEmail:

Dr. Livia Iacovino   is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow with the Centre for Organisational and Social Informatics in the Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia, where she has taught the legal and ethical curricula in the recordkeeping courses. Her research and publications are focused on interdisciplinary perspectives of archival science, law and ethics, in particular ownership, access and privacy of electronic records. She has been a Chief Investigator for Electronic Health Records: Achieving an Effective and Ethical Legal and Recordkeeping Framework, an Australian Research Council Discovery Grant and has collaborated internationally with the InterPARES Project and the International Records Management Trust. Barbara Reed   has been involved with industry, teaching, research and standards setting, in the course of her 25 years in the recordkeeping and information management communities. She has been the Director of The Recordkeeping Institute since 2000 and has over 20 years consulting experience to all levels of government, private and public companies and not-for profit organisations. She has developed and negotiated Standards for recordkeeping at state, national and international levels. She has published widely on metadata definition and deployment, recordkeeping, interoperability, management of resources over time and digital preservation. She was a Research Associate in the Electronic Health Records: Achieving an Effective and Ethical Legal and Recordkeeping Framework, 2002–2005, and Clever Recordkeeping Metadata, 2005–2006, both ARC Projects.  相似文献   

The British civil administration of the Mandate (1920–1948) introduced the recordkeeping system used by British government. The main tool was the Central Registry. Filing was by series, each series including case files, correspondents’ files and subject files. After Independence, government agencies, courts and local authorities continued the recordkeeping systems and methods adopted during the Mandate period. Even today, many features of recordkeeping in Israel bear witness to their British origin.
Zohar AloufiEmail: Email:

Zohar Aloufi   has an MLS (Archives Studies) from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. She is currently Archivist at Tel-Aviv University Archives, in charge of Prof. Yuval Ne’eman Archives. Former positions were Superintendent of Records Management in the State Archives and Deputy Director of the Archives and Museum of the Jewish Labour Movement. She established the Haifa City Archives, and was Haifa City Archivist until retirement. Aloufi initiated and co-founded the Section of Municipal Archivists of the International Council on Archives. She is a now a member of ICA/ACOM. She is currently the President of Israel Archives Association. Aloufi has taught Records Management at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Graduate School of Library, Archives and Information Studies; at Emeq-Jezreel College, and at various other institutions and has consulted for a wide variety of projects and organizations  相似文献   

傅振伦先生是我国著名的档案学家,其代表作《公文档案管理法》作为民国档案学13本经典著作之一,是档案学领域的重大成就。本文对此书的内容进行了梳理,概述了它在内容或研究视角等方面的独到价值,并进行了大胆评说,指出了此书的写作特色和一些局限之处,以期档案界人士共同来品读经典著作,吸取其合理内核,为档案学的新发展积蓄更多的力量与营养。  相似文献   

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