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An in-depth case study of teachers' use of image processing (a state-of-the-art computer technology used by research scientists) in biology, earth science, and physics classes within one high school science department explored issues surrounding technology implementation. The study, conducted within a districtwide, schoolwide, and classroom context, explored four areas related to the teacher's adoption of image processing: (a) teachers' background with computers outside of instructional use, (b) teachers' attitudes toward educational technology and insights gained from their experience using computers within the science curriculum, (c) training and perceived influence of district and school administrators, and (d) teachers' classroom and computer lab practices. The following factors were deemed critical in teachers' decision to use or not use image processing with their students: (a) time to thoroughly explore and master the technology so they could use it with students to explore science concepts; (b) classroom management skills specific to technology use; (c) perception of the teaching value of the technology; (d) perception of the reasonableness of administrators' expectations for technology use; and (e) understanding of how to implement inquiry-based science teaching, independent of technology issues. These factors have implications for how to help teachers use computer technology to teach high school science. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 35: 297–327, 1998.  相似文献   

李琪 《成才之路》2020,(6):138-139
信息时代下,"互联网+"进入教育领域,高速传播的网络信息、不断创新的数字技术,为教学模式的不断创新与快速发展增添了新的引擎。高中音乐课堂教学中引入"互联网+",可以最大限度地发挥互联网技术的力量,构建高中音乐教学资料大数据平台,实现信息资料的融合共享。文章对"互联网+"在高中音乐教学中的实践进行探究。  相似文献   

In recent years, the Secretariat of Public Education in Mexico has supplied a significant number of schools with computers and connectivity, putting important resources into the purchase and installation of equipment. It is assumed that teachers will somehow naturally transition to using these tools and in fact, new curricular guidelines derived from international policy put them under a great deal of pressure to do so. This paper presents an up-close, qualitative look at one teacher’s efforts for incorporating technology into her history class and her process of constructing a working knowledge of using the computer, searching for ideas and materials on the Internet, and creating activities for her students. Equally important for incorporating technology into her teaching were the institutional and technical obstacles such as obsolete technology, insufficient connectivity, and school site constraints she confronted. Her case illustrates the complexity of using computer and Internet technologies in classroom settings.  相似文献   

互联网背景下许多教师依托网络技术开展微课教学,充分利用网络资源来充实教学内容。小学道德与法治课堂中的微课教学应与传统教学相结合,既要发挥出微课短小精悍的特点,将复杂难懂的知识点通过微课程的动画、图片演示简单化,也要将微课融入传统课堂中,通过两种教学方式的结合促进学生全面发展。  相似文献   

随着课堂教学设施的更新换代,互联网技术也逐渐进入课堂教学中,教师也开始探索新的课堂教学模式。从过去的三尺讲台到如今的智能课堂,设施更新也推动着教学模式的更新。但使用智慧课堂与新的教学模式结合进行教学的课堂仍是少数,在初中课堂上使用的教学设备仍是一块展示黑板,教师没有完全开发和利用课堂,在课堂教学中仍未重视学生。本文以初中语文为例,探索智慧课堂与互动学习高效结合为其他学科提供参考。  相似文献   

“互联网+”不仅丰富了初中课堂的教学形式,更加深了学生学习的体验。“互联网+”技术在课堂中的有效应用,能够转变传统的课堂教学模式,创设出极为开放的、宽松的学习环境和氛围,互联网以其丰富的课程资源,提升了初中数学教学质量。通过分析初中数学课堂教学现状及出现的问题,指出“互联网+”背景下提升课堂教学有效性的路径。  相似文献   

Teaching and Learning Physics in a 1:1 Laptop School   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1:1 laptop programs, in which every student is provided with a personal computer to use during the school year, permit increased and routine use of powerful, user-friendly computer-based tools. Growing numbers of 1:1 programs are reshaping the roles of teachers and learners in science classrooms. At the Denver School of Science and Technology, a public charter high school where a large percentage of students come from low-income families, 1:1 laptops are used often by teachers and students. This article describes the school’s use of laptops, the Internet, and related digital tools, especially for teaching and learning physics. The data are from teacher and student surveys, interviews, classroom observations, and document analyses. Physics students and teachers use an interactive digital textbook; Internet-based simulations (some developed by a Nobel Prize winner); word processors; digital drop boxes; email; formative electronic assessments; computer-based and stand-alone graphing calculators; probes and associated software; and digital video cameras to explore hypotheses, collaborate, engage in scientific inquiry, and to identify strengths and weaknesses of students’ understanding of physics. Technology provides students at DSST with high-quality tools to explore scientific concepts and the experiences of teachers and students illustrate effective uses of digital technology for high school physics.  相似文献   

Are well‐designed computer simulations an effective tool to support student understanding of complex concepts in chemistry when integrated into high school science classrooms? We investigated scaling up the use of a sequence of simulations of kinetic molecular theory and associated topics of diffusion, gas laws, and phase change, which we designed and experimentally tested. In the two effectiveness studies reported, one in a rural and the other in an urban context, chemistry teachers implemented two alternate versions of a curricular unit—an experimental version, incorporating simulations, and a control version, using text‐based materials covering the same content. Participants were 718 high school students (357 rural and 361 urban), in a total of 25 classrooms. The implementation of the simulations was explored using criteria associated with fidelity of implementation (FOI). Each context provided insights into the role of FOI in affecting the effectiveness of the interventions when working with groups of teachers. Results supported the effectiveness of this sequence of simulations as a teaching tool in a classroom context, and confirmed the importance of FOI factors such as adherence and exposure in determining the specific environments in which these materials were most effective. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 49: 394–419, 2012  相似文献   

This study investigated the extent to which teacher professional development led to changes in science instruction in K-2 classrooms in rural school districts. The research specifically examined changes in (a) teachers’ content knowledge in science; (b) teachers’ self-efficacy related to teaching science; (c) classroom instructional time allotted to science; and (d) instructional strategies used in science. The study also investigated contextual factors contributing to or hindering changes in science instruction. Data sources included a teacher survey, a self-efficacy assessment, content knowledge tests, interviews, and classroom observations. After one year in the program, teachers showed increased content knowledge and self-efficacy in teaching science; they spent more instructional time on science and began using different instructional strategies. Key contextual factors included curricular demands, resources, administrative support, and support from other teachers.  相似文献   

A series of interviews and classroom observations were conducted with a group of in-service science teachers, students, school principal, and computer lab supervisors, from a “Discovery” female school in Jordan to assess their utilization of information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching science. The study also intended to determine how these participants were using ICT and if they had any internal and external impediments in the way of the effective integration of ICT in the teaching of science. Results showed that some participants were using ICT creatively in their science teaching. However, despite considerable political pressure to increase ICT use in the classroom, most expressed frustration at the lack of ICT tools, support from the school, from the Ministry of Education, and from the surrounding community. The article proposes possible resolutions to help these participants overcome their impediments. Some of the suggested resolutions for the internal impediments include involving teachers in preparing the school’s time-table, equipping the school with more ICT tools and offering more training courses for teachers. However, the suggested resolutions for the external impediments involve (1) The Ministry of Education to rethink the administration of board examinations, (2) The school to sacrifice scoring higher in board examinations for preparing more creative and more versatile students’ perspectives.  相似文献   

高职院校计算机网络课程教学要有合理的定位,充分利用多媒体技术、网络环境等展开教学,分层次开展实践教学,注重实际的组网实训和学生创新能力的培养。该改革要保证教学目标实现并达到良好的教学效果,进一步满足社会发展对网络技术人才的需要。  相似文献   

"互联网+"课堂教学手段越来越多地应用于历史教学,为历史教学提供了丰富的教学资源,增强了学生历史学习能力,提升了学生历史素养。文章结合教学实践,对"互联网+"在历史课堂教学中的应用进行探究,以促进历史教学发展。  相似文献   

翻转课堂是指学生能在课前利用互联网、电子信息技术等手段自主学习,课堂上与教师、同学互相探讨合作交流解决疑问的新型教学方式。信息时代,翻转课堂在教学中的应用场景越来越丰富,本文以初中数学教学为例,阐述开展翻转课堂教学的必要性,并就如何在数学教学中使用翻转课堂辅助课程教学表达几点看法。  相似文献   

张国安 《科教导刊》2021,(3):161-162
在我国实行教育改革的背景之下,学校越来越注重课堂教学的有效性.而在中学阶段,初中物理课程是一门与学生日常生活联系十分紧密的实用性学科,对于学生的学习以及教学质量来说,有着重要的价值意义.初中物理教师应当不断更新自我的教学观念,营造轻松活跃的课堂教学氛围,并且利用先进化的教学方式进行授课.另外,教师还应该有效地结合实践活动,并利用信息化多媒体技术进行物理教学,如此一来,才能够有效的提升初中物理教学的整体有效性.  相似文献   

Background: This exploratory study is part of a larger-scale research project aimed at building theoretical and practical knowledge of complex systems in students and teachers with the goal of improving high school biology learning through professional development and a classroom intervention.

Purpose: We propose a model of adaptive expertise to better understand teachers’ classroom practices as they attempt to navigate myriad variables in the implementation of biology units that include working with computer simulations, and learning about and teaching through complex systems ideas.

Sample: Research participants were three high school biology teachers, two females and one male, ranging in teaching experience from six to 16 years. Their teaching contexts also ranged in student achievement from 14–47% advanced science proficiency.

Design and methods: We used a holistic multiple case study methodology and collected data during the 2011–2012 school year. Data sources include classroom observations, teacher and student surveys, and interviews. Data analyses and trustworthiness measures were conducted through qualitative mining of data sources and triangulation of findings.

Results: We illustrate the characteristics of adaptive expertise of more or less successful teaching and learning when implementing complex systems curricula. We also demonstrate differences between case study teachers in terms of particular variables associated with adaptive expertise.

Conclusions: This research contributes to scholarship on practices and professional development needed to better support teachers to teach through a complex systems pedagogical and curricular approach.  相似文献   

罗胜 《高教论坛》2004,(6):77-80
计算机技术为教学改革提供了良好条件,它调动了教师与学生两个积极性,使课堂教学的知识性与趣味性有机结合起来。目前多媒体教学在实践中远远没有发挥其优势,素材库的开发落后于实践的需要,教师运用计算机技术进行教学的积极性不高,我国计算机辅助教学还没有形成自己的符合中国国情的基础理论。教育行政主管部门及学校应加强组织指导,注意研究把传统教学手段与多媒体教学手段的优势结合起来,加强校园网络建设、推动计算机辅助教学的发展。  相似文献   

利用计算机视觉技术和机器学习技术对学生课堂行为进行自动识别,是过程性评价的一种新方法,近年来逐渐引起了研究者的关注。文章以监控设备拍摄的实际课堂教学视频为数据源,采集、标注了学生课堂行为数据,提取了学生的人体骨架信息。在此基础上,文章采用Boosting算法和卷积神经网络算法,对基于这两类不同机器学习算法的5种模型进行了学生课堂行为自动识别准确率实验。实验结果表明,在学校教室这种识别比较困难的场景,基于人体骨架信息提取的学生课堂行为自动识别可以达到较高的精度,其中基于Boosting算法的XGBoost模型识别准确率最高。文章的研究推动了计算机视觉技术和机器学习技术的进一步应用,有助于解决学生课堂行为自动识别难题,并助力教师优化教学策略、提高教学效率。  相似文献   

李媚 《教育教学论坛》2020,(19):368-369
在教育教学中多媒体网络技术运用十分广泛,成为当今教育发展水平的显著标志。多媒体投影电视系统、多媒体电子白板、多媒体计算机网络、微课等高新技术媒体在教育教学中发挥的作用越来越大。没有现代多媒体网络技术的参与,就谈不上现代教育技术。把计算机技术和现代教学方法相结合顺应时代发展,让它走进了我们的美术课堂,为小学美术教育开辟一片新天地。  相似文献   

从现代教育理论、心理学原理出发,根据中学理科的教学特点、中学生的心理特征,及多媒体技术和网络技术的发展,着重论述以加涅信息加工理论为依据的中学理科班级课堂教学模式及教学策略,为信息技术与中学理科课程整合寻求一条切实可行、效果较佳的途径。  相似文献   

“互联网+”背景下的教学改革已经在全国广泛展开,在初中数学课堂中微课已经成为一种有效的教学手段。本文就对“互联网+”背景下,如何在初中数学教学中应用微课提高课堂教学效率以及教师如何制作微课展开了探讨,并提出了一些建议和设想。  相似文献   

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