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幸福感主要有主观幸福感、心理幸福感和社会幸福感三种视角。本文主要从社会幸福感领域关注当代大学生的幸福感状况,通过调查研究从人格影响、社会认知、亲社会行为等方面阐述影响大学生社会幸福感的有关因素,有针对性地提出培养大学生社会幸福感的策略。  相似文献   

本研究在调查学校心理教育专业和音乐专业的环境价值特征基础上,研究了大学生个体价值目标和环境价值特征的一致性对幸福感的影响。结果表明:学生的专业和“成名成家”价值目标之间的交互作用在解释幸福感的变异时均达到显著性水平,“人人彼此关心”,“成名成家”价值目标的交互作用对音乐专业学生的幸福感存在正向影响,对学校心理教育专业学生的幸福感则存在负向影响;“人人彼此关心”价值目标则正好相反。说明个体价值目标与环境价值特征的一致性对幸福感有积极影响;不一致则对幸福感产生负向影响。  相似文献   

为了提升中小学教师职业幸福感,使其更好的为我国教育事业做出贡献,文章首先阐述了中小学教师职业幸福感的影响因素,包括社会环境、学校环境和个人因素三个方面,然后提出了中小学教师职业幸福感的提升措施,即回归以人为本的教育价值;提升中小学教师的专业能力;创建良好的工作环境。  相似文献   

教师幸福感是教师职业发展的前提和归宿。幸福感是美好体验、人生价值与社会和谐的综合,是主观幸福感、心理幸福感和社会幸福感的统一。影响教师幸福感的主要有个人因素、组织因素和职业因素等。培养胜任力,从胜任感中感悟幸福;增强效能感,从效能感中品味幸福;培养反思力,从自我超越中体验幸福;加强研究力,在自我成长中提升幸福;这些都是促进教师专业发展、提升教师幸福感的有效途径。  相似文献   

何家健 《家教世界》2013,(4):210-211
大学生就业问题一直是社会关注的热点问题,尤其是在高校扩招以后,大学生就业问题更加备受社会各方面的关注。社会和高校高度关注的是毕业生的就业率问题,相对忽视了就业质量。就业质量的高低可以用当前热门的"幸福感"来衡量,影响幸福感的因素有很多,我认为可分为主观和客观两个方面。主观因素有职业规划与个人能力;客观因素有:教学质量、社会环境、企业发展定位、福利待遇等。通过对这些因素的分析,提炼主要的因素,提高毕业生就业质量。  相似文献   

采用分层随机取样法,对230名商洛学院大学生进行问卷调查,探究大学生社会幸福感和个人幸福感的现状、特点及二者之间的关系。结果表明,大学生社会幸福感总体较高,处于中等偏上水平;个人幸福感处于中等水平;社会幸福感在性别、年级、独生子女与否、专业类型上的差异显著;个人幸福感在月生活费方面的差异显著;社会幸福感与个人幸福感呈显著正相关性;社会实现和社会幸福感对个人幸福感有较好的预测作用。大学生的社会幸福感和个人幸福感可从个人、家庭、学校、社会个人四个方面提升。  相似文献   

心理幸福感从人类全程发展的角度理解和诠释幸福。经采用Ryff编制的心理幸福感问卷对419名高职大学生进行测查,结果发现:1)修订的心理幸福感问卷是三因素模型,即个人发展、自主性与个人成长,并具有良好的信效度;2)高职大学二年级学生的心理幸福感显著低于其它两个年级。  相似文献   

通过心理问卷探讨了学生干部经历对大学生坚韧性人格、社会支持和主观幸福感的影响作用。结果表明,有学生干部经历的大学生在坚韧性人格、社会支持和主观幸福感三方面均显著高于其他学生,在坚韧性人格、社会支持和主观幸福感三者之间存在显著相关,回归分析进一步表明坚韧性人格在社会支持和主观幸福感之间起部分中介作用。在研究基础上,对如何提升大学生的主观幸福感提出了建议。  相似文献   

心理学研究通常重视人的自然属性,而较为忽视人的社会属性。从心理学学科的性质上看,心理学应在对人性全面认识的基础上,加强人文关怀,并对具体社会现实问题做出回应,包括从个人幸福,到社会公平,再到世界和平的全面关切。在个人幸福方面,可将幸福感区分为主观幸福感和心理幸福感,人口学变量、人格特质、目标和经济水平均能对主观幸福感造成影响。在社会公平方面,低阶层比高阶层更加感到社会不公,更加依赖于社会公平,而减少社会限制、提升控制感可以增强低阶层的公平感。在世界和平方面,和平心理研究在爱与恨、和解与真相、理解与共存的问题上,取得了重要成就。在未来,结合了人文情怀和社会责任的心理学研究大有可为。  相似文献   

职业尊严与从业人员的个人感受密切相关,教师的职业尊严影响着教师的职业成就感和职业幸福感。心理教师的职业尊严受多种因素的影响,包括社会、学校和个人等方面。心理教师要提高自我职业尊严,决不能仅仅依靠外界环境的改变,而应从自身出发,寻找自我职业尊严的源泉和内在动力。本文探讨了提高心理教师自我职业尊严的四个要素:职业认同感、工作主动性、学习自觉性、心理复原力,呼吁心理教师通过自身努力提高自我职业尊严。  相似文献   

This critical paper utilises selective education writings by John Dewey as the basis for considering how a strengths-based and personalised view of habit and embodiment could effectively thrive as part of an enhanced health and well-being focus in schools. The paper centres on Dewey’s belief that habits when allied to continuity and interaction could help children to integrate experiences in ways which enable them to constructively evaluate the contribution of health and well-being to their education. The paper concludes by reviewing how the connections between habit, embodiment and health and well-being could be pedagogically strengthened.  相似文献   

Self-assessment practices can positively impact student learning and achievement. However, less is known about psychological moderators that can influence the impact that self-assessment practice may have on achievement. Integrating the dual processing self-regulation model and the self-assessment cycle framework, this study examined the role of students’ positive well-being in the link between self-assessment practices and domain-specific achievement scores. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses using data from 765 secondary school students revealed that self-assessment practices positively predicted achievement scores. Results also showed that positive well-being moderated the relationship between seeking internal feedback and self-reflection and achievement scores, in that the positive link between such self-assessment practices and achievement was stronger for students who had low or moderate well-being. These findings reinforce the impact of self-assessment on learning and add to the ecological validity of the dual processing self-regulation model. The discussion focuses on how these findings contribute to our understanding of how well-being could influence the adaptive role of internal and cognitive self-assessment practices in student learning. Limitations and future research directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, effects of schools, teaching staff and classes on achievement and on the well-being of pupils at the end of their first grade in secondary education in Belgium are explored by means of multilevel analysis. Our study affirms that the relative influence of classes and schools on achievement is much higher than on well-being. We find that schools and classes have main and interaction effects on both outcomes. However, the interaction effects on well-being are limited to a few class-pupil interactions. Our results indicate that achievement and well-being can be considered as two different, distinctive school and class outcomes and that the school characteristics investigated act differently on these outcomes. Some school characteristics are always effective independent of the outcome criterium, while the effectiveness of other school characteristics depends on the criterium considered.  相似文献   

幸福是外在环境与人的内在需求相符合的状态,是物质需求与精神需求的统一,是一种生活得更好的能力.学生的幸福应成为教育的目的,教育应作为幸福的体验过程,幸福应作为教育的最终结果.只有教师能幸福地教,学生能幸福地学,并获得追求幸福的习惯和能力,教育幸福的最终目标才有可能实现.  相似文献   

This study describes the development of an assessment to evaluate the well-being of PhD researchers using a clinically approved methodology that places the perceptions and experiences of the subject population at the heart of its construction. It identifies and assesses the range and relative importance of seven distinct dimensions which are shown to impact adversely on the perceived well-being of student researchers across all stages of their studies. According to the findings, the well-being of doctoral students comprises needs relating to development, facilities, home and health, research, social, supervisor and university. The instrument was found to demonstrate good content validity and internal reliability. Its use offers new insights into the experiences of early career researchers and may inform efforts to better support them. This, in turn, may have a positive impact upon retention levels and future career choices for this research population.  相似文献   

跨越与发展——主观幸福感的过去、现在与未来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
幸福是人文知识的核心命题,心理学的终极目的是促进人类幸福。主观幸福感研究始自上世纪60年代,研究从外部因素深入到内部机制,从哲学思辨转移到科学实证,从理论研究转移到社会应用,从学术研究转移到幸福感提升,激发当代“幸福革命”。早期重点是调查幸福感,主要是沿着入口统计维度进行实证调查,侧重比较不同群体的幸福感差异;中期重点是解释幸福感,理解幸福感形式的内部机制,主要有从上而下和从下而上两种理论框架;近期重点是侧量幸福感,更加重视幸福感理论与测量的互动,建构出主观幸福感、心理幸福感、社会幸福感三种测量模式;现代的重点则是应用幸福感,融入社会发展体系,成为重要的社会指标,具有诊断、调整、互补、发展功能;未来的核心是提升幸福感,力图把幸福感的学术研究成果转化为充满温暖的幸福体验,实现人类幸福的最大化,创造幸福的社会。  相似文献   

To test the communicate bond belong (CBB) theory, this investigation explores the association between communication episode and closeness, affective well-being, and social energy expenditure. Participants from community (n = 62) and student (n = 54) samples were contacted five times a day for five consecutive days and reported on social interactions. Multilevel model results (n = 2,722) indicated that four episodes (i.e., affection, meaningful talk, catching up, joking around) were associated with greater closeness and affective well-being. Energy expending episodes occurred less frequently than less expending interactions. The ratio of closeness to social energy expenditure was associated with greater well-being and decreased likelihood of future social interaction. Both interaction partner and communication episode independently contributed to closeness and affective well-being. Findings offer initial support for two propositions and the principle of energy conservation in CBB theory, and contribute to research on the relationship-constituting function of everyday talk.  相似文献   

为探讨特殊教育教师职业认同、组织支持感、学校类型与职业幸福感的关系,对460名特殊教育教师进行问卷调查,结果发现:特殊教育教师的组织支持感在职业认同和职业幸福感之间具有中介作用;学校类型在该中介模型的后半段具有调节作用。建议基于这个有调节的中介模型,从职前到职后阶段致力于增强特殊教育教师的职业认同,并分别根据培智学校和聋校文化特点提升其组织支持感,重视各因素的共同作用机制,提升他们的职业幸福感。  相似文献   

Children and adolescents with cognitive and developmental difficulties show difficulty in social interaction, feelings of rejection, autonomy, social rules and in behavioural and emotional self-regulation. Importantly, their subjective well-being is associated to social support and personal factors, such as self-esteem and a positive self-image. The data were collected in 16 schools, 8 in the North Region and 8 in the Lisbon Region of Portugal. The sample is composed by 1181 young people of which 51.5% were female, with ages ranging between 8 and 17 years. From the sample, 2.6% had special educational needs (SEN), and 3% did not use the Portuguese language at home. 12.2% had been retained one grade or more. Three regression models were built. Model 1 establishes the association between having SEN, grade and subjective well-being. The final model with all variables showed that social and personal characteristics present a stronger explicative value on children and adolescents’ subjective well-being. The model also showed that, when social and personal variables are included the association between being a student with SEN and well-being is not statistically significant. Research and intervention implications include the need to promote subjective well-being, social and personal skills and a positive development in children and adolescents with SEN.  相似文献   

幼儿教师职业幸福感是伴随成长所获得的一种身心持续愉悦体验。影响幼儿教师职业幸福感的因素中,组织管理因素最为重要,其次是社会因素,职业因素、个人因素再次。园长可通过改善幼儿园内部管理;争取给教师合理的"回报";实现班级合理化的"师幼比例";采取适当措施,防止校园意外伤害;加强认知,引领教师常怀感恩之心等提升教师的职业幸福感。  相似文献   

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