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As a member of a delegation of educators, physicians, and lay people to rural Fiji the author shares her experiences and reflections of early care, education, and family life on a small, remote island. She discusses her visits to the village and boarding school, and her interactions with teachers, children, and parents in the early childhood classroom and community. Her understanding of teacher education and preparation, the primary educational system, and curriculum goals and revisions of the country are highlighted.  相似文献   

The paper presents one of the most prominent Greek women teachers and educators of the nineteenth century, and a leading figure of Greek women’s education in Ottoman territory, Sappho Leontias (1830–1900). Within a transnational framework and based on the study of the writings of Sappho Leontias, the paper presents her educational views, theory and philosophy and focuses on her connections to educational thought and activity “beyond ethnic/national borders”, investigating the influences on her theoretical schema. A secondary intention of the paper is to present the influence Leontias exercised on the education of her times through an overview of her educational activity. The historical and social conditions of the time and place, as well as gender ideologies, are taken into consideration; the paper supports the position that they affect or shape individual projects and choices to a great extent.  相似文献   

Maori women teachers in nineteenth‐century New Zealand have been little acknowledged in educational histories, and indeed, in some instances their contributions have been explicitly nullified. Those who have taken leadership roles have been no more visible. This article examines the silencing and exclusion from educational history of a young Maori woman who was both a teacher and a community leader during this period. It identifies the various points at which her role was silenced and suggests that such silencing is a reflection of her position as woman and as Maori, in a missionary/colonial context. In telling her story, this article (re)instates Maata Patene to a position of leadership and agency in the history of New Zealand education.  相似文献   

As a result of a recent trip to Moscow the writer describes the Russian scientific educational program at the university level. Relative numbers of students and faculty members are presented along with a breakdown of the areas of study. The Russian educational effort is compared to that of other countries, particularly Italy, and suggestions as to how Italy might retain her position in industrial development through her universities are presented.  相似文献   

根据在英国中学短期就读的经历,简单介绍英国的教育体制、普通中学的课程设置和教学方法。通过亲身体验比较中英中学教育,对目前中学教育进行思考并提出一些建议。  相似文献   

家庭教育和学校教育是学生接受的两种最为重要的外部教育。班主任作为学生的直接教育者,是沟通学校和家庭的桥梁。班主任应该对家长的教育思想、教育方法给予必要的指导,使家庭和学校的教育形成合力,使每位学生都能健康成长。文章从实践出发,论述了家庭教育中存在的主要问题,以及班主任对家庭教育指导的必要性和指导的有效策略。  相似文献   

随着高等教育一体化与"可持续发展教育"进程的不断深入,德国教师教育发展面临巨大的挑战。加之"PISA震惊"引发的基础教育课程改革,21世纪初期,德国陆续颁布出台了一系列针对职前教师改革的新政策,并积极对课程实施改革,如建立分层、贯通性本硕一体化课程体系,基于教师教育标准设置能力导向的课程目标,在课程内容中融入可持续发展与跨文化主题,开发行动能力导向的实践课程等。虽取得了明显成效,但也出现了一些实际问题。  相似文献   

教育研究之生命意识探寻   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育研究之生命意识,是对教育研究存在自身的思寻,是对教育研究自身作为一项有生命活动的思寻。教育研究之生命意识为教育研究者自身生命之意识,是教育研究者之个性的自我意识;教育研究之生命意识在于以整个生命的方式进行教育研究,要求以对生命的敏感性和理性关切来进行教育研究,让感官和人心都活跃起来;教育研究之生命意识表现为对生命和教育研究的一种精神担当,是对生命和教育的不断追问和困惑,而非给生命和教育提供技术方案,在于对教育和生命之赤子情怀和真性情;教育研究之生命意识蕴含于对生命和教育的宽恕,在于对教育研究的一种多元追求和关注。  相似文献   

蒙台梭利自由教育思想体系浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
意大利教育家蒙台梭利的自由教育思想不仅对西欧的“新教育运动”甚至对世界儿童教育都产生了很大的影响。她的科学教育方法是以自由教育思想为基础创建的,其教育目的就是要帮助生命的自发活动,满足儿童精神上的需求,允许个性自由发展,在自由活动中培养儿童良好的生活习惯、独立性的创造精神。  相似文献   


Working mothers with children of school age are a recent phenomenon in the Netherlands, but are more common in other European societies. The social and scientific significance of this work for life chances in general and for educational inequality in particular is still not clear and subject of heated debate. In this article the effects of paid work outside the home by the mother and of the level of her work on her child's educational attainment at the end of primary school are estimated with ANOVA and LISREL for the most recent nationally representative cohort of Dutch primary school‐leavers in the late 1980s (the VOCL‐'89 cohort), controlling for other characteristics of the mother, her household, husband and children. The study is a follow‐up of a comparable analysis of an older cohort of Dutch primary school‐leavers in the late 1970s. The results of this most recent analysis show that the dilemma between working outside the home and working as a housewife is a false one. The central question for the educational chances of a child is not whether its mother works or not, but the level of her work. Working in labouring jobs has a negative effect on children's educational attainment compared to working as a housewife; this in contrast to the positive effects of working as a shopkeeper, farmer or employee. This also holds after controlling for all other relevant characteristics. These effects are substantial and cannot be explained by other characteristics. However, the effects are not similar to the effects of the level of her husband's job on the educational attainment of their children. This means that the conventional as well as the radical view must be replaced by a more moderate one. This also means that in order to get an accurate estimation, the mother's job has to be included in any measurement of parental class of pupils. The effects of the level of the mother's job on the educational attainment of her children do not differ between boys and girls. These results neither confirm suggestions of the model‐function of working mothers for their daughters, nor suggestions of the need of boys to be controlled by a mother at home. The effects of the level of the mother's job also do not differ between ethnic groups. The last two results are contrary to some results from the USA. In this article the effects of the mother's job on her children's educational attainment in a nationally representative cohort of the late ‘70s (the SMVO cohort) are compared to those of this recent VOCL‐'89 cohort. Despite the growth in the percentage of working mothers during the ‘70s and ‘80s in the Netherlands (mostly part‐time jobs) the effect of the level of the mother's job did not change. A possible consequence of these results is that a general change of the tax and wages system from one based on households with one wage‐earner to one based on individuals might be detrimental to families of parents with a low educational level, who are limited to less qualified jobs.  相似文献   

本文阐述了在大力发展职业教育的新形势下.把职业教育纳入教育督导评估体系的必要性,同时也对实施职业教育督导评估提出了几点建议和设想。  相似文献   


This paper attempts to reintegrate the concept of plasticity into educational philosophy. Although John Dewey used the concept in Democracy and Education (1916) it has not generated much of a critical or practical legacy in educational thought. French philosopher, Catherine Malabou, is the first to think plasticity rigorously and seriously in a contemporary philosophical context and this paper outlines her thinking on it as well as considering its applicability to education. My argument is that her definition not only successfully reintroduces the concept in a way which is generative for contemporary educational philosophy and practice but that it also significantly extends the remit of educational plasticity as previously conceived by Dewey. This paper will examine the concept of educational plasticity as providing an opportunity as well as ‘the feeling of a new responsibility’ towards the plastic subject in philosophical approaches to education.  相似文献   

高校体育专业创新教育的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过调查分析,提出对高校体育专业创新教育的几点意见,认为体育专业教学改革应贯彻自主学习的个性化原则和多元化的教育质量观;以厚实的综合人文素质为基础培养学生的创新能力;积极探索有体育专业特色的创新教育实践方式,致力于形成合理的机制.  相似文献   

This paper identifies the social, psychological, biological, and cognitive variables associated with teenage pregnancy. The impact of bearing children on adolescent mothers, their children, and society is also explored. The different educational interventions already in use to reduce and/or prevent teenage pregnancy are examined and found to be generally ineffective. However, two effective programs were identified. One, with a research component, demonstrated significant reduction in teenage pregnancy. Further changes in these programs are suggested to achieve increased effectiveness.  相似文献   

走教育信息化之路成为西藏教育发展的客观要求和必然选择,而西藏教育信息化建设是一项复杂而又艰巨的系统工程,文章针对其现状和存在的问题提出以下对策和建议:加强西藏自治区教育信息化发展战略规划并加以落实;有效利用各种优势资源,加大教育信息化建设的投入力度;加强教育信息化人才培养,为西藏教育信息化提供人力资源保障;结合西藏教育特殊性建设高质量的教育信息化资源,满足西藏教育信息化发展的需求。  相似文献   

教育均衡化的国际比较与政策研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
许多国家在自身的教育发展历程中 ,都有由不均衡教育向均衡化教育发展的经验和教训。进行教育均衡化的国际比较与政策研究 ,有助于借鉴国际教育发展经验 ,结合我国实际 ,切实解决教育的不均衡发展问题 ,实现教育公平  相似文献   

家庭教育负担微观上影响居民生活,宏观上制约我国经济转型,是一个重要的研究议题。采用国家统计局在2007年对21个城市的城镇居民家庭入户教育调查数据,本文分析了家庭教育支出水平和负担的影响因素,获得以下实证结果:首先,低收入家庭的教育负担更重。其次,义务教育阶段的家庭教育负担要明显小于非义务教育阶段的家庭教育负担。此外,教育负担存在显著的地区差异。根据以上结论,本文提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

Shena Simon (1883–1972), a leading English socialist and educationist, actively called for the reform of secondary education in the 1930s and 1940s in order to bring the ideal of ‘equality of opportunity’ into the English educational system. This paper explores the continuity and changes in Simon’s proposed reforms in relation to her ideals of social democracy from the appearance of the Spens Report (1938) to the publication of her book, Three Schools or One? (1948). In addition, Simon’s transnational visits to the Soviet Union, the USA and Scotland, as well as the impact of her international and comparative perspectives on different educational systems on her policy agenda, are also examined. It concludes that as many policy issues shown in the current paper continue to be debated, Simon’s democratic ideals and discourses are still relevant in the present and suggest implications for the future of secondary education in England.  相似文献   

This article aims to reconstruct the pedagogy of Leonor Serrano, a Spanish school inspector working and developing her theories between 1914 and 1939. We use an interrogative-analytical methodology based on content analysis of her texts to reconstruct her educational theory. The theoretical deductive elements are uncovered in the analysis of the answers Leonor Serrano gives to the “basic questions of education”, issues that provide the bases for the scientific field of the theory of education to define a specific pedagogy and are identified through a process of historical-educational review. The study outcome is an explanatory narrative. The paper ends with a discussion of the method and the results.  相似文献   

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