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全球城市(Global City)研究关注现当代世界范围内主要城市在三个层面上的发展:全球城市网络的生成演化、全球城市本体的内在变化、全球城市的关键功能发展.开展全球城市研究需要庞大的信息量进行支撑.与世界范围内主要城市的发展相匹配,全球各主要高等院校与所在城市存在基本的共生关系,因此,开展全球城市研究过程中,高校图书...  相似文献   

有这样一种说法,城市是文化的“容器”,在这个容器里,阅读为各种文化的发展提供持久的养料和动力,因而成为城市文化建设的核心部分。即墨区自2017年以来举办全民读书活动,通过各种形式激发市民阅读兴趣、培育市民阅读习惯,城市阅读氛围日渐浓厚,为“文化即墨”“书香城市”建设提供持久动力。  相似文献   

This paper outlines plans for a research project on representations of basketball in New York City. It argues that a highly performative style of playground basketball strongly associated with racialized urban ghettos, often referred to as “streetball,” has become a significant way that basketball-related products has been marketed in the late-twentieth and early-twenty-first centuries. These marketing efforts are an important source of popular fantasy about the “iconic ghetto,” and work to maintain racialized spatial relations in the U.S.  相似文献   

以“一键借阅·满城书香”行动为例,介绍了杭州图书馆提升公共图书馆服务效能的实践探索。服务效能提升行动立足“惠民”,从提升读者满意度、获得感角度出发,通过简化在线借还图书操作等五方面的措施,为读者打造了“快捷”“温馨”和“丰富”的阅读体验,从而激发读者的阅读兴趣,营造城市的阅读氛围。行动取得了良好的成效,其探索的经验对其他公共图书馆具有一定的启发和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

With the recent increase in urban population worldwide, and the emergence of big data analytics, there is a growing interest in research on how cities are actively reconstructing themselves into a smart and sustainable city. Research studies have shown that the smart city system primarily focuses on integrating three components: economic, environmental, and social. The social component includes participatory democracy with citizen engagement. In many cases, smart cities focus on discovering answers for various urban problems through the adoption of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) designed to collect citizen feedback, or provide knowledge resources that can improve the quality of urban life. However, there are very few studies that attempt to close the information loop and link problems to solutions in one, unified framework. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate such a unified approach. Using the theoretical lens of dynamic capabilities, we expand the definition of a smart city to include the notion of an urban organization with dynamic capabilities, which operates within cycles of ‘sense’, ‘seize’, ‘align’, and ‘transform’ functions. Our case study focuses on the ‘sense’ and ‘seize’ steps, describing a medium-size city in Texas, where an open-ended survey is used as a collection instrument for citizen input and concept-based analytics are employed to convert such input into actionable insights. Our approach has the potential to assist policy makers in designing a comprehensive strategy toward the goal of the smart city.  相似文献   

图书馆建筑是传承历史文化与人文精神的载体,是城市的文化景观,服务于城市发展。近年来,随着我国经济社会的发展以及"智慧城市"建设的推进,图书馆基础设施建设不断完善,其建筑发展呈现人文性、时代性、智能化、环保性、开放式等特点。文章针对新时代城市图书馆建筑发展现状,提出强化发展定位、突出文化服务功能、完善标准规范体系建设、紧跟智慧城市发展大趋势等建议,以不断满足我国智慧城市建设发展所需。  相似文献   

城市信息化建设的思路研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
余学林 《情报学报》2000,19(5):426-431
城市信息化是21世纪城市建设的新主题,也是我国国家信息化和地区信息化建设的探索性和前瞻性模式。在城市信息化建设中,只有搞好城市信息化规划,改善信息基础设施,广泛开发利用信息资源,推进电子商务,带动传统产业改造,才能改善我国城市传统的职能和结构,推进和影响现代化城市建设、规划和管理,使我国的大中城市朝着现代化、信息化和网络化方向发展,成为真正具有竞争力的“信息都市”。  相似文献   

Between 1800 and 1918, Sarah Bernhardt toured America nine times. Although she received critical praise and large profits from extended runs in cities, she often performed in smaller towns between cities to help defray the expenses of touring. Bernhardt's performance of Camille in Little Rock, Arkansas on March 6, 1906 was hailed as “the greatest dramatic event in the history of Little Rock.” This study details the events of Bernhardt's visit, discussing its impact on the social and cultural life of the city.  相似文献   


In this study, a group of recent law articles was examined to determine the proportion of cited resources that are easily findable online. Searches were conducted in databases such as LEXIS and Westlaw, and on the Internet, for full-text versions of every source cited in seven articles. The results have been broken down into 13 categories, including “federal cases,” “books,” “foreign law,” and “legal periodicals pre-1990.” Not surprisingly, coverage differs widely between the categories. Overall, the study found that 77% of the 1,984 citations in the articles reviewed are available online. The article concludes with a general discussion of why the percentage is likely to increase in the future.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(41-42):55-63
This article will describe Geoscience resources available on the Internet, primarily the Weather Underground, the Geographic Name Sewer at the University of Michigan, and the Weather Machine at the University of Illinois. Instructions for connecting to these three sites will be given, as well as information on two gopher sites that have these systems on their menus. The Weather Underground and the Weather Machine provide real time analysis of North American weather, climate and active geographic phenomena. In addition to current weather analysis the Weather Underground provides current information on active hurricanes, earthquakes, and in the winter, "Current Ski Conditions." A special section covers nearshore and off-shore marine forecasts, warnings, and notices to mariners (such as missing or lost vessels).1 Weather forecasts are available for most U.S. cities as well as immediale postings of weather warnings and watches. Storm damage reports are also listed, in most cases soan after the event happens. Reports come from the U.S. Weather Bureau cenhal ofices (e.g., National Hurricane Center, National Severe Storms Center), local weather offices (e.g., Chicago Weather Bureau), and a nationwide network of individual spotters and law enforcement officials. Reference librarians can use this server to provide clients with real time information on current conditions both locally and continent wide. Ihe Weather Machine also provides additional geoscience information sources to consult as well as many of the services offered by the Weather Underground. The Geographic Name Server ides a listing of cities and geographic features in the United States. Searches can be done by Zip Code, and Place Name. The server will respond with the city location, time zone, latitude and longitude, Zip Code, Area Code, etc.  相似文献   

Journal articles are often made available prior to assignment to an issue, using labels like “early view,” “advanced online publication,” “ahead of print,” “online first,” or “in press.” While making articles available before an issue can speed up the scholarly communications cycle, a negative effect can be observed when full text is delivered through aggregator databases like EBSCO, ProQuest, or Gale products. This study assessed issue assignment delays across 18 journals which have full text aggregated in EBSCO's CINAHL Ultimate. Results show that articles published first in an early-view state are only available in the aggregator after they have been assigned to an issue. Any database-specific full-text delays (“embargos”) are then calculated from issue date rather than online publication date, leading subscribers who access the journals via aggregators to experience extended delays ranging from months to years in length.  相似文献   

This study explores the transformation of a city government led by a 311 program, which provides a consolidated channel for non-emergency services and information. The paper first discusses the concept of “smart city” as a foundation for the examination of the 311 non-emergency contact program as a practice of government innovation, and then presents the details of the 311 program as instantiated in the City of Philadelphia. In-depth interviews with Philadelphia City government officials and managers responsible for creating and operating the City's 311 non-emergency contact program (Philly311) offer practical insights into the contributions the program is making to a more efficient, effective, transparent, and collaborative city government.  相似文献   

云南省大关县“背篼图书馆”服务模式通过整合文化系统资源和社会资源,用“背篼”为不通公路的偏远贫困地区群众背去了精神食粮,助益“扶贫先扶志,治贫先治愚”扶贫策略的实践探索。文章论述背篼图书馆的源起和发展历程,“留守儿童流动图书室”建设,以及政府推动、社会共建等机制;探讨背篼图书馆取得的社会效应及其未来发展路径。  相似文献   

The currently popular emphasis on democratic discussion in the “public sphere” often is critically viewed by observers commenting on issues of participation, empowerment, and efficacy without input from influentials, whose voices often are the content of public debates. Habermas was critical of the quality of democratic discourse, arguing for an “ideal speech situation” where participants are free to question all proposals; introduce proposals; and express their attitudes, wishes, and needs. This article examines perceptions of the climate of communication in the public sphere by influentials and the general public of a major urban area.  相似文献   

Science City is an outdoor exhibition, supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and created by the New York Hall of Science (NYHS). It was designed to increase public awareness of, and interest in, the science and technology of daily life by creating a series of exhibits that people would “find” in public places in New York City. Using the streets and structures of the city to present the science and technology of everyday life in order to reach the non-museum-going public, eye-catching exhibits and signs were placed along fences, on streets and buildings and in subway stations and parks. The development and installation of museum exhibits for public urban spaces requires skills and experience that stretch beyond the expertise of a science-technology museum exhibition staff. This article discusses and compares on- and off-site exhibition development.  相似文献   

Chicago is the setting for the 1978 MLA Annual Meeting. The city offers MLA members a varied selection of activities. Recommendations are made for viewing highlights of the "Windy City."  相似文献   

FOIA Libraries are the repositories for many documents released under the FOIA1 (Freedom of Information Act), i.e., “responsive documents,” by federal agencies and their sub agencies. Awareness of search terminology for FOIA Libraries or electronic reading rooms can assist the public and researchers to locate publicly available government information, including responsive documents. Responsive documents are the responses to FOIA requests that can be posted (in full or with redactions) by federal agencies. FOIA responses may not be easily findable by major web search engines. The goal of this article is to educate readers about government and non-government FOIA resources and declassified document repositories for discovery. It is important for researchers, journalists and citizens to use “FOIA Libraries,” “Electronic Reading Room,” or “FOIA tag” to search for documents concerning government activities and operations that are released under the FOIA on the web. In addition to aiding in the research process, access to responsive documents information furthers democratic goals of transparency and supports findability of government information by the public.  相似文献   


Distance learners are a unique target-population for the marketing of library services and resources. Because these patrons do not visit the library often, if at all, it is crucial to actively promote the library resources and services available to them. Marketing strategies for distance learning library services need to take a multifaceted approach to reach distance learners in as many ways as possible, and collaboration with various groups and departments on campus is an important part of the process. Promotion of distance library services can take advantage of high-tech options, but it should also work in the realm of “traditional” publicity as well.  相似文献   

在数字时代,城市记忆资源建设面临着严峻挑战。本文以“数字人文”为研究视角,在探讨数字人文与城市记忆资源建设匹配性的基础上,用数字人文的理念与方法重新审视城市记忆资源建设模式,按照城市记忆资源体系构建、资源采集原则与方法、数字化加工与存储、资源数据库搭建的流程优化传统资源整合模式,最后提出基于文本挖掘、关联数据、GIS与虚拟现实、文本可视化等数字人文技术的记忆资源开发路径。  相似文献   


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