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魔幻现实主义在其美学追求中尤为重视古代文化资源的挖掘。宗教文化题材往往成为其描写的主要内容之一。对待在阶级、国家形成之后的被规范的宗教,魔幻现实主义作家采取了批判与否定的立场和态度,价值取向十分明确。同时又从宗教信仰对人心灵深处产生影响的角度细致地描绘了宗教忏悔的主题。  相似文献   

Heathcote  Adrian 《Science & Education》2003,12(5-6):513-529
Science &; Education -  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report on the backgrounds and physical and emotional well-being of street children using two street shelters in Kyiv, Ukraine. This study is important because personal accounts of street children may highlight individual or family factors that are associated with vulnerability for and risk of poor mental health, and these could have serious repercussions for the future. This study also poses a challenge to research because street children are a highly elusive population that services find hard to reach. METHODS: Ninety-seven children were recruited and interviewed using a semistructured, psychosocial interview schedule; psychopathology was measured using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and the Mood and Feelings Questionnaire (MFQ). RESULTS: Seventy percent of street children scored for behavioral and emotional difficulties on the SDQ, and 74% scored for depression on the MFQ. Current health problems were reported by 78%, with 43% described as persistent or severe. Two thirds of the children in this sample were not homeless but had chosen life on the streets in preference to permanent residence with their families. Their "survival" history on the streets contributed to the development of three different profiles of vulnerability. CONCLUSIONS: High rates of physical and emotional problems in a population of street children, many of whom were still connected to their families, emphasize the importance of developing different approaches for children with different vulnerabilities. This study also demonstrates the feasibility of embedding on-going field research into the service dimension of "front-line" social care agencies.  相似文献   

The impetus for the incredible variety found in the modern literary dragon is commonly seen to stem from the creative genius of either E. Nesbit or Kenneth Grahame. However, examination of dragon stories in the late nineteenth century shows that several different authors, on both sides of the Atlantic, were producing similar stories at about the same time, suggesting that the change was part of a general literary and cultural development rather than simply inspired storytelling. This study examines dragon stories of the late nineteenth century and argues that the rediscovery of the Scandinavian dragon, the discovery of the Chinese and Japanese dragons, and possibly the nineteenth-century publication of folktales parodying traditional dragon stories, gave authors new ways of looking at dragons. Traditional St George type dragon stories had already shifted into children’s literature, making books for children the natural environment for the development of the dragon, and it is argued that the combined pressures of the new ideas about dragons, the parody, and the enormous cultural changes of the late Victorian period, were sufficient to stimulate the great change in the literary dragon, which has continued and diversified ever since.  相似文献   

PVDF换能器的一种实验设计思路和方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对PVDF换能器的一种设计思路和实验方法进行了简单的讨论。考虑到简单、易做、可行,采用边缘钳紧引电极,并对纳米AIP/SiO2的激光超声的信号进行了检测,与已知结果相一致。  相似文献   

In the movie You've Got Mail with Tom Hanks,his father's girlfriend said to him:"I'm going to be your wicked step-mother."I was amused at her words and couldn't help wondering how comes a steo-mother is always considered as"wicked'?  相似文献   

本文深入探讨了<文心雕龙>文学本体的整体生命观、宏观与微观统一论,并把刘勰有关文学本体构成的内涵表述同现代西方文学理论作了详细的比较.  相似文献   

阐述工程签证和工程索赔的法律概念与特征,分析当前国内存在的问题,根据最高人民法院相关司法解释和国家工商总局合同示范文本,结合笔者在建设工程中积累的诉讼与非诉经验,提出外聘律师担任施工企业常年法律顾问中签证与索赔实务策略.  相似文献   

《文心雕龙》与《艺概》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<文心雕龙>和<艺概>都是对前代文学实践和理论批评的总结,二者有着颇多一致之处.本文从宗经思想、文学史意识、立足文学实践、兼容并蓄的批评态度、范畴应用五个方面来比较二者的异同.<文心>因其关注形而上的"道"之哲学探讨,并形成其文学上的"原道"--形而上理论,使<文心>的宏观研究建立在理论基础之上,能够以开阔的视阈作细致的微观探寻,结合历代文学实际,建构了其"体大虑周"的宏观文学理论体系,在古代文论史上占有特殊的地位.<艺概>因缺乏这种上溯于"道"(本体)的形上意识,故尔其理论性、系统性,均不可与<文心>同日而语,尤其在近代变革动荡的时期缺乏时代气息,而显得传统的包袱相当沉重.  相似文献   

摘要:在中国文学批评史上,刘勰是强调作品结构的先锋人物。《文心雕龙》对文章的结构组织有着系统论述,刘勰从谋篇、裁章、锻句、炼字四个方面对谋篇布局的理论展开论述;挖掘这些理论的原有意蕴,至今尚有现实意义。  相似文献   

《文心雕龙》对艺术构思的论述包括想象论和意象论两部分,"神与物游"是刘勰对心物交融理论的明确表述,"神用象通"是对主体之情与客体之形象相融合构成艺术形象理论的精彩演绎,构成了艺术构思的全过程。在想象论部分,刘勰从学养、社会经验、心理状态等方面对艺术想象的营构进行了详细论述;在意象论中,刘勰从意象的生成条件、意象的生成方法、意象的特征三个方面对这一理论进行了阐释。  相似文献   

米尔斯海默的进攻性现实主义理论提出以来,引起了中国学界的广泛关注。纵观近年来美国外交政策的走向,不难发现这一理论给小布什政府的外交实践带来了巨大影响。本文由美国的现实主义外交传统出发,阐述了美国外交从现实主义外交传统向进攻性现实主义外交演变的过程,并对进攻性现实主义逻辑的危险性做出了分析,同时指出了美国这一外交路径的变化对中国外交战略的影响。  相似文献   

《文心雕龙》研究多侧重文论、文章写作学及文化综观等定位,秉持以"语言为本位"的修辞学研究则普遍侧重于语言与文学、文艺、文化等的相互关系。《文心雕龙》是语言研究的传世之作,因此,语言本位的龙学研究应该立足于现当代西方语言学和汉语语言学的理论观点,与修辞学和传统语言学研究形成互补,构拟"语言为本位"龙学研究的宏观视野。  相似文献   

魔幻现实主义小说和中国武侠奇幻小说都从本民族的文化积淀和审美情趣中获取灵感,创作了大量新鲜且富有想象力的意象。这些意象既寓义理,又蕴情感,折射出五光十色的多重意义,也反映了魔幻现实主义小说对当前国内武侠奇幻小说创作的影响特点。  相似文献   

"言意之辨"由来已久,突出关注的是言能否尽意,即语言能否充分而精确地传达人类对于外部世界及自身的认识,刘勰《文心雕龙.比兴》篇从文学创作的角度,重新为比兴下了定义,从中可以看出他对言意问题的看法,他认为言可以通过含蓄曲折的方法表达意,进而表明言可以尽意的观点,对作家的创作和诗学的发展都产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

《喧哗与骚动》在处理文体与内容的关系方面颇具特色。文章在分析了福克纳的细节安排方式之后指出,他的创作手法是把象征主义与现实主义融合在一起,这种变换是为了适应主题的需要。  相似文献   

Performing desires: The dilemma of aspirations and educational attainment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors critique the mechanistic notion of aspirations running through much research and policy‐making on educational and vocational outcomes. They present a performative model, with individuals drawing on limited social resources to express aspirations within constrained contexts. This argument is illustrated by discussion of the findings of large‐scale empirical investigation of the aspirations of 490 young people in three UK schools. Five themes from this analysis are presented and it is argued that these need to be explored in order to enrich and expand our understanding of young people's expression of aspirations.  相似文献   

由于古代中国和古希腊进入文明的途径不同,造成了这一时期的文学观念和文学形态的各异。中原地区低下的劳动生产力和封闭的农业经济,孕育着古典现实主义——《诗经》的诞生。由于宗法社会秩序和宗法思想的约束,使《诗经》表现出强烈的实用功利性和政治功利性,成为宗法观念有力的载体和礼治统治的辅助工具,也成为中国古典现实主义的滥觞。  相似文献   

The imagination of young children has notable constraints. The outcomes and possibilities that they imagine rarely deviate from the everyday regularities they have observed and remembered. Their reality-based imagination is evident in a variety of contexts: early pretend play, envisioning the future, judgments about what is possible, the instructive role of thought experiments, tool making, and figurative drawing. Overall, the evidence shows that children’s imagination helps them to anticipate reality and its close alternatives. This perspective invites future research on the scope of children's thinking about counterfactual possibilities, their ability to make discoveries about reality on the basis of thought experiments, and the ways in which cultural input can expand the scope of the possibilities that they entertain.  相似文献   

现实主义与现代主义对“真实”的不同认知,体现着二者对文学本质属性和涵义的不同诠释。由此形成的20世纪现实主义与现代主义的对立与交融,反映着20世纪独特的文化精神。  相似文献   

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