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This article explores the implementation of various K–12 one-to-one computing initiatives to determine if patterns exist. These initiatives are funded in times of limited resources and constitute a serious investment in technology for the schools and districts adopting them. The goals of this study were to understand how and why one-to-one computing initiatives are being implemented, how these initiatives are funded and supported, and expectations or assumptions of stakeholders that are driving adoption of this type of technology. The results suggest that these school districts, and those like them, will face many challenges—some financial, some technical, and some procedural—as they work to integrate technology into instruction and assessment. Common themes or challenges identified from this work, and linked with previous research, include leadership and vision, funding, teacher professional development, and project evaluation.  相似文献   

文章从信息生态学的视角研究"一对一"网络班级的管理,并结合课堂考察、文献调研、访谈等方法分析了"一对一"网络班管理的问题和策略:(1)内外合力,明确职责完善管理规章制度。(2)促进教师的专业化发展。(3)让学生参与管理,体现以学生为本的班级管理理念。(4)有效利用技术为班级管理服务。(5)对于"一对一"网络班级环境的管理建议强调:符合网络班特色的物理环境、线上线下和谐的人文环境、家校合作的社会环境。同时设计了指导学校开展有效班级管理的手册。这些网络班级管理的建议及手册的内容对于学校开展"一对一"数字化学习都有一定的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Using data collected through two focus group interviews with 14- to 16-year-olds involved in a one-to-one laptop academic programme in a Singapore secondary school, this paper shows some student disengagement and dissatisfaction in class, and this poses questions about the relevance of the school's laptop programme. Our findings illustrate low productivity in the students' use of their computers as they respond to their teachers' instructional agendas. Our work indicates research into one-to-one laptop learning needs to pay greater attention to the minds, motivations and hands of students as they embark on learning they do not fully understand or can control for themselves. We determine that educators and policy-makers need to know a lot more about how growth in students' digital maturity operates. In the final analysis, we understand and explain the students' views about how their learning experiences might be improved, and their behaviour (as a digital wisdom journey centred on learning) to be digitally mature.  相似文献   

This mixed methods case study examined the implementation of a 1:1 iPad initiative in a suburban, co-educational, independent, preK–4th grade elementary school in the United States. This article focuses on how teachers used iPads to differentiate instruction and across multiple content areas. Findings show the processes by which teachers employed iPads demonstrated a myriad of teaching and learning opportunities. Overall, teachers integrated iPads into the existing curriculum to complement or enhance their lessons, provide different choices for students to engage with content, or for them to delve deeper into the content. Additionally, iPads were often used in interdisciplinary ways, involving a combination of at least two different content areas during one lesson.  相似文献   

In the school year 1994/1995 homework characteristics and effectiveness in math education among secondary schools were compared. The study examined the 1st year of secondary education (average age level: 12.3 years). The sample consisted of 28 schools, 56 classes and 1,394 students. The results show a lack of policy directed at the co-ordination of and increase in the amount of homework in Dutch schools. Nevertheless most math teachers give homework every lesson. Multi-level analysis shows that the amount of homework was the only homework variable related to achievement. It explained 2.4% of the variance. Frequency of homework and homework time were not related to achievement. There is a sharp contrast between Dutch and US teachers in ‘checking and grading’ of homework. However, in this study this variable was not related to math achievement.  相似文献   

新一代移动互联网的迅猛发展与广泛应用,为移动学习的发生提供了无缝的技术支持。随着移动学习资源与服务的海量增长,"信息过载"已经成为困扰移动学习效果提升的主要因素。为满足移动计算环境中不断涌现的个性化、情境化和智能化的学习需求,从个性化学习服务的视角出发,深入研究移动学习偏好模式识别与偏好建模的相关策略,准确识别移动学习偏好,这是开展个性化移动学习服务的基础与关键。  相似文献   

本文总结了俄克拉荷马基督教大学移动学习项目试点一学期后学生的反馈问卷.该学校在美国是最早给学生配发笔记本电脑和智能手机或iPod Touch双重移动设备的学校之一,全校覆盖无线网络.该问卷调查试图了解在如此泛在的网络使用环境下,学生使用移动学习工具和环境的使用习惯及期待.问卷结果显示:整体来说,学生认为这种泛在学习环境对其学习有利;学生使用移动设备主要用于辅助学习、效率改进、信息获取、沟通和娱乐,这些都是学生在校整体学习体验中值得关注的地方.移动设备的更多用途还有待澄清、宣传、演示、培训、支持.此问卷还显示学校和研究者应考虑移动学习项目可支持的多种学习方式和因学习者而异的多种教育用途.  相似文献   

基于云计算的移动学习平台建设研析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云计算是多种技术的合成和业务模式的创新,在整个信息产业运作模式的变革中起到了越来越重要的作用。移动终端应用随着互联技术以及终端技术的发展也正在受到全社会的关注。移动学习作为终身学习的一种实践手段在潜移默化地改变着人们的学习方式。基于云计算的移动学习平台建设无疑解决了传统教学平台的诸多缺陷。对云计算环境下移动学习平台的深入研究将为人们在实践中提高学习的自主性和灵活性提供更有效的支持。  相似文献   

This research study investigates co-ordination strategies within schools, their relationships to both teacher and student commitment to school, and the relationship between student commitment and student achievement in Switzerland. Two different kinds of co-ordination strategies, structural and cultural, can be distinguished. Structural co-ordination strategies have to do with formal, lasting arrangements that allow an organisation to operate. These include roles, rules, procedures, and authority relations. Cultural co-ordination strategies are related to the nature of communications and the consensus on organisational goals in the school. Cultural mechanisms shape what teachers want to do. Drawn from TIMSS, the sample for the present analyses included principals, teachers and students in 178 classes at the lower secondary level in three Swiss cantons: Bale-Country, Berne and Zurich. Multiple regression analyses carried out with different indicators of teacher and student commitment to school showed that school coordination strategies can make a difference, although the effects were rather small. A further analysis that included student commitment indicators as predictors of mathematics achievement suggests that the affective/social and the cognitive domains are relatively independent at class level.  相似文献   

在对MLTI项目、HSLI项目、FSD1:1项目、OLPC项目、CFF项目、TIP项目、"跨越式"项目、"手持式"项目、电子书包项目、TOTL项目、FTL项目等典型一对一数字化学习项目的介绍与梳理的基础上,文章归纳了当前八个主要的一对一数字化学习研究领域,包括:一对一数字化学习环境部署、整合技术的创新教学模式、基于生态视角的学校变革、面向过程的教师专业发展、一对一项目效益评估、学生21世纪技能提升、一对一网络班级文化管理、跨区域教育公平。整合技术的创新教学与效果评估将依然是未来一对一数字化学习研究的重点,研究将呈现个案化、微观化和过程化的发展趋势,并且教学创新问题、班级管理问题、学校变革问题、教师培训问题、效果评估问题等将全面纳入研究的视域当中。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术进入移动计算的新阶段,数字图书馆的建设与运营进入了移动计算时代。在此背景下,图书馆应加强图书资源的数字化建设和数字化阅读方面建设和服务。  相似文献   


The relationship between employment and academic performance in a nationally representative sample of U.S. students was examined in a longitudinal study as the students progressed from Grade 8 to 12. The participants (N = 15,552) took part in the base year (1988), first follow-up (1990), and second follow-up (1992) of the National Education Longitudinal Study (NELS). Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the NELS data set while controlling for the effects of family background, previous achievement, gender, and ethnicity. Employment had an overall negative and curvilinear effect on high school GPA. Students who worked fewer than 12 hr per week fared better academically than those students who were not employed. A significant decline in academic performance was observed when students worked more than 11–13 hr per week.  相似文献   

在移动计算环境中,数据广播能支持大规模并发用户访问服务器上的数据,是提高移动计算系统可伸缩性的一项重要技术,介绍了数据广播的体系结构,提出了构建数据广播模型的关键问题,对数据广播调度算法进行了比较详细的分析.  相似文献   

由因特网工程任务组 (IETF)提出的不对称路由移动性管理方案存在产生的移动性管理信令流量大的问题 .考虑到一些现有因特网应用的特征 ,提出了一个可在移动计算中显著降低移动性管理信令的新方案 ,该方案采用转向代理和局部代理机制 .对新方案进行计算机模拟 ,结果表明 ,新方案明显降低了网络的远程信令流量 .  相似文献   

随着用户、应用服务、教育内容和资源需求的爆炸式增长,传统的移动学习平台已无法满足高等学校教育的需要。文中提出了一种大数据背景下基于扩展云计算环境的高校移动学习系统构建方法,为拥有不同需求的高等学校提供可靠的、可定制的动态资源管理、分配平台,拟解决网络时代下学习者的多样化需求问题。  相似文献   

高性能计算与集群系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高性能计算是一个国家综合实力的体现,其主要内容包括高性能计算机、并行算法和并行应用程序等方面。集群系统以其良好的可扩展性和性能价格比,已迅速成为高性能计算领域的主流体系结构。拳文对集群系统的发展、构建、及其应用进行了研究与探讨。  相似文献   

《研究性学习课程》在中学实施的实效性因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章根据"研究性学习课程"的特点和目标,立足新疆的教育资源和环境,通过调研对新疆中学"研究性学习课程"实施情况及实施存在的问题进行分析研究,为新疆地区有效开设"研究性学习课程"提供建议。  相似文献   

陈守刚 《宜宾学院学报》2011,(6):117-118,122
以开放教育和云技术为背景,提出了开放学习子云(OLSC).它具有归一化的学习服务能力、高效快捷的资源提供能力、多样化的学习平台、可靠安全的数据存储、配置方便成本低等特点,并给出了其逻辑结构和实体结构设计.  相似文献   

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