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就欧美统计学的发展进程和我国统计学的发展进程进行分析,阐述我国未来统计学的理想模式,应该顺应统计学发展的趋势,尽快建立融合数理统计学与社会经济统计学为一体的现代统计学。  相似文献   

要使教育统计学走出理论脱离实际的困境,必须重新认识教育统计学的本质,重构教育统计学的学科体系。本文确认了教育统计学的学科地位,分析了教育统计学的现状及存在的主要问题,提出了根据教育统计学的学科性质、当前我国教育改革的实际需要和国际统计学的发展趋势重构教育统计学学科体系的观点。  相似文献   

统计学发展过程中出现过几次重大的争论,这些争论在本质上可以说是一脉相承的。“政治算术”与“国势学”的争论,明确了统计学的学科性质;“描述统计学”与“推断统计学”的争论,构筑了统计学的完整体系;“经典统计学”与“贝叶斯统计学”的争论,带来了统计哲学观的新变化;信念统计学与经典统计学、贝叶斯统计学的争论,使统计推断科学化问题的研究日趋深入。正是通过这些争论完善了现代统计学的思想和方法体系。  相似文献   

大统计学是大在理论高度、研究深度和应用广度的数理辩证统计学。从政治算术到统计核算的综合核算科学与统计学分道扬镳;数理统计学的数理与辩证结合成统一独立的统计学;社会经济统计学分为调查学、综计学和应用统计分支。统计学由理论基础、方法系统和应用技术及其分支构成学科体系。  相似文献   

<正>曲阜师范大学统计学院成立于2014年,是曲阜师范大学发展最快的学院,拥有统计学系、应用统计学系、"统计学"研究所及"机器智能与数据分析"研究中心。学院设有"统计学"博士后科研流动站,拥有"统计学"一级学科博士、硕士学位授权点、"应用统计"硕士专业学位授权点,以及"统计学"、"应用统计学"本科专业,形成了完整的本—硕—博—博士后人才培养体系。统计学博士后科研流动站是我省仅有的两个统计学博士后科研流动站之一。统计学一级学科博士点是曲阜师  相似文献   

社会统计学是从数量方面描述社会状况、社会发展和社会问题的一门学科。学习社会统计学,必须要掌握两方面的基础知识:社会学和统计学。社会学是研究社会、社会发展和社会问题的一门学科,它为社会统计学提供研究社会的基本原理和概念。统计学包括描述统计学和推断统计学,它为社会统计学提供分析的方法。  相似文献   

统计学是经济管理类的必修课程之一.设计好统计学的教学情景和将计算机信息技术与统计学教学高效结合是统计学教学模式改革与创新的重要内容.笔者结合在应用统计学教学过程中的实际体会和经验总结,阐述了情景教学和信息技术在高职<应用统计学>教学中的重要性.  相似文献   

对农林院校统计学专业本科教学改革的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农林院校统计学专业与综合院校、财经院校统计学专业相比,既有优势也存在不足,如何扬长避短,提升竞争优势是农林院校统计学专业本科教学改革首先要考虑的问题.本文结合农林院校本科统计学专业现状,就农林院校统计学专业本科教学改革和课程设置提出一些想法,以期推动农林院校统计学本科教育的发展,同时对缓解农林院校统计学专业本科毕业生就业困难的问题能有所裨益.  相似文献   

实践教学是统计学教学改革当中的重要一环,科学完整的统计学实践教学评价指标体系对推动统计学实践教学改革、提高统计学教学质量具有重要意义。本文在探讨了统计学实践教学评价的原则和理论依据的基础上遴选了若干统计学实践教学评价指标,构建了实践教学评价指标体系。  相似文献   

本文根据对统计学专业学生的调查,结合未来社会对统计学本科毕业生的需求,以宿州学院为例,提出了新设统计学专业的学校可以根据自身条件和未来统计学就业前景确定统计学本科专业当前的培养目标,人才培养模式.并指出在统计学专业培养目标下应做好的几个方面:提高学生对统计学的认知,做好职业规划;合理开设统计学专业培养课程;提高专业教师的教学水平;拓宽学生的实习和培训基地.  相似文献   

论影响高校统计数据质量的因素及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校统计是全面反映高校各项事业发展情况的依据,真实可靠的统计数据是高等学校科学决策和管理的基础。因此,加强高校统计工作管理,完善统计管理体制,强化法制观念,规范统统计行为。创新技术手段是提高统计数据质量的前提。  相似文献   

We developed measures of current statistics self-efficacy (CSSE) and self-efficacy to learn statistics (SELS) to address whether statistics self-efficacy is related to statistics performance, and whether self-efficacy for statistics increases during an introductory statistics course. Both instruments yielded reliable, one-factor solutions that were related positively to each other and to two measures of statistics performance (i.e., specific statistics problems and overall course performance). The CSSE and SELS also were related positively to math self-efficacy and attitudes towards statistics, but related negatively to anxiety. Changes between two different testing occasions using the CSSE indicated that statistics self-efficacy increased almost two standard deviations over a 12-week instructional period.  相似文献   

假设检验问题的关键是在一定的统计思想之下构造相关的统计量。极大似然思想是统计和实际应用中的一种重要思想。基于极大似然原理,构造似然比统计量,讨论正态总体的检验问题,其结果与传统的U检验、T检验、χ2检验一致。  相似文献   

数理统计学从数学中分出又与实质性科学分离,建立辩证逻辑的理论框架则从数学进到统一独立的统计学,扩大辩证逻辑的应用并继续应用数学而不断发展。  相似文献   

假设检验问题的关键是在一定的统计思想之下构造相关的统计量。极大似然思想是统计和实际应用中的一种重要思想。基于极大似然原理,构造似然比统计量,讨论正态总体的检验问题,其结果与传统的U检验、T检验、χ2检验一致。  相似文献   

统计数据的质量是统计工作的生命 .本文提出了建立统计数据质量监控体系的基本思路 :即建立统计工作质量监控体系、市场监控体系以及法律监控体系 .工作质量监控体系主要包括统计数据搜集质量、加工整理质量、存储保管质量及提供质量等四个环节的质量监控 .市场监控体系着重讨论统计信息市场对统计数据产品发生的市场监督、约束及控制 ;法律监控体系主要从完善统计法、强化执法力度和增强法律意识三方面论述 .  相似文献   

When the assumption of multivariate normality is violated and the sample sizes are relatively small, existing test statistics such as the likelihood ratio statistic and Satorra–Bentler’s rescaled and adjusted statistics often fail to provide reliable assessment of overall model fit. This article proposes four new corrected statistics, aiming for better model evaluation with nonnormally distributed data at small sample sizes. A Monte Carlo study is conducted to compare the performances of the four corrected statistics against those of existing statistics regarding Type I error rate. Results show that the performances of the four new statistics are relatively stable compared with those of existing statistics. In particular, Type I error rates of a new statistic are close to the nominal level across all sample sizes under a condition of asymptotic robustness. Other new statistics also exhibit improved Type I error control, especially with nonnormally distributed data at small sample sizes.  相似文献   

统计知识越来越普及,“统计学”的应用领域越来越广泛。本文从加强统计学教学与素质教育结合,提高教学质量;传授统计理论与方法,推行启发式教学;实践统计理论与方法,实施案例教学;统计学与计算机教学有机地合为一体;重视统计学应用,培养学生科研能力等五个方面,对提高统计学教学效果的方法进行了探索。  相似文献   

The development of statistical literacy is fast becoming the focus of a large part of mathematics instruction at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. This broadening of the mathematics curriculum to encompass a focus on statistics makes considerable demands on teachers. Most mathematics teachers acknowledge the practical importance of statistics and are willing to give more relevance to the teaching of statistics; however, many mathematics teachers do not consider themselves well prepared to teach statistics. The aims of this study were to investigate the conceptual understanding of statistics of prospective secondary mathematics teachers; the nature of their attitudes towards statistics and if there was a relationship between attitude towards statistics and conceptual understanding of statistics. Conceptual understanding was measured using a standard assessment instrument (comprehensive assessment of outcomes in a first statistics course) which allows comparison across other disciplines. Despite being very mathematically able and confident, the prospective mathematics teachers in this study do no better in the assessment than students from other (mostly non-quantitative) disciplines. This, perhaps, gives further evidence that statistical thinking is different from mathematical thinking and that a strong background in mathematics does not necessarily translate to statistical thinking. Conceptual knowledge was poor in some fundamental areas of statistics such as being able to properly describe the distribution of a quantitative variable and data production. The attitudes of these teachers towards statistics were measured using a widely used instrument (survey of attitudes towards statistics). The results indicate generally positive attitudes but an acknowledgement that statistics is not a subject quickly learned by everyone and requires discipline to learn. No strong correlation was found between attitudes and conceptual knowledge. It is recommended that in order to improve teacher knowledge, teacher education programmes must include tailored modules in statistics and highlight the differences between mathematical and statistical thinking.  相似文献   

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