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本文主要从一系列研究性教学实习和锻炼中,开展地球科学理论与实践相结合的教学探索。并结合大地学教学特点,组织学生进行了一系列跨学科的科学考察活动,激发了他们对地球科学的兴趣,提高了学生的理论知识背景和实践操作水平,更重要的是初步掌握了科学研究的方法,提升了他们对学科问题的创新能力。对我们今后的教学工作有极大的促进作用。  相似文献   

介绍了地球科学奥林匹克竞赛的基本情况,结合2023年全国中学生地球科学奥林匹克竞赛决赛相关题目,分析了在中学地理教学中推行地球科学奥林匹克竞赛的重要价值与主要路径。同时指出,在中学地理教学中推行该竞赛有利于提高学生地理核心素养和教师职业素养。  相似文献   

教学分析 《航海家的发现》一课课从探究地球的形状人手,让学生经历古人对地球形状的探索过程,从而形成正确的认识,了解人类认识地球所付出的努力,从而激发他们探究科学的兴趣,培养他们勇于献身科学事业的意志品质。  相似文献   

<正>随着素质教育的进行,教师要培养学生的科学探究精神,提高和发展他们的科学意识。在教学中,小学科学教师要了解学生的兴趣、爱好,把他们感兴趣的生活素材引入到教学中,让学生体会生活中的科学知识,提高他们学习的积极性。科学教学要注重实验教学,让学生在科学实验中拓宽思考,掌握科学的思维方式,积极主动地进行操作。在提高他们动手能力的同时,使学生具备较强的科学意识,促进他们综合素质的发展。在小学科学教学中,教师要从小学生的年龄特点出发,采用趣味性的教学方式,激发学生的积极性和探究性,让他们高效地掌握科学知识,提高科学知  相似文献   

<正>小学科学教学通过让学生实际操作,激发他们好奇心,让他们在积极的探究过程中深入了解科学,发现科学现象,掌握本质,提高学生的科学综合素质。在教学中如何激发学生的学习主动性,培养学生的动手能力,发展他们的创新思维,成为小学科学教师探究和思考的问题。教师要从小学生的特点出发,创设出富有趣味的科学教学环节,提高学生的探究欲望,有效提高课堂教学效率。一、趣味导入,激发学生的学习热情教师要实现小学科学创新教学,激发  相似文献   

学生是学习的主体,只有根据学生的实际情况,激发他们的学习兴趣,才能提高教学效果.学生对科学知识的学习始于他们在生活实践中对自然界的认识,科学教师必须创设各种教学情景和创造多种机会让学生进行科学探究,让学生在教学活动中增加感性认识、开阔视野、活化知识.  相似文献   

化学作为初中学生的重要课程,教师在教学时应该要制定比较科学的教学方案,这样才能够满足学生的实际学习需求,增强教学质量.但是在实际的教学中,教师往往过于重视理论知识的讲解,从而忽视了学生化学基本观念的科学树立,最终导致学生化学基础知识不牢固,进而影响到他们的学习质量.本文通过对初中课程学生化学基本观念的培养进行研究,从而提高学生学习效率,为他们以后的学习奠定良好的基础.  相似文献   

教学是教师与学生、教与学的双边活动过程.体育课的教学既要通过体育活动增强学生体质,也要发展学生的能力,使学生掌握科学锻炼身体的方法.因此,在教学中,教师不能一味地要求学生做机械的模仿练习,更要掌握学生心理活动规律,培养他们正确的学习动机,充分发挥他们的学习积极性,提高教学质量.  相似文献   

物理教学中的美学教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物理学是一门蕴含着丰富科学美内涵的科学,在物理教学中实施美学教育,有助于激发学生的学习兴趣,提高审美情感,唤起他们心中对科学美的追求.在物理教学中实施美学教育要充分挖掘物理学科本身的美.  相似文献   

"小学科学课程是以培养科学素养为宗旨的科学启蒙课程."这既是科学课程的性质,也是科学课程的教学方向.在科学课程教学中,首先应注重学生科学意识的培养,使他们对科学产生浓厚的兴趣,在此基础上再突显科学知识的认知和科学技能的训练,并充分拓展学生的科学创新思维,使"科学性"在课堂教学中得到充分地体现.以此达到提高学生科学素养的目的.  相似文献   

地球科学是社会发展、人类生活所必需的基础科学。随着我国经济发展、社会进步、人民生活水平的提高,对资源、环境的关注日益提高,地球科学已成为社会发展、构筑新型社会的必需。中国公民对地学知识的了解、认知程度已成为影响社会发展的一个重要因素。本文选择首都地区部分重点院校本科生为调查对象,采用随机抽样方法,通过问卷分析、统计,得出以下基本认识:(1)非地学类院校学生的地学知识较地学类院校明显缺乏;(2)在非地学类院校中,大学教育几乎没有起到提升学生地学知识的作用;(3)绝大部分学生都希望开设地学类课程,其中大部分希望开设地学类选修课,这一点在非地学类院校中表现得更为突出等。  相似文献   

地学专业多元化实践教学模式的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实践实训教学环节是地学专业高质量人才培养的必备环节,是学生实现对地球科学符号理解、知识传承、能力培养和理念建构的基石。大力加强实践教学,探索高等教育大众化时期与创新型地学人才培养相适应的多层次、多渠道、全方位的多元化实践教学新模式,是地学类高校必须考虑的重要课题。本文根据地学专业人才培养的实际情况,分析了探索多元化实践教学模式的必要性,并详细阐述了以实践教学与理论课程、生产一线、科学研究、创新创业、社会民生相结合等"五个结合"为核心的地学专业多元化实践教学模式的内涵和构成。  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a randomized experimental design replicated over four semesters that compared students’ performance in understanding landform evolution processes as measured by the pretest to posttest score growth between two treatment methods: an online interactive simulation tool and a paper-based exercise. While both methods were shown to be effective at enhancing students’ learning of the landform concepts and processes, there was no statistically significant difference in score growth between the two instructional methods. However, the attitudinal survey indicated that students consistently favored the simulation approach over the paper-based exercise. With the simulation method, female students showed greater score growth than males, especially for test items requiring higher level thinking. This indicates that the visually rich interactive simulation tool may be integrated to better support female students’ learning in geoscience. Science major students generally outperformed non-science major students in terms of score growth, which suggests that background knowledge played an important role in realizing the potential of computer modeling in enhancing students’ learning. Sufficient scaffolding is necessary to maximize the effect of interactive earth surface modeling in geoscience education.  相似文献   

以地学实验中心新开设的公选课程--质谱分析的教学实践为基础,总结与思考为本科生开设大型精密仪器课程的经验与教训,阐明特别为本校学生制定的教学目标的理由及实现该目标所采取的步骤和措施,为以地学为主导的定量分析质谱仪课程开设提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

研究型教学对高校创新型人才培养具有重要作用。本文结合环境科学专业基础课程"环境地学"的学科特点,探析了在教学过程中如何通过对教学内容和教学方法进行改进,更好地渗入科研元素和探究式学习理念,有效培养学生的科研能力和创新能力。  相似文献   

The Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) technique allows students to be engaged in course material outside of the classroom by answering web-based questions. The responses are summarized and presented to students in class with a follow-up active learning exercise. College students enrolled in an introductory-level general education geoscience course were surveyed over a two-semester period on their engagement level during lecture and perceived learning of course content. Data show that students are able to reflect on their prior knowledge and construct new knowledge with weekly graded JiTT exercises. Despite increasing and competing pressures outside of the classroom, students reported increased learning and engagement in a course with required weekly assignments.  相似文献   

Virtual globe programs such as Google Earth replicate real-world experiential learning of spatial and geographic concepts by allowing students to navigate across our planet without ever leaving campus. However, empirical evidence for the learning value of these technological tools and the experience students gain by exploration assignments framed within them remains to be quantified and compared by student demographics. This study examines the impact of a Google Earth-based exploration assignment on conceptual understanding in introductory geoscience courses at a research university in the US Midwest using predominantly traditional college-age students from a range of majors. Using repeated-measures ANOVA and paired-samples t tests, we test the significance of the activity using pretest and posttest scores on a subset of items from the Geoscience Concept Inventory, and the interactive effects of student gender and ethnicity on student score improvement. Analyses show that learning from the Google Earth exploration activity is highly significant overall and for all but one of the concept inventory items. Furthermore, we find no significant interactive effects of class format, student gender, or student ethnicity on the magnitude of the score increases. These results provide strong support for the use of experiential learning in virtual globe environments for students in introductory geoscience and perhaps other disciplines for which direct observation of our planet’s surface is conceptually relevant.  相似文献   

Geoscience educational publications are reviewed in seven areas to identify future directions for curriculum development, professional development and research. The review shows that: effective teaching methods encompassing broad geoscience study still need extensive research; whilst some valuable materials have been developed for the teaching of systems approaches to geoscience, these need to be evaluated in different curriculum contexts; different methodologies for teaching spatial awareness in geoscience need to be more widely applied and researched; approaches for the effective teaching of geological time should be further developed and tested; there is much scope for the development and evaluation of approaches to geoscience fieldwork; geoscience misconceptions are widespread and need further identification and review; and studies of the effectiveness of professional development in geoscience education should be implemented more widely, including their impact in the classroom. The review indicates that geoscience education will progress most effectively through: extending geoscience learning to all children; educating teachers in effective implementation of new curriculum initiatives; evaluating the progress of the initiatives and using the results to refine them; and researching the whole process to demonstrate its effectiveness and to ensure wide dissemination on the basis of well‐founded research findings.  相似文献   

自然地理学是高等院校地球科学各专业的基础课。开展自然地理学通识教育旨在培养不同学科背景的学生以综合视角观察和认识地球表层的自然地理环境以及全球所面临的人地失衡、资源、环境、经济和社会问题,进而引导学生树立和谐人地共生关系的科学理念。通过系统梳理自然地理学通识教育课程存在的问题,从课程教学培养目的、课堂内容、教学方式与手段、考核方式、教师队伍建设等方面对课程教学改革进行有益探索。  相似文献   

“科技论文写作”是专业英语教学的重要组成部分,注重科研能力和外语写作能力培养。随着地质类相关专业对英文科技论文发表的需求增长,“科技论文写作”课程的重要性得到了广泛认可与加强。文章针对该专业学生出现的问题,授课内容上增加英文内容比例,教学模式上突出写作技能训练,考核方式上多样化考核标准,开设学期相对提前,多方面的探索将为学生从事地学科研工作奠定良好基础。  相似文献   

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