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Familial aggregation in physical activity.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purposes of this study were to (a) examine the stability and consistency of the Caltrac accelerometer (Hemokinetics, Madison, WI) and an activity record to assess physical activity in children and adults (Experiment 1), and (b) to determine if there is a relationship between parents and their children in physical activity level (Experiment 2). Thirty 5-9-year-old children and their biological parents wore Caltrac accelerometers for three consecutive days (including one weekend day). At the same time, parents completed a Caltrac Activity Record (CAL REC) for themselves and their child. Dependent variables were counts per day for the Caltrac and minutes of light activity and activity for the CAL REC. Between-day correlations for the Caltrac ranged from r = .73 to .87 for the parents (p less than .001) and from r = .38 (p less than .04) to .79 (p less than .001) for the children. An analysis of variance with repeated measures indicated no significant differences for the Caltrac between days for parents and children. Between-day correlations for CAL REC ranged from r = .67 to .91 (p less than .05) for parents and r = .36 to .72 (p less than .05) for children, and there were no significant differences between days. In Experiment 2, chi 2 analyses were used to examine familial resemblance in physical activity. Using the Caltrac, familial resemblance occurred in 67% (father and child) and 73% (mother and child) of the families. Using the CAL REC, familial aggregation was present in 70% (father and child) and 66% (mother and child) of the families.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   


The purposes of this study were to (a) examine the stability and consistency of the Caltrac accelerometer (Hemokinetics, Madison, WI) and an activity record to assess physical activity in children and adults (Experiment 1), and (b) to determine if there is a relationship between parents and their children in physical activity level (Experiment 2). Thirty 5–9-year-old children and their biological parents wore Caltrac accelerometers for three consecutive days (including one weekend day). At the same time, parents completed a Caltrac Activity Record (CAL REC) for themselves and their child. Dependent variables were counts per day for the Caltrac and minutes of light activity and activity for the CAL REC. Between-day correlations for the Caltrac ranged from r = .73 to .87 for the parents (p < .001) and from r = .38 (p < .04) to .79 (p < .001) for the children. An analysis of variance with repeated measures indicated no significant differences for the Caltrac between days for parents and children. Between-day correlations for CAL REC ranged from r = .67 to .91 (p < .05) for parents and r = .36 to .72 (p < .05) for children, and there were no significant differences between days. In Experiment 2, χ2 analyses were used to examine familial resemblance in physical activity. Using the Caltrac, familial resemblance occurred in 67% (father and child) and 73% (mother and child) of the families. Using the CAL REC, familial aggregation was present in 70% (father and child) and 66% (mother and child) of the families. Thus, children of active and less active parents exhibited physical activity patterns similar to their parents.  相似文献   

In this paper we present initial information concerning a new direct observation system-the Observational System for Recording Physical Activity in Children-Preschool Version. The system will allow researchers to record young children's physical activity levels while also coding the topography of their physical activity, as well as detailed indoor and outdoor social and nonsocial contextual information. With respect to interobserver agreement (IOA), the kappa and category-by-category agreement mean of those obtained for the three illustrative preschools were generally above .80. Hence, our IOA data indicated that trained observers in the three preschools frequently agreed on the eight observational categories and accompanying codes. The results for preschoolers' level of physical activity indicated they spent the majority of observational intervals in sedentary activity (i.e., more than 80% intervals) and were observed in moderate to vigorous physical activity much less frequently (i.e., 5% or fewer intervals). For the 15 indoor and 12 outdoor activity contexts, variability across both the activity contexts and the three preschools were evident. Nevertheless, three classroom contexts-transition, snacks, and naptime--accounted for the greatest porportion of coded activity contexts for the children. In the three preschools, 4 of 17 physical activity types--sit and squat, lie down, stand, and walk--accounted for the topography of much of children's physical activity behavior Systematic observation of more representative preschool samples might better inform our present understanding of young children's physical activity in community preschool programs.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests the development of fundamental movement skill (FMS) is a key factor in promoting long-term physical activity. Low levels of activity among preschool children and the relationship between physical activity and the development of fundamental movement skills underline the need to determine the factors associated with children's development of such skills. As parents play an important role in the socialization process, the aim of this study was to examine correlates of family and neighbourhood characteristics as well as parental behaviour and beliefs on FMS performance in 4- to 6-year-old preschool children. Relationships between preschool children's FMS performance and family contextual variables were examined within a sample of 846 preschool children. Results identified positive associations of FMS performance with parental education, father's physical activity, transport to school by bicycle, and the high value placed by parents high on sport-specific aspects of children's physical activity. Variables negatively associated with preschool children's FMS performance included father-child interaction in TV-viewing and reading books, the high importance placed by parents on winning and performance in children's physical activity. Furthermore, the ambiguity of associations between FMS performance and parental beliefs underlined its complexity.  相似文献   

在对学龄前儿童实施全面、和谐发展的教育时,必须把"体育"放在首要地位,以提高学龄前儿童的身体健康水平,增强学龄前儿童的体质,促进学龄前儿童的全面发展。文章主要从在教育活动中教育者对学龄前儿童应根据不同的活动内容采用不同的组织形式和不同的教学方法两方面进行阐述,如何激发学龄前儿童的体育兴趣,为学龄前儿童今后体、智、德、美全面发展奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

We assessed the relationship between young children's movement skills and their physical activity in early adolescence. Balance, agility, eye-hand coordination, and skinfold thicknesses in 207 Mexican American and Anglo American children (104 boys, 103 girls) were measured at ages 4, 5, and 6 years. Habitual physical activity was assessed at the age of 12 years by two interviewer-administered 7-day recalls. Ethnic differences in movement skills were not found. Young girls were better at jumping and balancing, and young boys were better at catching. Tracking of skills was low, and children's early childhood skills were not related to their physical activity 6 years later. Further studies involving additional movement skills and other populations are recommended to determine if enhanced movement skills in children promote subsequent physical activity.  相似文献   

为使学龄前儿童的社交退缩行为得到广泛的矫正乃至预防,迫切需要探索一种能适合学龄前儿童年龄特点、能在自然状态进行、乐于接受的方法,使学龄前儿童在不知不觉中得到矫正,社交退缩行为逐步消退.采用A1B1A2B2倒返实验设计,探讨由幼儿园体育教师编制并实施的学龄前儿童系列体育游戏是否能矫正学龄前儿童社交退缩行为.结果显示,被试在A1很少与人交往,在B1与人交往的时间经过一定反复逐渐增加,在A2与人交往的时间再度减少,在B2与人交往的时间增加;A1与B1、B2极显著差别.实验证明,学龄前儿童体育游戏可以矫正学龄前儿童的社交退缩行为.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity of the Tritrac-R3D Activity Monitor, a new instrument designed to improve assessments of physical activity. Comparisons were made with a heart rate monitor and with a Caltrac Activity Monitor. Thirty-five children (ages 9–11 years) were monitored on 3 different school days with all 3 instruments. The Tritrac was moderately correlated with the heart rate monitor (r =.58) and highly correlated with the Caltrac monitor (r =.88). By taking advantage of the minute-by-minute timing capability of the Tritrac and the heart rate monitors, it was discovered, that the correlations between these instruments were highest during free play situations (lunch/recess, recess, after school) and were lower when activity was more limited (class time) or structured (physical education). The ability of the Tritrac to assess activity on a minute-by-minute basis may greatly enhance its overall utility.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is describe the initial feasibility, reliability, and validity of an instrument to measure physical activity in preschoolers using direct observation. The System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time for Preschoolers was developed and tested among 3- to 6-year-old children over fall 2008 for feasibility and reliability (Phase I, n=67) and in fall 2009 for concurrent validity (Phase II, n=27). Phase I showed that preschoolers spent >75% of their active time at preschool in light physical activity. The mean inter-observer agreements scores were ≥.75 for physical activity level and type. Correlation coefficients, measuring construct validity between the lesson context and physical activity types with and with the activity levels, were moderately strong. Phase II showed moderately strong correlations ranging from .50 to .54 between the System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time for Preschoolers and Actigraph accelerometers for physical activity levels. The System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time for Preschoolers shows promising initial results as a new method for measuring physical activity among preschoolers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a valid and reliable tool for use in assessing motor skills in preschool children in field-based settings. The development of the Children's Activity and Movement in Preschool Study Motor Skills Protocol included evidence of its reliability and validity for use in field-based environments as part of large epidemiological studies. Following pilot work, 297 children (3–5 years old) from 22 preschools were tested using the final version of the Children's Activity and Movement in Preschool Study Motor Skills Protocol and the Test of Gross Motor Development (2nd Edition). Reliability of the Children's Activity and Movement in Preschool Study Motor Skills Protocol and interobserver reliability were determined using intraclass correlation procedures (intraclass correlation coefficients; ANOVA). Concurrent validity was assessed using Pearson correlation coefficients to compare the Children's Activity and Movement in Preschool Study Motor Skills Protocol to the original Test of Gross Motor Development (2nd Edition). Results indicated that test reliability, interobserver reliability, and validity coefficients were all high, generally above R/r = .90. Significant age differences were found. Outcomes indicate that the Children's Activity and Movement in Preschool Study Motor Skills Protocol is an appropriate tool for assessing motor development of 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old children in field-based settings that are consistent with large-scale trials.  相似文献   

以培育"核心素养"为价值取向,对符合时代要求的3~6岁幼儿运动游戏课程的目标体系进行了理论框架构建。研究认为,中国3~6岁幼儿运动游戏课程需紧密围绕体育与健康学科"核心素养"提出的"运动能力、健康行为、体育品德"这三大"核心素养"的教育目标,将幼儿分为3-4、4-5、5-6三个阶段,并在遵循幼儿身心发展特点的前提下,对每个阶段分别作出不同维度、详细具体的学习目标设计,即幼儿运动游戏课程所应达到的总目标、分目标和具体目标3个层级的目标内容,构成目标体系的理论框架,勾画出新时代新型健康幼儿的形象,规约幼儿园引导幼儿进行身体活动的方向、内容与方法。  相似文献   

目的:基于决策树模型探讨幼儿体质的影响因素及其交互关系。方法:募集学龄前儿童4621名(36~83月龄)。参照《国民体质测定标准手册(幼儿部分)》进行体质测试与综合评级(合格、不合格);问卷调查幼儿出生信息、育儿方式、静坐与身体活动、膳食营养、睡眠、父母情况6个一级指标下分的59个二级指标变量信息;采用IBM SPSS modeler创建CHAID决策树模型。结果:幼儿体质的重要影响因素排序依次为周末身体活动(PA)、周末静坐行为(SB)、性别、周末中-大强度身体活动(MVPA)、上学日PA、钙、上学日SB。决策树模型显示,根节点变量周末PA“>3 h/天”(95.35%)的幼儿体质合格率与“1~3 h/天”(91.43%)、“≤0.5 h/天”(85.43%)相比具有非常显著性差异(P=0.000)。周末PA“>3 h/天”的第2、3层叶节点变量分别为周末SB、上学日PA,“1~3 h/天”“≤0.5 h/天”的第2层叶节点变量均为性别。其中,“1~3 h/天”的3~5层叶节点变量包括周末与上学日MVPA、上学日SB、钙等。结论:周末PA是影响幼儿体质的最关键因素。幼儿周末PA应超过3 h/天的国际推荐量标准,并在此基础上减少周末SB时间、增加上学日PA时间。身体活动与静坐行为、性别、钙摄入等对不同层次类型幼儿的体质促进具有决策意义。  相似文献   


We investigated physical activity and encouragement for activity in a bi-ethnic cohort during recess. Activity and associated interactions of 287 children were recorded at preschool and again 2.2 years later. Children expended nearly twice as much energy at preschool recess than at elementary recess. Activity levels declined as recess time elapsed. At preschool, European-American children engaged in more moderate to vigorous activity than Mexican-Americans. As participants moved to elementary school, teachers' prompts to be active decreased and prompts from peers increased. Boys and girls received similar amounts of activity prompts at preschool, but prompts to boys increased over time. The findings suggest that school environments could be altered to promote healthful physical activity among young children.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is describe the initial feasibility, reliability, and validity of an instrument to measure physical activity in preschoolers using direct observation. The System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time for Preschoolers was developed and tested among 3- to 6-year-old children over fall 2008 for feasibility and reliability (Phase I, n = 67) and in fall 2009 for concurrent validity (Phase II, n = 27). Phase I showed that preschoolers spent >75% of their active time at preschool in light physical activity. The mean inter-observer agreements scores were ≥.75 for physical activity level and type. Correlation coefficients, measuring construct validity between the lesson context and physical activity types with and with the activity levels, were moderately strong. Phase II showed moderately strong correlations ranging from .50 to .54 between the System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time for Preschoolers and Actigraph accelerometers for physical activity levels. The System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time for Preschoolers shows promising initial results as a new method for measuring physical activity among preschoolers.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to develop a valid and reliable tool for use in assessing motor skills in preschool children in field based settings. The development of the CHAMPS (Children's Activity and Movement in Preschool Study) Motor Skills Protocol (CMSP) included evidence of its reliability and validity for use in field-based environments as part of large epidemiological studies. Following pilot work, 297 children (3-5 years old) from 22 preschools were tested using the final version of the CMSP and the TGMD-2. Reliability of the CMSP and interobserver reliability were determined using intraclass correlation procedures (ICC; ANOVA). Concurrent validity was assessed using Pearson correlation coefficients to compare the CMSP to the original Test of Gross Motor Development (2(nd) Edition) (TGMD-2). Results indicated that test reliability, interobserver reliability and validity coefficients were all high, generally above R/r = 0.90. Significant age differences were found. Outcomes indicate that the CMSP is an appropriate tool for assessing motor development of 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old children in field-based settings that are consistent with large-scale trials.  相似文献   

随着现代教育模式的提升,幼儿体能被学校和家长广为重视,为进一步提升幼儿体能,扭转现阶段教学活动中存在的重视智能开发,轻视体能锻炼的错误倾向,实现幼儿的健康及全面发展,需要通过一定方式对幼儿体能进行加强和提高。该文认为幼儿教师在教学环节,需要将智育与体育结合起来,不断增强幼儿的运动能力,促进幼儿全面均衡发展。该文以合作探究作为切入点,系统地分析幼儿体能锻炼方法,打造师生互动、亲子合作的体能锻炼模式,以期对提高幼儿体能方面起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   


The purpose of this research was to provide further evidence for the construct validity (i.e., convergent, concurrent, and discriminant validity) of the Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviour in Sport Scale (PABSS), an instrument that has four subscales measuring prosocial and antisocial behaviour toward teammates and opponents. We also investigated test-retest reliability and stability of the PABSS. We conducted three studies using athletes from a variety of team sports. In Study 1, participants (N = 129) completed the PABSS and measures of physical and verbal aggression, hostility, anger, moral identity, and empathy; a sub-sample (n = 111) also completed the PABSS one week later. In Study 2, in addition to the PABSS, participants (N = 89) completed measures of competitive aggressiveness and anger, moral attitudes, moral disengagement, goal orientation, and anxiety. In Study 3, participants (N = 307) completed the PABSS and a measure of social goals. Across the three studies, the four subscales evidenced the hypothesised relationships with a number of variables. Correlations were large between the two antisocial behaviours and small between the two prosocial behaviours. Overall, the findings supported the convergent, concurrent, and discriminant validity of the scale, provided evidence for its test-retest reliability and stability, and suggest that the instrument is a valid and reliable measure of prosocial and antisocial behaviour in sport.  相似文献   

目的以客观测量的体力活动水平为基础,分析不同持续时间活动的频率及其占总活动时间的比例,从而掌握学龄前儿童体力活动簇集特征。方法根据知情、自愿原则,在上海市杨浦和宝山2个区共招募306名学龄前儿童为受试者,通过连续7 d佩戴加速度传感器ActiGraph GT3X+测量其日常体力活动水平,在此基础上将每次体力活动按强度和持续时间进行分类,并统计不同持续时间的活动平均每天出现的频率及其占总累积活动的比例。结果共有146名受试者[男85名,女61名;平均月龄为(57.7±5.0)月]7 d测量数据均有效,被纳入最终统计分析。发现采样间隔为1 s时,学龄前儿童平均每次体力活动持续时间≤4 s,且70%以上的中等强度和大强度体力活动持续时间为2~3 s。结论学龄前儿童体力活动以持续时间较短的零星活动为主。为准确测量学龄前儿童体力活动,特别是中到大强度体力活动水平,宜采用较短的加速度传感器采样间隔(如3 s或更短时间)。  相似文献   

We examined psychometric properties of a Modified Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children (MPAQ-C). Thirty-two parents (Study 1), 40 students (6–9 years) and one of each student’s parents (Study 2), and 625 parents (Study 3) completed the MPAQ-C. The MPAQ-C (six items) measured children’s physical activity (PA) after school, and during evenings and weekends for 7 days. Test–retest reliability (Study 1) and convergent validity (Study 2) were measured. Factor validity of the MPAQ-C (Study 3) was examined using confirmatory factor analysis. A single-factor model of the MPAQ-C fit the data well (χ2 (9) = 42.78, < .001; comparative fit index[CFI] = .977; non-normed fit index [NNFI] = .962; root mean square error of approximation [RMSEA] = .079 [90% confidence interval {CI} = .057 to .11]), with good test–retest reliability, composite reliability (.80) and convergent validity. The factor loadings of MPAQ-C were invariant across fathers/mothers (Δχ2 (6) = 3.44, > .05). The MPAQ-C is a suitable parent proxy for measuring young Chinese children’s PA.  相似文献   

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