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丁业宏 《中学生英语》2013,(14):36-38,48
一、完形填空I’ll never forget the Christmas when I played Santa’s helper.Our son Alvin,who was six years old,1 a new sound system. "Please bring me a new stereo(立体声) so I don’t have to listen to my dad’s old 2," he told the mall Santa.Laura and I took note. On Christmas Eve,we placed Santa’s cookies and milk 3 the fire,tossed a few carrots on the roof for the reindeer,and 4 Alvin to sleep in our bed at the back of the house,5 the sound of Santa’s boots wouldn’t wake him.I had 6 a small workshop in the spare bedroom and spent the whole night putting together that stereo. 7,I took a break to move Alvin from our bed to his-he was afraid that Santa might think he wasn’t home and would forget  相似文献   

A few years ago,I was very weak in my lessons,especially in English.I didn't know how to change the situation.I was tired of English words,for I was often made to stay behind after school to learn the new words by heart.For a long time my English remained weak.  相似文献   

A Yesterday was our last meeting before Christmas.We put on some festive tunes and arranged a lot of Christmas foods.There was plenty of 1 and chatter!Ⅰsocialized with lots of different people. There seemed to be a little 2 to the event when we saw some families that heightens the 3 of having a loved one with dementia (痴呆).A few people 4 became teary and it brought home to me the 5 that my own grandfather won’t be here this Christmas.This was something thatⅠworried  相似文献   

A few years ago,I was very weak in my lessons,especially in English.I didn’t know how to change the situation.I was tired of English words,for I was often made to stay behind after school to learn the new words by heart.For a long time my English remained weak.Ididn’tbecomeinterestedinEnglishun-tilonedaymyfatherbroughtacomputerbackhome.ThecomputeropenedmyeyestotheInternet.HoweagerIwastosurftheIn-ternet.However,Icouldn’tunderstandanyEnglishinstructionsonthecomputerbecauseofmypoorEnglis…  相似文献   

A few years ago,I was very weak in my lessons,especially in English.I didn’t know how to change the situation.I was tired of English words,for I was often made to stay behind after school to learn the new words by heart.For a long time my English remained weak.Ididn’tbecomeinterestedinEnglishun-tilonedaymyfatherbroughtacomputerbackhome.ThecomputeropenedmyeyestotheInternet.HoweagerIwastosurftheIn-ternet.However,Icouldn’tunderstandanyEnglishinstructionsonthecomputerbecauseofmypoorEnglish.Youcouldn’timaginewha...  相似文献   

Christmas is the most important feast in New Zealand. Originally, it was a religious feast, but now it becomes a feast that every family has a reunion.Unfortunately, I would go back to Shanghai before Christmas this year. When I was wandering in the streets of Wellington, I was attracted and ap-  相似文献   

A gift left to herEarly in the morning,I was taken in a ny-lon bag into a truck.I felt horrible as well as1.What would she do with me?She wasalmost mad after the2of her husband.A few minutes later,I heard the truck3its engine and move fast.I kept makingsounds to show my protest,but failed to makeany4.Finally she put me down in a5place.Maybe she didn’t want me to die fromlack of air;she untied the bag.I6out and looked up,only to seemany strange faces and fingers pointing at me.It turned ou…  相似文献   

I feel funny that I' m writing this piece in the month of August. Right now, it's hot and muggy where l'm sitting and writing--the typical "sauna weather" I would say. But, l'm pretty sure that, by the time you folks read this piece, it'll be very close to the Christmas season again. In today's sweltering heat, let's chat about Christmas, what Christmas means and what people do during the Christmas season.   ……  相似文献   

The Giving Trees     
I was a single parent of four small children. Money was always tight, but we had a roof over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our backs, and if not a lot, always enough. My kids told me that in those days they didn't know we were poor. They just thought Morn was cheap I've always been glad about that. it was Christmas time, and although tilere wasn't money for a lot of gifts, we planned to celebrate with church and family, parties and friends, drive downtown to see the Christmas lights, special dinners, and celebrate by decorating our home. But the big excitement for the kids was the fun of Christmas shopping at the mall. They talked and planned for weeks ahead of time, asking each other and their grandparents what they wanted for Christmas. I dreaded it. I had saved S120 for presents. The big day arrived and we started out early. I gave each of the four kids a twenty dollar bill and reminded them to look for gifts about four dollars each. Then everyone scattered. We had two hours to shop; then we would meet back at the "Santa's workshop" display.  相似文献   

We crossed the river and arrived at the station, where I bought tickets while he busied himself seeing to my luggage. There being quite a bit of luggage, we have to pay the porters some money, only after that could we pass. Then he was also busy haggling with the porters over the price. How smarty I was in those days that I frowned upon the way father was bargaining. I was about to cut in a few words when he finally finished wrangling and agreed on the price.  相似文献   

教师的四重奏——教学·学教·教问·问教   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学、学教、教问与问教是教师生活中美妙的四重奏。教学在很大程度上是教问,没有教问就可以说算不上教学。这样,教师的一个前提性任务就是学教和问教,否则便难以承担有效的教学和教问的使命。  相似文献   

在新的形势下 ,如何冲破传统的教学模式 ,使“两课”教育更显活力 ,更具时代性、科学性、针对性和实效性 ,一直是高校“两课”教育从教人员所研究和探索的重点课题。本文从六个方面分析了当前社会转型期高校“两课”教育所面临的挑战 ,即说服力不够 ;导向力不够 ;制约力不够 ;影响力不够 ;渗透力不够 ;创造力不够。同时提出了加强高校“两课”教育的六大对策 :加强理论建设 ;深化方法论研究 ;重视学生的行为规范 ;拓宽教育引导的时空 ;引导学生追求高雅情趣 ;建立健全工作网络  相似文献   

高校体育院系学生健美操的教学能力需要培养 ,其内容包括制订编写教学文件能力、示范讲解能力、口令指挥能力、运动技能教学能力、教学组织能力、掌握理论及讲授能力、课外活动及训练能力、竞赛组织与裁判能力等八个方面  相似文献   

在当今知识经济时代,出现了一种对系统知识依赖程度极高的"知识型实践"。与这种实践形态对应的实践能力的形成过程,主要是一种灵活运用知识解决实际问题的过程。其基本环节包括:发现并确认问题、生成问题解决方案、实施方案、监控并调整方案以最终解决问题。为促进学生能灵活运用知识解决问题,知识学习过程应同实际生活情境密切沟通,以达到知识学习与知识运用能力的双向建构。知识运用与实践的能力培养,要求教学目标的定位、教学内容的呈现方式、教学过程与方法的组织等,均要做出相应的变革和调整。  相似文献   

实施工业反哺农业战略,是践行科学发展观的必然要求,是推进农村改革发展的重要举措,是全面建设小康社会的必由之路,是构建社会主义和谐社会的客观需要。日本长期以来依靠法律保护农业、依赖政策促进农业、依托农协支持农业。我国实施工业反哺农业战略,一要完善法律体系,强化以法保农;二要实施制度创新,加强反哺保障;三要推进新型工业,增强反哺实力。  相似文献   

Language is the tool of communication. English is a compulsory course for every student. English listening, as an essential part of English learning, is an effective way to obtain new information. But for many students, the most difficult part for them is listening. The paper aims to give some suggestions to the college English learners and to help them to improve their listening comprehension abilities. Such as: to strengthen language knowledge, to build up self-confidence, to use listening strategies, to learn western culture, and to listen extensively.  相似文献   

带虚构性的作文训练,有利于培养创造、创新素质的人才,有利于引发写作兴趣,有利于智力培养与发展,有利于培养学生主动学习的风气。途径主要有联结、逆反、类比、破除、移植等。  相似文献   

校长怎样增强领导能力,以更好地履行他们多方面的职责?需关注八个方面的主题,即心中有学生、做有学问的领导者、办事合乎道德、把对教学的领导放在首位、实施有效的管理、构建互信关系、知道期待什么、构建和谐的学校-社区伙伴关系。  相似文献   

高校学生教育管理工作现存问题及对策研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着社会主义市场经济的发展,当今社会对大学生的要求越来越高,它不仅要求大学生具有扎实的专业知识,而且要求大学生具有良好的身体和心理素质、较强的实践和动手能力。培养学生学会做人、学会求知、学会劳动、学会生活、学会发展。如何培养和造就高素质、创造性思维的人才,给我们的教育思想、教育观念、教育内容、教育方法等提出了挑战,也给高校学生教育管理工作提出了新的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

简要分析学生数学学科课业负担过重的原因,提出减轻学生过重课业负担,数学教师应从外部着眼,从教育内部着手,在学生数学学习过程中的读、听、做、思、考等方面寻找途径与策略。指导学生阅读,学会与数学文本对话,养成自学能力,终身受益;听记相辅,注重过程互动,深刻领会课堂教学内容;精选习题,突出求同求变,减轻繁重的作业负担;适当铺填,促进分析思考,将所学知识融会贯通,达到事半功倍的效果;缓解压力,回归考试本原,让学生把学习当做一件快乐的事情。  相似文献   

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