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As we increasingly recognize the social nature of technical communication, our responsibilities as teachers need to be redefined. Three levels of responsibility are suggested: at the theoretical level, we should study technical communication as a historically emergent social practice; at the pedagogical level, we need to incorporate social and historical perspectives into technical communication courses and curricula; at the level of social action, we should participate in defining and creating new sites of practice for technical communicators. Several suggestions are offered for helping students locate or develop alternative sites of technical communication practice.  相似文献   

我们可以从国家创新体系的组成,创新执行机构的分工,基础、应用和开发研究三阶段的比例构成,投资政策,尊重和保护知识产权的机制,依靠市场规律实施技术转移,发挥研究型大学的综合效应等方面来概述美国科技政策与实践,并分析由于经济基础、科技教育水平、社会制度和文化背景等因素影响而形成的中美科技政策差异,结合我国国情,即可发现:机制创新与科技创新同等重要;科技要发展,教育须先行,而且必须以人为本;同时要努力使高校教学科研两个中心形成良性互动,必须有所为,有所不为,强化关键科技领域的原创能力。  相似文献   

上海市高职高专院校职业发展教育工作在认识上处于感性向理性过渡阶段;硬件设施基本到位,内涵建设尚需加强;全程、全员重视的氛围有待形成;专业设置、教学实习、社会实践等环节职业发展教育渗透和体现不足;各校实施情况差距较大。作为一项系统工程,职业发展教育工作的开展需各方共同努力。尤其要提高认识,加强规划和专业建设,并尝试制定相关评估指标体系。  相似文献   

为适应建筑业发展形势和高职教育的需要,建筑材料课程作为建筑工程技术专业的专业基础课,应该为学生提供足够的建筑材料方面的基础知识,由于该课程具有很强的实践性,教学中应以实验教学和社会实践为主要手段,配合其它课的教学,达到培养适应建筑施工一线需要的工程技术应用性人才的目的。  相似文献   

大学生又称之为“天之骄子”,是一个备受社会青睐的群体,社会对大学生的期望值很高。大学生的人生价值实现问题不仅是一个个体问题,更是社会问题。要实现大学生的人生价值,就应该对人生价值进行评价。然后,从个人、社会、个人与社会的结合几个层面来考虑:在个体层面要明确个体的社会责任,树立责任意识;社会层面,大学生要立足社会,把个人价值的实现立足于社会价值的实现之上;当然,大学生最重要的是要及时践行。  相似文献   

Graduate education in technical communication should provide students with an expansive view of the field. Toward that end, we offer a three-dimensional framework that represents technical communication as a robust, diverse, complex whole. Although the framework aims towards coherence, it embraces contradiction. That is, the framework represents a totality but does not purport to be the only possible representation. Key to the framework is our belief that the gap between theory and practice can actually be productive. Almost all binaries encourage overly simplistic understandings. But we should not allow the goal of remediating the binary to close off the important tensions that can allow the field to advance. This very gap is actually one of the few sites in which new ideas and approaches can be forged.  相似文献   

当前校企共建科技服务平台应创新合作模式:一方面要了解共建科技服务平台的内涵;另一方面要分析平台运行的必要性及存在的问题。保障科技服务平台有效运行,需要从五个方面做起:一是要加强政府主导调控,建立相应保障体系;二是兼顾校企双方利益,激发双方合作驱动力;三是发挥校企双方优势,促进互补共赢;四是注重过程管理,完善运行机制;五是加强校企沟通,促进文化融合。  相似文献   

随着信息和通信技术的发展,新读写能力研究理论扩大了对读写能力概念的认识,认为读写能力不仅仅是中性的、技术性的认知技巧,更应该是个体参与社会过程中表达和交流的各种符号资源、知识类型和社会实践的综合运用能力。目前,新读写能力研究理论已广泛运用于教学活动中。国外新读写能力研究理论和实践对我国外语教学改革具有一定的借鉴意义和启示作用。  相似文献   

高职教育教学观念要与时俱进,符合社会进步的要求,明确高职教育教学的定位、目标、特点、结合高职院校实际,才能为地方经济建设培养大批"实用型"技术人才.深化高职教学改革,培养学生自主学习、科学学习、创造性学习的能力.  相似文献   

Communication is an important part of scientific practice and, arguably, may be seen as constitutive to scientific knowledge. Yet, often scientific communication gets cursory treatment in science studies as well as in science education. In Nature of Science (NOS), for example, communication is rarely mentioned explicitly, even though, as will be argued in this paper, scientific communication could be treated as a central component of NOS. Like other forms of communication, scientific communication is socially and symbolically differentiated. Among other things, it encompasses technical language and grammar, lab communications, and peer reviews, all of which will be treated in this paper in an attempt to engage on an empirical and theoretical level with science as communication. Seeing science as a form of communicative action supplements the epistemological view of science that is standard to both NOS and the philosophy of science. Additions to the seven NOS aspects on Lederman’s (Handbook of research on science education. Lawrence Erlbaum, Mahwah, pp. 831–879, 2007) list are put forward as well as preliminary thoughts on the inclusion of scientific communication into NOS instruction.  相似文献   

论职业技术教育的社会需求与个人需求   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
从社会价值、现实意义、社会需求多样化等角度探讨职业技术教育的社会需求,并提出职业技术教育的个人需求:提升人的求职能力,促进人的个性发展,人们需要优质的职业技术教育。从本质上说两个需求应保持一致,但在实践中却经常呈现矛盾,在调节矛盾中起主导作用的是政府。  相似文献   


The cascade model has been widely used as a means of reducing costs and maximizing benefits in large-scale teacher training. This article focuses on the first step in the cascade process, training the trainers, and argues that we need to integrate more social and cultural awareness into this area of training if the cascade approach is to succeed. It does so through reference to two projects in South Africa which used a 'cascade' approach to train trainers, one at secondary level and the other at primary level, and attempts to show not only why we should include such areas in our training, but how this can be done in practice.  相似文献   

In this study, a blended synchronous learning environment (BSLE) was designed from pedagogical, social and technical perspectives. It was created for a group of master's students to attend lessons in the classroom and at the same time allow a few of them to join the identical sessions using video conferencing from different sites. The purpose of the study was to describe the guiding principles for pedagogical, social and technical designs and specific strategies applied, and identify the students' learning experiences and perceptions of the environment. Results showed that the BSLE could extend certain features of classroom instruction to the online students and they had equivalent learning experiences. They also liked the flexibility and convenience of attending lessons via video conferencing. This study further found that smooth and clear audio communication, redesign of certain learning activities and the quality of audio were crucial for the BSLE to be useful in practice.  相似文献   

在古代中国,由于生产力水平的局限,不同时期社会经济、政治、军事发展的侧重点不同,反映到古代科技发展特点上,呈现出科学理论与技术发明的严重脱节:科学理论轻实践,技术发明重实用,两者不能有机统一。尽管有此缺陷,却不能否认古代科学技术的存在,要客观、公正地分析科技发展的时代背景造成的时代特点。  相似文献   

应用型人才能力结构分析与能力培养模式创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用型人才有工程型人才、管理型人才、技能型人才三种类型。每一种类型都对应着一个具体明确的生产实践环节,且有自己独特的知识结构和能力要求。新时期的应用型人才应该具备的能力主要有专业技术能力、表达能力、学习能力、合作能力、管理能力、创新能力、社会适应能力、人际交往能力、国际合作与交流能力、情绪情感调节能力。这些能力可以分为相辅相成的三个方面,即职业能力、社会能力和自我调节能力。应用型人才的能力培养模式可以概括为以综合素质为基础,以社会需求为导向,以职业能力为重点,以学用结合为途径和以解决问题的能力为核心的评价机制。  相似文献   

This article presents an antenarrative of the field of technical and professional communication. Part methodology and part practice, an antenarrative allows the work of the field to be reseen, forges new paths forward, and emboldens the field’s objectives to unabashedly embrace social justice and inclusivity as part of its core narrative. The authors present a heuristic that can usefully extend the pursuit of inclusivity in technical and professional communication.  相似文献   

高等职业教育必须密切关注社会需求,所以高职英语教学要适应学生,因材施教;要面向市场,因“用”施教,在语言训练和考试评价当中还要培养交流能力和合作精神。  相似文献   

通过对珠江三角洲社会工作机构的调查,发现广东高校社会工作专业毕业生在技术教育、价值教育、个人素养等方面存在一些问题;为了更好地回应社会需求,推动整个广东社会工作教育,作为高校应该以技术教育为本位,加强实践教学;以价值教育为核心,彰显专业特色;以课程改革为突破口,增强师资力量。  相似文献   


In this article, we build on arguments in risk communication that the predominant linear risk communication models are problematic for their failure to consider audience and additional contextual issues. The “failure”; of these risk communication models has led, some scholars argue, to a number of ethical and communicative problems. We seek to extend the critique, arguing that “risk”; is socially constructed. The claim for the social construction of risk has significant implications for both risk communication and the roles of technical communicators in risk situations. We frame these implications as a “critical rhetoric”; of risk communication that (1) dissolves the separation of risk assessment from risk communication to locate epistemology within communicative processes; (2) foregrounds power in risk communication as a way to frame ethical audience involvement; (3) argues for the technical communicator as one possessing the research and writing skills necessary for the complex processes of constructing and communicating risk.  相似文献   

陈瑛 《培训与研究》2007,24(6):85-86
高职院校新闻传播广告专业的实践教学应适应社会的需要。通过带领学生以承担企业横向课题为依托,开展社会实践,提炼出广告专业实践教学的思路、研究方法、主要观点,从而构建新的多雏度的实践教学模式。  相似文献   

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