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Shadow play, dubbed as “living fossil of Chinese arts”, dates back to the Spring and Autumn Period (771-475 BC), which has been evidenced by the carved leather silhouette unearthed in 1966 from No. 1 tomb of Chu in Wangshan Hill, Jiangling, central Hubei Province.  相似文献   

Li guojing and her teacher du jinfang despite of the hectic pace of modern life,there is always someone able to keep traditions alive,One example of such a steadfast soul is Li guojing,who has devoted her life to the survival-and revival of Peking Opera.  相似文献   

Sculpture and painting are all that Western art means while calligraphy is unique to China, which is an art form between philosophy and design art. It is more concrete and lively than philosophy, but more abstract than painting and sculpture. Calligraphy is the very core of Chinese culture and homeland for Chinese spirit. --Xiong Bingming, renowned sculptor, painter and art theorist  相似文献   

Tea was first discovered and drunk in China several thousand years ago and over the sweep of Chinese history drinking tea has developed to be part of Chinese culture and a reversible habit of Chinese people.With the spread of Chinese civilization,Chinese tea has been introduced to many countries across  相似文献   

Originating in the iSth century, Regong art is named after its birthplace—Tongren County in northwest China's qinghai Province. The area is known as Regong in Tibetan. As an influential school in Tibetan Buddhist arts, Regong art has evolved over the centuries from a simple reflection of the times, to the present, more elaborate, influences from the artists' surroundings.  相似文献   

<正>Gold and silver are rare and valuable metal with special luster. The use of gold by mankind can date back to the remote past. As early as 12,000 years ago, a...  相似文献   

Ancient Chinese metal art are represented by two styles:bronze wares in the Shang (C1700-C1100)and Zhou(C1100-256BC)dynasties and gold and silver wares in the Tang Dynasty(618-907AD).  相似文献   

On an early summer day of 1995 my wife and I viewed a painting exhibition on eight artists from South China at the Research Institute of Chinese Traditional Painting. After enjoying the nearly 100 painting masterpieces and walking out of the exhibition hall, I noticed a solo exhibition being held in the side hall. The 400-odd ink paintings of portrait and landscape in a freehand brushwork style immediately captured my attention.  相似文献   

Traditional handicraft art is part of the traditional culture of China and known as living fossils to record lives of ancient Chinese. There are various forms of traditional handicraft art in China, including ceramics, jade carving, ivory carving, cloisonne, lacquer carving, wood carving, gold and silver wares, shadow play, kites, lanterns,  相似文献   

Unlike most other calendars, the ancient Chinese calendar does not count years in an infinite sequence. Instead years have names that are repeated every 60years. Within each 60-year cycle, each year is assigned a name consisting of two components.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that Chinese invented the kite which represents their pursuit of better life. Inspired by flying birds, ancient Chinese scientist Mo Di .made a wooden bird after three years of research, but it broke only one day after the maiden flight, This wooden bird is considered China's earliest form of the kite.  相似文献   

Though master embroiderers like Shen Shou, Yang Shouyu and Ren Huixian passed away, their moral and artistic legacies remain as valuable assets for generations to come. Their extraordinary achievements in Suzhou-style embroidery and respectable pursuit of artistic perfection have had significant impacts on younger generations of embroiderers. Besides these master embroiderers, Xu Shaoqing is another master that should be remembered as a big name in the history of embroidery.  相似文献   

Whenever I passed by the Forbidden City, would be impressed by its dazzling and spectacular large roofs covered by glazed tiles. In past months when I shot photos of traditional craftsmanship of Beijing, I discovered interest in colored glaze, a time-honored skill included in the National-level Intangible Cultural Heritage List.  相似文献   

In celebration of "China Cultural Heritage Day", a comprehensive exhibition showcasing Chinese .shadow play masterpieces was held in June in the National Art Museum of China. Some 17,000 rare leather silhouettes used for shadow plays and collected by NAMOC was displayed for the first time in the history of NAMOC and shadow plays by folk troupes were presented in the museum for three days in order to give the audience an authentic taste of this timehonored art form.[第一段]  相似文献   

在中国化产业蓬勃发展时期,化在综合竞争力、外交、民生等领域的重要性愈发凸显,化产业、化贸易水平成为判定一个国家化发展程度的重要指标。目前,人民群众接受化产品的主要渠道不再是政府计划性的给予,市场为人民提供了更多化选择和消费空间。因此,发展化产业,构建秩序规范的化市场体系,促进更多优秀的化产品进入流通领域,保证人民的化消费权利,是化部门的责任。但是,我国化市场起步较晚,法规建设、管理机制、行业自律、市场运作等方面还不成熟,化市场中的知识产权保护问题、消费权益保护问题、企业公平竞争等问题依然存在,制约了我国化市场的健康发展。在这种情况下,化部一方面出台政策,鼓励和支持非公有制化企业的发展,调整化市场产业结构,优化市场资源配置,为化市场发展提供有利的政策环境,另一方面充分发挥政府的市场引导作用,为化企业推广、交流搭建桥梁。如化部主办的中国国际网络化博览会、中国国际音像博览会以及中国艺术产业论坛……都已经成为国际知名的品牌展会。举办展会活动,是政府部门向社会推介化品牌企业,扶植中国化企业参与国际竞争,扩大中国化及其产品的国际市场占有率,繁荣化市场的重要举措。  相似文献   

At this year‘s annual session of the Chinese People‘s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), China‘s top advisory body, some representatives suggested that the go vernment should act now to turn Chinese traditional festivals into legal holidays. Their proposals noted that traditional festivals such as the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Pure Brightness Festival have helpeal to unite the Chinese nation for hundreds of years and rendering them legal status would be critical to better preserving cultural heritage and promoting national values.  相似文献   

2011世界园艺博览会在西安2011世界园艺博览会4月28日至10月22日于西安浐灞生态区举办,会期178天。本次世园会主题系"天人长安·创意自然——城市与自然和谐共生"。"天",指自然;"人",指城市;"长安"是千年古都西安的历史名称,也是国家繁荣安泰的象征。"天人长安",意味城市与自然和谐共生;"创意自然",指在尊重自然和不破坏自然的前提  相似文献   

<正>Chinese culture is known for its obscurity,profundity and allusiveness.As the word "gourd"is homophonic with"fortune"and  相似文献   

Buildings, streets, squares, markets and other urban architectures, while forming the visible structure of a city, carry ample information on politics, society, humanity, science & technology and people of an era, thus shaping the memory of a city's history,  相似文献   

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