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学生在学习过程中发生迁移是常见的现象.根据作者在物理教学过程中出现的一些实例,例举了正迁移对学习的益处和负迁移对学生的干扰作用,并阐述了引导学生进行正迁移的教学措施.  相似文献   

心物关系是文学理论中一大问题,也是中国古代文论中的重要问题之一。这个问题在西方提出和解决是在14、15世纪文艺复兴以后,而中国则早在反映西周时期生活的《诗经》中就以"赋比兴"方法揭示了自然与人的文学关系。儒家提出"比德"说,道家提出"齐物"说,这两家都重视人与自然的诗意关系。经过长期的发展,刘勰的《文心雕龙.物色》篇提出了"心物宛转"说,既是对人的感情与自然景物文学关系的一次理论总结,又开启了唐以后的情景交融论。刘永济、徐复观、王元化三家结论基本一致,都认为"心物宛转"说的核心思想是"心境交融"或"心物交融"。论文在心理学意义上作出新的阐释,认为刘勰提出的从"随物以宛转"到"与心而徘徊",其旨义是诗人在创作中要从对外在世界物貌的随顺体察,到对内心世界情感印象步步深入的开掘,体现了由物理境深入心理场的心理活动规律。无论是"有我之境",还是"无我之境",都是诗人建构的审美心理场,"我"与景物已化为一体。因此,"心物宛转"说承前启后,在中国文论史上具有重要的地位。  相似文献   

迁移是一种心理现象,是指已获得的知识、技能、态度和方法对学习新知识、新技能的影响.学习的经验之所以能对后来的学习发生影响,是由于学生在新的学习中运用这种经验的结果,知识的应用与知识的迁移是有密切关联的.所以迁移是能力形成的重要环节.  相似文献   

The article addresses the contributions psychoanalytic theory, particularly its concepts of transference and counter-transference, can make to our understanding of reflexivity in intercultural education (IE). After the introduction, the article is organized into three parts. The first part is a psychoanalytic discussion that focuses on the concepts of transference and counter-transference. The second part elaborates on the concepts of transference and counter-transference by presenting examples through existing studies in the fields of multicultural and IE and psychoanalysis to illuminate what it would mean to psychoanalytically understand aspects of intercultural relations and reflexivity. In the third section, while contending that this article does not exclude other forms of reflexivity or delimit the danger of uncritically accepting the potentials for reflexivity, it offers the implications drawn from the discussions in the first and second sections by concluding that psychoanalysis is an area of inquiry that forces us to question how unconscious forces affect our interaction with students, the curriculum, and the meaning we give to teaching and learning experiences. The article concludes that reflexivity in IE can benefit from considering the effects of transference and counter-transference.  相似文献   

世界各国对单位犯罪处罚先后有转嫁制、代罚制、双罚制和混合制。转嫁制背离了罪责自负的原则,代罚制使刑事责任与犯罪主体分离,双罚制难以全面适应单位犯罪的实情,混合制便于因情制宜地处罚单位犯罪。对单位犯罪刑罚制度的创新:取消单位营业资格,限制营业活动,公布单位罪行,明确罚金刑,建立单位犯罪的缓刑制度。  相似文献   

语用翻译与语境关联   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
语用翻译是通过两种语言的对比 ,分别研究语用语言等效和社交语用等效的问题。语用翻译同语义翻译相对应 ,是一种等效翻译。它强调语言在使用中的转换 ,语境为其提供语义选择的线索。在翻译中为达到语用等效 ,译员必须在接受自然语言信息的过程中通过语境来寻找信息的关联。然后 ,再根据话语与语境的关联情况进行推理 ,求得语境效果。正确处理和理解语用翻译与语境的关系对语用研究以及对翻译研究有着极其重大的意义。  相似文献   


Psychoanalytic theory postulates that an individual's forgotten past can shape his or her behavior in the present. In psychotherapy, clients relive past conflicts and direct them toward their therapists in the present. This phenomenon, known as transference, is not limited to treatment considerations, but influences all interpersonal interactions. However, the professional literature has given minimal consideration to the importance of transference for understanding classroom dynamics. This and a companion article focus upon how transference shapes relationships between teachers and students by integrating narrative case studies with a literature review. However, the ideas and examples are thought to be relevant for all mental health and educational workers with children. The article provides an overview of transference concepts as they emerge in the context of clinical psychoanalysis and human development with implications for classroom life.  相似文献   

D章法结构是先由其移位、转位而形成节奏,再由各个节奏层层串联而形成一篇韵律的。因此约略就章法之"多、二、一(0)"结构,考察其移位、转位之情形,则所造成之节奏与韵律,就可以大致掌握。以移位、转位为范围,探讨它们在"多、二、一(0)"结构的作用,可见移位、转位在章法结构中的重要性。  相似文献   


Psychoanalytic theory postulates that an individual’s for gotten past can shape his or her behavior in the present. In psychotherapy, clients relive past conflicts and direct them toward their therapists in the present. This phenomenon, known as transference, is not limited to treatment considerations, but influences all interpersonal interactions. However, the professional literature has given minimal consideration to the importance of transference for understanding classroom dynamics. This and a companion article focus upon how transference shapes relationships between teachers and students by integrating narrative case studies with a literature review. However, the ideas and examples are thought to be relevant for all mental health and educational workers with children. The previous article provided an overview of transference concepts as they emerge in the context of clinical psychoanalysis and human development with implications for classroom life. This article centers on transference as it affects teachers and teaching, as it emerges through teachers’ behavior and their dreams, and how consultation and emotional education can become vehicles for professional education and personal change.  相似文献   

认知语言学的心理学基础是完形心理学。完形心理学家们认为整体的意义大于各部分相加之和,对部分的分析不能解释整体的某些特性。文章从此原理出发,探讨英语汉译中译者可能遇到的部分困难及解决方法,拟为译者提供一个全新的视角来看待翻译过程。翻译是语言转换的过程,当把完形理论运用到翻译的实践中时,一篇英语的翻译文章才能更好地体现出原文作者的思想。  相似文献   

In recent years, researchers in evolutionary psychology and anthropology have proposed that the distinctive nature of human cognition is the product of our evolution as social beings; we are born with “social brains” that enable us to manage complex social relationships in ways other animals cannot. I suggest that the concept of the social brain is potentially useful for understanding the dynamic, iterative relationship between individual and collective thinking, and the role of language in mediating that relationship. However, I argue that its current conceptualization is too narrow and individualistic; the concept should be redefined to take account of the distinctive human capacity for thinking collectively. I suggest that Vygotskian sociocultural theory offers a framework for this reconceptualization, which would then enable us to achieve a better understanding of the relationship between “intermental” (collective) activity and “intramental” (individual) intellectual activity and development. I use this theoretical base to propose three explanations for the observed effects of collaborative learning on individual learning and development.  相似文献   

Polly Haste 《Sex education》2013,13(5):522-534
This paper analyses data from a focus group conducted with a group of female pupils aged 13–14 to re-examine the assumption that pupils' negative assessments of sex and relationship education (SRE) should be understood only as a reflection of inadequate teaching. Focusing on the emotional aspects of their accounts, and the inconsistencies in their efforts to present a collective story of SRE, findings suggest that there are other ways in which such accounts can be read. Drawing on insights from psychoanalytic theory concerning the emotional aspects of learning and the teacher–pupil relationship, it is suggested that these accounts can also be understood as a result of transference. Using psychoanalytic understandings of the role of sexual learning in adolescence, findings reveal that pupils' relationships to SRE are complex and need to be understood as being tied up with internal struggles and anxieties about their own sexual development. This reading is presented as an additional perspective for teachers and is one that would benefit from further exploration.  相似文献   

This paper begins with a discussion of the optimal conditions for the provision of infant mental health services to infants and toddlers. It argues for the importance of the automatic provision of service at all levels of need. The pediatric setting is emphasized as the natural locus for the integration of such preventive services and as the first and often sole contact of parents and infants with professionals. The various kinds of possible service are delineated as are the sources of stress. It is suggested that the understanding of these factors should dictate the kind and level of response which might be most efficacious. Finally, some basic difficulties in establishing a working alliance with parents whose relationships with their infants and toddlers are developing very negatively are discussed. A framework for understanding some of these problems which may interfere with the parents' utilization of services is provided by employing the psychoanalytic concepts of transference and countertransference. The influence of these transference feelings on the relationship between parents and service providers of all kinds is emphasized and explored.  相似文献   

College sutdents may present complex mentoring relationships with professors which reflect unresolved developmental issues that may become a primary focus in therapy. Contemporary Self Psychology theory (Kohut, 1971, 1977, 1984, 1985, 1987) is applies to the student/professor mentoring relationship as a basis for understanding how the student unconsciously uses the professor as a selfobject to : (a) fulfill unmet archaic needs, and (b) achieve greater personal and professional maturity. The mentoring relationship may parallel various tranference patterns of a narcissistic nature (idealization, mirroring, and twinship) reflecting early childhood deficits. Therapists working with students in mentoring relationships may find it useful to identify transference patterns as a basis for examining and helping students resolve developmental issues.  相似文献   

本文通过对报纸副刊与新闻文学的发展历程及其关系进行研究,考察了报纸副刊的转型对新闻文学的影响,分析了报纸副刊的出路和新闻文学的处境,提出了只有坚守先进文化的阵地不动摇,高举新闻文学的大旗不动摇,才能确保报纸副刊与新闻文学的稳定、繁荣与发展。  相似文献   

The author's experiences as an online student are presented as a case study to examine the relationship between interaction, reflection and learning in distance education. Reflection as a dimension of experiential learning theory is summarised and examples of its use in distance education are discussed. Recommendations for course design that promotes the understanding of theoretical issues through personal experience are proposed.  相似文献   

认知语言学以完形心理学作为心理学基础,认为整体的意义比各部分相加之和要大,部分的意义相加不足以解释整体的一些特性。基于该理论,探讨在科技馆英语翻译中译者可能遇到的常见问题并提出解决方法,拟为广大科技馆翻译工作者提供一个全新的视角来看待翻译过程。  相似文献   

美、德、日三国大学教师流动制度的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师是一所大学人才的核心,是最为重要的人力资本。美国、德国和日本在大学建设过程中,逐渐认识到教师流动制度对大学生存和发展的重要意义,并形成了各自的制度模式。美国的垂直流动主导型模式通过垂直流动,使高等教育分层显著,对我国探索建立大学教师流动制度以及建设世界高水平大学具有借鉴意义,而日本兼职流动主导型模式不能从根本上改变高等教育资源分布的静态特征,只能是我国建立教师流动制度的过渡选择。  相似文献   

本指出了译界所存在的对翻译实质认识上的“误区”,认为翻译研究不应只是定位在对双语转换的研究上。中以实例说明多语转换不仅有存在的合理性,而且也促进了世界各大、小语种优秀化的互动交流;同时也指出了多语转换过程中可能出现的“译事之难”。中认为,多语转换研究应成为翻译理论研究的重要组成部分;译论研究应共同商讨、努力探索多语转换现象以发现多语转换原则。  相似文献   

In a commentary to Kane, Tryon and Halligan, the factors challenging the novice therapist's practice of psychoanalytic psychotherapy in a college counseling center are discussed. Trainees may find it arduous to apply theory to grasp the complexities of transference and countertransference. A useful method to help trainees identify transference is listening for themes and relationship patterns as a central focus for therapy.  相似文献   

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