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The South Central Regional Medical Library Program, Region IX in the national network of medical libraries, was one of the last to be organized and funded. The particular makeup of this organization has permitted a good deal of flexibility in the identification and implementation of various types of network services and activities. The following is a brief account of some of these network functions during the first five years relating the successes and failures in network strategies and describing the further evolution of programs and refinement of a regional plan which will advance network services.  相似文献   

bioRxiv was founded on the premise that publicly posting preprints would allow authors to receive feedback and submit improved papers to journals. This paper analyses a number of trends against this stated purpose, namely, the timing of preprint postings relative to submission to accepting journals; trends in the rate of unpublished preprints over time; trends in the timing of publication of preprints by accepting journals; and trends in the concentration of published, reviewed preprints by publisher. Findings show that a steady c.30% of preprints remain unpublished and that the majority is posted onto bioRxiv close to or after submission – therefore giving no time for feedback to help improve the articles. Four publishers (Elsevier, Nature, PLOS, and Oxford University Press) account for the publication of 47% of bioRxiv preprints. Taken together, it appears that bioRxiv is not accomplishing its stated goals and that authors may be using the platform more to establish priority, as a marketing enhancement of papers, and as functional Green OA, rather than as a community‐driven source of prepublication review.  相似文献   

In describing the Renaissance-style publisher of the 1990s, this article emphasizes the craft and skills needed to maintain quality. Ian Montagnes suggests that these skills must now be taught formally, rather than by apprenticeship. He also describes one such training program that he has conducted for editors in developing countries. Ian Montagnes is assistant director and editor-in-chief of the University of Toronto Press. He has served continuously as either associated editor or editor ofScholarly Publishing: A Journal for Authors and Editors since its inception in 1969. He has also been active in the Canadian and American associations of university presses and the Society for Scholarly Publishing  相似文献   

前言 档案是国家机构、社会组织以及个人从事政治、经济、科学、文化等各方面活动直接形成的对国家和社会有保存价值的历史记录,是国家信息资源的重要组成部分.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to determine the comprehensiveness and composition of university library holdings of marketing journals for three types of university library holdings of marketing journals for three types of institutions: schools that offer a doctoral degree program in marketing; non-doctoral degree programs in marketing offered at schools accredited by the AACSB; and non-doctoral degree programs offered at non-AACSB accredited schools. The results offer useful information for university librarians and marketing educators responsible for making journal acquisition and discontinuation decisions.  相似文献   

Serials, one of the more complicated areas of library technical endeavors, has lacked the benefit of standards for a long time. Even now, with standards beginning to be available, the majority of institutions are not working within standard serials formats. A survey to determine the use of serials standards in libraries was conducted in 1988 by the American Library Association, Resources and Technical Services Division, Serials Section, Committee to Study Serials Standards. In the spring of 1988 a survey was sent to a group encompassing the Association of Research Libraries members, CONSER participants, United States Newspaper Program participants, Microform Project libraries, and some vendors and librarians who attended the Committee meetings on a regular basis. The survey questionnaire assessed the current level of serials standards awareness of librarians and vendors. Topics included the type of serials systems used, standards relevant to serials control and union listing and whether or not they are implemented, types and levels of training staff received in the application of standards, benefits of the standards, and areas where standards are most needed.  相似文献   

雨飞 《北京档案》2005,(3):16-17
2月11日至24日,"百年老照片精品回顾展"在中国建筑文化中心建筑展览馆隆重展出,共有来自全国1000多家档案馆的5000幅珍贵老照片在展览中亮相,吸引了近2.4万名观众前去参观.此次展览经国家档案局批准,由中国档案报社和爱都文化传播有限公司集合全国各级国家档案馆联合推出.老照片如此大规模、成系统地展出,在国内尚属首次.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether adding an educational component to visualization (a procedure designed to reduce public speaking apprehension) increases the effectiveness of visualization. These data indicate that combining visualization and education is superior to either education or visualization alone or a no treatment control group in reducing self‐reported public speaking apprehension.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 利用期刊零被引率对国内图书情报学期刊的零被引现状进行定量分析,并探究论文零被引的一些原因。[方法/过程] 在参考前人研究成果的基础上,提出期刊零被引的计算方法,利用中国引文数据库和中文社会科学引文数据库的数据计算国内14种图书情报学期刊的零被引率。[结果/结论] 研究发现:①14种期刊的零被引率整体较低,反映出这些期刊上的论文大部分被研究人员所引用;②根据13种期刊零被引率分布状况,可以将其分为"锯齿型"、"W型"、"下滑型"3种类型。③论文零被引的主要原因是选题太偏和有些研究主题不属于图书情报学领域。虽然研究了国内部分图书情报学期刊零被引情况,但研究方法和一些研究结论对于其他学科期刊的零被引研究有一定借鉴意义,同时对期刊评价等方面的研究也有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

一八九四年(清光绪二十年),爆发中日甲午战争,中国战败。一八九五年四月十七日,丧权辱国的《马关条约》正式订立。割让辽东半岛、台湾全岛及其附属岛屿以及澎湖列岛等地给日本,并赔款二万万两白银。  相似文献   

就目前的态势而言,中国期刊管理部门的职能和地位比较独特,它(们)要监督国家宏观调控政策的实行,制定与之相关的具体条文,掌握政策方面的逐步放开的节奏和空间,还要针对原有的基点、长期的传统和新的国内外变化,协调与处理行政性保护与市场因素之间的关系。本文以上世纪80年代以来、尤其是近10左右的时间为维度,以改革开放和国外期刊业的各种影响为背景,侧重于几个方面,对中国期刊管理的动态演变问题做一阐述和分析。  相似文献   

This study examines sixth through tenth graders’ open‐ended responses to television's influences on their lives. Results suggest that there is little evidence of clearcut positive or negative interpretations of the medium's influences. Students identified a wide variety of both positive and negative effects of the medium, demonstrating a multifaceted understanding of the role of the medium.  相似文献   

网络技术的发展、服务理念的改变及用户群体的新特征催生了基于数字图书馆发展的一种新服务模式——移动图书馆.目前该领域研究较粗浅,远未触及移动图书馆的根本.通过对国内30所“211工程”院校图书馆开展移动信息服务的实例分析,指出阻碍其发展的制约因素,并提出相应对策及展望.  相似文献   

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