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This study investigates the relation between students' tendency to self-regulate their level of motivation and other aspects of their self-regulated learning and achievement. Ninth- and tenth-grade students (N = 88) responded to survey items designed to assess five motivational regulation strategies identified in previous research. An exploratory factor analyses of these items revealed distinct, internally consistent scales reflecting the strategies of Self-Consequating, Environmental Control, Performance Self-Talk, Mastery Self-Talk, and Interest Enhancement. Self-report measures of effort, use of six cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies, and teacher-reported grades were also collected. Findings revealed mean level differences in students' reported use of the motivational strategies. In addition, results from a series of multivariate regressions indicated that students' use of motivational regulation strategies could be used to predict their use of learning strategies, effort, and classroom performance. As a whole, findings support the belief that motivational self-regulation should be integrated more completely into current models of volition and self-regulated learning.  相似文献   

Conceptions of learning were investigated in three studies. Study 1 piloted a modified version of Purdie and Hattie's (2002) Conceptions of Learning Inventory (COLI-I) with 236 secondary students. Multilog analysis was used to remove items with poor measurement characteristics. Study 2 used a nationally representative sample of 701 New Zealand secondary school students who completed the COLI-II. The measurement model had marginally acceptable fit. Study 3 consisted of 608 secondary students who completed a slightly revised COLI-III and provided standardised academic reading and mathematics achievement data. The Study 2 and 3 samples were found to have configural invariance and the structural model mapping students' conceptions of learning onto their academic achievement had acceptable fit. The conception that learning is a duty predicted lower achievement and the conception of learning as continuous predicted higher achievement. This is the first study to empirically demonstrate a direct relationship between learning conceptions and academic outcomes in the secondary sector.  相似文献   

本文运用问卷调查、访谈、观察等方法,探查了焦虑程度对高中生化学学习中记忆的影响.结果表明,焦虑异常会影响记忆的信息量,会导致记忆偏向,焦虑程度不同的学生在化学学习中记忆策略也有差异.  相似文献   

初中学生数学自主学习及其与数学成绩的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全面分析学生自主学习的心理结构,确定包括成就目标定向、学习兴趣、学习价值观、学习效能感和学习策略等五个分量表的自主学习测量问卷,信效度良好,对学生数学学业成绩有良好预测作用.以此作为评价工具实际测查和分析新课程背景下初中学生数学自主学习状况及其与数学成绩的关系.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship of school ethical climate and students' school performance within the context of a Chinese high school. Gender and grade‐level differences in ethical climate perceptions were also explored. Survey data on perceptions of school ethical climate based upon the dimensions of student‐to‐teacher, student‐to‐student and teacher‐to‐student interactions and relationships were obtained from 754 students. Results of the study showed that students' perceptions of their high school's ethical climate were related to academic achievement, gender and grade level. Students' involvement in extracurricular activities and student leadership generally did not seem to relate to their perceptions of ethical climate. Based upon these findings, the school's moral education intervention programs should increase their focus on the area of teacher‐to‐student relationships and interactions and the subgroups of male students, students in higher grades and students with lower academic achievement. Implications for future research on school climate are also discussed.  相似文献   


In this article we analyse the interaction between a high school chemistry teacher and her students from two different classes, emphasizing how emotions, affects and feelings contributed to, or obstructed, the dynamic of interactions. The data come from an ethnographic research approach and include videotapes of the lessons, interviews and field notes. Using the distinction introduced by Damasio between primary and secondary emotions, and between emotions and feelings, we describe how the background feelings emerged in different ways in the two classrooms. In class B, the relationships were constructed in a friendly way from the very beginning. The positive emotions that contributed to raising positive background feelings occurred in a high number and frequency. In class A, the picture was completely different, with a higher number and frequency of negative emotions. Thus, emotions and background feelings that were constructed differently in each classroom were at the heart of the different outcomes in terms of attitudes towards chemistry that arose in the two classrooms. In the paper, we also discuss the implication of this kind of analysis for science teaching generally.  相似文献   

The sequence of the three phases of two high school learning cycles in chemistry was altered in order to: (I ) give insights into the factors which account for the success of the learning cycle, (2) serve as an indirect test of the association between Piaget's theory and the learning cycle, and (3) to compare the learning cycle with traditional instruction. Each of the six sequences (one n o d and five altered) was studied with content and atritudc measures. The outcomes of the study supported the contention that the normal learning cycle sequence is the optimum sequence for achievement of content knowledge.  相似文献   

高中化学是一门实践性与综合性较强的学科,因此在教学活动中合理运用合作学习模式,能有效提高高中化学教学的有效性,对学生的合作意识与创新能力的培养也有积极作用,能很大程度的促进学生的全面发展。本文就对合作学习模式在高中化学教学中的运用进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   

高中化学必修课的教学是一个全新的领域,要求教师拥有全新的理念,运用各种先进的教学手段和教学方法,以进一步提高学生的科学素养,激发学生学习化学的兴趣,尊重和促进学生的个性发展。教师除了对化学必修课的教学在每节课的备课、上课、作业、辅导和考试力求做好外,更重要的是提高学生在高中化学必修课学习中的参与度。  相似文献   

《关于深化考试招生制度改革的实施意见》(以下简称《意见》)明确了考试招生制度改革方案,总体来看,考试制度改革的任务主要是促进教育公平和增强学生自主选择权,并未为单科的改革提供具体要求。但是,大量的调查数据显示:语文学科教学方向的变革已经围绕着"传统文化"、"生活实际"、"独立思考"和"个性发展"等关键词展开。可以说,考试制度改革与高中语文教学方向的变革同时进行着,并且随着考试制度改革的深化,高中语文教学方向的变革将会成为考试制度改革明文规定的一部分,因为政策的不明朗已经成为阻碍语文教学发展的"拦路虎"。  相似文献   

师生关系是教育活动中最基本、最活跃也是最重要的人际关系系统。近年来对师生关系的研究也成为教育学和心理学领域研究者所关注的重要课题之一,但从起研究方法上来看,描述性的研究较多,实证研究相对来说偏少。本研究将采用问卷调查法对普通高中270名学生进行调查,探讨高中生师生关系的现状及其对英语学科学习动机的影响。  相似文献   

中学化学实验,处于化学教育的核心地位。在高中化学的教学中,如何使高中化学实验有益于发展学生的科学素养,关系到化学课程改革实现的关键。本文就这一问题进行系统分析。  相似文献   

2006年秋季,天津市高中年级开始了人教版新教材化学必修1、2模块的教学。在新课程的教学,教师的困惑和问题主要有:学时管理的落实;教师不适应新教材体例的变化;转变教学方式等六大问题。针对以上问题,提出了四点对策和建议,一是准确理解高中化学必修模块的功能定位与教学目标;二是全面理解教材结构,准确把握必修模块的教学要求;三是深入研究教材中知识呈现主线,合理重组教学内容;四是以科学探究作为突破口,优化学生的学习方式。  相似文献   

A survey of 2000 final year students in secondary schools in Western Australia indicates that, although moderately performing students are unlikely to gain entry to university, the majority have a strong preference to attend university rather than vocational training (TAFE). Their actual institutional preferences are highly correlated with their self-perceived, level of academic achievement and their decisions on institutional preferences strongly influence their overall image of individual universities, across a number of dimensions. The research suggests that university marketing might benefit from a more thorough consideration of aspects of the marketing exercise, particularly in relation to the effectiveness of printed promotional material and whether it might more usefully target parents of prospective students.  相似文献   

The presentation of sophisticated atomic theory (quantum mechanics) in secondary chemistry texts is not accompanied by sufficient evidence or applications to promote its rational acceptance as determined by a model of conceptual change. Eight secondary chemistry texts were analyzed for four elements associated with a conceptual change model: dissatisfaction, intelligibility, plausibility, and fruitfulness. These elements were not present in sufficient quantities to promote conceptual change, i.e., to have quantum mechanics rationally accepted over simple atomic models such as the Bohr theory. Recommendations include modifying future textbooks to include conceptual change elements; having secondary chemistry teachers emphasize these elements beyond the presentation in their textbooks; and using the conceptual change model to analyze other instructional materials, especially those presenting scientific theories. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 34: 535–545, 1997.  相似文献   

通过对化学教学观察性的研究和初步的教学实验研究发现:在学习内容上,场独立性学生比依存性学生更善于学习较为抽象的理论知识;在学习能力上,场独立性学生在自学能力、实验设计能力上表现更佳;对教学方式的适应性上,场独立性学生适应能力较强,计算机辅助教学方式不利于场依存性学生的学习。综观研究结果可见:学生的认知方式虽是习惯化的方式,但不是固定化的方式。教师可以针对学生的差异变换教学策略,促进学生的学习。  相似文献   

The study aimed to determine if students in a redesigned course, firstly, hold different perceptions of the assessment demands and, secondly, adjusted their learning strategies towards deeper learning. Contrary to expectations, the students in the original assignment-based (ABL) course (n = 406 students) adopted more deep- learning strategies and less surface-learning strategies than the students in the problem-based (PBL) course (n = 312 students). Although both course format as well as assessment clearly differed in the two conditions, this has not resulted in different perceptions of the assessment demands. Additionally, the results show clearly that the students who express their intentions to employ a certain learning strategy perceive the assessment demands as such and actually employ a related learning strategy.  相似文献   

学习知识时存在相关的"相异构想"是学习过程中出现思维障碍、形成教学低效率的原因之一.本文就高中学生形成相异构想的原因、对学习科学概念和规律带来的困难以及高中化学教学应采取的策略作一探讨.  相似文献   

通过对浙江省某重点高中256名学生进行问卷调查,探究了学习策略与自主学习能力之间的相互关系。双变量相关分析发现,英语学习策略与自主学习能力之间的相关性较高;多元线性回归分析显示,在六个学习策略维度中,只有情感策略、社交策略和记忆策略对自主学习能力具有较强的预测力;英语学习策略与自主学习能力所建立的递归模型具有较好的拟合度。基于研究结果,尝试为高中生学习策略的培养以及提高其自主学习能力提供一些参考。  相似文献   

为考察农村初中生学习倦怠与学习毅力的关系,本研究通过对宜宾市368名农村初中生的调查,运用SPSS19.0对数据进行处理,结果表明:(1)农村初中生学习倦怠与学习毅力均处于中等水平;(2)农村初中生学习倦怠与学习毅力显著负相关,学习倦怠感越低学习毅力越强;(3)农村初中生学习倦怠能显著负向预测学习毅力,学业疏离维度对学习毅力有最大负向预测作用。  相似文献   

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