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非严格条件意义的条件句,从交际角度看,其目的不是要述说某种条件联系,而是想借助于条件表达法达到某种表达效果。与传统上根据语法规范界定IF条件句类别的方法不同,通过针对以往的研究与描写所忽略的非严格意义条件句进行语用分析,我们试图从语用角度重新探讨非严格意义条件句的分类,使用到理解、翻译的过程。这可使我们更加清楚地了解非严格意义条件句的本质,同时也为我们在日常交际中正确使用和理解非严格意义条件句提供新的依据。  相似文献   

文章对比了泰国学生中介语语料与汉语母语者语料中差比句的使用情况,分析了泰国学生差比句习得的特点和偏误类型。研究发现,泰国学生中介语语料与汉语母语者语料中各句式的使用频次不完全一致,使用频次与正确使用频率也不完全一致;泰国学生汉语差比句偏误率较高,偏误类型复杂多样,其主要原因在于汉泰语"比/■"字句在形式和功能意义上错综复杂的对应关系和对应"空缺"。文章最后提出了针对泰国学生汉语差比句的教学策略,确定了有"泰国特色"的差比句教学难度等级序列。  相似文献   

After acknowledging the general ignorance concerning the changes which occur in American undergraduates who study off-campus, either domestically or internationally, the authors describe various studies which have attempted to assess off-campus educational experiences. These research efforts may be categorized in two types: (1) those which used existing, standardized instruments; and (2) those which used locally designed instruments. Yet both kinds of studies are found wanting. A new instrument, currently being tested, “The Individual Opinion Inventory”, is designed to locate affective levels of perceptual change in those American undergraduates studying off-campus, either in the US or abroad.  相似文献   

This paper considers the importance of contextual factors which impinge on career guidance activities and their outcomes. It then seeks to identify and clarify definitional and measurement issues, and considers the types of outcomes which are considered desirable and can be identified. Following a discussion of the types of outcomes which are commonly addressed, and the criteria attached to those outcomes, it assesses the various methods of measuring outcomes which are, or might be, employed. It next reviews the existing evidence on the outcomes from career guidance. Finally, the implications of the discussion for both policy and future research agendas are addressed.  相似文献   

Although graduate teaching assistants [GTAS] play an important role on most American university campuses, and despite the fact that the GTA experience is often the only formal professional training that faculty receive, little is known about how GTAS are prepared for their role. One of the most enigmatic processes related to GTA role development is that of socialization. This paper reports the results of a study examining the types of messages that new GTAS receive about their role and the manner in which particular types of communication strategies are used to cope with inconsistencies and conflicts among those messages. It was found that GTAS are exposed to thematic messages about what it means to be a GTA, that they experienced difficulties when attempting to use those messages to guide behavior and decision‐making, and that information‐seeking strategies were used in response to the specific types of problems that were experienced.  相似文献   

广东省西江流域新石器时代考古学文化包括有洞穴、台地、贝丘、山冈4种不同类型的遗址.它们因所处地理环境不同,加之时代略有早晚和文化传统有别,从而使其生产生活方式和经济形态产生差异.这种差异是当时人类为达到某种目的而主动去选择居住环境造成的结果.  相似文献   

教育机会从其提供者的情形来看,可以分为两类:社会提供的教育机会与非社会提供的教育机会。非社会提供的教育机会比较复杂,主要包括:天赋提供的教育机会、家庭提供的教育机会、运气提供的教育机会、个人努力提供的教育机会,等等。天赋、家庭、运气、个人努力等提供的教育机会,皆属私人权利,是教育机会享有者的个人权利。社会,主要通过政府提供的教育机会,则与天赋、家庭、运气、个人努力等提供的教育机会根本不同,它属于公共权利,是全社会人人均应享有的"人权和幸福"。  相似文献   

Regression analyses were conducted on environmental determinants of two types of higher education spending. As hypothesized, those states which were able to expend large amounts of money per full-time student were not the same states who spend generously in relation to the college-age population.  相似文献   

近年来,伴随着我国高等教育的大众化的实现,本科教育类型日趋多样化,其中技术类本科院校的发展逐渐受到重视,围绕如何发展技术类本科院校的问题,学术界争论不断。因此,首先追溯技术教育的发展历史,通过比较工程教育与技术教育,进而阐明技术类本科教育的基本特征,最后从人才培养模式的角度探索技术类本科院校的改革与发展的问题。  相似文献   

中东是一个民族矛盾尖锐、复杂的地区,本文通过类型分析的方法认为中东的跨界民族有4种类型:第一种是两边都是祖国的跨界民族;第二种是没有祖国的跨界民族;第三种是一边是祖国的跨界民族;第四种是两个民族共聚一个国家的跨界民族。中东的跨界民族在世界上具有典型意义,对中国跨界民族的研究具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

相互作用分析理论及其对优化课堂气氛的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
相互作用分析理论是一种成熟的人际交往分析工具,其三种自我状态、四种人生态度和两种交往方式的观点对教师优化课堂气氛具有借鉴作用。教师可以通过协调自我状态,引导学生学习;树立"我行——你也行"的人生态度,尊重学生个性;平行交流,建立良好的师生关系等来营造积极的课堂气氛。  相似文献   

八府塘是南京的一个老地名,近代以来,八府塘一带先后诞生过许多不同类型的学校,见证了南京乃至全国教育格局的沧桑巨变,试述其变迁简史。  相似文献   

With increased demands for various types of assessments-from the class- room use of individual student results to international comparisons-has come an expanded desire to use assessments for multiple purposes by linking results from distinct assessments. There is a desire to make comparisons from results on one assessment with those of another (e.g., the results from a state assessment vs. the results on a national or international assessment). The degree to which desired interpretations and inferences are justified, however, depends on the nature of the assessments being compared and the ways in which the linkage occurs. Five different types of linking (equating, calibra- tion, statistical moderation, prediction, and social moderation) are distin- guished. The characteristics of these types of linking, their requirements for the assessments being linked, and the comparative inferences they support are described.  相似文献   

The delivery of supervision skills to those who direct counselors through practicum is not well defined in the counseling literature. This article addresses that issue by presenting a model for identification and training of those skills, the roles in which the skills are demonstrated, and the types of choices or discriminations that are necessary to make in tutoring trainees through the counseling practicum. This model attempts to pair the training of supervisors with the training of counselors in a systematic fashion.  相似文献   

对维吾尔谚语中所保留的复句,从关系类型、形式标志、逻辑语义等三个方面进行综合分析,并与现代维吾尔语复句进行比较来考察维吾尔语复句的演变轨迹。  相似文献   

本文用契约经济学的方法研究大学组织,把大学视为一个准合约,在绝大多数产品和大部分要素已经进入市场的状态下,进入大学组织的一部分要素基于自由谈判和契约,另一部分基于命令体制.准合约的现状规定了合作剩余的索取权和控制权分布不同于一般的企业组;密集使用高级人力资本,以及谈判力分布因人力资本专用性强度的变化相应变化,导致大学治理结构也有其自身特征:剩余索取和剩余控制权不对称以及两权更分散分享.  相似文献   

敦煌古代的画工画匠是敦煌艺术的创造者.敦煌文献中有一些关于敦煌古代域匠称谓的记录,本文分普通画匠与官吏画匠两类对这些文献进行了梳理和说明,指出古代文人赞颂画工的意义.  相似文献   

彝族尼苏谚语是彝族尼苏人在生产生活中总结出来的充满智慧和哲理的语言。这些谚语类型丰富,蕴含深刻的哲理,发人深思,具有很强的教育启迪功能。在形式上采用彝族独特的五言或七言诗体,句式工整,富有诗韵,便于传授、记忆。多采用比喻、拟人、对仗等修辞手法,形象生动,增强了谚语的感染力和说服力,有助于谚语劝诫教育作用的发挥。  相似文献   

中心词前面的定语可以归结为三类,即限定性定语、区别性定语和描写性定语。槽关系类型指词组实例i的定语j与名词之间的语义关系类型。定语类型与槽关系类型的对应,是根据现代汉语名词槽关系系统中的工作单提供的名词短语中的定语以及定语与中心词的语义关系线索,归纳总结出名词短语中不同的定语类型与槽关系类型的对应关系。现代汉语的槽关系是汉语语义系统的一个重要的组成部分,对名词短语的定语类型和槽关系类型的对应关系进行考察,进而详细描写出这种对应关系,对中文信息处理和对外汉语教学都有实际的应用价值。  相似文献   

Transfer of training is a major concern for trainers and managers. If training does not transfer to the job, the value of the training is questionable. This study investigated the relationships between: 1) perceived importance of training objectives and perceived transfer of training relative to those objectives, and 2) types of supervisor reinforcement which trainees perceive to be most motivating and the types of reinforcement that they perceive their supervisors actually use. The study was conducted in the context of a Managerial Leadership Program within a large oil refinery and chemical company in Korea. The study found that as either supervisors or trainees perceived a training objective to be more important, they also perceived more transfer of training relative to that objective. The study also found that the types of reinforcement trainees perceived to be most motivating were also the types that they perceived their supervisors used most often.  相似文献   

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