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进藏先遣连是我军挺进西藏阿里的第一支人民武装。该连在独立骑兵师一团党委委员、保卫股长李狄三,连长曹海林,指导员李子祥和副连长、特级战斗英雄彭清云的率领下,历尽千辛万苦,穿越“万山之祖”的昆仑山,成功到达西藏北部的扎麻芒保,并与后续部队胜利会师,完成了解放阿里的历史使命。在进军阿里的前前后后,全连50多名同志壮烈牺牲……  相似文献   


Law librarians must develop a sixth sense to catch whispers in the wind and cultivate a sense of impending developments. Changes must be perceived before they happen. The increasing globalization in the law and the legal profession was perceived by the author in 1987 in New Zealand, and she details the steps taken to enable her to deal with them. These included working for a semester in an academic library in the United States, attendance at the Canadian Law Librarians Conference, and a locum as a law librarian in a Canadian law firm. The Northern American experience was invaluable in assisting the author in using the relevant legal sources and their tools that could then be applied back in New Zealand. The generic common law bond which binds these jurisdictions meant that developments in the one legal system could then be extrapolated back and related to the New Zealand situation. The author also provides hints to assist other law librarians seeking similar enrichment.  相似文献   


The press in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) is closely tied to its communist sociopolitical structures. The North Korean press finds its modus operandi in the ‘Soviet Communist’ theory for its relationship with its government. This study examines the press laws and regulations in North Korea, pursuing three questions: (1) What is the status of the press as a sociopolitical institution in North Korea?; (2) What is the constitutional and statutory scheme relating to press freedom in North Korea?; and (3) What is the impact of the statutory mechanisms on the press in North Korea?

The press and other mass media in North Korea are totally controlled by the Korean Worker's Party. No dissenting voice is permitted in the news media. North Korea recognizes freedom of the press as a Constitutional right of their citizens. Nevertheless, there is a considerable disparity between the constitutional guarantee of press freedom and its practical application. In the name of ‘collective good’ as defined by President Kim II Sung and his party, the basic right to a free and independent press as understood in its libertarian sense is denied to North Koreans. While there are no separate specialized laws relating to the rights and/or responsibilities of the North Korean press, several indirect press laws are on the books. Nevertheless, it is doubtful whether they have any noticeable bearing upon the functions of the state‐controlled press. The impact of the statutes upon the North Korean press is negligible in that the press does not (or to be precise, need not) feel any statutory constraint. This is because there is no room for conflict between the North Korean press and law enforcement authorities.  相似文献   

Considers how, with the currently accelerating pace of change, publishers must adjust their attitudes and practices to stay in business and maximize the revenue from published journals; the particular difficulties of the North American market; and the nature of the economic, technological, behavioural and funding changes occurring.  相似文献   

Chinese Studies Librarianship in North America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although American libraries had begun collecting Chinese language materials in the 19th century, notably the United States Library of Congress in 1869, Yale in 1878, Harvard in 1879, and Berkeley in 1896, East Asian studies librarianship in North America, including China studies librarianship, was not fully developed until the 1960s. There was no formal organization that represented the interest of Chinese studies librarians because there were few of them and most of them were China scholars rather than trained librarians. More than 100 years later, the number of Chinese studies librarians in North America has increased considerably, primarily in response to the demand in the field of China studies and more recently to the needs of immigrant population and the general public who has an interest in China.This paper traces the history and growth of Chinese studies librarianship in North America, documents the development of the professional organization that represents Chinese studies librarians, and exami.  相似文献   

本文叙述了十六国北朝的官府藏书活动 ,包括其对图书文献的收集、典藏、管理、校雠、编目、流通、利用等内容 ,论述了战乱状态下十六国北朝在该方面所取得的成就。  相似文献   

《北华捷报/字林西报》是上海图书馆收录齐全的重要近代英文报刊藏品。新世纪以来,国内研究者们对《北华捷报/字林西报》的关注和研究不断增多,除了继续关注该报的沿革和史料价值之外,开始更多地依据该报丰富的史料来分析历史事件和讨论舆论空间的建构。有关《北华捷报/字林西报》的研究在以下五方面取得新进展:报刊的传播作用及背后的动因、报刊笔下的东方文化和中国问题、报刊与社会的互动、报刊笔下的人物形象、与其他报刊的比较。今后可以进一步从报刊传播策略、经济史、政治和中外关系、社会文化等方面开展深入研究。  相似文献   

北欧四国图书馆掠影   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论文从图书馆的定位、现代化的服务与管理、馆舍的功能布局、为读者着想的规章制度以及人性化的建筑设计等几个方面介绍了北欧四国的图书馆,希望给国内的同行们一些启示。  相似文献   

无线网络与北美大学图书馆   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍无线网络技术在北美大学图书馆的应用,分析无线网络在大学图书馆的规划与实施条件,提出值得关注的若干技术问题,并探讨大学图书馆面对无线应用的挑战和机遇。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Since the 1930s, Economic Census data have been published based on the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system, developed and maintained by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The decision by OMB to replace the SIC with the new North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) has had a profound effect on planning, data collection, data processing, and publication activities of the Economic Census. It was necessary to design new and different forms, expand the kinds of questions included on the forms, canvass a larger number of companies to request classification information, and develop a process for recoding over five million business establishments to a NAICS basis.  相似文献   

北美汉籍收藏的起步,与1844年中美《望厦条约》的签订有着直接的关系。签订中美《望厦条约》的美方代表凯莱布·顾盛于1845年运往美国的一批237种2,547卷藏书,不仅是美国历史上第一批成规模的中文藏书,也是美国国会图书馆汉籍收藏的发端,在北美汉籍收藏史上具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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