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The authors present the results of a survey of ethical complaints reported to state licensing boards, raise concerns about specific areas of ethical complaints and violations, and make suggestions regarding ameliorating problem areas.  相似文献   

萧伯纳的戏剧《卖花女》讲述了卖花女伊莉莎意图通过语音矫正和文法学习成为上层社会优雅小姐的故事,生动地展现了伊莉莎在人生重大变化过程中所经历的人际困境和自我身份的迷失。以文学伦理学批评理论为基础,通过主人公伊莉莎做出身份选择的伦理环境,探讨伊莉莎改变自我的动机以及此后所面临的伦理身份困惑,揭示导致其伦理困境的根本原因。萧伯纳通过讲述伊莉莎的故事,集中展现了当时英国社会个体阶级身份与伦理诉求之间难以调和的矛盾,并对该社会中个体寻求自我实现的可能性寄予关注,从而传递出深刻的伦理意蕴。  相似文献   

The authors report results of a survey, conducted in 1986 by the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) Ethics/Professional Practices Interest Network, of licensing boards in the 10 states that had enacted professional counselor licensure laws by the end of 1984. Data are reported regarding the number of counselors licensed in each state, the nature and extent of ethical violations claimed, dispositions of the complaints by the boards, the applicants' performance on ethics sections of licensure examinations, and the levels of concern expressed by board representatives regarding the ethics preparation and ethical practices of licensees. Implications of findings for counselor educators and supervisors are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines how, in use, culturally-provided tools can be said to embody knowledge and distribute thinking. It focuses on the routine procedures used by medical professionals to investigate patient complaints and examines explicit and implicit contributions of these conventional procedures to distributed thinking in clinical encounters in medicine. After characterizing these tools, examples of how the tools guide and constrain medical problem solving are provided. The tools support the development and exercise of the routines characteristic of medical expertise, while at the same time preserving the nonroutine, controlled deliberation necessary for sound and ethical medical care. The paper concludes with ways in which the tools' role in thinking can be promoted through medical education, particularly during students' early clinical exposure: (a) Organizing learning experiences that expose the tools' meanings; (b) exploiting the benefits of small group work to promote collaborative and individual competencies in distributed systems; and (c) explicitly utilizing the products of thinking with these tools to further the goals shared by participants in clinical encounters.  相似文献   

Subjective memory complaints are one of the major concerns of the elderly and remain a challenging area in gerontology. There are previous studies that identify different factors affecting subjective memory complaints. However, an extended model that correlates life-space on subjective memory complaints remains a blank spot. The objective of this study is to investigate the role of life-space, social activity and depression on subjective memory complaints among the selective group of Filipino elderly in the community. To test the factors affecting subjective memory complaints, a structural equation modeling was employed among all parameters. One hundred eighty-nine Filipino elderly aged 60 years and above located in Parañaque City, Makati City and Malabon City were given a multiaspect questionnaire consisting of a robotfoto, Life-Space Assessment (LSA), Research and Development (RAND) Social Health Battery, Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), and Subjective Memory Questionnaire (SMQ). Results revealed that life-space and social activity inversely affect depression while subjective memory complaints are directly affected by depression. New pathways emerged suggesting the interrelationship between life-space and social activity. Additionally, social activity directly affects subjective memory complaints. This study provides a confirmation of the impact of the factors affecting subjective memory complaints. Incorporation of these factors into the existing practice can help the health care providers in optimizing the quality of care rendered and quality of life of the elderly.  相似文献   

中华民族的伦理文化和道德精神源远流长,博大精深,其中蕴涵着丰富的父慈子孝、兄爱弟悌的家庭责任伦理;修己安人、仁者爱人的人际责任伦理;重义济世、敬业乐群的职业责任伦理;天下兴亡、匹夫有责的社会责任伦理;民胞物与、爱惜万物的环境责任伦理等责任伦理思想。在社会主义市场经济条件下,要弘扬中华民族的责任伦理思想,强化责任伦理意识,这实际上是修整人的心灵秩序,培养人的主体意识和道德自律精神,提升人的道德品质和精神境界,从而为构建社会主义和谐社会提供道德精神支撑和责任伦理基础。  相似文献   

马克思主义伦理思想传入中国并成为20世纪中国伦理文化的主潮是中国伦理文化发展的历史必然。在20世纪中国马克思主义伦理思想发展史上,产生了毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民的三大伦理思想成果,并成功地实现了从政治化革命性的伦理思想向经济型建设性的伦理思想、从经济型建设性的伦理思想向社会型发展性的伦理思想的两大历史性转换。马克思主义伦理思想在中国的传播和发展,使中国人民的伦理思想产生了质的飞跃,也使中国社会的道德生活发生了天翻地覆的巨大变化.从此。社会主义伦理体系、人民成为伦理主体和核心的观念、世界性与民族性相结合的开放视野、与时俱进推动新道德不断进步的价值观念,成为中国伦理思想的发展大趋势,引领着中国道德观念变革的潮流,为中国革命、建设和改革的顺利进行提供了伦理文化的支撑和道义的支持。  相似文献   

宾客投诉是指住店宾客对酒店在服务过程中由于其工作人员的服务水平及产品的质量问题引发的不满而提出的批评、抱怨或控告。酒店投诉管理的宗旨在于如何减少客人的投诉,及如何使因客人的投诉而造成的危害减小到最低程度。宾客投诉管理是弥补服务缺点,保证宾客满意,防止宾客流失的最后一道防线。  相似文献   

Frequent somatic complaints are not only a problem in themselves but also related to other difficulties. So far, no conclusive findings have been reported about the prevalence of and factors underlying these complaints in children and adolescents who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH). Such information would be valuable for prevention and intervention. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of somatic complaints and their relation with emotional functioning in DHH youngsters, as compared with hearing youngsters. This was established by assessing how somatic complaints, mood states, and sense of coherence were experienced by 186 Dutch participants (mean age = 11;07 years). DHH and hearing groups were compared using multivariate analysis of variance and structural equation modeling. The results showed that somatic complaints were reported equally often for both groups, but that the pathways leading to these complaints were partly different. Only in DHH participants were feelings of fear associated with more somatic complaints. The results suggest that DHH children and adolescents would benefit from support in the regulation of fear and its causes. Other aspects affecting adjustment outcomes of DHH youngsters were education type and communication mode.  相似文献   

论审美化德育模式的建构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
审美化德育模式就是以道德教育的超越理念为哲学基础,以实现道德自由为宗旨,以德育美的建立为目标,去提升德育及其对象的精神境界,使道德教育在对人生美的欣赏、美的表现和美的创造过程中完成。  相似文献   

“富民思想”是邓小平理论的重要内容 ,也是社会主义本质的最终体现。本文分析了邓小平富民思想的伦理依据、富民途径的伦理合法性、富民的伦理价值标准及其伦理价值目标等四个方面 ,并在此基础上 ,力图阐述邓小平富民思想所蕴涵的社会伦理意义  相似文献   

柯尔伯格德育思想对中小学德育创新的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德育创新是对我国传统德育模式的一种突破,是实现传统德育模式向现代德育模式的转换。德育目的论、阶段论和方法论是美国道德学家柯尔伯格德育理论的主要内容。他的道德认知发展模式是在反传统的德育模式的基础上发展起来的,对我们今天的德育创新有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

在当前的境遇下,转基因作物产业化的伦理学研究应该由伦理批判转向伦理治理,这种转向有其理论合理性与现实合理性。转基因作物产业化伦理治理的主要特质重在"伦理建构",转基因作物产业化的伦理治理的实质是"商谈伦理",转基因作物产业化伦理治理的目的是"善治",转基因作物产业化伦理治理的基本途径是"公众参与"。  相似文献   

劳伦斯的伦理思想是理解劳伦斯作品的基本出发点,而《白孔雀》作为他初登文坛之作就已经显露出了其伦理思想的最初萌芽.《白孔雀》叙述者的不可靠性使作品表面上显示出权威伦理立场的缺失,但同时通过"戏剧化叙述者"的叙述在深层次上为读者暗示出了一定的伦理立场,通过这隐含的伦理立场折射出了劳伦斯所关注的伦理问题及其对这一问题所进行的思考.这也正是《白孔雀》的伦理意义所在.  相似文献   

社会主义和谐社会的伦理精神是社会主义和谐社会在道德上的维系力量和动力机制。社会主义和谐社会所需要的伦理精神包括尊重自然、善待自然的生态伦理精神,公正平等的制度伦理精神,效率公平并重的经济伦理精神,注重协调的伦理精神,以责任意识为基础的自律精神,诚信宽容的人际伦理精神。  相似文献   

民族文物在保存民族的记忆和增强民族凝聚力以及民族发展方面有着重要的作用。在全球一体化的浪潮下,民族文化的衰亡和民族文物流失的进程大大加速。如何保护民族文物从而保护文化的多样性成为国家文化政策迫切关注的问题。《保护和促进文化表现形式多样性公约》的通过为我国民族文物的保护提供了契机和机遇。  相似文献   

伦理性是有效教学的固有属性,越是追求有效性的教学,越有必要凸现其伦理性。缺乏伦理规范的有效教学,越是有效,对于学生身心健康的损害就越大,伦理性已成为有效教学中急需关注的问题。利益最大化原则和平等尊重原则是保证有效教学符合伦理规范的伦理原则,两者共同规约着有效教学的伦理行为。有效教学的伦理实践要求是要构建有效教学的伦理关系,规范有效教学的伦理行为,进行有效教学的伦理反思。  相似文献   

消费者道德信念是消费者行为的先导。茂名市267名消费者道德信念的调查问卷统计分析表明:目前消费者道德信念基本符合社会预期,消费者道德信念与消费行为有背离现象,教育程度对消费者道德信念不存在显著性影响,性别对消费者道德信念的影响明显超过年龄、职业和收入等因素。针对消费者道德信念特征,企业可进一步细分市场并进行差异化营销,以提高经营绩效。  相似文献   

教育是一个伦理事件,师生关系是追求道德完善的伦理关系。人工智能时代,学校将失去伦理实体的作用,知识传授被智能机器替代,师生之间失去地缘、业缘和类血缘关系,面临着伦理风险。师生关系的伦理意蕴是重要的社会关系,是社会人与人道德伦理的风向标。人工智能时代,需要守住师生关系的伦理底蕴,建构师-生-智能机器共在的伦理空间,以"爱"为重要交流方式,为师生间的情感交流和道德传授提供伦理保证。  相似文献   

加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设和大学生思想政治教育,是新时期德育工作对德育教师提出的新要求。教育者必须首先受教育。要着力培养德育工作者的思想政治素质、道德素质、科学文化素质、能力素质和身心素质,提高他们的威信,德育教育才能取得更好的效果。  相似文献   

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