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Patterns of Axis I psychiatric diagnosis and maltreatment history were explored among youth in group homes, including match of clinical need to level or restrictiveness of care. Data on demographics, diagnoses, maltreatment, and group home level of care (Level I, II, or III homes, representing lower to higher intensity of supervision and treatment) were obtained from 523 youth who participated in a quasi-experimental study of group homes. Three quarters of youth had a diagnosis and two-thirds of youth had a maltreatment history. Youth in higher level homes had more diagnoses and higher rates of all disorders except adjustment disorders. Youth in Level I homes had a history of more maltreatment types, particularly high rates of neglect. Sexual abuse, physical abuse, and emotional abuse were most common among youth in higher level homes. Regardless of diagnosis history, comparable proportions of youth had a maltreatment history, and similar patterns were found across levels of care. Together, findings indicate that group homes with varying degrees of restrictiveness serve youth with different psychiatric diagnosis and maltreatment histories. Youth triaged to higher level homes had more diagnoses, while youth placed in the least restrictive homes had a history of more maltreatment subtypes. Further, distinct patterns of diagnosis types and maltreatment subtypes were seen across homes. Implications include the importance of assessing unique clinical needs of youth to promote an appropriate match to level of care and treatment plan.  相似文献   

The present study has investigated the prognosis of infants admitted to institutional care. The follow-up was made after five and ten years. Three groups of children were studied: those who were in adoptive homes, foster homes and biological homes, respectively, at the time of the investigation. Approximately 50% of the total population was treated in hospital after the neonatal period. More children in foster and biological homes were hospitalized because of trauma. At 4 years of age the psychomotor development was considered normal in 77% of the adopted children compared to approximately 55% in the other two groups. Furthermore, the children in foster and biological homes demonstrated a higher rate of psychological or behavioral disturbances. The children who were in foster homes had experienced more separations and 39% of them had been subjected to 6 or more placements. The experiences of institutional care per se in infancy do not predispose the child to health and behavioral problems. The determining factor for optimal development seems to be permanency of care and parenting capability.  相似文献   

Changing lifestyles are having an impact on programs for young children. Recently these programs have adjusted to meet the needs of children from one-parent homes, broken homes, and teen homes. Now children of mixed racial and ethnic backgrounds are an ever-increasing phenomenon in programs. He is a parent of four interracial children and lectures on this topic  相似文献   

本研究以325名12~18岁福利院孤儿群体为对象,采用符合心理测量学要求的福利院孤儿身份拒绝敏感性测量工具,考察了12~18岁福利院孤儿身份拒绝敏感性的发展特点。结果发现:福利院孤儿身份拒绝敏感性由身份拒绝的焦虑性、愤怒性、预期性三个成分构成,其测量问卷具有较好的信度、效度指标;福利院孤儿总体身份拒绝敏感性的发展存在较大个体差异性;在身份拒绝敏感性三个成分中,孤儿身份拒绝的预期性认知反应较之身份拒绝的焦虑性、愤怒性更为强烈,且这种特点在男性孤儿身上体现得更为突出,女性孤儿则稍弱。  相似文献   

1Fanning the Flames More than1,200 people had to movefrom their homes over the weekend,afterwinds blowing up to65miles per hourtorched hundreds of homes,  相似文献   

An increasing percentage of the U.S. population dies in nursing homes. Despite the increased attention given to the topic of death, most nursing homes practice a covert approach. A total of 86 residents and staff members from 2 nursing homes support this finding; yet many expressed an interest in modifying the policy. A majority believed that others should be told about the death of a resident. Respondents reported the interview process to be satisfying.  相似文献   

电视剧《我的团长我的团》取材于中国远征军滇西抗日,正面反映国民党军队抗战历史,突破了以往军旅题材的表现领域。该剧浓郁的家园意识贯穿全剧,剧中人物对生存家园深挚的情感以及为保卫家园的牺牲精神,反映出他们的心理变化与成长历程,唤醒人们(尤其是炮灰团成员)的精神家园意识,从而实现了灵魂的回归。  相似文献   

科尔比点这样的乡下小镇因为有福克斯河而充满生机.镇上的路和河流并驾齐驱。一条同名的公路在伊利诺伊州的麦柯亨利山谷间蜿蜒曲折.这其实是科尔比点这个名字的真实来历。这里的房屋四处都有.大多是一些夏天的度假屋或是休闲居所。在路的最尽头.有三间门对门的房屋。三个单身老姐妹住在其中的一间。路的另一边是一间黄颜色的小房子.里面住着她们的大表妹.她已经是个寡妇了。她的邻居是她们的兄弟比尔和他的妻子克里奥。  相似文献   

Millions of children are cared for in child care centers or family day care homes. The care environment can be a significant source of foodborne pathogens if proper food safety practices are not followed by caregivers. To decrease children's risk of foodborne illness, caregivers must know and apply safe food handling practices. To identify what care providers need to know about safe food handling, and how they want to learn, needs assessment research was conducted with a random sample of child care centers and family day care homes in Michigan (n=335). Research Findings. Results indicate that persons who care for young children in licensed centers or homes wanted to know more about the relationship between food and illness. Specifically, they wanted information about what causes food to become unsafe and how to prevent foodborne illness in the child care environment. Providers in both centers and homes preferred print materials (booklets, fact sheets, and newsletters) to videotapes, audiotapes, workshops, teleconferences, or an informational hotline. Implications for Practice. Developing and providing food safety booklets, newsletters, and/or fact sheets which include application-oriented and understand- able food safety information consistent with licensing regulations could reduce the risk of contracting foodborne illness of young children cared for in child care centers or day care homes.  相似文献   

Millions of children are cared for in child care centers or family day care homes. The care environment can be a significant source of foodborne pathogens if proper food safety practices are not followed by caregivers. To decrease children's risk of foodborne illness, caregivers must know and apply safe food handling practices. To identify what care providers need to know about safe food handling, and how they want to learn, needs assessment research was conducted with a random sample of child care centers and family day care homes in Michigan (n=335). Research Findings. Results indicate that persons who care for young children in licensed centers or homes wanted to know more about the relationship between food and illness. Specifically, they wanted information about what causes food to become unsafe and how to prevent foodborne illness in the child care environment. Providers in both centers and homes preferred print materials (booklets, fact sheets, and newsletters) to videotapes, audiotapes, workshops, teleconferences, or an informational hotline. Implications for Practice. Developing and providing food safety booklets, newsletters, and/or fact sheets which include application-oriented and understand- able food safety information consistent with licensing regulations could reduce the risk of contracting foodborne illness of young children cared for in child care centers or day care homes.  相似文献   


Nursing homes as clinical sites for student learning have the potential to produce negative attitudes toward aging. The purpose of the study reported in this paper was to determine the impact of the Eden Alternative on the attitudes of students toward elders residing in nursing homes. Prior to beginning implementation of the Eden Alternative, 61 students completed the Health Professional Beliefs and Opinions about Elders. At 2 years after implementation of the Eden Alternative, 73 students completed the same survey. The second group reflected significantly more positive attitudes toward elders living in nursing homes.  相似文献   


We designed a survey to assess whether 40 randomly selected individuals, equally divided across two settings (ICF/MR, minigroup home), differed in the amounts of time spent in the community, the people with whom unstructured activities were performed, and the choice maker of unstructured activities performed in the community or in homes. Time spent in unstructured activities was divided into four subsets: performed by self, with a peer, with staff, and with family. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated that individuals living in ICF/MR homes spent more time in the community with staff and made fewer choices of their unstructured activities than those living in minigroup homes. The analyses also indicated that for those retaining their own legal guardianship and living in ICF/MR homes continued to spend less time in activities they chose themselves. Of those variables reaching statistical significance, we questioned meaningful interpretations based on alternative interpretations of the raw data.  相似文献   

Data from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care were used to assess whether regulable features of child-care homes affect children’s development. Child-care homes selected were those in which there were at least two children and the care provider received payment for child care (ns=164 when the study children were 15 months old, 172 at 24 months, and 146 at 36 months). Caregivers who were better educated and had received more recent and higher levels of training provided richer learning environments and warmer and more sensitive caregiving. Caregivers who had more child-centered beliefs about how to handle children also provided higher quality caregiving and more stimulating homes. In addition, when settings were in compliance with recommended age-weighted group size cut-offs, caregivers provided more positive caregiving. Quality of care was not related to caregivers’ age, experience, professionalism, or mental health, or to the number of children enrolled in the child-care home or whether the caregivers’ children were present. Children with more educated and trained caregivers performed better on tests of cognitive and language development. Children who received higher quality care, in homes that were more stimulating, with caregivers who were more attentive, responsive, and emotionally supportive, did better on tests of language and cognitive development and also were rated as being more cooperative. These findings make a case for regulating caregivers’ education and training and for requiring that child-care homes not exceed the recommended age-weighted group size.  相似文献   

In this article, I argue for a closer read of the daily “class work” of teachers, as posited by Reay, 1998. In developing exploratory class portraits of four teachers who occupy distinctive social positions (two from working-class homes now teaching upper-middle-class children and two from upper-middle-class homes now teaching poor children), I explore the class constraints within which teachers work.  相似文献   

This article identifies the types of common and toxic mold that are found in homes, schools, and child care centers; explains the negative health effects of mold for infants and young children; discusses ways of preventing and controlling mold in homes, schools, and child care centers; and recommends appropriate responses to the international health issue of maintaining indoor air quality.  相似文献   

度假地型第二居所空间分布和影响研究——以三亚市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在回顾中外第二居所研究进展的基础上,以海南省三亚市为例的实证研究发现:1.受第二居所级差地租规律的影响,房价呈现滨海指向性;2.受配套因素的影响,第二居所体现出老城区导向性;3.受环境资源因素的影响,第二居所表现出三足鼎立的地域结构;4.老年化社会的来临,促使第二居所养老聚居区的形成:5.受气候因素和经济因素的影响,第二居所市场空间分布高度集中。  相似文献   

在义务教育后缴费时代,家庭依然是重要的教育投资主体,但不同社会群体的家庭教育投资具有不同特点。调查发现,与城市家庭相比,农村家庭的教育重视程度偏低,教育投资总量偏小,辅助性教育投资项目所占比重较高。政府部门肩负的公共责任要求其进一步完善对农村义务教育适度倾斜的差别化投入政策,进而促进城乡义务教育在更高水平上均衡发展。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the capabilities of remote rural teachers in Indonesia’s Probolinggo Regency to make meaningful pedagogic connections between students’ homes and their classrooms. The term capabilities is derived from Sen’s to Nussbaum’s capabilities approach, which refers to substantive freedom or opportunities that a person holds to do and to be a certain thing that he or she considers valuable. Informed by the capabilities approach (CA), the study involved classroom observations, teacher interviews and examination of Indonesian curriculum documents (teachers’ syllabi and lesson plans). Making connections between homes and classrooms enables students to critically engage in their learning and makes knowledge more meaningful in terms of solving real-life issues or problems. Teachers need to accommodate ‘local’ knowledge that exists in homes and communities thereby strengthening relationships between communities and schools; something synonymous with social justice aspects of the CA. Data generated for the study indicate that teachers encounter significant impediments in making connections between homes (communities) and classrooms (schools). In addition, while participants demonstrate that they are in part committed to the notions of ‘connections’ and ‘inclusivity’, their classroom practices still need strengthening in their adherence to the general substance of the CA.  相似文献   

加快科技入户进程促进农业的"两个转变"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业科技进步,对于推进农业的两个转变,促进农业增效、农民增收,具有极其深刻的意义。目前科技入户还被很多因素所制约。我们必须加强领导,增加投入,健全网络,稳定队伍,创造科技入户的新形式,建立良好的转化机制,从而加快科技入户的进程。  相似文献   

Jennifer Tan 《Literacy》2015,49(2):91-97
This paper presents an ethnographic study of the out of school literacy practices of children living in residential care in Malaysia. Although residential homes generate much publicity, especially during the festive seasons, not much is known about the children living within the confines of these homes. Even more lacking is research on their literacy practices, despite the embeddedness of literacy in the everyday lives of these children, which includes formal schooling, after‐school tuition classes and devotion sessions with volunteers.  相似文献   

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