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图书馆是传播机构。从传播理论入手,分别从自我传播、馆际传播、组织传播、大众传播四个方面对图书馆的传播问题进行了理论上的探索与研究。  相似文献   

从人类传播史看人类经历了5次媒体革命:语言传播、文字传播、印刷传播、电子传播和网络传播,前4次媒体革命形成了报纸、广播、电视各领风骚的局面,  相似文献   

张鹏  易雯 《东南传播》2010,(3):84-85
从公共关系研究的发展过程来看,无论其定义、研究范式还是理论基础,公共关系都是在传播的基础上不断发展起来的。在确立了"关系"的核心地位之后,公共关系的研究开始向着规范化的道路前进。公共关系的传播包括信息传播和关系传播,关系传播具有四个主要特征:第一,从传播模式上看,关系传播是一种网状传播;第二,从传播的内容看,关系传播不仅包括信息层,还包括文化层和情感层的内容;第三,从传播的方法看,对话被视为最有利于建立组织和公众之间关系的传播方法;第四,从传播的方向看,任何一个组织的关系传播都不是一维流动的,而是呈现出多维流动的态势。公共关系中的传播最主要的表现为一种关系传播。  相似文献   

文章针对微博信息建模过程中影响因素众多、过程复杂现状,梳理模型构建的依据及其演化脉络。文章对现有微博信息模型进行功能解析和演化分析,从节点自身属性、链接关系到整体拓扑结构演化的视角,解析微博信息传播模型中的社会网络特征;从传播模式、传播影响因素和传播规律演化的角度,阐释微博信息传播模型的复杂网络特性;从传播预测和传播控制的视角,揭示微博信息传播模型的双重网络特质。文章提出微博信息传播模型的演化方向,即微博信息传播中节点、节点链接与信息内容的融合,复杂网络与多重网络的融合,微博信息传播与大数据的融合。  相似文献   

作为传播学研究的一个分支领域,健康传播研究在我国的起步较晚,其中有关健康传播史方面的研究更是完全阙如。本文从传播学的角度,依据传播方式、传播载体、传播主体等的不同,对我国古代大量存在的健康传播行为加以划分和归类,分别从人际传播与文献传播、语言文字传播与非语言文字传播、官方传播与民间传播等几个不同的侧面对我国古代的健康传播历史展开论述,从而勾勒出一幅我国古代健康传播的历史画面。本文以不同于时下传播学界流行的关注当下、关注实证的现实主义研究取向,将研究目光投向大量的文献史料和前人的传播实践,开辟了从历史、人文的角度关注健康传播研究的新视野。  相似文献   

孙黎 《东南传播》2010,(12):58-60
女性读物是指以女性群体为主要传播对象的各类出版物。本文从四个方面分析小众传播趋势下女性读物市场现状,并从差异化定位传播、全媒体互动传播、意见领袖传播、品牌升级传播等方面探讨了女性读物传播策略。  相似文献   

周雷 《今传媒》2015,(2):137-138
驻港部队身处"一国两制"和"改革开放"最前沿,担负着宣示主权、维稳治乱、抢险救灾、防卫作战等神圣职责,世人尤为关注驻港部队的报道,尤其是驻港部队的敏感军事题材报道。因此,驻港部队敏感军事题材报道对外传播就成了我军对外传播的一个重要性课题。本文从传播理念、传播主体、传播议题三个层面对驻港部队敏感军事题材报道对外传播进行分析和研究,进而从宏观、中观、微观的视角准确把握其实质,最终形成一套行之有效的对外传播策略,为驻港部队良好国际形象对外传播提供客观和全面考量。  相似文献   

从传统大众媒介传播到社交媒体传播,传播系统的控制始终以媒介为中心,将媒介视为控制的主导力量或中介力量,对传播主体实施绝对可控的控制措施,从而忽略了主体对媒体或系统的反向控制作用。智能技术的进步引发了全新的智能传播现象,特别是机器主体成为重要的参与者,不仅使传播主体的反控制地位日益崛起,更带来了诸如未知主体传播、传播无节制扩张以及传播系统螺旋式进化等全新问题。文章认为,智能传播时代的控制策略应该从发展的人类主体性与人类需求出发,在平衡其与可能存在的他者传播主体间的关系的基础上,从分级控制与动态控制的不同视角,发挥智能传播系统的巨大价值,同时也规避潜在的风险。  相似文献   

高渊 《出版广角》2021,(17):76-78
传播技术的持续升级使媒体从无声到有声、从黑白到彩色、从平面到立体,对传播者的信息传播方式和接收者的阅读习惯都会产生深远的影响.随着人工智能、大数据、云计算、5G等技术在传播领域的应用,传播技术智能化成为趋势,新闻传播生态面临变革.新闻媒体必须对传播技术智能化下的新闻传播规律进行积极探索,恪守新闻生产原则,创造出有深度、有温度的新闻产品.  相似文献   

孙琳 《报刊之友》2010,(12):173-174
本文从网络传播时代社会传播活动模式发生的转变出发,描述了金字塔形传播框架,并基于此框架从新闻传播学科设置等方面论述了新闻传播人才培养现状的滞后性,并就如何在新的社会传播实践背景中培养符合实际需要的新闻传播人才进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文分析了镜式、灯式、神话式等三种传播研究方式,认为我国传播学研究存在三种态势,建议我国的传播学研究走“学术趣味”+“现实关怀”的道路。  相似文献   

蒋锐 《新闻界》2009,(1):18-20,23
本文将“分众”与“聚众”作为两个独立传播形态来探讨,侧重研究在传播过程中如何把控好分众传播与聚众传播的取舍,厘清两者的范围关系,警示当前过分强调受众“碎片化”趋势的现状,避免走入盲目分众的误区。  相似文献   

INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES: VISIONS AND REALITIES edited by William H. Dutton (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996— price not given, ISBN 0–19–877459–1 hard, 0–19–877496–6 paper, 464 pp., figures, tables, notes, bibliography, index)

ETHICAL ISSUES IN THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS by J. Vernon Jensen (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997—$49.95/ 27.50, ISBN 0–8058–2035–3 hard, 0–8058–2036–1 paper, 236 pp., notes, bibliography, index)

TEXT ANALYSIS FOR THE SOCIAL SCIENCES: METHODS FOR DRAWING STATISTICAL INFERENCES. FROM TEXTS AND TRANSCRIPTS edited by Carl W. Roberts (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997—$74.50/ 34.95, ISBN 0–8058–1734–4 hard, 0–8058–1735–2 paper, 316 pp., charts, notes, references, index)

TOTAL PROPAGANDA: FROM MASS CULTURE TO POPULAR CULTURE by Alex Edelstein (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997—$79.95/29.95, ISBN 0–8058–0892–2 hard, 0–8058–0892–2 paper, 345 pp., notes, index)

RELIGION, AND CULTURE by Stewart M. Hoover and Knut Lundby (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1997‐$24.95, paper, ISBN 0–7619–0171‐X, 332 pp.. notes, index)  相似文献   

MEDIA ECONOMICS: THEORY AND PRACTICE edited by Alison Alexander, James Owers and Rod Carveth (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1993— price not given, paper, ISBN 0–8058–1307–1, 391 pp.)

MEDIA MANAGEMENT: A CASEBOOK APPROACH by Stephen Lacy, Ardyth B. Sohn and Jan LeBlanc Wicks (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1993—price not given, paper, ISBN 0–8058–1308‐X, 391 pp.)

MEDIA ANTHROPOLOGY: INFORMING GLOBAL CITIZENS edited by Susan L. Allen (Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey/Greenwood, 1994—$49.95, ISBN 0–89789–342–5, 208 pp.)  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(1):30-34
Objective: The objective of this activity is to help students evaluate practical advice about communication with theories of communication

Applicable courses: This activity can be adopted by a variety of different communication courses including: persuasion, interpersonal (family, gender, and/or intercultural), organizational or small-group communication, and other communication courses  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(4):100-104
Goal/Objective: The overall goal is to allow students to discuss their perceptions of sex and sex education, and realize the importance of these issues as a communicative topic within the family; students will identify and articulate their perceptions about, and experiences with, sex education in family communication interactions

Courses: This activity can be used primarily in Family Communication, but may apply in other applicable courses such as Gender Communication  相似文献   

This article examines the Romani Holocaust experiences by mapping out the silences that haunt this question. As a case study, the article uses the testimonial documentary Porraimos: Europe’s Gypsies in the Holocaust and argues that the Romani Holocaust question is entangled in a moral discourse described in Lyotard’s Le Differend. Bearing witness to the differend can give new insights into the understanding of the Holocaust, the conceptualization of Romani identity, and the framing of media witnessing. The article concludes with a discussion of the face and its relation to witnessing arguing that the affective feel of the differend that interpellates one as a witness is delivered through the face.  相似文献   

本文从传播学的视角对影像符号的种种悖论进行了思考与探析.涉及到影像的视觉性放大、生产性悖论、媒介化风险.  相似文献   

Communication design is first and foremost about creating, engineering, or critiquing approaches to communication that achieve specific goals or values. A design approach acts as an integrative perspective for finding the relevance of theory to a specific site of intervention. Communication design processes are illustrated through work on ombuds processes and organ donation campaigns. This research highlights four propositions related to communication design. First, design should be about both creation and critique. Second, design is complementary to, and strengthens, theory (and vice versa). Third, design can be both unique to an intervention or context and iterative from previous designs. Finally, design helps us uncover unexpected and unintended consequences, uncovering hidden properties of communication and leading to opportunities for modifying and correcting communication practices. These unintended consequences and other design successes and failures provide opportunities for learning and creating better systems. In these ways, a commitment to design processes strengthens both our research and our practice of communication across a variety of communication contexts and across different levels of communication.  相似文献   

Armand Mattelart's Multinational Corporations and the Control of Culture: The Ideological Apparatuses of Imperialism (Brighton, Sussex: Harvester Press Ltd./Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1979 ---$37.50)

Unesco, two other reports on media in developing nations

Statistics on Radio and Television, 1960-1976, Statistical Reports and Studios No. 23 (1979, 124 pp.---$4.75, paper)  相似文献   

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