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当今世界,人权问题愈来愈成为国际政治、经济、文化斗争的焦点。美国等西方国家以人权作为推行强权政治、霸权主义与“和平演变”的突破口,对发展中国家展开“人权外交”。正是在与西方国家“人权外交”的斗争中,邓小平提出了富有中国特色的人权思想。邓小平人权思想是当代中国的马克思主义人权观。他不仅针对西方资本主义国家“人权外交”的攻势,严正阐明了我国在人权问题上的基本立场;同时还结合中国的实际情况,创造性地提出了以发展经济、建设社会主义民主政治来保障、实现人权这一科学的正确道路。一、针对西方国家“人权无国界”的谬论…  相似文献   

“人权”作为欧洲资产阶级反对封建专制制度的一面旗帜,在20世纪下半叶东西方两种社会制度的对抗中又成为西方手中的“意识形态武器”,这就是“人权外交”。回顾美国“人权外交”的历史,从威尔逊最初提出“人权外交”的主张,到卡特政府正式提出推行“人权外交”政策,及至当前的布什政府的外交主张,我们不难看出,“人权外交”说到底是为美国的国家利益服务的,是美国在国际事务中谋求霸权地位的工具。  相似文献   

如何看待西方“人权外交”张史传美国和一些西方国家,自70年代以来打着保护人权的幌子,大力推行“人权外交”,将人权问题政治化。意识形态化。美国“人权外交”的中心思想,就是在保持强大军事力量和核力量的前提下,把人权作为美国外交的基石,把对别国人权状况的判...  相似文献   

问:新加坡政府最近一直在强调亚洲价值观。根据您的理解,亚洲价值观的具体内容是什么?提倡亚洲价值观又有什么积极意义?答:这不仅是新加坡的问题,马来西亚,乃至日本、台湾、中国大陆也提这个问题。一个很具体的情况,就是1993年的曼谷会议。那次会议,有49个亚洲国家签署了《曼谷人权宣言》,日本没有签,可能是基于政治因素。《曼谷人权宣言》就想办法突出亚洲伦理的特色,以面对西方人权的挑战。根据我的理解,具体地说,在很多基本的价值取向方面,亚洲伦理和现代西方文明之间,有许多相异的地方。其一是出在对人的理解上。到底人是一个孤立绝缘的…  相似文献   

蒲俜 《教学与研究》2004,3(9):46-51
人权不是西方国家的专利 ,在对外关系中运用人权作为手段和策略也不是西方国家的特权。中国对外人权政策的形成是国内外多种因素推动的结果 ,它是中国的和平外交战略在人权领域的体现 ,不同于西方国家的人权外交。尽管存在很多制约因素和经验不足等问题 ,中国对外关系中的人权政策是中国赢得和平的国际环境、实现国际战略目标的重要保证  相似文献   

新加坡的道德价值取向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新加坡政府对于社会道德建设一贯给予高度重视。在强调对儒家伦理等传统道德继承与发扬的前提下,以国家白皮书形式提出了自己的共同价值观,继而提出了家庭价值观。共同价值观体现了新加坡的道德价值倾向,在提出共同价值观的同时,新加坡提出亚洲价值观与西方价值观的对立。  相似文献   

按照不同的文化传统、历史渊源和国家发展战略等标准,可把国外核心价值观分为四种类型:以美国为代表的西方国家核心价值观;以新加坡、日本、韩国等为代表的亚洲价值观;以朝鲜、古巴、越南等社会主义国家的核心价值观以及以宗教教义为核心的价值观。文章通过对不同国家核心价值观教育实践的梳理,论述其对我国社会主义核心价值观教育的启示,即坚持民族性与世界性相结合的原则,注重对优秀传统价值观的传承与创新,建立完善的社会主义核心价值观教育机制。  相似文献   

西方国家推行人权双重标准的主要做法是,在评价别国人权状况、解决地区事务、对待文化传统与社会制度差异上采用双重标准,以最高标准衡量别国,以最低标准要求自己,表现出入权标准受政治利益趋动、与军事介入相联系、向新领域拓展等特点.搞人权双重标准是西方国家“人权外交”的内容之一,实质是利用人权干涉别国内政,对外输出本国意识形态,维护其世界霸权地位.  相似文献   

近些年来,美国当权者向许多国家特别是中国大力推行所谓“人权外交”,频频发动“人权攻势”,使人权问题成为中美关系领域的热点问题。本文试图就美国当权者对华推行“人权外交”的缘起、发展与实质,作一初步的回顾与分析。一、美国当权者对华人权外交的缘起与发展“人...  相似文献   

近些年来,美国当权者向许多国家特别是中国大力推行所谓“人权外交”,频频发动“人权攻势”,使人权问题成为中美关系领域的热点问题。本文试图就美国当权者对华推行“人权外交”的缘起、发展与实质,作一初步的回顾与分析。一、美国当权者对华人权外交的缘起与  相似文献   


The term ‘Asian values’ became popular in the political discourse in the 1980s and 1990s. The most vocal proponents of Asian values are Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew and Malaysia's Mahathir and their deputies and government officials, as well as post-Tiananmen Chinese leaders. Most notable of all these three strands of the Asian values debate is the ‘Singapore School’, which ‘comprises leaders who have articulated a defence of the Singapore regime, either in their personal or official capacities’. This article discusses the origins and philosophical underpinnings of ‘Asian values’ in the Singapore context and its relationship to civics education. First, it provides the historical context for the interest in Confucianism and Asian Values. It then looks at the role and use of Confucianism and Asian Values in Asia, before discussing the case of Singapore and Asian values. I explore the interconnections between changes in history, civics and social studies curricula, and the politics of the ‘Asian Values’ discourse in Singapore which underpins these curricula. At the heart of the issue was the state's attempt to forge and articulate a Singaporean identity, and the role of citizenship/moral education in attaining this elusive nation building goal.  相似文献   

宪法本质上是一部人权法。人权价值在宪法中往往表现为人权规范,人权规范在宪法文本通常表现为人权条款。人权条款的入宪模式主要有宪法序言、宪法正文和宪法修正案等单一模式以及在此基础上形成的复合模式。从当前世界各国宪法的文本规定来看,人权条款的入宪模式具有多元性的特点。  相似文献   

Values education in Asian societies is commonly underpinned by an ideology of communitarianism that seeks to promote the needs and interests of ‘others’ over the ‘self’. An example of an Asian country that promotes communitarian values through its values education curriculum is Singapore. By reviewing the moral and citizenship education curricula in Singapore, the present article points out that the accent is on ‘others’ rather than the ‘self’. Noting that communitarianism has often been linked to Confucian values in Asian societies, this article offers a Confucian viewpoint of the self and moral self-cultivation. It further argues for a form of values education that balances the ‘self’ with ‘others’ through active learning, self-reflection and self-evaluation. The Singapore experience provides a useful case study on the influence of communitarianism and the potential of Confucianism on values education in an Asian context.  相似文献   

The Family Class Category of Canada’s Immigration Policy exists with the key objective of family unification. Among Canada’s second largest immigrant group, the South Asians, the cultural practice of arranged marriage is applied across international borders, leading to spousal sponsorship. Existing research on South Asian sponsored wives suggests that they tend to misunderstand their rights as sponsored persons, as well as the rights and limitations of their sponsors. Misunderstandings may lead women to passively respond to sponsor-imposed barriers to integration. This paper builds a case for educating South Asian women about their sponsorship rights to assist them in recognizing and responding to rights violations. The paper presents an educational framework that would respond to their unique needs and vulnerabilities.  相似文献   


Values education is occasionally attacked as violative of the privacy rights of students and others. Stipulating a definition of the right to privacy, the author develops some general reasons for protecting the right to privacy. General criteria for judging the extent to which values education curricula violate privacy are established and applied to two approaches to values education. One conclusion is that not all approaches to values education should be seen as violative of privacy rights.  相似文献   

The author presents three approaches to contemporary human rights education practice: the Values and Awareness Model, the Accountability Model and the Transformational Model. Each model is associated with particular target groups, contents and strategies. The author suggests that these models can lend themselves to theory development and research in what might be considered an emerging educational field. Human rights education can be further strengthened through the appropriate use oflearning theory, as well as through the setting of standards for trainer preparation and program content, and through evaluating the impact of programs in terms of reaching learner goals (knowledge, values and skills) and contributing to social change.  相似文献   

西亚非洲法制的研究在西方国家已经形成了稳定的研究体系和研究团体.这确立了西方在西亚非洲法制现代化建设中的主导地位。我国对于西亚非洲的法制主要是从伊斯兰法和非洲法两个路径进行研究,目前还有研究力量薄弱、学术成果匮乏以及存在内在理论冲突等问题。我国开展西亚非洲法制研究对于我国经济发展、法制建设以及提高我国法制在世界上的影响力和认可度等都具有积极意义。结合我国法学家成熟的学科划分或研究方向.未来对于西亚非洲法制的研究将沿着西亚非洲法制的基本法学理论、宪政和人权、国际法、国别法、部门法不断发展和繁荣。  相似文献   

In this essay Charlene Tan offers a philosophical analysis of the Singapore state's vision of shared citizenship by examining it from a Confucian perspective. The state's vision, known formally as “Our Shared Values,” consists of communitarian values that reflect the official ideology of multiculturalism. This initiative included a White Paper, entitled Shared Values, which presented pejorative assessments of the ideals of “individual rights” and “individual interests” as antithetical to national interests. Rejecting this characterization, Tan argues that a dominant Confucian perspective recognizes the correlative rights of all human beings that are premised on the inherent right to human dignity, worth, and equality. Furthermore, Confucianism posits that it is in everyone's interest to attain the Confucian ethical ideal of becoming a noble person in society through self‐cultivation. Tan concludes by highlighting two key implications for Singapore from a Confucian perspective on the Shared Values: first, schools in Singapore should place greater emphasis on individual moral development of their students, and second, more avenues should be provided for residents to contribute actively to the development of the vision of shared citizenship.  相似文献   

陈独秀是中国近代教育事业的先驱,对中国近代教育产生过重大影响。陈独秀的教育思想在其形成过程中受到皖江文化与康梁维新思想、西方民主主义思想、马克思主义的影响。陈独秀教育思想的体系涵盖了教育属于上层建筑的教育本质思想、教育的目的与方针,德智体三育并重的教育内容。陈独秀的四个面向教育方针,重实践的教育主张,以及素质教育的理念,对中国今天教育事业的改革与发展仍有启示作用。  相似文献   

庄子技术思想是审美的,主要表现为反对工具化,主张人性美。究其成因,既是社会形势促成,亦是人类欲望导致。这种思想启示我们,正确对待技术,可以促进人生艺术化,提高社会和谐度。  相似文献   

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