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本文是对"整合连贯型"教师教育模式的深化性研究。针对新建本科师范院校应用型办学转型的实际,结合"整合连贯型"教师教育模式的理论和实践应用,创造性地提出"应用型教师"的培养理念。以对比的方式揭示"整合连贯型"教师教育模式的应用性特征。对师范专业突破传统的"分段分离式"教师教育模式的不足,建立适应基础教育改革和发展实际的"整合连贯型"教师教育模式作了系统的阐释。为培养基础教育应用型师资提供了全新的理论视角和路径选择。  相似文献   

Lately, scholars have argued that there is a consensus on a number of critical features of effective teacher professional development (PD). This study presents the results of a systematic review of one of these features: coherence. The analysis and synthesis of 95 papers show that coherence in PD is conceptualized in various ways, and thus that the aforementioned consensus can be questioned. For example, should PD (1) be coherent with external factors, such as standards and assessments; (2) be internally coherent, for example that activities within PD programs should be aligned; or (3) create coherence between goals that are either predetermined or negotiated together with teachers? The different conceptualizations of coherence all implicate how teachers are positioned in relation to PD programs and, in the light of our results, we argue that teachers are primarily seen as implementers expected to align their instruction with external and predetermined goals and practices.  相似文献   

教师教育课程改革:一种整合的观点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国教师教育课程存在的突出问题是理论与实践割裂。从教师知识的性质及其生成机制出发,教师教育课程改革需要遵循整合性、联系性和一致性的原则。具体来说,整合的教师教育课程设计要着眼于建构与积累实践性知识,课程实施要秉持探究取向,并且要在大学与中小学之间建立实践共同体。  相似文献   

In recent years, educational research has paid special attention to teachers’ practical-operative experience. The growing interest in the concept of practice within workplace settings has become a turning point in sociological, anthropological and educational studies. The present study aims to explore lecturers’ perceptions and conceptions of feedback and their daily professional practice, with a focus on the use of body movement while providing feedback during the class. Even though educational research has paid a lot of attention to the concepts of practice and performance, there are very few studies that consider the main actor included in the definition of those concepts: the body. Methodologically this exploratory case study uses a mixed methods approach. Results identified two types of issues: the first one concerns the relation between lecturer and students during the feedback practice; the second one concerns the internal coherence of lecturers between the kind of verbal feedback they provide during the lesson and how at the same time they act bodily.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of the European Union's Commission in weaving together the Bologna Process and the Lisbon research strategy with its existing educational initiatives to define and disseminate an influential vision of European higher education. The article begins by outlining the Commission's activities in relation to EU education programmes, the Lisbon research agenda and the Bologna Process. It goes on to examine, in a variety of policy texts, the discourse of European higher education that is supported by, and supporting, these large-scale policy developments. Whilst the overall coherence and cohesiveness of this emerging discourse can be queried, the article argues that the Commission is drawing effectively on both Bologna and Lisbon to firmly constitute — and reconstitute — higher education as a European policy domain. The article concludes with an analysis of how different educational stakeholders are supported and restricted by the Commission's views of higher education, as articulated through its 'hybrid' Bologna/Lisbon agenda.  相似文献   

State-led education policies that centre on citizenship formation and are based on socialist-inspired values have been found in many newly independent post-colonial regimes. Such policies have led to a number of educational exchange programmes between developing countries and former ‘Eastern Bloc’ countries. This paper looks at an ambitious secondary school education exchange programme between Mozambique and the former German Democratic Republic in the 1980s. Using Yuval-Davis' three analytical categories of social location, identification and emotional attachment, and ethical and political values, the paper shows how an important part of the identity of former participants in a school exchange programme, who returned to Mozambique in 1988, is built around the concept of being ‘German’ and ‘socialist’. These values of socialist solidarity continue to guide many aspects of participants' lives. However, because in contemporary post-structural adjustment capitalist Mozambique, such values are perceived as a hindrance to contemporary notions of citizenship, these values are lived out mainly in relation to their peer group of fellow ‘German children’.  相似文献   

This paper presents a personal perspective on some of the ideas and issues that currently surround learning and teaching in art and design within higher education. It aims to stimulate debate and to raise questions about the direction in which an increasingly monolithic educational culture is moving. It identifies a number of beliefs and values that the author considers to be particularly important to the development of a radical pedagogy and argues that the sector needs to counter the drift towards a technocratic and overly deterministic approach to education. While being intentionally wide–ranging and polemical the paper seeks to bring together a number of disparate ideas into a useful and coherent interaction. The continuing relevance of education as an emancipatory and transformative project is affirmed, while certain features of modernism inscribed into current educational practices are questioned (for instance, exclusivity, subjectivism and absolutism). Changes in the ways in which knowledge is viewed are discussed in relation to assessment, learning, research and the construction of the ‘self’. A re–orientation of learning and teaching is suggested around a process–based pedagogy that places particular emphasis on indeterminacy, pluralism, revisibility and dialogue.  相似文献   

This article presents results from a longitudinal study following a cohort of medical students. Semistructured interviews are conducted every year, in which the students tell about their experiences learning medicine, their daily life, and their social activities in relation to university. The aim of the study is to analyze how medical students develop their professional competencies, values, and attitudes. This article focuses on the medical student's professional development in relation to the process of studying and learning anatomy. We analyze interviews conducted while the students are in their third and fifth semester. Anatomy plays a significant role in the medical student's educational process, on both a cognitive and emotional level. It seems that students in learning the subject matter adapt to fundamental values in the medical profession and are thus transformed into real medical students, sharing a unique experience. The implications for curricular development and professionalism are discussed, and this article argues that the issue of professionalism must be addressed in the educational process in the preclinical years and in relation to the basic sciences. Anat Sci Ed 2008. © 2008 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

This forum article contributes to the understanding of how science teachers’ identity is related to their worldviews, cultural values and educational philosophies, and to eco-transformation of science education. Special focus is put on ‘reform-minded’ science teachers. The starting point is the paper Science education reform in Confucian learning cultures: teachers’ perspectives on policy and practice in Taiwan by Ying-Syuan Huang and Anila Asghar. It highlights several factors that can explain the difficulties of implementing “new pedagogy” in science education. One important factor is Confucian values and traditions, which seem to both hinder and support the science teachers’ implementation of inquiry-based and learner-centered approaches. In this article Confucianism is compared with other learning cultures and also discussed in relation to different worldviews and educational philosophies in science education. Just like for the central/north European educational tradition called Bildung, there are various interpretations of Confucianism. However, both have subcultures (e.g. reflexive Bildung and Neo-Confucianism) with similarities that are highlighted in this article. If an “old pedagogy” in science education is related to essentialism, rationalist-objectivist focus, and a hierarchical configuration, the so called “new pedagogy” is often related to progressivism, modernism, utilitarianism, and a professional configuration. Reflexive Bildung problematizes the values associated with such a “new pedagogy” and can be described with labels such as post-positivism, reconstructionism and problematizing/critical configurations. Different educational approaches in science education, and corresponding eco-identities, are commented on in relation to transformation of educational practice.  相似文献   

教育价值观是主体关于教育价值的主观判断。高等职业教育依循传统大学和西方发达国家职业教育办学模式,在价值观上呈现出经世致用、功利主义和全面发展等代表性主张。但由于高职教育对于时代变迁和社会经济环境更为敏感.需要更加辩证地看待社会价值与个人价值的统一关系,厘清教育功能之取舍,彰显职教特性。所以,坚持以人为本,追求术道合一、担当社会责任的高职教育价值观,将更有益于引导高职教育的健康发展。  相似文献   

Post‐Fordist approaches offer a stimulating account of recent educational restructuring. There is, however, a problem with the term itself and the way it has framed and defined the debate. Mot only does it combine a number of diverse frameworks, applications and conclusions, but it also composites different levels of definitional coherence. In this way post‐Fordist education tries to operate as a generalised metaphor whilst also incorporating more tightly‐defined conceptual narratives. The result is that these different meanings become collapsed and the term itself swamped by overuse. A consequence is that the model is less able to offer an incisive or distinctive perspective on educational change. When specific post‐Fordist narratives are used to interrogate educational restructuring it is clear that they are unable to capture the range of levels in which change is both generated and manifest. This raises a broader issue for educational theorisationidentifying the structures that mediate and link the economic and educational realms (and in particular, the role of politics and ideology). A further conclusion is that grand theoretical designs need to be chaperoned by a policy analysis approach or at least a more detailed account of the policy sector to be explained.  相似文献   

Making liberal democratic values meaningful to study in schools is a more complex issue than being a question of turning values into explicit educational goals (Schleicher) or of curing a motivational deficit (Critchley). Since values seem to play an important role in the practices and commitments of people's everyday lives, values are calling for a continual refinement of our words in relation to the world (Laverty). The purpose of this article is to offer contours of an educational language about values that acknowledges this refinement and the pedagogical work that teachers might do—by way of language—in order to sustain the living-on of what is valued and valuable to us as individuals and as societies. To this end, the article is divided into two parts. The first part takes the temperature of the current political and educational debates, offering thereby a sociopolitical background to the need of a renewed language about values. Drawing on ordinary language philosophy (Moi, Murdoch and Forsberg) and the idea that there is an intimate relationship between how we look at the world (attention) and the words we use in describing it (language). The second part of the article places the emergence of values in a particular time in history before suggesting a more existential vocabulary about values for the purpose of teaching values in schools.  相似文献   

我国高等教育评估研究自1985年开始至今,其研究成果数量较多,内容较丰富。通过对20世纪80年代以来我国高等教育评估研究成果数量及内容的分析,我们认为高等教育评估是高等教育的必然要求,是以教育价值观为指导的实践活动。只有认识到高等教育评估的重要性,树立正确的教育价值观,高等教育评估方能越行越远。  相似文献   

The study aims to gain a better understanding of the national large-scale curriculum process in terms of the used implementation strategies, the function of the reform, and the curriculum coherence perceived by the stakeholders accountable in constructing the national core curriculum in Finland. A large body of school reform literature has shown that a central determinant for the effectiveness of curriculum reform is the way in which the reform is implemented. Accordingly, implementing curriculum reform always entails translation of the new ideas into new educational practices, which involves complex sense-making processes from those involved. Altogether, 117 stakeholders accountable in constructing the national core curriculum in Finland completed a survey. The results showed that the effect of the implementation strategy for the perceived curriculum coherence was mediated by the perceived educational impact of the reform both for the school and society. The mediated interrelation between the top-down–bottom-up implementation strategy in the curriculum process, and the estimated coherence in the written core curriculum implies that the objects of the activities, namely elaborating and focusing on the educational impact of the decisions, is a crucial determinant for achieving curriculum coherence, and further, facilitating sustainable school development at the local level.  相似文献   

从1975年世界上第一部音乐电视(Music Video)诞生至今,音乐电视经历了三十余年的发展,由一个新兴的影像形式发展成为当今较为成熟的、代表着流行与时尚的一种电视艺术体裁.音乐电视作为一种特殊的具有叙事性的影像形式,由于其自身种种特性的制约,不能实现电影式的"时间流程完整、逻辑顺序严密、因果关系连贯"的叙事,而呈现出独特的"拼贴"叙事风格.为了追求艺术的完美性和叙事的相对完整性,我们可以运用一些特殊的电视手段来弥补音乐电视叙事的不足,达到音乐艺术和影像艺术更完美的结合.  相似文献   

Coherence of national education and training systems is increasingly tabled in European policy debates. Leaning on literature about the emergence and consolidation of national education systems, this article explores the rationale for VET reforms in Norway and Spain by scrutinising attempts to strengthen the coherence of their VET systems. Coherence has been sought through the unification of different strands of vocational education; initial, continuing and active labour market policies (what we call ‘horizontal coherence’) and the mainstreaming of VET curricular elements; plus the systematisation of VET practices across educational levels (‘vertical coherence’). While both countries looked for coherence, their motivations, how they operationalised the term and the emphasis of their actions differed substantially. Spain has experienced a move from the three largely unrelated strands into a more unified system; Norway from a fragile VET system to the availability of more VET courses and apprenticeship arrangements at all educational levels.  相似文献   

教育产业形成的国家理念与市场逻辑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就当代国内外教育产业的概念、形成条件、动力机制三个问题作一理论探讨,其中,以国家理念的教育公益性或准公益性与市场逻辑的教育商品性、产业性作为探讨的原则和基础,并对促进教育产业形成而进行的体制、机制、法制三个层面的改革问题提出了宏观把握和微观运作的几点建议。  相似文献   

连贯是语篇分析的重要课题之一。从互文性角度对连贯现象进行重新审视,一方面,展示出了互文性与连贯的紧密联系,另一方面,更揭示了语篇连贯的实质,即语篇的连贯是与当前语篇相关的主客体在语篇交际中的认知整合性连贯,是超出单个语篇范围、诸因素间的理据性关系。连贯的互文分析法,能给研究语篇连贯提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

This study examines various attitudinal components of the educational orientations of the aged. An index was developed to measure: (1) perceived ability to learn, (2) interest in education (as a concept), (3) perception of educational needs, (4) desired availability of. educational opportunities, and (5) use of free time. Locus of control was also examined in relation to these perspectives. Six significant relationships were found to exist between these components. Barriers to educational involvement are examined and discussed in relation to the attitudinal dimensions. Findings of the study do not support a number of the commonly held stereotypes about older adults and their learning interests. Barriers rather than attitudes may be a greater factor in determining participation in educational activities.  相似文献   

This editorial introduction positions distance education in the larger context of educational research and theory construction. Next to a definition of key concepts, the authors elaborate three major issues that are dealt with in distance education research in relation to educational materials. The first issue centres on curriculum and values. The second topic concentrates on the creation of appropriate learning environments. The third issue focuses on the evaluation of effects of materials in use. In discussing the three issues the authors stress the particularities of the distance education context.  相似文献   

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