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期待的课程源于学生对课程的期待,具体表现为学生对优秀教师、有趣学科内容、良好环境以及对自我实现的期待。由于教学实践中学生对课程的期待往往被教育者忽略,学生期待的课程随之得不到有效实施,进而导致课程学习与学生实际相脱离。还原学生期待的课程是学生作为课程参与主体的应有之义,唯此,学生才能真正成为"课程的内生性来源",成为课程的出发点和归宿。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the validity and reliability of a programmatic assessment survey to measure students’ expectations and perceptions of general education curriculum, and considers the extent to which scales are related to non-cognitive variables. The results showed that the scales are valid from both theoretical and statistical perspectives and highly reliable. Hierarchical linear models were applied to understand whether students’ perceptions of the curriculum vary as a function of gender, ethnicity, major, and length of study in college. Students’ perceptions of the curriculum were discovered to be insignificantly different from each other, and students with higher expectations of the curriculum had significantly higher perceptions of it. This research provides a significant addition to studies surrounding liberal learning. Understanding students’ expectations and perceptions of the curriculum provides insight into their underlying value system, and assists educational practitioners to measure the overall efficacy of the curriculum in general education.  相似文献   

Since A Nation at Risk was released in the 1980s, standards-based reform has been the most dominant trend in American educational policy, and the No Child Left Behind Act pushed the trend further by requiring states to develop rigorous curriculum standards. Though much has been said about these new standards, less has been said about whether or how well professional development helps teachers link their instruction to these standards. This study examined the impact of a professional development program for K-12 science teachers in helping teachers meet state curriculum standards. Seventy-five science teachers in Michigan participated in a 2-week summer workshop that used Problem-Based Learning for improving teachers’ content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. Researchers surveyed participating teachers about the change of teachers’ preparedness for standards-based teaching, their expectations to meet state curriculum standards, and whether their expectations were met. In addition, the usefulness of workshop activities was examined. Data analysis showed that to align teaching with state curriculum standards, participating teachers expected to learn instructional strategies and enhance science content knowledge through professional development, and by and large their expectations were well met. Collaboration with colleagues and facilitators helped teachers achieve their goals in terms of teaching within state curriculum standards. These findings have important implications for designing professional development to help teachers align instruction with curriculum standards.  相似文献   

The dominance of Asian communities in international league tables such as those produced by The Program for International Student Assessment, which monitors competence in literacy and numeracy, has resulted in a policy discourse from the English government of failing schools, deficit curricular and ineffective teachers. This in turn has led to a re-defining of the National Curriculum framework for pupils educated in England with greater focus given in the Early Years curriculum to Mathematical functions particularly those associated with skills in counting; understanding and using number; calculating simple addition and subtraction problems and the understanding of shape, space and measure. Drawing on research carried out in Hong Kong and England this article offers a cross-cultural comparison of the expectations of Early Years Teachers in terms of the capabilities of early learners in achieving elements of number competency. The study of teachers’ expectation is a neglected field in research when applied to compare intercultural achievement. In identifying divergent national expectations, the current panic over what constitutes an appropriate maths curriculum is critiqued and recommendations made for further exploration into teachers’ expectations as to the age and stage at which elements of the maths curriculum are introduced in English schools.  相似文献   

本文从针对课程改革的特点出发,提出了新课程改革对教师的新角色期待,即教师要成为课程的制订者、课程的领导者和课程改革的中介者。而教师要担负起这一系列的新角色,构建起以学校为本位的教师发展新模式。  相似文献   

对我国中、东、西部三省1174名幼儿教师进行问卷调查,了解幼儿教师对学前一年教育中教学与课程的期望。研究结果显示,幼儿教师普遍认识到学前一年教育的重要性,并认为应当突出学前一年教育教学与课程的特殊性,为幼儿的全面和谐发展与入学准备设置适宜的课程。  相似文献   

在美国的课程标准化运动中,全国性专业协会和各州纷纷推出各自的社会科课程标准。社会课程旨在增进公民竞争力,其主题轴或者学科轴作为课程框架,目的在于发展课程标准和期望表现。目前,美国社会科课程在多样性的基础上表现出统一性的特征。  相似文献   

Teaching is a moral endeavour. It transmits moral messages based on values and expectations. This paper explores the relationship between school practice and the democratic values endorsed in the Swedish national curriculum. A lunch‐time episode illustrates the discrepancy between the national curriculum’s ethical values and their realization in practice. This discrepancy problematizes the decentralization process in Swedish schooling. Furthermore, it suggests that episodes at the margins of school practice may be just as important to the moral curriculum of school as the knowledge‐related elements conventionally deemed to be the core of the curriculum.  相似文献   

Information Technology (IT) changes very quickly and influences business, industry and the public in an enormous manner. Outsourcing of IT jobs to cheaper overseas labor and globalization of IT companies become a common practice. Graduates of IT university courses must be well prepared to address the needs and expectations of business, industry and every day life. Many factors in an Information Technology curriculum influence graduates’ professional preparation and image. The most important of them is to reflect technology change, the current state of knowledge of computing, business and industry demands and students’ expectations. The aim of our project was to develop a new Bachelor of IT curriculum that satisfies these requirements. In this report we concentrate our attention on two critical aspects of IT curriculum content, the modern technologies to be used to illustrate basic concepts and principles of computing, and the generic skills that each graduate is expected to acquire to get a job in Australia.  相似文献   

This study analyzes measurement learning expectations involving area and volume in grades 1–8 across several U.S. states and high-performing TIMSS Asian countries, including Singapore, Taiwan, and Japan. Based on a review of official curriculum documents, results of this study indicate that the mathematics content, grade placement, and cognitive level of learning expectations related to selected measurement topics vary markedly across states and countries. This variability in learning expectations results in striking differences in students’ opportunity to learn.  相似文献   

根据小学生的心理发展特点和小学科学课程标准的指导思想,对预习的作用进行较为全面的分析,重点对预习的负面作用进行深入辨析,以期望唤醒当前小学科学课程教师教学中的预习开展回归理性,从而有效预防负面作用。  相似文献   

课程的通用性设计可以提供一系列策略以利于克服现有课程中固有的障碍和缺陷,并通过课堂实践的融入来建构多元化选项和高灵活性的课程服务,最大化所有学生的学习机会.能力导向的课程修正以通用性设计理念为导引和实施策略,在经典课程理论框架之内对课程目标、课程方法、课程信息和课程评价等四个领域进行全方位修正,针时不同课堂教学来设计课程期望、内容、方法和结果,从而实现培养与发展所有学生的学习能力,改善与提高所有学生的学习效果的目标.  相似文献   

根据课程的形成背景,近百年中小学音乐课程的发展大体有五个阶段:其中前三个阶段主要是受不同的国外课程的影响建构的;后两个阶段是以本土化建设为目标的探索,尤其是最近的新课程凸现了许多亮点。我国中小学音乐课程改革与发展基于不同课程观的影响,进入新世纪后,音乐课程改革在全球化、数字化的背景下日趋完善,上海中小学音乐新课程作为其中一个探索实例,比较完整地反映了这个发展的成果。文章还对中小学音乐课程的未来作了一定的展望。  相似文献   

针对在当前幼儿园课程实践中存在的教师实然角色与应然角色之间的差距,以勒温的“心理场”理论分析来自不同主体对教师的期望,揭示教师在多种期望形成的充满张力的生活空间中,最终选择实然角色的内部机制。  相似文献   


Increasing emphasis is being placed upon employer expectations in research on graduate employability, in response to the widely claimed gap between employer expectations and graduates’ understanding of these expectations. For graduates, being uncertain of their employer’s expectations may threaten the ease of their transition into the workplace and their job satisfaction, even leading to issues around graduate retention for employers. External influences on the graduate labour market such as differences in industry/sector level expectations and economic/political factors, can pose further complications. This paper presents a cross-industry analysis of employer expectations of graduates, drawing from four selected case study vignettes aimed at uncovering insights into these variances. Findings offer implications for policy makers and higher education providers around the design and delivery of a curriculum that appropriately prepares students for the graduate labour market, whilst also catering for industry-level expectations particularly in light of the UK’s forthcoming departure from the EU.  相似文献   

科学课程是青少年素质教育的重要渠道。本文在回顾加拿大科学教育发展的基础上 ,对该国科学课程的目标、课程内容与重点、科技教育评价体系的发展与改革做了全面的综述 ,并就我国中小学课程改革中新整合的科学课教学的若干问题进行了讨论  相似文献   


Transition from education to practice can be troublesome for many early-career engineers because expectations, habitual work practices and values tend to conflict with realities of engineering workplaces. Emerging technologies referred to as ‘Industry 4.0’ or the ‘fourth industrial revolution’ have prompted many to argue for students to develop improved socio-technical skills. Understandings of practice emerging from contemporary research could help educators shape a new generation of engineers with more appropriate abilities to restore global productivity growth and transform economies to eliminate greenhouse emissions in a short enough time to limit human-induced global warming. However, so far, explicit curriculum reforms addressing graduate attributes and workplace skills have not resulted in significant employability improvements. This paper argues that assessment practices and curriculum gaps may be acting as an implied or hidden curriculum shaping student expectations and values. This paper proposes ways to overcome these curriculum deficits in higher education institutions and also workplace education interventions. These changes could help educate engineers about productivity improvement, commercial and social value generation, business requirements and entrepreneurship. Changes like these will be needed to achieve sustainable development goals, especially in developing countries.  相似文献   

新课程实施的关键是教师自身变革."互动生成"的校本培训旨在唤起教师的生命意识,通过教师职业期待与专业诉求的互动生成;理论与实践的互动生成;知、情、意的互动生成,促进教师发展,最终实现新课程引导下的学校文化变革。  相似文献   

新旧世纪交替更迭,世界各国教育改革此起彼伏,各种理论与学说交相辉映,共同形成颇为壮阔的图景。作为教育的核心领域——课程与教学的研究在近些年同样经历着日新月异的变化。本文尝试从香港与内地学者的视角勾勒出近二十年香港课程与教学的研究脉络与发展轮廓。文章首先概述两岸三地在课程与教学研究交流发展方面所做出的不懈努力;其次,文章围绕课程改革、课程实施、教师教育、学科教育、大学教育等关键词,梳理、归纳两岸学者就香港课程与教学所进行的探索与研究;最后,文章基于对整体脉络的把握,对两岸三地的课程与教学研究提出殷切的期望与可行性建议。  相似文献   

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