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Having a child with autism in China raises challenges for families. Some are similar to those of families in western countries, but others are unique. This study sought to understand one aspect—the dilemmas of having a second child in a country where having only one child is the norm, and where social welfare services are not developed. This study examined the experiences of one family from the time when the family were considering having a second child through to the time when the younger child was a teenager. The most salient issues were the changing perspectives on the sibling’s role, and the responsibility and future burden of the sibling due to this responsibility. We use three ethical theories as a framework for analysis. The data suggested several benefits of having a second child and the possibilities for promoting opportunities and well-being, and not just responsibility and worry, in the second child. Areas of future research to expand this study are considered.  相似文献   

With researchers funnelled into lucrative research practices that value fast scholarship, we explore ethical practice as an ethico-onto-epistemological project. Through collective biography, diffractive choreography, and poetry, we map systems of entrapment that manifest power relations in the academy. We argue the posthumanist ethical practice is an intra-active project in higher education – involving rich material, social, political and intellectual entanglements. Posthumanist ethical practice rejects dualisms of body/mind, nature/culture and human/non-human. It evokes creativity to generate new vocabularies for challenging anthropocentric ‘exceptionalism’. Mapping relations in posthuman assemblages can involve agential cuts that evoke ethical practice as affective encounters. Agential cuts give permission for pedagogic storying where there is ontological connectedness. As academics, we are immersed in assemblages where posthumanist education research and practice is a rich, embodied, and connected process. Particular consideration is given in this article to affectivity and the value of pedagogic performance in education research.  相似文献   

Since the mid‐1980s many schools in predominantly white areas have taken active steps to counter racism and ethnocentrism and raise awareness of Britain's ethnic diversity through curriculum development. This paper is primarily concerned with the ethical issues raised by research into such initiatives at primary school level. We begin by alluding very briefly to the shortcomings of extant research into children's prejudice, noting that some studies can be criticised for the unwitting reinforcement of stereotypes. We move on to examine the ethical and methodological considerations which have underpinned our own work in this area, focusing on a recent investigation into children's understanding of Jewish culture and identity. The techniques employed to probe the children's beliefs and attitudes and challenge their taken‐for‐granted assumptions are described at length, together with the ethical dilemmas addressed during the course of the research. In the second part of the paper, we focus on issues raised by our own curriculum development work in anti‐racist and multicultural education in ‘all white’ schools. We draw extensively on a recent case‐study of 10 and 11 year‐olds’ responses to a teaching programme which aimed to counter stereotypical images both of developing countries and Islam.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT It is argued that sport, like science or medicine, is a valued human practice and is characterised as much by the moral manner in which its participants conduct themselves as by the pursuit of its own skills, standards and excellences. Virtues, such as justice, honesty and courage, are not only necessary to pursue its goals but to protect it from being corrupted by external interests. After explicating the practice view of sport in contrast to the sociological view, the nature of competition in sport is discussed before examining two related issues: winning at all costs and the taking of performance-enhancing drugs. The importance of practices to education and the good life is also outlined.  相似文献   

Stephan Marks 《Interchange》2007,38(3):263-284
The article outlines a deficit in Holocaust education: The motives of the perpetrators and bystanders are often not dealt with. In order to explore these motives, interviews with former Nazis were conducted and evaluated in the Geschichte und Erinnerung (History and Memory) research project; two of the findings are presented here. Subsequently the question of how these findings can be applied in school teaching about National Socialism and the Holocaust is discussed. The author recommends teachers not to expose students to whole narrations of former Nazis, but to use brief excerpts from those narrations in order to develop an analysis of the Nazis’ motives. Ultimately, teaching about the topic of National Socialism and the Holocaust should be integrated with students’ own narrations, with their knowledge of the topic based on family stories, family secrets, and other sources.  相似文献   

关于创新学习若干问题的思考   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
构建终身学习的学习型社会和提高学生的创新能力,都要求人们要学会学习和创新学习。创新学习是人们获取知识和技能过程中的自主学习活动,也是时代呼唤的一种新的学习理念,贯通于学习过程的各个环节之中。培养创新人才始于创新学习能力培养。创新学习的实现受诸多因素制约,倡导大学生创新学习必须为其搭建创新学习的平台。  相似文献   

新一轮基础教育课程改革正在顺利、有序的推进。新教材、新理念也强烈地冲击着现有的师范教育体系。师范院校必须在更新观念,改革教学内容、方法和手段等方面做出表率,使培养出来的毕业生能够适应基础教育课程改革的需求。因此,在教育心理学教学改革中,应该在教学理念上,体现主体性;教学形式上,体现创新性;教学方法上,体现主动性;教学过程中,体现师范性。努力使我们师范院校的教育心理学教学改革,与基础教育课程改革相适应,并起到指导和示范作用。  相似文献   

This study describes Auslan/English interpreters' use of translation style when interpreting for a university lecture. Some interpreters switched translation style, between free and literal methods of interpretation, as a linguistic strategy for dealing with the sociolinguistic influences of the discourse environment. In particular, attention was paid to the interpreters' educational background (and therefore their familiarity with academic discourse), the linguistic features and lexical density of the text, and their influences on the interpretation. The key finding of the study was that Auslan/English interpreters predominantly used a free or literal interpretation approach, but switched between translation styles at particular points of the text, leading to the suggestion of the concept of "translational contact." The findings of this study are not only significant in Australia but can also benefit interpreters and interpreter educators internationally.  相似文献   

技术的发展,一方面激发了人们对新事物的大胆探索,另一方面也唤醒了人类对自身文明的高度尊重。如何正确处理技术发展的社会伦理的关系,促进技术与社会伦理的协同发展,最终达到社会发展和真善美的高度统一是当前急需回答和解决的问题。  相似文献   

This article reports findings from an ethnographic study of the arts curriculum and pedagogy in a British primary school. The policy context for the study is the school's involvement in promoting creative partnerships between teachers and artists. The pedagogies of three different artist‐led projects are analysed, using a Bernsteinian framework, and are characterised in relation to notions of ‘competence’ and ‘performance’ pedagogies. These characterisations are then used to consider the impact of the artists' pedagogies on teachers in the school, and the extent to which the different pedagogies promote inclusion. Broad conclusions are drawn about the relative difficulty of adopting competence pedagogies in the current educational culture of British schools; more specific conclusions are drawn about the importance of time, text, discourse and interpretation in arts pedagogies.  相似文献   

目前我国学生评价中,人们普遍注重追求学生评价的科学化,而对于学生评价的伦理问题却关注得很少,所以导致学生评价实践中常常出现一些违背伦理规范的现象.主要表现在:舞弊、欺骗行为屡禁不止;对学生划分等级,以分取人;负面评价学生引起学生严重的心理问题;漠视学生自尊,不顾学生的心理感受等.本文从伦理学的视角出发,分析当前学生评价中存在的有悖伦理的学生评价问题,提出有助于学生评价的改革与发展的策略.  相似文献   

教学反思的目的是指导、控制教学实践。及时做好教学反思,有利于教师及时发现自己在教学实践中的成功和不足,使自己的课堂教学不断优化和走向成熟。反思的内容可以涉及到教学过程的各个方面。教师要坚持及时反思自己的教学行为,在反思中提高。  相似文献   

农村中小学现代远程教育工程通过三种模式改善了农村中小学的信息技术环境,并为他们输送了大量的优质教育资源。而农村中小学教师教育技术能力的培养和提高,将有助于这些信息技术和资源在教学系统中的合理及有效运用。本文主要从系统的角度出发,从生态学的视角来考察农村中小学教师教育技术能力培养中的几个问题:如何合理地分析影响教育技术应用的因素?如何理解学校系统中技术对教师教学的意义?如何为背景不一的农村中小学教师设计合理的培训方案?如何在培训后为教师们建立起联系的机制以促进他们的进一步发展?  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative study was to identify and explain the origins of physics and chemistry teacher candidates' beliefs about teaching about ethics through socioscientific issues (SSI). This study utilized a series of in‐depth interviews, while the participants (n = 12) were enrolled in a 9‐month teacher education program at an urban university in Canada. Our data analysis revealed that beliefs about teaching physics and chemistry using SSI derive from a complex web of fundamental beliefs exemplified by four archetypes representing the subject‐specific identities of our teacher candidates—Model Scientist/Engineer, Model Individual, Model Teacher, and Model Citizen. Furthermore, we found that the justification for belief change required by a particular teacher candidate depends on these subject‐discipline identities. Thus, the presence of each archetype in preservice classrooms has ramifications for the way a teacher educator should encourage his or her students to include SSI in their teaching. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47: 380–401, 2010  相似文献   

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