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The present study used a factor analytic procedure for identifying basic dimensions of elementary school student teacher concerns. A hierarchical factor analysis was applied to the intercorrelations among 122 situationspecific items rated by students completing their teaching practicum in Columbus, Ohio elementary schools. Results indicated the presence of a major factor, which accounted for over one-quarter of the variance. This factor, termed “Concern with Being an Effective Teacher,” reflects the teacher’s concern with generating a classroom environment conducive to effective learning and social growth. Seven other factors, together accounting for an additional 20 percent of the variance, were also identified and characterized. It is suggested that further studies investigate the utility of employing scores on such factors to identify successful teachers.  相似文献   

数学课堂教学改革是数学课程改革的一项重要工作。数学课堂教学改革就是要用新课程理念改革过去被动式的课堂教学模式,使课堂教学成为“师生之间、学生之间交往互动与共同发展的过程”。要实现这一目标,建构课堂教学中真实的师生交往是关键。当前,在中小学数学课堂教学的师生交往中存在一些不真实的现象,这已对数学新课程的教学实施造成了一些不利的影响。因此,要正确认识数学课堂教学中师生交往的涵义,分析不真实交往的成因,明确师生之间真实交往的特征,建构数学课堂教学中有效的师生交往,从而推动数学课堂教学改革的健康发展。  相似文献   

This report contains an analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data on participant perceptions of the co‐production of learning. It constitutes a refinement of the working model of the triadic relationship between parents, students, and teachers which was the basis of previous reports (Coleman, Collinge, & Seifert, 1992; Coleman, Collinge, & Tabin, 1992; Coleman & Tabin, 1992; Coleman & Collinge, 1991). Given our earlier findings the focus in this paper is upon the theme of collaboration, which is emerging as one critical element in the relationships within the student/teacher/parent triad.

The analysis shows that there are sharp differences in perceptions of collaboration between different triad members. Collaboration between parents and students is perceived to be both strong and balanced in initiation. Teachers show little awareness of its strength. Collaboration between teachers and parents is perceived by both to be one‐sided; each party sees the other as unresponsive. It is invisible to students. Collaboration between students and teachers varies between classrooms, and seems to be based upon the teachers’ perception of student acceptance of responsibility; parents are very keenly aware of this collaboration where it exists. Classroom level differences are also strong; teacher attitudes and practices clearly determine the extent of collaboration.

In British Columbia parent and student attitudes towards classrooms and teachers are affected, sometimes strongly, by teacher practices of parent involvement. These attitudes contribute to parent and student rating of particular schools.  相似文献   

通过实验研究探讨了师生互动在英语阅读理解中的作用,研究对象是150名在校大学生。被试被分为3个组,分别参加3种不同输入语境的阅读测试,A组阅读简写的材料,附有生词注释;B组阅读原汁原味的材料,没有生词注释;C组阅读没有生词注释的材料但可以与老师互动。结果表明:A组和C组都比B组理解得好,而C组比A组理解得好,这说明师生互动在阅读理解中起着举足轻重的作用。此外,真实材料和学生动机在外语教学中的作用也不可忽略。  相似文献   

The efficacy of placing students with special needs in inclusive classrooms may depend in part on how instructional factors contribute to student outcomes. Differences in frequencies and levels of cognitive engagement of interactions among nine teachers in inclusive elementary classrooms were related to three other variables: teachers' ratings on the Pathognomonic-Interventionist (PATH/INT) Scale, students' designation either as exceptional or at-risk (EX/AR) or as typically achieving (TA), and students' scores on the Piers Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale. Teachers with PATH beliefs, who attribute learning difficulties to permanent characteristics of the student that are beyond the teacher's mandate, interacted infrequently with their EX/AR students at low levels of cognitive engagement. Teachers with INT beliefs, who see themselves as responsible for the achievement of all their students irrespective of their disabilities, interacted with all students more frequently, and at higher levels of cognitive engagement. In contrast to the PATH teachers, their EX/AR students received more instructional interactions than their TA students. As expected, the EX/AR students in all classrooms had lower Piers Harris Self-Concept Total Scale scores than typically achieving students. However, both TA and EX/AR students had lower Self-Concept Total Scale scores in the classrooms of teachers with PATH beliefs, compared to students in the classrooms of INT teachers. The relationship is discussed between teachers' beliefs, their different patterns of instructional interactions with students with and without disabilities in inclusive classrooms, and the possible impact of instructional interventions on students' self-concept.  相似文献   

远程学习的教学交互模型和教学交互层次塔   总被引:54,自引:6,他引:54  
本研究以Laurillard于2001年提出的学习过程的会话模型为原型,建立了远程学习的教学交互模型.教学交互模型由三个层面所组成:学生与媒体的操作交互、学生与教学要素的信息交互、以及学生的概念和新概念的概念交互.这三个层面的教学交互在学习过程中可能同时发生,学习者的学习在这三个层面的教学交互共同作用下完成.其中信息交互包括三种形式:学生与学习资源的交互、学生与教师的交互、学生与学生的交互.这三种形式的信息交互相互补充.根据远程学习的教学交互模型,作者把学习过程中的三个不同层面的教学交互按照其抽象的程度,从上到下形象地呈现出来,由此形成了教学交互的层次塔.本研究首次将远程学习过程分解为三种教学交互,由此揭示远程学习的教学交互本质.同时,通过采用教学交互层次塔的形式,形象地概括出三个层面教学交互对学习的不同意义及相互依存关系.  相似文献   

高校教工党建与学生党建共同的工作背景和目标,以及两者各自的优势决定了在两者之间建立双向互动机制的必要性。主体间性思想政治教育模式为教工党建与学生党建双向互动机制的建立提供了支撑。要突出高校党建的效果,一方面必须坚持主体间性的党建模式,另一方面又必须制定实施促进教工党建与学生党建双向互动机制运转的系列措施。  相似文献   

Laboratory work is considered essential in promoting students’ learning of science and of scientific inquiry. What the students perceive as important to learn from a regular laboratory exercise is probably affected by the teacher’s objectives. We study the extent to which one teacher’s objectives are fulfilled during lab work, and how teacher–student and student–student interactions contribute to developing learning experiences from the laboratory exercise. Do students encounter opportunities to learn in agreement with the teacher’s objectives? This explanatory single case study includes use of a palette of methods, such as pre- and post-interviews, observations and video documentation from an experienced secondary school teacher and her 8th grade (aged 13–14) students’ laboratory work. Our results point to the importance of teacher involvement to help students understand what to look for, how to do it and why. Especially teacher–student interactions during lab work seemed to influence what students perceived as important to learn. In the laboratory exercise in this case, the teacher helped the students to observe and to use their observations in their explanations. The lab work included learning experiences other than those addressed by the teacher, and the teacher’s intentions were partially fulfilled. Not only what the teacher says, but also how the teacher acts is important to help students understand what to learn from a laboratory exercise.  相似文献   

教育怎能"学生说了算"--从学生评教看师生关系的合理定位   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
学生评教的滥用,致使“学生说了算”竟成为时髦,师生关系遂变得复杂、畸形。可是教育的本质决定了师生关系的最基本方面只能是教师教,学生学。说学生是主体,那是说学生是学的主体,是自我教育、自我体验、自我管理、自我约束的主体,而不是说学生是教的主体。教学须调动学生的能动性,考虑学生的兴趣,都不意味着学生是教学过程的主体。学生的意见具有一定的参考价值,但是,教育不能由学生说了算。  相似文献   

Since the criteria for diagnosis of childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) include that the symptoms present in at least two situations, usually home and school, the role of teachers in the identification and diagnosis of this condition is crucial. There is, however, evidence of inter-cultural differences in ratings of AD/HD in children and young people, by teachers and others, though it is not possible to make comparisons between the various studies, because the conditions were not comparable. The focus of this article is the cultural influences on ratings of AD/HD-type behaviour. Evidence is presented of culturally related differences in such ratings, under conditions designed to ensure directly comparable conditions, involving teachers and student teachers from mainland China, Hong Kong, and the United Kingdom. There was some evidence that the teachers from mainland China rated the behaviour of a "target" child, presented on video, higher on a number of items than either the teachers from Hong Kong or the United Kingdom. There was only limited evidence of differences between the ratings of teachers and student teachers within the same culture.  相似文献   

This paper discussed a study of the differences in student learning achievement and retention in a college-level statistics course taught in a variety of teaching/learning environments. Statistical test results revealed that students experiencing a CAI environment performed no differently on achievement or retention tests than students experiencing a traditional lecture/discussion environment. However, students experiencing an “enriched” CAI environment (CAI plus planned teacher/student contacts) performed significantly better on achievement tests than students experiencing any of several other environments, including: lecture/discussion, lecture/discussion supplemented with planned teacher/student contacts, PI texts, PI texts supplemented with planned teacher/student contacts, and CAI.  相似文献   

曲中林 《教育学报》2006,2(3):70-74
影响和制约教师培训的实践至少包含社会主导实践、专业主流实践和教师主体实践三个维度。真正提升教师培训品质的最终落脚点在教师主体实践的维度上,但前提必须是“三主契合”的理想状态。  相似文献   

In this article, the authors investigated the relations of students’ perceptions of teachers’ oral feedback with teacher expectancies and student self-concept. A sample of 1,598 Taiwanese children in Grades 3 to 6 completed measures of student perceptions of teacher oral feedback and school self-concept. Homeroom teachers identified students for whom they had high or low expectancies. Discriminant analysis indicated student perceptions of positive and negative academic oral feedback were more important than nonacademic feedback in predicting teacher expectancies. A 2-way multivariate analysis of variance showed that boys perceived more negative oral feedback than did girls, and fifth-grade students perceived more negative oral feedback on academic and nonacademic domains than did the third- and fourth-grade students. Furthermore, structural equation modeling results indicated a particularly strong relation between positive academic oral feedback and academic self-concept.  相似文献   

外语教学应以学生为中心。在这种教学模式下.教师由课堂的主宰变成了学生学习的辅助。与传统的“知识传授者”相比.教师的角色更加复杂.如研究学生心理和行为、组织课堂活动、监督、指导学习过程等。在教学改革初期,教师应尽快实现角色的转换。为学生自主学习和探索学习提供有效的指导。  相似文献   

通过查阅文献、开放式问卷调查、访谈、内容分析等方法提出了中小学教师对特定学生的信任结构并编制问卷项目。以小学和初中教师为研究对象,探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析结果表明:教师对学生的殊化信任是一个多维结构,包括教师对学生的学习潜力、是否亲近教师和诚实可靠三方面的判断;自编的问卷具有较好的信度和效度,可作为进一步研究的工具。最后,对中小学教师信任的总体情况进行了分析。  相似文献   

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