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The college system of Hungary is introduced. Colleges have a long history in Hungary and operate at a level similar to that of the Fachhochschulen of Germany. The main areas of study and research which they cover are listed as are their admission requirements. Their system of governance is described as are also the ways in which they are funded. A table of facts and figures on Hungarian colleges is appended.  相似文献   

The development of psychological counselling for students of music schools in Poland is presented. The author's counselling experience has shown that crises in music school students can be analyzed in terms of values, technology and socio‐emotional factors. An important feature of psychological diagnosis is the analysis of musical achievement motivation (short, medium and longterm).  相似文献   

高校财务管理的目的是提高资金效益,要调动各单位聚财的积极性,管理的自觉性,财务部门就应该主动协调双方关系——必须善于换位思考.  相似文献   

Mrs. Deri, after stating that in Hungary today there is a satisfactory number of women students in higher education, splits up the total figures for women students at university into fields of study and shows which ones women usually prefer. She then reviews briefly the results of a sociological survey concerning various questions related to women in higher education, before and after graduation, their professional choices and career opportunities

Mrs. Vera Deri is attached to the Pedagogical Research Centre for Higher Education, Budapest, Hungary  相似文献   

追求责任心的声誉--世纪之交的加拿大高校   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文反省、批评、讨论并分析了自 2 0世纪 80年代以来 ,教育经费削减对加拿大各大学的影响以及由此所产生的不良后果。文章指出 ,为弥补教育经费大幅缩减 ,加拿大各大学纷纷自行寻找经费来源 ,包括政府和企业的专项经费 ,并追求责任心声誉。由此产生的消极影响是 ,学校的科学研究方向被政府和企业的片面需求所主导 ,学校的传统及基础科学研究方向遭到削弱。此外 ,学校行政管理部门在对科研与教学进行评估时 ,借用了企业管理中的定量评估方法 ,使得教学科研人员在科研上倾向于只注重短期效应 ,在教学上则更多地迎合学生对职业技能的需求 ,而忽视了基础性教育的作用。  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between research and teaching practices as they are enacted by university professors in a research-intensive university. First we propose a theoretical model for the study of this relationship based on Chevallard’s anthropological theory. This model is used to design and analyze an interview study with physical geographers and mathematicians at the University of Copenhagen. We found significant differences in how the respondents from the two disciplines assessed the relationship between research and teaching. Above all, while geography research practices are often and smoothly integrated into geography teaching even at the undergraduate level, teaching in mathematics may at best be ‘similar’ to mathematical research practice, at least at the undergraduate level. Finally, we discuss the educational implications of these findings.  相似文献   

匈牙利自称是马扎尔人,语言学上属于亚洲系和芬兰乌戈尔语族。音乐史上和德国,特别是和澳地利密切相关。20世纪开始,由巴尔托克和柯达依等人的研究使之得以明确的匈牙利民歌特征,是和居住在前苏联的伏尔加河沿岸的少数民族共同的,在旋律构造上具有亚洲的特征。在古老风格的音乐中,重视歌词的节奏,以组细密的装饰音、自由节奏和像说话那样地歌唱为特点的旋律,令人联想起来以亚洲为起源的民族性特征。其中,几百年前开始就有的古旋律,使用的是无半音的五声音阶。在比较(?)近的旋律中,则发展了六声音阶和七声音阶。如今,这种古老风格的音乐极为…  相似文献   

Demographic changes have altered medical practice, shifting the focus to the health care problems of the aged. These changes challenge health policy and services and require adjustments in the content of both undergraduate and postgraduate health professional curricula. The undergraduate and postgraduate medical teaching at the Gerontology Center of the Semmelweis University of Medicine in Budapest is described. In the future, it will be important to include medical gerontology in the curricula of all four medical schools in Hungary.  相似文献   

National political reorganization in a post-communist era has reconceptualized both the societal role of education and the cultural significance of schooling for citizens in emerging democracies. To date, attention has focused primarily on changing structures rather than on participant perceptions within those structures. In this policy analysis of Hungary's overlapping decentralization and de-sovietization process, the author constructs macro and micro depictions of contemporary social and educational change. These two columns of inquiry illuminate the interactive dynamics between political, economic, and educational systems and the reidentification process of individuals within evolving systems. Because the decentralization of Hungary's educational system began long before the political break with Moscow in 1989, this case enables a more comprehensive and comparative perspective regarding the reorganization of power between school and state.  相似文献   


高校学术失范问题的探索性实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,伴随社会转型,一度被视为社会最后一片净土的学术界也面临公共信任危机,传统的学术伦理与效率取向的学术制度安排之间的冲突,引发了一系列关于学术人活动和行为指向扭曲的争论。这种带有学术失范意义的现象,实际上反映了我国目前学术体制运行过程中所存在的功能性障碍。本文试图通过调查研究,对我国高校学术失范程度加以分析,并探索其中的制度性原因。研究结果表明,学术失范作为一种客观事实确实存在,它的产生与制度设计中普遍主义规则、传统研究取向和传统学术工作价值的失落相关,更与制度本身程序公正性缺失和非学术侵扰特别是行政权力过度介入存在高度关联。  相似文献   

Underfunding is the paramount problem in Canadian universities. Operating revenue per student has declined in real terms by about 15 per cent over the past 15 years. During the past three decades, revenue from governments has increased from 60 per cent of the total revenue to 80 per cent, while fees revenue has declined from 26 to 16 per cent, with the result that universities are increasingly vulnerable to political control and to financial instability. The transfers of the federal government to provincial governments have financed much of provincial transfers to universities, but the former will be reduced for at least three years and may be abolished altogether. Provincial governments, particularly in Ontario and Quebec, have controlled tuition fees for twenty‐five years in order to increase accessibility, but there has been little change in the socioeconomic composition of university enrollment. Funding for university research generally has neglected overhead costs associated with maintaining the institutional infrastructure necessary for research. Although the federal government still provides more than half of the funding for university research, the share from provincial and non‐governmental sources has been increasing.  相似文献   

The following article is an abstract of the booklet “Frauen an der Hochschule” (Women in Higher Education), published by Mrs. Wiederkehr‐Benz in August 1980, Zurich.>

The article, sent to us by Mrs. Wiederkehr‐Benz, is meant to provide the reader with some complementary information concerning the situation of women in higher education in Switzerland, The article stresses the consequences of early socialization, and later role‐conflicts in performance oriented system of higher education. Similar lines of thought have also been expressed in the articles on the Netherlands and FRG.

Mrs. Wiederkehr‐Benz is a psychologist attached to the"Psyahologische Studentenberatungsstelle” (Centre for Student Counselling), of Zürich's institutions of higher education.  相似文献   

Environmental education based on ecological knowledge should be present at all levels of education in Hungary. It should be interdisciplinary and should progress in a linear fashion from kindergarten through postgraduate studies. Its most important goal should be the formation of environmental consciousness in students through the application of pedagogical techniques which make them sensitive to the principles of ecology. It is particularly important that all teacher training programmes include a strong environmental consciousness component as well as instruction in interdisciplinary teaching techniques.  相似文献   

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