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Studies on intercultural education undertaken by the Council of Europe have highlighted a gap at the level of higher education between transmitted knowledge and the indispensable information needed by individuals living in the pluricultural contexts of contemporary European societies. A task of higher education is to inculcate in teachers an intercultural perspective both for work in schools and for activities in community contexts and perspectives. The intercultural dimension should not simply address itself to a special category of culturally different students, but rather, should address all students so as to sensitize them to the cultural pluralism which surrounds them and to educate them to successfully master it. Certain disciplines have a privileged status with regard to the transmission of useful information for the education of all citizens living in pluricultural societies: history, geography, anthropology, philosophy, psychology, economics, sociology, and law. Several examples of intercultural education programmes offered by higher education institutions are presented in this study (in Portugal, Canada, and France) as well as reference to activities sponsored by the Higher Education and Research Division of the Council of Europe.  相似文献   

With reference to the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, the author elaborates the argument that universities are capable of anticipating social and economic change, that indeed it is their duty not only to adapt to these changes but to anticipate and to influence them. A brief outline of the history of universities is given, and the situation of universities in western Europe, specifically in the Netherlands, is contrasted with that in eastern and central Europe, specifically Hungary. Currently, European universities, West and East, are headed towards the same future. This future is being influenced by a number of external factors, particularly technological change, which places a premium on strategic planning, interdisciplinarity with regard to research and teaching, and interuniversity co‐operation at national and international levels.  相似文献   

Education policies, and in particular those related to teacher education, are central to the construction of Europe as a knowledge society and for facing the social and economic challenges that European countries must respond to in this millennium. This article presents an analysis of studies on the evaluation of in-service teacher education conducted in Portugal since 1992. Based on the results of this analysis, the study develops a reflection on the concepts, policies and practices of in-service teacher education, contextualising it within a wider equation related to teachers’ education in Europe. The study consisted of content analyses of scientific articles, research reports, studies of evaluation and legal documents that provide the guidelines for in-service teacher education in Portugal. At the end, a final reflection and some general recommendations for teacher education are presented. There is a focus on the importance of placing in-service teacher education at the centre of educational contexts and on the problems that this causes in teachers’ work, emphasising its importance for social justice in Europe.  相似文献   

教育经济学几个热点问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育经济学这门新兴学科的出现,为教育科学的发展提供了一个新的研究视角,促使人们转变观念,从传统教育理论或研究方法中“解放”出来。对教育经济学的研究对象、教育内容的经济学问题、教育规模经济问题等进行研究,有助于人们从经济学视角观照、解决教育学问题。  相似文献   

经济学专业课程设置问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前高等学校经济学专业的课程设置与其培养目标发生了较大的偏离,教学过程也远远不能满足经济与社会发展对人才素质的需要。本文分析了当前高等学校经济学专业课程设置存在的问题及产生的原因,并提出了相应的解决对策,同时进一步引出了一些深层次的问题,从教育制度整体的视角提出了一些思考。  相似文献   

An account of the results of a TEMPUS evaluation is given. It reflects the experiences of the evaluators in the course of their work. While the TEMPUS Programme can be characterized as being very successful, the evaluation nevertheless unearthed a number of problems. The pure numbers and facts presented for the quantitative and structural development of higher education in central and eastern Europe are quite impressive. They are set against an assessment of the quality of cooperation between central and eastern European partners and western partners and of the relations between the institutional, the national, and the supranational levels of higher education development. The account is framed by a critical reflection of the role of western experts and evaluators in central and eastern Europe.


The political changes which have occurred in eastern Europe and the shift of the countries concerned from command to free market economies have created a need for new forms of continuing education for retraining in such areas as management, economics, and political science. Given current technical possibilities, such education and retraining could be offered through modern distance education techniques by means of an international aid consortium analogous in some ways to United Nations peace keeping forces, so that one western institution or nation would not predominate. As human resource development is the first step to other kinds of progress, and distance education in other areas of the world has proven its worth in the field, a well planned project for eastern Europe would attract support from western aid donors, particularly international groupings such as the European Communities. Thus would distance education contribute to the creation of the common European home.  相似文献   

农村合作经济组织的制度经济学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从制度经济学角度分析了我国农村合作经济组织的发展动因。研究了其演进趋势,针对我国农村合作经济组织发展历史和现状分析了当前存在的制度障碍,并从我国国情出发提出了促进其发展的制度措施。  相似文献   

从语言经济学的视角分析高职英语教师专业成长与区域经济发展的关系以及区域经济背景下高职英语教师专业发展现状,并在此基础上提出了高职英语教师专业发展与区域经济发展相适应的方法和路径。  相似文献   

Globalization of education refers to the worldwide discussions,processes,and institutions affecting local educational practices and policies.There are international organizations that directly and indirectly influence national school systems.There are multinational education corporations and schools.Government and professionals engage in global discussions about school policies.Today,the dominant educational ideology is human capital economics and consumerism.Human capital economics defines the primary goal of education to be economic growth.Educational discourses around the world often refer to human capital,lifelong learning for improving job skills,and economic development.Consequently,there is a burgeoning global market for global education business,for-profit education,global testing services,as well as shadow education.The author proposes that school policies should be evaluated on their contribution to the social conditions that provide the conditions for human happiness and longevity rather than being judged by their contribution to economic growth and income.  相似文献   

Between 1989 and 1992, the Council of Europe responded to the perceived need to assist eastern and central European countries to develop a legal basis for their higher education systems that would lead to a workable and equitable balance between state control and university autonomy and academic freedom. Thus the Legislative Reform Project of the Council of Europe got underway in the spring of 1992. The results so far have been very positive. In 1996, the Council on Higher Education and Research of the Council of Europe recommended the continuation of the Project, now known as a Programme, for another four‐year period and its extension to the sectors of science and technology.  相似文献   

宋代是一个变革的时代,社会经济发展成就巨大。江南从唐后期以来,经济地位日益重要,宋代已经成为全国的经济重心,成为中央政权的财政支柱。多年来有关宋代江南经济的研究已经出版了较多论著,以这些著作为研究对象,对宋代江南经济研究的学术史作了回顾和总结。  相似文献   

区域经济学全英文课程建设是高校培养具有区域经济学专业知识与外语知识相结合的具有国际化视野的复合型人才的重要途径,对于有效服务区域经济、推动区域经济国际化发展具有重要意义。然而,现实中,区域经济学全英文教学还存在教师资源短缺、学生参与性不高、教材不能够适应当前教学需求、教学方法不够灵活以及教学效果不够理想等方面的问题。针对以上问题,文章以作者多年来的教学实践为基础,对此进行探讨,并提出优化区域经济学全英文教学的相关措施及其建议。希望能够为学生更好地掌握区域经济学英文专业知识、推进区域经济学全英文教学建设与提高区域经济学教学效果提供参考。  相似文献   

The author begins by defining “civil society” and then traces the historical origins of the concept. He summarizes the views in regard to civil society of the Council of Europe and explains how these views are reflected in the reform programmes developed by the organization for central and eastern Europe after 1989. The author concludes his article with a discussion of the role and place of higher education in civil society with reference to a major Council of Europe programme, the Legislative Reform Programme for Higher Education and Research.  相似文献   

The author reports a survey of computer users in a department of business studies in a college of further education. The survey addressed the human factors problems attendant on computer usage and revealed that 80% of students had experienced problems. Follow-up discussions with students and teachers highlighted a general lack of understanding of the pertinent human factors issues and of realistic preventive measures. These findings are a source of concern since human factors aspects are central to such business courses. Moreover, such findings may have more widespread significance: there may be implications for all teachers involved with computers and for the content of computer-based education curricula. The results show that ergonomic problems are more common than might be imagined, that ergonomic principles are not understood by teachers or students, and the subject is seldom properly emphasised in the syllabus.  相似文献   

Academic co‐operation between higher education institutions in Hungary and those of western Europe, on the one hand, and those of the United States of America, on the other, are compared. Hungarian co‐operation with western European higher education, particularly the European Union countries, has been far more developed than that with the United States. The greater success and scope of co‐operation with western European higher education institutions is attributed to the comprehensiveness of the TEMPUS Programme of the European Union countries and its careful and well‐planned responses to the problems of the central and eastern European region. However, Hungarian higher education could gain a great deal from more intensive co‐operation with American higher education. Efforts should be made to encourage such co‐operation including the greater involvement of American higher education institutions in TEMPUS projects.  相似文献   

The question asked by the authors is how best to build the common Europe of the Universities in the context, on one hand, of the establishment of the single market of the European Community countries and, on the other hand, the end of Communism in eastern Europe. That the universities of Europe as a whole will increasingly come together is a certainty; however, the process will be long and sometimes complicated. East and West need information on each other's universities and higher education systems, this for the myriad necessities of comparability and recognition. The West, in particular, needs a clear picture of what happened to eastern European universities during a period in excess of forty years during which they were very isolated. The authors illustrate many of the peculiarities of universities under communism with reference to the Romanian situation. However, the reader is cautioned that eastern Europeans themselves perceive as many differences among the universities of their various countries as similarities. Cooperation agreements, exchanges of teachers and of students, and other kinds of East‐West links will be established, and the result will be the greater affirmation of academic unity in diversity.  相似文献   

从教育财政分配模式视角考察高校师生关系,分析了三种不同教育财政分配模式影响下的师生关系表现形态。分析概括了我国现今教育财政的分配模式及相应的师生关系表现形态。并就我国目前在教育财政分配模式影响下的高校师生关系的治理提出“规制——活力”相互渗透、同时借鉴学院控制模式下师生关系优点的建议。  相似文献   

The Serbian Academy of Sciences, which dates back to 1841, became more than simply a Serbian Academy, for its membership included major scientists from all the nations of former Yugoslavia. Scientific institutions in Serbia, as in the other countries of eastern and central Europe, are having great difficulties in recruiting younger people into science. Not only are better opportunities available in other professions, but some of the most qualified young people are turning away from science because they find it morally repugnant. They feel that science lacks underpinning ethics. The central and eastern European countries must address this and other problems and possibly make appeals to a broad form of patriotism in order to redirect their most talented youth into scientific careers.  相似文献   

幼儿教师是决定学前教育质量的关键因素,其专业发展水平受到社会空前关注.水族地区经济文化教育发展滞后,幼儿教师专业发展水平不高.因此,对水族地区幼儿教师专业发展现状进行调查研究具有重要的现实意义.本研究主要采用问卷调查法,以水族地区部分幼儿教师为调查对象,对他们的专业发展状况进行了考察,分析了存在的问题,并针对问题提出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

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