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政治文化、民主文化、公民文化:概念及关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
政治文化指人们的政治取向、政治行为和政治效能的总和。民主文化指人们的民主取向、民主行为和民主效能的总和。关于公民文化,有两种代表性的定义。同时,公民文化的文化意同于本文中政治文化和民主文化中的文化。而政治文化、民主文化、公民文化的关系主要表现为政治文化与民主文化的关系以及民主文化与公民文化的关系。  相似文献   

公民社会、公民性与公民文化建设   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
公民文化建设是当代社会和文化发展的重要方面。公民社会有自己的文化和价值 原则。公民社会不仅会赋予公民以特定的社会地位和社会权利,同时也要求公民作为社会的能 动主体形成和具有相应的行为模式和文化观念。公民文化建设是文化形态的变革,也应该是公 民个体的自觉实践。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships among college students’ civic values and behaviors, college culture, and college involvement, accounting for their pre-college inclinations toward civic responsibility. Using a longitudinal, national dataset comprised of 3,680 college students, the study employed structural equation modeling to identify a model that suggests social activism goals mediate the relationship between co-curricular engagement and charitable involvement behaviors.  相似文献   

Sociological research into the changing nature of the family provided the context for a pilot project on the family values of Year 4 children in an inner-city school in Birmingham. An innovatory aspect of the research was that the researcher communicated with the pupils mainly through the means of email. The project's findings indicate that the family values that the children bring to school may not coincide with those of their teacher. This raises the question of how far the school and its teachers have the right to challenge values that are learned in the home and that underpin family life.  相似文献   


Sociological research into the changing nature of the family provided the context for a pilot project on the family values of Year 4 children in an inner-city school in Birmingham. An innovatory aspect of the research was that the researcher communicated with the pupils mainly through the means of email. The project’s findings indicate that the family values that the children bring to school may not coincide with those of their teacher. This raises the question of how far the school and its teachers have the right to challenge values that are learned in the home and that underpin family life.  相似文献   

美国学校公民教育的主要内容包括爱国主义教育、法制教育、公民意识培养、个人道德品质、权利与义务教育、价值观教育和历史教育等;实施的主要途径有课堂教学、服务学习、课外活动等;实施的主要模式有开设独立的公民教育科、设置社会科和把公民教育渗透到各科教学和学校的其他活动中实施等模式。  相似文献   

价值观是学校文化体系的核心,是学校文化建设的关键。本文从学校文化及其价值观的概述、为什么说价值观是学校文化建设的关键、怎样慎重地选择学校的价值观三个方面来阐述自己的观点。  相似文献   

公民教育与小学社会课   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在很长的历史时期内,个体的社会化基本是自发完成的。直到学校教育出现,社会化过程的部分任务才由学校这种专门的社会组织承担。随着人类社会的发展和进步,学校教育在个体社会化过程中所发挥的作用,从对象、任务、标准等各个方面,始终在变化,到了现代社会,促进每一个受教育的社会化已经成为学校教育的重要任务,其基础与核心就是进行公民教育。今天,我国社会的现代化进程,迫切需要学校通过公民教育,使学生具有公民意识、公民态度、公民行为能力等一系列重要的公民素质。进行专门的公民教育的社会课,将小学作为基础和开端,不仅理论上可行,在实践上也有很强的可操作性,并且将为学生在今后接受更多以原理、制度为内容的公民教育提供有力的支持。  相似文献   

公民文化:中外语境下的考量与公民文化的培育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代公民文化是维持政治稳定与保持政治效率的观念基础和心理条件,作为民主制度的隐性结构,它是社会和谐、均衡、可持续发展所必不可少的基本要素。在厘清西方学者对公民文化种种理论界定的基础上,考察在当代中国语境下的公民文化研究,探讨在快速展开的现代化进程中培育以社会主义核心价值体系引领参与型公民文化建设的宏观思路与举措,倡导民主、法治、参与、合作、宽容的文化旨趣,通过公共教育、民主政治生活以及发展和完善市场经济等多种途径强化公民训练,促进社会主义和谐社会的构建。  相似文献   

文章从《军队的女儿》及《桑那高地的太阳》出发,追溯新疆汉民族文学发展的脉络,力求建立其文学发展的谱系,尤其是挖掘其文学所独有的地域特色及人文精神的内涵。新疆汉民族文学中原始自然景观的文化呈现及竭力张扬的创业意识与开拓精神,是对英雄主义与人文精神的发扬光大,是对中国人征服自然与超越自我的再现与讴歌。它成为今天日益消费化、颓废化的商品社会的警醒,能在某种意义上解答当前社会转型中人的精神价值趋向问题。无疑,它是今天西部大开发中精神资源的一种极重要的存在。  相似文献   

俄罗斯中小学公民教育的变革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文考察俄罗斯不同历史时期学校公民教育特质与内容的演变,对十月革命前、苏联时期及当代俄罗斯中小学公民教育的内涵与特点进行了比较性分析,着重评述了当今俄罗斯中小学公民教育的主要内容及特点。  相似文献   

大连城市文化优势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市文化是一个城市软实力的体现,它的发展对一个城市的整体建设起着至关重要的作用.分析大连城市文化的优势和建设当中存在的问题,目的是想从城市文化的层面来研究城市的发展,并进一步探究一个有竞争力和活力的当代城市应该具备什么样式的城市文化,以期这种城市文化能够有助于当代城市的可持续发展.  相似文献   

This article defends an approach to the clarification of values by schools which involves ‘reflexive evaluative enquiry or action research’ rather than an abstract or ‘armchair’ approach. An analysis is offered of the implications for this activity of the context of ‘market choice’ in which it must now be undertaken.  相似文献   

美国学校公民教育的基本特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
美国的公民教育深深扎根于美国的宪政思想。培养“宪政式民主国家有能力并负责任的社会、政治参与者”是其始终坚持的目标和归宿。宽容与多元文化的融合是其公民教育的价值基础,自由、民主与责任是其基本且核心的价值取向;公民教育的实施则表现出了网络化、系统化、批判性和实践性的实用主叉特征,二者有机结合增进了公民教育的实效性。  相似文献   

The issues associated with students’ civic knowledge, engagement, and participation have been heightened in intellectual debates and public discussions. However, these discussions have not focused heavily on urban youths’ civic identities or the locations of these identities within the youths’ personal narratives of ethnicity, race, class, and gender. This article presents the narratives of four urban high school youths of color, selected from a larger study about youths’ experiences in school and society and the ways in which classroom learning encouraged their inquiry, assessment of their social worlds and personal goals, and emerging personal and civic identities. Our purpose was to gain insights regarding the youths’ sociopolitical perspectives on local educational and social issues affecting them and to understand their multiple literacies in the context of their civic engagement, increasing youth advocacy, and larger political tensions. The theoretical framing of this investigation is grounded in democratic education and sociopolitical consciousness and draws upon research that focuses on civic participation and democratic society. Four dominant themes emerged from the analysis: educational inequality, social media, schooling, and race and mass incarceration. This article contributes to an expansive framing for civic education by examining the civic knowledge of urban youths of color and offers implications for research, practice, and policy.  相似文献   

阿尔蒙德公民文化理论述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阿尔蒙德的公民文化理论建立在他对政治文化分析的基础之上,探讨的核心主题是“什么样的政治文化有利于维持民主制的稳定”。阿尔蒙德通过对意大利、墨西哥、德国、美国和英国等国家政治文化的实证研究,认为公民文化是一种混合文化、平衡文化和参与者文化,它能够促进民主政治的良好运行。他的公民文化理论对于政治文化的研究具有重要意义,但这一理论也存在着一定的缺陷。  相似文献   

We formulate a distinctly 'political liberal' conception of mutual respect, which we call 'civic respect', appropriate for governing the public political relations of citizens in pluralist democratic societies. A political liberal account of education should aim at ensuring that students, as future citizens, learn to interact with other citizens on the basis of civic respect. While children should be required to attend educational institutions that will inculcate in them the skills and concepts necessary for them to be free and equal citizens, parents should be granted as much freedom as is compatible with the requirements of civic respect to raise their children in accordance with their respective 'comprehensive doctrines' (systems of beliefs and values, including religious doctrines). We consider an objection to our position drawn from the account of upbringing recently advanced by Matthew Clayton, namely, that the conception of civic respect that we advance rests on an implausible view about the limited scope of the requirements of political justice. We develop an account of the 'basic structure of society' as the appropriate subject of political justice that can overcome this objection.  相似文献   

新加坡公民教育的成就是世界各国有目共睹的,本文从四个方面分析了新加坡中小学公民教育。中国与新加坡在文化渊源和社会背景上有相似之处,分析新加坡的公民素质教育对正处于转型时期的中国来说有现实的意义。  相似文献   

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