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在调查统计的基础上,对中共中央、国务院所属部委颁布实施的档案规章和规范性文件的立法技术与制定技术进行分析。  相似文献   

制定档案工作规范性文件是依据档案工作法律、法规和规章以及国家政策对档案工作的某一领域作出明确规定的行政行为,是维护法制统一,确保政令畅通,推进依法行政的重要举措。近几年,甘孜州档案局认真贯彻执行《四川省行政规范性文件制定和备案规定》、《四川省档案行政执法责任制实施办法》和《甘孜州行政规范性文件制定管理办法》,严格按照省...  相似文献   

在调查统计的基础上,对中央各部委与国家档案局联合颁布实施的档案规章和规范性文件的立法技术与制定技术进行分析.  相似文献   

规范性文件,是为人们的行为提供标准、指明方向的,以书面形式或成文形式所表现的,以一定社会主体保证实行的一定行为规范的结合体,它区别于仅仅针对个别具体行为作出决定的文件.按是否属于法的范畴,规范性文件可分为规范性法文件(即法规)和其他规范性文件.档案工作其他规范性文件是指国家机关制定的除档案法规以外的规范性文件.它的效力虽然不及档案法规,但它分布面广、内容具体,对档案法规的顺利执行和补充起到十分重要的作用.  相似文献   

依法管理档案事业,加强档案法制建设是依法治国基本方略在档案领域的具体体现,也是健全和完善市场经济体制下档案工作体制的必由之路.自《档案法》颁布以来,我们始终坚持档案的行政执法和依法查处违法案件,在贯彻执行《档案法》、加强依法治档等方面取得了一些新的突破.  相似文献   

为全面落实档案行政执法责任制,加强对制定档案工作规范性文件的监督,根据《天津市规范性文件备案办法》,市档案局制定了《天津市档案工作规范性文件备案审查办法》,现予以刊发。[编者按]  相似文献   

为了帮助广大基层档案工作者系统学习档案法律法规知识,掌握档案业务操作技能,在《档案法》颁布20周年之际,临潼区档案局编辑印发了《档案工作规范性文件选编》。此书涉及的内容包括档案法律法规、档案工作规范性标准、专门档案的收集整理、公文处理、制度范本等,对促进全区档案业务工作发展将起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

对全国各少数民族集中分布的5个自治区、30个自治州、120个自治县(旗)的档案法规及规范性文件进行调研,总结少数民族自治地区档案法规及规范性文件的特点,为我们观察和了解少数民族地区档案立法工作提供参考。  相似文献   

近日,各级档案部门相继转发了国家档案局、国家发改委联合出台的《重大建设项目档案验收办法》的通知,这部规范性文件对于重大建设项目档案如何监督管理,如何介入,尤其是对验收的主体等过去比较模糊的内容作出了比较到位的规定,具有相当的可操作性,很重要也很及时,认真贯彻执行该文件,对于改变重大建设项目档案多年来验收缺失状态,促进重大建设项目档案的规范化管理,保证重大建设项目档案的齐全完整具有积极的现实意义。[第一段]  相似文献   

[目的/意义]数字时代档案文献编纂人员胜任力模型的建立对于选择符合要求的编纂人员、最大化运用档案机构人力成本、提高档案文献编纂成果的质量有着重要意义。[方法/过程]对现有文献进行分析,并结合档案文献编纂工作流程提取胜任力要素,通过专家咨询法对提取的要素进行修正,使用问卷调查法收集数据并运用探索性因子分析法对调研结果进行降维,借鉴素质冰山模型和洋葱模型构建最终模型。[结果/结论]提出21项数字时代档案文献编纂人员胜任力要素,整合成职业意识、知识、专业技能和通用能力4个维度,在档案事业整体战略和数字时代的大前提下,建立档案文献编纂人员胜任力模型。  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] Archival document compilation is the main way to bring the value of archives into full play. The establishment of the competency model of archival compilers in the digital age is of great significance to the selection of qualified compilers, the maximization of the human cost of archival institutions and the improvement of the quality of archival document compilation products.[Method/process] In this study, competency factors were extracted by means of analysis on the existing documents and the working process of archival document compilation and revised by consulting experts. The research investigated archives practitioners,researchers and educators via questionnaire survey, used exploratory factor analysis to reduce the dimension of the data. The final model was constructed by referring to the quality iceberg model and onion model.[Result/conclusion] This paper put forward 21 competency factors of archival document compilers in the digital age, and integrated them into four dimensions:professional awareness, knowledge, professional skills and general ability. Considering the overall strategy of archival undertakings and the digital age, the competency model of archival document compilers was established.  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] In the context of the digital age, this paper analyzes the influencing factors of the dissemination of archival document compilation products, and provides reference for improving the dissemination of archival document compilation products.[Method/process] Based on the Lasswell 5W model and questionnaire survey, this paper constructed a hypothetical influencing factors model of the dissemination of archival document compilation products, and used the exploratory factor analysis method to test and correct the hypothetical model, and discussed the revised influencing factors model of the dissemination of archival document compilation products.[Result/conclusion] It constructs a influencing factors model of the dissemination of archival document compilation products which is compatible with the Shannon communication system model, and comprehensively discusses and analyzes the composition of influencing factors of the dissemination of archival document compilation products. The 32 influencing factors mainly divided into 7 dimensions, including the content quality of the products, the external features of the products, the dissemination main body of the products, the dissemination media of the products, the attributes of the products audience, the perception of the products audience, and the dissemination environment of the products.  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] In order to improve the quality of archival document compilation products in the digital age, the paper studies the quality influencing factors of archival document compilation products in the digital age, and proposes a quality improvement strategy.[Method/process] The interpretative structural modeling was used to construct the interpretative structural modeling of the influencing factors of the quality of archival document compilation products in the digital age, and the model was analyzed.[Result/conclusion] This paper comprehensively analyzes the hierarchical relationship between the influencing factors of the quality of archival document compilation products in the digital age, and establishes the structural model of the influencing factors of the quality of archival document compilation products in the digital age. And from the compilation of materials, codification staff, codification process, etc., put forward reasonable strategies and suggestions for improving the quality of archival document compilation products in the digital age.  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] Through constructing the users' satisfaction model of archival document compilation products, this paper hopes to provide data support and reference for the improvement of the utilization and users' satisfaction of archival document compilation products.[Method/process] The influencing factors of users' satisfaction on the archival document compilation products were established by referring to literature and questionnaires.This paper constructed a hypothesis model and used the factor analysis method to test the data and obtain the principal component.Then,the authors corrected the hypothesis model based on the results.[Result/conclusion] According to the results of the questionnaire, this paper concludes the users' satisfaction model of archival document compilation products, which includes four dimensions and 17 capability factors. This paper can provide reference for the theoretical research and the practical activities of the archival document compilation products.  相似文献   

论我国文献资源的整体化建设   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
比较全面地阐述我国文献资源建设的现状及存在的问题,以大量的事实,从理论上对加强我国文献资源整体化建设的必然性和可行性进行充分的论证。在此基础上,对我国文献资源整体化建设的发展方向及当前的主要任务提出了看法和建议。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国档案立法工作的进步与发展为档案事业的发展起到了推波助澜的作用,档案事业的发展又为档案立法工作的开展提供了实践经验。本文通过调查统计当前我国档案法律法规来对我国档案立法状况进行探讨。一、统计方法说明统计时间为1980年至2005年颁发或实施的档案法律法规。统计范围主要为全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会制定或修改的法律、国务院制定或修改的行政法规、国务院各部委制定或修改的行政规章和规范性文件、地方人民代表大会及其常务委员会制定和修改的地方法律、地方人民政府及其各部门制定和修改的地方规章和规范性…  相似文献   

档案行政执法监督是档案工作依法行政的重要保障、我国档案行政执法监督体系尚不完善,文章分析了档案行政执法监督体系存在的问题,并提出了档案行政执法监督体系完善的重点.  相似文献   

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