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边缘与中心:发展中国家的研究型大学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究型大学是21世纪的核心机构,它们联结全球科学界,开展基础研究和应用研究,培育学术界和社会的领导者。在全球范围内,研究型大学很少,因为它们的发展和资助费用高昂,并且许多国家面临着高等教育大众化的巨大压力。对发展中国家而言,研究型大学非常稀少但是又特别重要,它们是经济和社会发展的关键要素。本文论证了研究型大学在发展中国家和中等收入国家的重要地位,并指出了这些大学面临的一些挑战。  相似文献   

论世界经济的全球化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全球化是经济发展的一种客观必须趋势,在经济全球化的国际关系体制中,无论是发展中国家还是发达国家都面临着艰难的政策选择。全球化是发展中国家利用“后发展趋势”的机会,同时又有巨大的风险,尤其是国际资本流动所提供的金融风险,全球化对于发达国家也是双刃剑,既提供了更大的贸易投资舞台,又带来了严重的国内失业问题,为上,在全球化的同时,国家间的区域联合与合作即区域化也正在深化或扩大。  相似文献   

Programming education is a widely researched and intensely discussed topic. The literature proposes a broad variety of pedagogical viewpoints, practical approaches, learning theories, motivational vehicles, and other elements of the learning situation. However, little effort has been put on understanding cultural and contextual differences in pedagogy of programming. Pedagogical literature shows that educational design should account for differences in the ways of learning and teaching between industrialized and developing countries. However, the nature and implications of those differences are hitherto unclear. Using group interviews and quantitative surveys, we identified several crucial elements for contextualizing programming education. Our results reveal that students are facing many similar challenges to students in the west: they often lack deep level learning skills and problem-solving skills, which are required for learning computer programming, and, secondly, that from the students’ viewpoint the standard learning environment does not offer enough support for gaining the requisite development. With inadequate support students may resort to surface learning and may adopt extrinsic sources of motivation. Learning is also hindered by many contextually unique factors, such as unfamiliar pedagogical approaches, language problems, and cultural differences. Our analysis suggests that challenges can be minimized by increasing the number of practical exercises, by carefully selecting between guided and minimally guided environments, by rigorously monitoring student progress, and by providing students timely help, repetitive exercises, clear guidelines, and emotional support.  相似文献   

This article focuses on education in developing countries in the context of globalization and with specific reference to the Caribbean. It examines the concept of globalization and related concepts and positions developing countries within this context. It explores the possibility of the creation of a third space where the local and the global can co-mingle and new understandings can emerge. The article argues that although the global/local interface constitutes a zone of tension, it can, in the realm of education, become an area of creative opportunity. It outlines some parameters that can guide the way in which the third space can be shaped when Caribbean and other developing countries are faced with the challenge of accommodating external ideas into local education.  相似文献   

本认为教育科研工作在高校教学中起着重要的作用,占有重要的地位。为此,在揭示教育科研的理论实质的基础上,重点从教育改革,教育规律,师资提高,学生能力培养等方面所起的作用进行理论阐述和论证。  相似文献   

Distributed leadership: developing theory from practice   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Hopes that the transformation of schools lies with exceptional leaders have proved both unrealistic and unsustainable. The idea of leadership as distributed across multiple people and situations has proven to be a more useful framework for understanding the realities of schools and how they might be improved. However, empirical work on how leadership is distributed within more and less successful schools is rare. This paper presents key concepts related to distributed leadership and illustrates them with an empirical study in a school‐improvement context in which varying success was evident. Grounding the theory in this practice‐context led to the identification of some risks and benefits of distributing leadership and to a challenge of some key concepts presented in earlier theorizing about leadership and its distribution.  相似文献   

世界一流大学研究的现状及其走势分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
创建世界一流大学的实践需要研究世界一流大学的理论做指导。研究世界一流大学的理论越有战略性和实践性,创建世界一流大学的行动就越有动力源泉。社会各界对世界一流大学的研究已经结出了丰硕的成果,目前正在向更广泛更深刻的层面发展。其特征表现为,呈现多学科研究态势,研究思路越来越中国化,从外延研究向内涵研究倾斜,战略策略研究渐成气候。基本走势是向更加符合中国实际需要的方向发展。  相似文献   

随着知识生产模式的现代转型,大学科研活动面临日益加重的社会问责,科研评价关注的焦点逐渐从重视科研数量与质量的内部评价转向注重科研社会贡献度与影响力的外部评价。在大学卓越科研评估的基础上,2018年澳大利亚政府引入了社会互动与影响力评价。作为大学卓越科研评估的配套评价机制,社会互动与影响力评价以其更加精细化、立体化的指标体系设计,引导大学在科研活动全过程中积极与政府、产业及社会进行互动和协作,较好地兼顾了结果评价与过程评价,突出了社会贡献能力培育与机制建设,充分挖掘了科研评价的激励与导向作用。借鉴社会互动与影响力评价的评估思路,我国在清理“五唯”的过程中应明确建立质量与贡献并重的科研绩效评价体系,对大学科研的社会互动过程与实际贡献给予更多关注。  相似文献   

根据知识发展和认识过程的一般规律及高校学生的基本特点,从创造能力的纯智力因素方面探讨了素质教育对高校教学提出的基本要求,结果表明,素质教育条件下,高校学生在内容上应大力突出基本知识的中心地位,并按照有效教学的基本要求予以组织,同时要积极运用以问题为主导的教学方法,强化“问题意识”,把问题作为贯穿教学材料和过程的中心线索。  相似文献   

知识经济的端倪已日渐显著,时代的变革加速进行,环境的巨变使会计面临着前所未有的挑战,会计人员应具备怎样的素质以适应新时代的要求已是当前财会界亟需解决的问题.本文就此初步探讨了知识经济时代会计人员应具备的素质,进而提出几点建议以做探讨.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the recently introduced National Higher Education ranking system in Indonesia in order to evaluate its potential as a sustainable model to improve the quality of higher education in the country. It is a scaffold towards an established world-universities ranking system that may prove formidable for a developing country. This ranking system is based on four quality criteria, namely quality of academics, of management, of research and of students, each with its own weighting factor and scale. It is found that the actions and inactions of institutions vis á vis their continuous quality improvement may reflect their ranks. In countries where the thirst for higher education is high such as in developing countries, institutions’ ranks play a decisive competitive role. A rational, transparent, bona fide and dependable national ranking system is realistic in helping to improve the quality of higher education in the country.  相似文献   

从半岛电视台看发展中国家如何提高国际传播力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从半岛电视台的成功崛起出发,探讨发展中国家尤其是我国如何提高国际传播力,与发达国家在话语空间抗衡。  相似文献   

意识形态工作是党的一项极端重要的工作,关乎旗帜、关乎道路、关乎国家政治安全。高校作为意识形态引领的主阵地,目前不同程度存在着对意识形态工作的重要性认识不足的问题,文章通过探索高校基层党组织如何加强党对意识形态工作的领导,切实解决长期存在的基层党组织弱化问题,全面提升高校教育工作者意识形态工作的能力和素质,不断增强意识形态领域主导权和话语权,让主流价值观念在校园文化发展中繁荣起来,让主流意识形态在校园网络行动起来,让网络“清朗”起来,为推动大学生的自由而全面发展提供政治滋养和政治营养。  相似文献   

我国在知识经济上的差距及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种新的经济形态,知识经济巳经开始出现并影响世界经济。中国经济目前仍处于工业化时期快速发展阶段,在科技、教育、高技术产业等诸多方面与知识经济要求存在较大差距。立足国情,承认差距,正确分析,抓住关键,奋起直追,才能抓住机遇,赶上知识经济的世界潮流。  相似文献   

“创新是民族进步的灵魂”,研究型大学已成为国家创新体系的核心组成部分。从世界研究型大学发展态势来看,其创新发展呈现出以下几个特点:注重建设综合的学科环境,构筑一流的科研创新平台;以人为本,营造活跃宽松的学术氛围,融铸宽容博大的人文精神;建立灵活的人才流动机制,吸引和聚集大批优秀人才;建立协作共享的运作机制,实现办学资源共享和效益最大化;积极主动地服务社会,发挥思想库和智囊团作用。  相似文献   

文章就知识经济时代我国图书馆的发展趋势进行探讨。  相似文献   

冯大鸣 《教育研究》2012,(3):135-139
西方教学领导研究兴起于20世纪80年代初,后因理论研究与领导实践的脱节而一度沉寂。进入21世纪后,受政策驱动、实践需求以及研究突破三个因素合力影响,教学领导研究在西方国家再度兴盛。而教学领导的研究逻辑,也在再兴盛中逐渐转向,即先有真实而清晰的问题,再有问题解决为指向的研究;先有研究者站到实践者的立场、角度,理解对象的任务和情景,尔后才有解决实践问题的研究成果。  相似文献   

冷战结束后,经济全球化迅速发展,由于经济全球化的发达国家主导性 ,因此经济全球化给发展中国家带来机遇的同时,更多的是从政治、经济、环境、科技人才四个方面发展中国家发出了挑战。  相似文献   

高校形象的塑造与传播   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
塑造与传播良好的高校形象,对提高高校的竞争力和社会影响力具有重要的作用。从高校形象的价值、高校形象塑造的内涵及高校形象的传播等方面,对高校形象的塑造与传播进行探讨。  相似文献   

Learning about curriculum development is critical for middle managers of technical vocational institutions in order to assume curriculum leadership in maintaining and enhancing the quality and relevance of their educational programs. This case study reports on the design and effects of a professional development arrangement (PDA), with such a focus, for 13 middle managers of a technical vocational community college in a developing country. The findings indicate that the middle managers appreciated the relevance of the PDA for curriculum development at the community college and gained substantial learning about systematic curriculum development. However, the middle managers' post-PDA curriculum development improvement efforts were minimal and characterised by individual initiatives, due to a lack of senior management support, unfavourable work conditions, and a high rate of middle manager attrition. The conclusion drawn is that for trained middle managers to lead systematic curriculum development practices, contextual and organisational barriers germane to technical vocational education in developing contexts need to be considered.  相似文献   

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