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比较教育:话语与权力   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
比较教育作为一门解释不同民族国家教育现象的教育学科 ,其话语实践总是同民族国家的社会文化紧密联系在一起。并且这种话语实践往往隐含着不同民族国家在教育科学乃至社会文化方面话语权力的争夺。通过分析研究本土生活中的日常生活层面的教育话语、本土教育实践中活跃的教育话语、民族传统教育理论中具有生命力的教育话语和民族交流本身产生的教育话语 ,进而使之体系化 ,探索并逐步建立兼具第三世界本土特色和国际通用性的比较教育话语体系 ,在教育和文化解殖民方面具有特殊的意义  相似文献   

RE in Russia has been recently introduced as a compulsory regular school subject during the last year of elementary school. The present study offers a critical analysis of the current practice of Russian RE by comparing it with RE in Sweden, Denmark and Britain. This analysis shows that Russian RE is ambivalent. Although it is based on a non-confessional religious studies approach, Russian RE also serves the interests of the Russian Orthodox Church, which aims to educate students into Orthodox Christianity, as well as the interests of the Russian state itself, which turns RE in a kind of citizenship education focusing on the patriotic upbringing of students.  相似文献   

文化是比较教育研究中一项重要的议题,对"文化"意义的认知理解影响着比较教育的研究方法与理论。"文化"的意义在比较教育研究中出现过多次转变,从早期实证主义研究范式的研究者把文化作为比较教育研究中的控制变项,到把文化视作重要因素探求教育的发展力量;再从认为文化是影响教育政策的约束初始条件,到把文化视为探求人类行为意义的背景原因。如今,在多元文化思潮下,比较教育研究需要我们重新思考"文化"的意义。  相似文献   

傅松涛 《比较教育研究》2005,26(3):45-50,60
把比较教育学的学科新形象科学地确定为教育形态类型学,是时代发展、教育科学分工和学科基本性质与历史使命的必然反映和要求.它用最具通用性和科学性的写生叙事、综合推演和科学类比有机结合的教育生态学话语、文本和思维方法,集中展示、准确描述、具体抽象和完整反映各种生态样式差异多样性和实质共性有机统一的教育形态和类型,深刻揭示和合理建构各种层面的教育形态和类型的生态结构、成因、运行和功能,为比较教育学学科共同体提供一个真实可靠的生产生活专业园地和平台,启示和支撑共同体内部及其与外部社会成员之间更好地进行教育对话、交流、共处、共识、借鉴、共享、互动和共建.  相似文献   


The publication of Noah & Eckstein's Toward a Science of Comparative Education (1969, Macmillan, NY) marked the beginning of an increasingly narrow research trajectory in comparative education, claiming a universality for Western knowledge and privileging scientific rationality in research. Juxtaposing the ‘science’ to Lewis Carroll’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’, such comparative education relegated more-than-human worlds and spiritual domains of learning – and being – to our collective pasts, personal childhood memories, or imaginations. How can we reorient and attune ourselves toward a Wonder(land), rather than a Science of comparative education exclusively, opening spaces for multiple ways of making sense of the world, and multiple ways of being? How can we reanimate our capacity toengage with a more-than-human world? Based on the analysis of children’s literature and textbooks published during various historical periods in Latvia, this article follows the white rabbit to reexamine taken-for-granted dichotomies – nature and culture, time and space, self and other – by bringing the ‘pagan’ worldviews or nature-centred spiritualities more clearly into focus, while reimagining education and childhood beyond the Western horizon.  相似文献   

高校管理中学术权力与行政权力的协调   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
在一个组织内部同时存在两种强势权力时,其冲突在所难免。扩展学术权力,把本属于学术权力的学术领域归还专家学者,形成学术权力与行政权力各司其职的格局,是我国高等学校学术权力与行政权力协调的根本。另一方面,学术权力与行政权力是相互交融在一起的,需要互相配合,共同推动学校的发展。  相似文献   

为了探讨特殊教育教师和特教学生在特殊教育教师所需心理素质上的认知差异,本研究以263名特殊教育教师和233名特教学生为被试进行调查。结论显示,特殊教育教师心理素质由六个要素构成,特殊教育教师和特教学生对这六个要素的认知存在差异。  相似文献   

论高等教育管理权力   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从教育发展史的角度考察高等教育管理权力的产生与来源 ,分析高等教育管理权力的学术性特性 ,可以看出不同种类高等教育管理权力的来源是不相同的 ,不同的高等教育管理权力的作用对象也是不一样的 ;高等教育管理权力的学术性是其区别于其他社会权力的特性之所在。  相似文献   

教育机会从其提供者的情形来看,可以分为两类:社会提供的教育机会与非社会提供的教育机会。非社会提供的教育机会比较复杂,主要包括:天赋提供的教育机会、家庭提供的教育机会、运气提供的教育机会、个人努力提供的教育机会,等等。天赋、家庭、运气、个人努力等提供的教育机会,皆属私人权利,是教育机会享有者的个人权利。社会,主要通过政府提供的教育机会,则与天赋、家庭、运气、个人努力等提供的教育机会根本不同,它属于公共权利,是全社会人人均应享有的"人权和幸福"。  相似文献   

文化创新力、资源整合力和领导执行力构成了大学教育创新力,其核心要素是人。大学要以人的发展为最终目标,以文化创新力和领导执行力为手段,通过人力资源、智力资源以及金融资源的高效整合实现大学传承文明、服务社会、培养高素质创新型人才的目的。  相似文献   

西方发达国家对PLC的研究证明了其对于教师的知识认知、教学合作以及教师创新精神与反思能力的提升。我国在这一领域的探讨尚处于初级阶段。PLC视域下西方发达国家教师发展对我国的启示主要在于:以PLC为核心确立学校的共同愿景;打破传统的行政管理体制,增强教师专业自主权;加强自然合作型教师队伍建设。  相似文献   

Governments, international organizations and academics have, in recent decades, expressed a sense of crisis in the practice of democracy based largely upon increasing levels of disengagement by citizens from even the most basic elements of civic life. One response has been to devise civics and citizenship education curricula for schools with the concomitant expectations of enhanced civic practice. Our examination of citizenship education programs has revealed considerable variation from country to country in the degree of success achieved in the design, development and implementation of programs. This paper examines recent developments in citizenship education in four leading Western democracies – Australia, Canada, England and the USA; each one with its own particular successes and shortcomings. It identifies several factors associated with the successful building of curriculum capacity for citizenship education and argues that these are fundamental for countries wishing to move beyond rhetoric and toward substance in citizenship education.  相似文献   

Building on the definition of critical education residing in the crossroads of cultural politics and political economy, this theoretical article offers an inquiry into the intersection between critical education research and the central ritual of contemporary capitalism – capitalisation. This article outlines four current approaches in education research literature to the corporatisation of education. This article argues that the approaches must rely implicitly on one of the two major theories of capitalism: modern neoclassical economics or Marxist political economy, even when the approaches are built on cultural and sociological arguments. Without an explicit engagement with the concept of capital and capitalisation, the approaches risk appearing theoretically weak and reliant on moral assumptions. In this sense, critical education literature would be strengthened by engagement with international political economy (IPE) literature. This article proposes to redress this lacuna in the literature by mobilising Jonathan Nitzan’s and Shimson Bichler’s theory of capital as power to better understand the corporatisation of education.  相似文献   

电力职业教育在办学过程中,必须注意帮助学生树立正确的价值观,增强自信心,设置市场针对性强的课程,注重学生实际能力的提升,加强师资队伍建设,拓宽办学途径。  相似文献   


We need to know what it means to be an expert in working life today. Universities are often accused of neglecting the basic idea that higher education should be relevant to working life, and research on the subject of expertise in today’s workplace is lacking. Thirteen experts from different fields were interviewed and the obtained data were analysed using grounded theory as an analytical approach. The research questions were: (1) How do experts define expertise? (2) What kind of problems persist in their work? and (3) How are ‘routine’ and ‘adaptive’ expertise performed? The results revealed that expertise is more a social and collaborative phenomenon than an individual property. Experts develop new solutions and seek constant learning in their work. They excel at spontaneous problem solving. These findings suggest that, to prepare students to become experts, deliberate learning and practice should be provided within a framework of collaborative problem solving.  相似文献   

中美民办高等教育成本分担主体的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
民办高等教育受益各方均应是成本分担的主体。美国私立高等教育之所以发达,与其多元化筹措办学经费、合理分担教育成本有直接的关系。我国民办高校的经费主要来源于学费,这种单一的经费来源不利于民办高校的可持续发展。应采取差别收费、政府适当资助、引导社会捐赠、民办高校加强自身服务创收等对策,缓解民办高校的经费压力。  相似文献   

比较视域下我国义务教育阶段择校问题思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
择校现象已经是一种世界性的现象,择校政策也已经有很多国家在实行。探讨了这一现象在我国义务教育阶段产生的必然性,并观照了美、英、加三国择校政策的实施,经过思考,认为在中国现阶段国情下应该借鉴外国的一些经验做法,但并不适宜在全国范围内鼓励择校。  相似文献   

地区教育发展与教育成本分担   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过建构教育机会指数和教育质量指数,本文从数量和质量两个方面度量了地区教育发展水平。随后,探讨了地区教育发展水平的影响因素,尤其是教育成本分担机制对于地区教育发展水平的影响。计量分析表明,非政府教育投入占教育总投入的比重越大,地区教育机会水平越高,但是对提高教育质量水平并没有明显的作用;而在非政府教育投入比重一定的情况下,居民个人承担的教育成本比重越大,教育机会和教育质量都会受到制约。进一步的分析表明,教育成本分担结构对于教育发展的影响存在异质性,这为合理确定教育成本分担结构提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

This paper reports on findings from a three-year ethnographic study of 24 young people in northern England who were classified as not in education, employment or training (NEET), or at risk of becoming so. Drawing on conceptions of opportunity structure and educational marginality, the paper discusses the processes leading to young people becoming NEET after leaving school. It presents findings concerning the family backgrounds, school experiences, and educational attainment of participants, and traces their initial post-16 destinations and their pathways to NEET status. Although most participants did not become NEET immediately after leaving school, restricted labour market opportunities and a lack of high-quality education and training for middle- and low-attaining young people exacerbated social and educational disadvantage. Over time, participants became increasingly restricted to marginal forms of learning. The paper argues that a focus on opportunity structures provides a powerful way of understanding these processes, and that alongside sustained NEET status, educational marginality should be of equal concern to policy makers.  相似文献   

以江苏为研究基点,借鉴国内外研究成果,运用C-D生产函数构建贡献率估算模型,比较研究苏、粤、鲁、浙、沪等“四省一市”的高等教育对省(市)经济增长的贡献程度,对江苏省高等教育发展过程中存在的不足以及其形成原因进行探讨,并提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

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