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试论现代手球运动对抗技术的训练   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代手球运动对抗技术分为锋、卫队员对抗技术和守门员对抗技术.探讨现代手球比赛对抗的特征,研究手球运动员专项技术提高阶段,对抗技术训练内容的安排、方法和手段,旨在提高运动员的对抗技术运用能力,使其适应现代手球比赛高强度对抗的要求.研究认为我国手球运动员的对抗技术训练,要坚持一个原则,落实2个环节,注意3个问题,才能促进我国手球运动水平的提高,缩小与世界强队的差距.  相似文献   

21世纪的世界女子手球运动发展趋势越来越崇尚快速,我国手球界于20世纪70年代中期提出的“快速”训练指导思想,仍然指导着我国女子手球技战术风格的发展方向,我们要坚持“以速度为中心”的理念,并加以发扬光大。  相似文献   

为进一步提高我国手球的训练质量,本文采用文献资料法、调查法和访问法探讨手球训练的方法。针对调查结果中,我国现阶段手球训练存在的问题,提出了加强对手球基本理念的认识、合理用球、合理改变场地、规则的方法,以全面提高我国手球的理念和训练质量。  相似文献   

我国手球运动训练存在的主要问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用面访调查、专家调查及问卷调查法,分析我国手球运动训练存在的主要问题。认为:在强对抗中合理运用基本技术能力、运动员的身体素质和身体能力差是制约我国手球运动训练水平的因素。导致我国手球训练质量不高主要有教练员与运动员两方面的原因。教练员主要反映在理论水平、敬业精神方面;运动员主要反映在敬业精神和自觉训练方面。  相似文献   

译者的话:在我国,手球运动是一项较为年青的运动项目,我国手球运动的水平虽然还不高,但这项运动却日趋受到广大群众的欢迎,显示了强大的生命力。目前,我国的手球要尽快冲出亚洲,走向世界,必须学诸家之长,闯出一条适合我国运动员特点的路子来。我们试译的国际手球联合会发行的英文版“手球”一书,也许可为攀登世界手球技术高峰提供一点有益的参考资料。《手球》一书是西德的手球明星费里茨和波得·哈蒂格合写的,该书深入浅出地阐述了手球的基本技术、战术、介绍训练实例,并附有技术图片,无论对初学者或是具有高水平的手球工作者都大有参考之价值。译文对前言部分及个别段落有册节,基本保持其原貌。对于翻译工作,我们仅是一个尝试,缺点错误一定不少,恳望读者閱后多予指正。——译者此篇译文全书共约三万余字,限于篇幅,我们将分期刊出。——编者  相似文献   

李剑芳  宋永旺 《精武》2012,(26):23-24
本文通过分析手球项目的运动特点、供能特点,在手球专项身体素质特点的基础上,进一步深入研究手球运动员体能训练的理论,并结合训练实践,分析了具体的训练方法和手段。目的是为手球教练员后期专项体能训练提供一些新的训练思路,不断提高专项体能训练的水平。  相似文献   

试论青年女子手球训练的特点和规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学指导青年女子手球队员训练,要根据她们的人体解剖、生理机能、心理状态,运动创伤等方面的特点,手球专项素质和运动技能及其习得过程的特点.遵循竞技手球比赛要发展体能和体能储备的规律,训练、比赛理念主导规律,比赛、训练紧密结合规律,集体整合训练规律,注重心理训练和作风培养的规律,科学组织训练、指导比赛的规律实施训练.  相似文献   

常敏 《体育世界》2014,(1):96-97,99
手球是一项高速度、高难度、强对抗的体育运动项目,科学的训练对提高运动员的竞技水平十分重要。而对于女手球运动员而言,由于自身的生理特点和体质情况,其训练的方法和规律也有很大不同。本文就重点阐述了女子手球运动员科学训练的规律,可供参考。  相似文献   

运动训练发展到今天,大至经历了四个阶段:二十年代的自然训练阶段,四十年代的经验训练阶段,五十年代的大运动量训练阶段和七十年代以后的科学化训练阶段。从二十年代的自然训练阶段来看,就是比什么项目练什么项目,在专项技术的练习中去发展其本专项所需要的身体素质与能力,因此我们也可以把这种阶段称为以专项训练为主的训练阶段。到了四十年代,随着训练理论的发展,经验的积累,自然形成了训练周期,人们开始注意技术的改进,大大提高了成绩。五十年代,人们认识到仅仅靠练专项技术,人体的机能和素质提高  相似文献   

1 前言“寓攻于守,强守促攻”是我国手球运动多年来训练的指导思想。全身心致力于手球战线上的广大教练员为提高我国手球运动的水平,曾在防守训练上花了很多  相似文献   

女子手球运动员无氧耐力的监控与评定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨女子手球运动员无氧耐力的监控和评价意义,方法:测试女子手球运动员(12名,上海女子手球队)的无氧代谢能力,对心率和血乳酸进行统计分析,在训练和比赛中分析和应用;结果:针对场上位置不同,用心率来控制运动员的最大乳酸训练和耐乳酸训练,通过训练以达到峰值心率为评价标准,监测运动后心率以观察恢复情况;结论:对女子手球运动员训练疲劳和消除共性规律和个性特点进行了系统研究,并把无氧功和心率联系起来以控制训练的强度,从而提高运动员在比赛中的身体素质。  相似文献   

张莉  林丽雅 《湖北体育科技》2016,(12):1064-1070
目的:对赛前专项训练进行监控,为提高专项训练水平提供依据。方法:以22名优秀男子手球运动员为研究对象,对赛前专项训练手段进行心率和乳酸的监控,阶段训练后评价专项无氧能力训练效果。结果:1)3种教赛负荷强度不同。2)全场抢7分训练课的全场平均心率为155.1b/min。3)攻防转换训练课的平均心率为156.9b/min。4)300m×4间歇跑的乳酸峰值达13.7716.26mmol/L。5)专项综合训练课的平均心率为120.3b/min。6)阶段训练后,队员的最大功率、平均功率显著提高。结论:1)教赛3达到比赛强度。2)全场抢7分能提高队员强对抗条件下的快速得分能力。3)攻防转换训练对提高队员的攻防转换速度有较好的作用。4)300m×4间歇跑训练对提高运动员糖酵解供能能力有较好的作用。5)专项综合训练课不利于运动员发展强对抗条件下的技战术能力。6)赛前大强度训练对提高队员的无氧能力有比较好的作用。  相似文献   

青少年手球传球动作是手球技术的重要组成部分,针对青少年手球运动员传球技术训练中出现的突出问题进行逐一分析,并就其自信心的培养、生理条件、心理素质以及应变观察能力的培养进行了探讨,提出了青少年手球传球技能训练中应注意的问题和解决此类问题的方法,并给出了合理的建议。  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to monitor biological markers of inflammation and oxidative stress, mood states, and recovery-stress states throughout an entire season in male handball players. Fourteen handball players (age 20.1±2.5 years) with a regular training and competitive background in handball (11.0±3.7 years) from the same club volunteered to participate. All participants completed 40 weeks of training. The training load was increased progressively throughout the season. Blood samples were collected and questionnaires were administered during preparatory, competitive, and recovery periods. Blood C-reactive protein and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) concentrations increased during periods of high load, while the reduced/oxidized glutathione ratio (GSH/GSSG) decreased. These changes were accompanied by a significant increase in total leukocyte count. Positive correlations were found between C-reactive protein, GSSG, GSH/GSSG ratio, and training load. No changes were observed in the Total Mood Disturbance score of the Profile of Mood States (POMS). However, scores on some Recovery-Stress Questionnaire for Athletes subscales, such as Injury, Physical Recovery, and Being in Shape, correlated with training load. Findings indicate that during periods of high training load, handball players developed a low grade of inflammation and oxidative state. Results support the usefulness of monitoring psychological and biological markers of inflammation, oxidative stress, and training load during season.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine differences in hamstrings-to-quadriceps (H/Q) peak torque ratios evaluated at different angular velocities between men and women who participate in judo, handball or soccer. A total of 166 athletes, including 58 judokas (26 females and 32 males), 39 handball players (22 females and 17 males), and 69 soccer players (17 females and 52 males), were evaluated using an isokinetic dynamometer. The H/Q isokinetic peak torque ratios were calculated at angular velocities of 1.05 rad · s?1 and 5.23 rad · s?1. In the analysis by gender, female soccer players produced lower H/Q peak torque ratios at 1.05 rad · s?1 than males involved in the same sport. However, when H/Q peak torque ratio was assessed at 5.23 rad · s?1, there were no significant differences between the sexes. In the analysis by sport, there were no differences among females at 1.05 rad · s?1. In contrast, male soccer players had significantly higher H/Q peak torque ratios than judokas (66 ± 12% vs. 57 ± 14%, respectively). Female handball players produced significantly lower peak torque ratios at 5.23 rad · s?1 than judokas or soccer players, whereas males presented no ratio differences among sports At 5.23 rad · s?1. In the analysis by velocity, women's muscular ratios assessed at 1.05 rad · s?1 were significantly lower than at 5.23 rad · s?1 for all sports; among men, only judokas presented lower ratios at 1.05 rad · s?1 than at 5.23 rad · s?1. The present results suggest that sport modality and angular velocity influence the isokinetic strength profiles of men and women.  相似文献   

通过对手球运动员与普通大学生的体成分与生理机能进行测试和比较分析,探讨手球运动员体成分与生理机能的特点,为手球运动员科学选材和运动训练提供理论参考。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、观察法、逻辑分析等方法,对国际和国内手球重大比赛进行了调研;根据中国手球运动员的形态特征,研制了一套符合专项比赛需求以及结合专项特点对内锋队员运用行进间垫步假动作后突然变向一步跳起射门技术动作进行了训练和分析,旨在推进中国手球运动员更好地运用这项技术,进而使内锋队员在比赛中更大限度的发挥作用。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the throwing velocity and kinematics of overarm throwing in team handball of elite female and male handball players. Kinematics and ball velocity of a 7 metre-throw in eleven elite male (age 23.6 ± 5.2 yr, body mass 87.0 ± 6.8 kg, height 1.85 ± 0.05 m) and eleven elite female (age 20.3 ± 1.8 yr, body mass 69.9 ± 5.5 kg, height 1.75 ± 0.05 m) team handball players were recorded. The analysis consisted of maximal joint angles, angles at ball release, maximal angular velocities of the joint movements, and maximal linear velocities of the distal endpoints of segments and their timing during the throw. The ball release velocity of the male handball players was significantly higher than the females (21.1 vs. 19.2 m · s(-1); p < 0.05). No major differences in kinematics were found, except for the maximal endpoint velocities of the hand and wrist segment, indicating that male and female handball players throw with the same technique. It was concluded that differences in throwing velocity in elite male and female handball players are generally not the result of changes in kinematics in the joint movements.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse whether there are differences in bone mass in girls playing different sports. Two hundred girls (10.6 ± 1.5 years old, Tanner stages I–III) participated in the study and were divided into groups of 40 (swimmers, soccer players, basketball players, handball players and controls). Bone mineral content and bone mineral density (BMD) (whole body and hip) were measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. The degree of sexual development was determined using Tanner test, and physical activity habits were recorded through a questionnaire designed ad hoc for this research. Girls were divided by pubertal stage and the type of sport. In the prepubertal group, intertrochanteric BMD was significantly higher in both handball and soccer players compared with the control group (< 0.05). Furthermore, in the pubertal group, total BMD, mean arms BMD, pelvis BMD, femoral neck BMD, intertrochanteric BMD and Ward’s triangle BMD were significantly higher in soccer and handball players compared with the control group (< 0.05), and the swimmers showed significantly higher values in the mean arms BMD compared with the control group (< 0.01). Our data suggest that sport practice during puberty, especially in activities that support the body weight, may be an important factor in achieving a high peak bone mass and improving bone health in girls.  相似文献   

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