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The development of the computer along with the widespread use of the Internet has rapidly promoted Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) as a very important communication media, which can be used widely and effectively in foreign language teaching and learning. This essay tries to explore the advantages of CMC as well as its proposed application, beginning with the introduction of some concepts related to CMC. From the research history, the rationale of using CMC in foreign language learning is summarised. The context of an EAP course is introduced and some suggestions on using CMC in this course are proposed.  相似文献   


The authors focus on exploiting new methods of language acquisition with the help of the possibilities offered by the Internet. As a new option for computer‐assisted language learning, the Internet is considered to be a source for individual learning and problem oriented teaching in many other areas. Expanding knowledge in parallel in informatics and the English language is an asset. In addition to pointing out starting off sites for ESL teachers and introducing some interesting examples, some criteria of constructing language teaching WWW pages of our own are also listed.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates how evidence related to performance in computer mediated communication (CMC) can be used as a vehicle for researching pupils' thinking about using and learning a foreign language. The analysis is based on a qualitative study of pupils from two contrasting schools who had taken part in a multinational CMC project involving learners of French and English as a foreign language. The analysis focuses on the pupils' explanations and intuitions about their decisions with regard to two areas of their interaction in particular: code‐switching and pronominal address. The findings suggest that the English learners of French had an implicit set of communicative priorities in which interpersonal objectives tended to dominate over ideational objectives. Evidence from the study indicates the need for further research‐informed educational development in two areas: a reappraisal of the framework for foreign language teaching in England on the basis of greater emphasis on second language (L2) use within the framework; and more developed theoretical understanding of pupil cognition in relation to foreign language learning.  相似文献   

基于网络资源的高中英语教学实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统高中英语教学中存在教学效果差、掌习效率低等现象,尝试运用互联网技术和资源为学生创造良好的语言学习平台,培养学习兴趣,提高自主学习能力,有助于弥补传统教学的不足。  相似文献   

非洲留学生是在粤留学生中的一个很有特点的群体,其语言学习背景相对复杂,学习汉语的动机和观念与欧美留学生有所不同。该文在实际调查的基础上,运用spss11.5统计学软件,对非洲留学生的学习观念进行社会语言学分析,主要从外语学能、语言学习难度、语言学习性质、学习和交际策略、动机这五个方面对非洲留学生的汉语学习观念情况进行分析探讨。  相似文献   

在"Java程序设计"教学中,通过基于项目的教学活动的开展,在"做"中给学生创设真实问题环境和协作学习环境,在激发学生"学"兴趣的同时,提升学生的综合能力,对于计算机类教学有借鉴意义。通过自身教学改革的具体案例,描述了这样一个过程,来探讨"做中学"教学过程应注意的一些问题和和面向过程考核的优劣。  相似文献   

语音是语言学习的重点也是难点.海外的汉语语音教学,缺少现实的语言环境,学生们在规则指引下比较容易习得单字调,但是一旦进入语流,仍然普遍存在洋腔洋调的现象,这是教学中没有重视连续语流的韵律结构造成的.多数学者认为,在构成语音韵律的音长、音高、音强三要素中,音高是决定汉语语音自然度的主要因素.然而,我们通过对德国学生汉语发音的听辨实验发现,音长对于汉语语音的自然度同样重要,音长偏误也是产生洋腔洋调的主要原因之一.因此,对外汉语教学在训练单字调的同时,更要重视训练多音节词的音高与音长模式.本文结合第一作者在澳大利亚的对外汉语教学实践,提出了一些行之有效的语音教学方法.  相似文献   

王薇  刘兰 《教育教学论坛》2019,(10):196-198
"互联网+"给我国现有的教育资源、教学模式、学习策略等带来了巨大的变化。移动学习应成为新型语言教学的辅助手段。本研究探索在"互联网+"背景下学生利用手机学习软件进行大学英语词汇移动自主学习的可行性和有效性,用定量和定性的方法考察学生移动自主学习效果。结果表明:学生对英语词汇移动学习的便捷性与有效性持肯定态度;利用互联网+进行大学英语词汇移动自主学习具有可行性,可以提高学生英语词汇学习效果;但在增强学习动机上作用有限。  相似文献   

本文通过梳理合作学习对外语教学的积极作用和CMC的技术特征及其功能,讨论了CMC技术支持外语学习的优势,并提出了基于CMC的外语合作学习教学设计。  相似文献   

互联网在信息社会中的地位已经越来越不可替代,针对传统高中英语教学中存在教学效果差、学习效率低等现象,尝试运用互联网技术和资源为学生创造良好的语言学习平台,培养学习兴趣,提高自主学习能力,来弥补传统教学的不足,已经成为崭新的教学研究课题。  相似文献   

大学英语教学中自主学习能力的培养与策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着教学主体逐步实现从教师为中心向学生为中心的转换,自主学习已成为外语教学的热点。近年来,各高校对大学生英语自主学习能力的培养给予了越来越多的重视。从自主学习概念及相关理论人手,区别自主学习观念与传统教育观念;大学英语教学应培养大学生英语自主学习能力,并针对大学生自主学习存在的问题,结合教学实践,策略性地培养学生英语自主学习能力。  相似文献   

学习风格是影响学习者个体差异的主要因素之一。然而学习风格的研究并未有重大突破,这在客观上制约了外语教学与研究的深入发展。在分析过去近50年来不同阶段的相关研究文献的基础上,确认了第二语言学习风格研究中存在的主要问题——定义缺乏一致性、分类繁杂和研究方法上的缺陷。同时简要分析产生问题的原因,并就如何解决这些问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

吕叔湘是当代著名的语言学家、语文教育家。他从语言学家的视角研究语文教育教学问题。在语文教学中,他始终重视语言的基础性和重要性,提倡学生自主学习,重视语言的运用能力,在学习语言的基础上注重审美鉴赏和文化传承,这与当今的语文教育理念高度一致。他的语文教学思想从实践出发,结合理论研究,在语法教学、口语教学、阅读教学、文言文教...  相似文献   

大学英语教学从传统教学模式向多媒体教学模式的转换经历了从心理反差到整合的过程,验证了以交际为目的语言学习应建立在认知心理学的基础之上,从学习者的需求心理出发,尊重学习者的自我学习意识,充分发挥其主观能动性,从而达到创造性地使用语言的目的。  相似文献   

随着网络技术的不断发展,云计算成为计算机领域的研究热点。从列举传统网络教学模式的弊端入手,结合建构主义、协作学习等理论,分析了云计算的理论基础及应用现状,设计了基于云计算的外语网络教学模式。该教学模式将有效增强师生交互,促进资源共享,极大地改善在线外语教学效果。  相似文献   

语言与文化是紧密联系在一起的,学习一门语言,就必须要了解该语言的文化。语篇教学是学习语言的重要途径,语篇大都是讲述一个情景,或生活交往、或商务交往、或社会现象等,都包含了一些文化在里面。尤其是对外语的学习,通过外语语篇教学,有针对性地对学生的跨文化意识进行培养,已经成为学习外语的绝佳途径。文章就高职院校英语语篇教学中的跨文化意识培养做几点探讨,希望能给广大高职院校学习英语的师生们带来一些帮助。  相似文献   

交际法外语教学中的几点新思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
语法与元语言知识的教学以及母语的正迁移作用是交际法教学中经常被忽略的问题。本探讨了语法与元语言知识教学在交际法外语教学中应有的地位以及教学过程中教学双方如何控制母语与目标语介入量的多少,并对具体的交际法教学程式进行了评价。  相似文献   

从交际法教学谈英语教学理念和实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文集中讨论了面对加入WTO 后带来的挑战,如何以交际法教学的理念指导我们外语教学的改革。文章回顾了西方国家外语教学的发展与现状,探讨了语言习得理论、交际法教学和以学生为中心教学法的应用价值。本文还分析了我国外语教学中存在的问题,并提出了解决问题,改进外语教学的刍议。  相似文献   

With the continuous development of Internet technology and the advacement of globalization, China Internet Directindustry has become the biggest network in the world.Accordingly,netizens has communicated through social networking tools,which means that their communication is across time and space.Obviously,as a new language carrier,the network is theoretical,autonomic,open,inclusive and diverse.These characteristics are different from traditional language carrier.Therefore,"CMC" has become a new type of writing.The language commonly used and widely circulated on the Internet,has gradually formed its own system.It not only has its own unique vocabulary,and even the rules of grammar and pragmatic features are different from the traditional language.This paper aims to apply the Cooperative Principle and its maxims to analyse whether CMC violates the cooperative principle in the living examples.Meanwhile,the paper also tries to interpret their conversational implicature and the reasons to fully recognize this new type of writing.  相似文献   

The question of whether, and how, age affects L2 outcomes has been a major issue in SLA for several decades, and a number of recent publications provide reviews from different points of view. The author has made a comprehensive survey on the researches on the relationship between age and attainment in second language acquisition. Based on age differences theory, the author agrees the opinion that younger learners are more successful in informal and naturalistic L2 learning contexts, and older learners are more successful in formal instructional settings. Then, the younger learners' and older learners' advantages are discussed and put into contrastive analysis. Therefore, in second language teaching and learning, it is necessary to exert the learning advantages of different age groups, have a specific focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing, select teaching strategies suitable for different ages, and make a scientific teaching and learning plan.  相似文献   

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