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当代社会的科学主义和工具理性导致了教师教育信仰的迷失。教育信仰体现教师对教师应然价值的确信和职业人格的独立。教育信仰是教师教育自觉的内在根基、教学自由的精神动力和专业自我的理性表达,其终极诉求表现为教师真正"成为你自己",获得职业的独立品格、专业权力和幸福体验。教师的教育信仰依靠教育环境的外部支持和教师的主体建构而得以生发,最终实现教师的自我超越、学生的良好发展和教育事业的持续进步。  相似文献   

教师专业发展"实践模式"的兴起与兴盛使得"学院模式"颇受质疑。学院模式重视教育理论和教育教学通则化规准的教授,被视为脱离现实、现场教育实践之取向。实践模式主张回到现场,回到现实的教育实践,培养反思性实践家,倡导独特性的多元主义的教师行为。但实践模式自身存在着诸多不足,导致教师专业发展中的主观主义、随意化,教师理论素养欠缺,以及实践主义的崇拜。教师专业性在于教师自主地运用自己的理论与理性,去追求并实践一种以学童的人性完整、人格健全为目的的使命,使教育教学成为一种真正的教育实践,防止实践异化为种种功利主义、工具主义和生产主义的附庸或反教育行为。教学的本质必须基于追求意义与生活福祉的考量,教师专业发展须有一种深厚的理论和学术指引。重建学院模式的意义,须要省思教育理论之特性,提升教师自身对教学的理解,培养批判性思维和检视自我的习惯。  相似文献   

李磊《中国古代的国家概念与国家的自我赋权》指出:需划分出研究者主体性赋予的"国家"意义、古代国家的自我言说、事实上的国家构造这三个相互关联的层面。西方政治语境中的"国家"概念至少无法表达中国古代国家的自我叙述,而这种自我叙述又深刻地影响其国家建构及其动态变化。中国古代"国家"之"政",是需要"天下"这个范畴赋予其正当性的。  相似文献   

文章延续外国人笔下的中国形象这一话题,旨在以比较文学形象学理论为指导研究当代美国白人女性作家妮科尔·莫娜笔下的中国形象之"关系"."关系"既指中国人的家庭本位观又指中国的走后门现象.通过对莫娜笔下"关系"的探讨,发现这一形象不仅仅反映了一定的中国现实,更是莫娜言说自我、表达身份认同的工具,对中国人认识自我、发现社会问题和实现中美双方更好交流有现实意义.  相似文献   

对庄子的"存在式"信仰,阮籍与嵇康以特有的艺术家的眼光体悟到了在庄子身上不仅能取其愤世嫉俗的现实批判精神,若能进一步研究则可契悟其返归自然之道。阮籍与嵇康不仅继承了庄子的养生、论乐以及为文的抒情传统,而且开创了魏晋的艺术之道,最后借着玄音在诗歌中达到了冲和恬淡的境界。在儒家仁爱精神之中体验着道家无为而自然的逍遥之境。通过艺术之心,在心斋中把政治加以净化,因而使政治得以艺术化。他们所要求做的政治,不可能在现实中实现,也只有通过想象而使其在艺术意境中实现。  相似文献   

大学教师精神的内涵可理解成:为师者的"爱",为学者的"自由",为公共知识分子的"良知"。而如今,大学教师却由于受到物化世界的遮蔽、世俗权力的挤压、自我顺从的伤害,导致应有的爱已妥协于工具主义,自由思想逢迎于世俗权力,良知责任蒙蔽于媚俗文化。我们需要让大学教师走出工具主义,唤醒教育爱;消解官本位主义,营造自由生活;尊重高雅情趣,重建知识分子的良知。  相似文献   

当代先锋作家北村从非理性的否定与狂乱的文字解构中成功突围,作为"时代良心的代表",贴近现实人生,注重对人生自我生存的意义和终极价值的剖析,开启了精神救赎的探索.其作品主要以信仰之光彻照人类人性和精神内部的黑暗秘密,以构筑被赋予信仰的理想国为诉求.  相似文献   

言说着的“真理”:对法律实践理性特质的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实践理性维度下的法概念不仅内蕴着人类的自我意识与价值关怀,更指向了法律的公共性和民主性,表达出程序主义前提下的言说、对话、协商和妥协的内在要求.现代立法和司法推理倚重公众能够自由言说的场域和在场域中的自由言说.法律与实践理性有着内在的契合,是实践理性的体现,一种言说着的"真理".  相似文献   

何唯 《教师》2014,(14):114-115
人类的文明以经验、精神和信仰的形式广向传播,代代传递。教师是专职传播者,重要的中介,吸取并传播经验、精神和信仰。韩愈曰:"师者,传道、授业、解惑也。"这成了对教师的经典解释。但现实是,我们注重了"授业、解惑",却放弃了"传道"。因为在工作中,强调的是教学、科研、服务。对此我们广大教师务必要深刻认识到:教师更要做一个文化传承者。  相似文献   

朱玲  马玲 《甘肃高师学报》2011,16(6):115-117
目前"思政课"教学的主要矛盾是"思政课"教学与当代大学生接受信息的多维化、接受手段的多样化以及思维方式的多元化之间的矛盾。我们认为矛盾的主要方面在于教师,教师的关键问题在于讲课的"言说"方式,包括教学技巧、理论水平、现实关注、信仰四个方面。  相似文献   

The research focuses on Estonian university students’ emerging teacher identity and their interest in becoming teachers. Five hundred and sixty‐five first, third and fifth year students participated in the survey. The results suggest that pedagogical reasons for entering teacher education and clear motives for studying are significant indicators of teacher potential. Pedagogical reasons for entering teacher education or the teaching profession and the wish to function as a change agent in the society were related to academic self‐efficacy beliefs and the belief that the teacher expertise is mainly pedagogical in nature. However, at the point in their studies at which the students are able to choose their masters programme and entry into teacher education, their likelihood of choosing teacher education remains low, indicating that there is a need to develop pedagogical content, study counselling and career guidance services to encourage students’ continued interest in and entry to teacher education and the teaching profession.  相似文献   

师范院校学生的教师职业态度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
了解师范院校学生对教师职业态度的现状,为我国21世纪办好师范教育提供借鉴。对甘肃省属7所高等师范院校的611名大学生采用自编的“调查问卷”进行调查,并通过访谈结果作补充分析。结果表明师范大学生的教师职业态度总体趋势是好的,但也存在不少问题,即“高认识-高情感-低意志”的不协调状态。解决的有效途径是加强对师范院校学生教师职业态度和职业精神的形成性教育,呼吁有关部门采取有效措施切实提高教师的整体地位。  相似文献   

教师专业化及其发展已引起各国家的关注。教师专业化运动包括对“专业”、“教师专业化”与“教师专业发展”及其特征等基本理论的探讨。“教师是一种专业”的观念已得到绝大多数人的认可,并且正在成为一门重要的专业。教师职业所具有专业的特征,决定了教师教育或教师培训的发展方向就是要提高教师职业的专业化。  相似文献   

章对传统的“师道尊严”进行再认识的基础上,提出以严格的要求与严谨的治学态度向受教育传授科学知识与真理是“师之道”,加强自身修养,提高自身水平,做到自尊,是“师之尊”。“师道尊严”无罪,“师道”当“尊”、当“严”!  相似文献   

从"总体教育现代化"向"高水平教育现代化"迈进是新时代首都教育现代化建设面临的重大战略目标任务。新中国成立70年来,北京市教师队伍建设取得了巨大的成就。进入新时代,要坚持"提要求"与"给保障"相结合,努力使教师成为首都人人尊重和向往的职业;"改革"与"发展"相结合,努力使教师成为首都人尽其才的职业;"面向全体"与"面向重点"相结合,努力使教师成为首都人才辈出的职业。  相似文献   

Differences in attitudes toward the profession were determined among samples of teachers varying in CA and between teachers and students enrolled in teacher education programs. The students rated items reflecting “altruistic” and “pragmatic” needs met by teaching in terms of their importance in selecting teaching as a career and in terms of the way they perceived experienced teachers would rate them. The teachers rated the items in terms of their importance in their present teaching career and as they thought current students would rate them. The results indicated the absence of age differences in attitudes among the teacher samples. However both objective (self) and perceived intergroup differences in attitudes were found between the student and teacher samples. These results provide strong support for Neugarten's hypothesis that differences in the behavior and attitudes of adults reflect changes in social states rather than developmental differences and that the hypothesis can be generalized both to self and perceived intergroup differences in attitudes.  相似文献   

The introduction of new school inspection procedures is going to place great emphasis on classroom practice at a time when teacher appraisal is returning to the centre stage of the national debate on how to improve quality in education. The Government argues that it is seeking to encourage teacher professional development in the context of the school development plan but teachers fear that it is seeking to use appraisal as a means of ‘weeding out’ weak teachers and rewarding those who are successful by offering performance‐related pay. There are many contentious issues involved in such an appraisal system, which on the one hand encourages teacher professional development and on the other regards schools and teachers as being consumable products. This paper examines some of the issues that divide these two conflicting approaches and then criticises the current legislation‐driven approaches which are legitimately open to various usages. It then explores a new approach which is supportive to the profession but which produces clear performance indicators that can be used to provide a stricter monitoring of the effectiveness of teaching. This paper reflects upon the experiences of a school where a system of collective self‐appraisal was established. Underpinning the approach is a basic belief that teachers can be professionally responsible as well as being publicly accountable.  相似文献   

The declining quality of education is becoming a global concern. Teachers, no doubt, have been accused of poor attitude to work. How many teachers have dedication to the profession we do not know. This study examines self‐concept and teacher trainees attitude to the profession and found a convincing number of ‘false positive’ teachers in a teacher training college in Nigeria. Implications for teaching and quality of work done by such teachers were discussed.  相似文献   


Because of their belief in the social interactionist model of teacher education, the authors read aloud to various undergraduate and graduate classes excerpts from published teacher stories, either vignettes or opinion pieces. Their immediate goals were to help build class community, advertise books that the students might then return to on their own, personalize discussion topics, and inspire continuing reflection and pride in the chosen profession. A more long‐term goal was to get students to internalize stories that would help guide their actions in the classroom. This article describes their use of teacher stories and includes some of the readings as well as a comprehensive list of teacher stories consulted. Student reactions were varied depending on the stories and the contexts of the readings. Reactions included apathy, evaluation of the teacher, self‐reflective journal entries, and a refusal to pass a book on to peers without the promise of being able to take it home. The authors are reading/language arts educators, who recommend the use of teacher stories for teacher education in all fields.  相似文献   


There is a long held belief in the teaching profession—a belief approximating the status of folklore—that when a teacher stays in a school for an extended amount of time, the enthusiasm for the job wanes and becomes less effective, turning into the ‘living dead’, awaiting retirement. In this folklore, then, teacher mobility is positioned as desirable—with positive outcomes for the profession and for students. Two recent studies and faculties in NSW government schools, however, suggest to us a need to problematise the notion of teacher mobility as an automatically desirable aspect of the profession. We think these studies suggest a greater degree of complexity around the issue of teacher mobility than simply viewing the ‘over stayer’ as a cynical quasi‐retiree or ‘shell back’. In fact, these studies of teachers who achieve outstanding outcomes in the NSW Higher School Certificate (HSC) and of faculties and programs achieving outstanding outcomes in years 7–10, suggest that length of time in a school may be directly correlated with outstanding outcomes (by underpinning a range of other factors probably more directly causative of those outcomes).  相似文献   

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