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The structural characteristics and optical and electrical properties of molecular-beam-epitaxy (MBE) grown ZnS0.8Se0.2 thin films on indium-tin-oxide (ITO) glass substrates were investigated in this work. The X-ray diffraction (XRD)results indicated that high quality polycrystalline ZnS0.8Se0.2 thin film grown at the optimized temperature had a preferred orientation along the (111) planes. The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) cross-sectional micrograph of the sample showed a well defined columnar structure with lateral crystal dimension in the order ofa few hundred angstroms. Ultraviolet (UV) photoresponsivity as high as 0.01 A/W had been demonstrated and for wavelengths longer than 450 nm, the response was down from the peak response by more than 3 orders of magnitude. The thin ZnS0.8Se0.2 photosensor layer, with a wide energy gap and anisotropic electrical property, makes a transmission UV liquid crystal light valve ( LCLV) with high resolution feasible.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Liquid crystal light valves (LCLV) are devices whose function is to convert an input image pos-sessing specific wavelength, intensity and coher-ence to an output image in which some or all of these parameters are varied (Efron et al., 1985). Therefore, they can be used as image amplifiers for large screen projection display, image wavelength converters and incoherent-to-coherent image converters for optical data processing and correlation. The appli-cation potentialities ar…  相似文献   

MBE growth of ZnSxSe1−x thin films on ITO coated glass substrates were carried out using ZnS and Se sources with the substrate temperature ranging from 270°C to 330°C. The XRD σ/2σ spectra resulted from these films indicated that the as-grown polycrystalline ZnSxSe1−x thin films had a preferred orientation along the (111) planes. The evaluated crystal sizes as deduced from the FWHM of the XRD layer peaks showed strong growth temperature dependence, with the optimized temperature being about 290 °C. Both AFM and TEM measurements of these thin films also indicated a similar growth temperature dependence. High quality ZnSxSe1−x thin film grown at the optimized temperature had the smoothest surface with lowest RMS value of 1.2 nm and TEM cross-sectional micrograph showing a well defined columnar structure. Project supported by the National Science Council of PRC (No. 59910161981) and RGC grant from the Hong Kong Government under Grant (No. NS-FC/HKUST 35)  相似文献   

Well-cubic perovskite lanthanum aluminate (LaAlO3) film on (110) silicon substrate was fabricated by sol-gel method with corresponding inorganic salts. Lanthanum acetate and aluminum acetate glacial acetic acid solutions were prepared via ligand exchange starting from lanthanum nitrate hexahydrate and aluminum nitrate hexahydrate after being refluxed. (CH3CO)2O removed nitrates and the crystallized H2O completely, acetylacetone (AcAc) was partially bidentated with metallic ion of the metallic acetates and formed La(OAc)3−x (AcAc) x which were hydrolyzed into La(AcAc)3−x(OH) x by adding 10 ml 0.4% methyl cellulose (MCL) solution. The La(AcAc)3−x (OH) x , polymerizing and combining with MCL, formed the LaAlO3 sol precursor with heteropolymeric structure and formed film easily. The epitaxial LaAlO3 film on Si(110) substrate was crystallized after being annealed in thermal annealing furnace for 650–750 °C/30 min. The morphologies and microstructures were characterized. The refractive index of the LAO film was 1.942 to 2.007; the dielectric constant and the dissipation factors were estimated to be 23–26 and 2.1×10−4−2.4×10−4 respectively. Project (No. 2002CB613305) supported by the National Basic Research Program (973) of China  相似文献   

A skutterudite-related antimonide, CoFe3Sb12, was prepared with vacuum melting. XRD analysis showed the material contained Sb, FeSb2, CoSb2 and CoSb3 phases. The electrochemical properties of the ball-milled CoFe3Sb12−10 wt% graphite composite were studied using pure lithium as the reference electrode. A maximal lithium inserting capacity of about 860 mAh/g was obtained in the first cycle. The reversible capacity of the material was about 560 mAh/g in the first cycle and decreased toca. 320 mAh/g and 250 mAh/g after 10 and 20 cycles respectively.Ex-situ XRD analyses showed that the antimonides in the pristine material were decomposed after the first discharge and that antimony was the active element for lithium to insert into the host material. Project supported by the National Natural Foundation of China (No. 59771032) and the RFDP of the Education Ministry of China (No. 20010335045)  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new approach for multi-objective robust control. The approach extends the standard generalizedl 2 (Gl 2) and generalizedH 2 (GH 2) conditions to a set of new linear matrix inequality (LMI) constraints based on a new stability condition. A technique for variable parameterization is introduced to the multi-objective control problem to preserve the linearity of the synthesis variables. Consequently, the multi-channel multi-objective mixed Gl 2/GH 2 control problem can be solved less conservatively using computationally tractable algorithms developed in the paper. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 60374028), and the Scientific Research Foundation for Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, Ministry of Education (No. [2004]176)  相似文献   

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