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为了应对全球范围内新一轮的科技革命和产业革命,新工科建设成为了工程教育改革的新目标与新要求。在新工科背景下培养起来的学生必须具备牢固的基础知识和过硬的基本技能,适应社会和国家的需求。以3D打印技术教学为主要探究对象,阐述了新工科背景下3D打印技术应用于本科教学实验室建设中的课程体系构建、实验室建设、师资队伍以及人才培养模式问题,构建了新工科背景下的3D打印实验室蓝图。基于新工科背景下的3D打印技术教学将激发学生的学习主动性,使得学生能够在试验中运用自身学到的知识解决实际问题,达到培养新时代创新型人才的目的。  相似文献   

Benefits from the use of cadavers in anatomical education are well described. Historically, human embryos and fetal cadavers were used in anatomy education to understand development and congenital malformations. Recently, three-dimensional printed models produced from archival fetal specimens, and online repositories of images from archival collections of embryos and fetuses, have been used as an educational tool in human development courses. Given that the archival specimens were likely obtained prior to the era of informed consent, this raises questions about their appropriate and ethical use. Because some institutions in the United States retain archival collections of embryonic and fetal specimens that were once used as educational tools, their existence and utility require frequent reexamination against contemporary ethical frameworks to guide appropriate use or utilization. Four ethical rationales for uses of these collections are examined, including destruction, indefinite storage, use in research, and use in health professions education. Guidelines for the use of archival collections of human embryos and fetuses are presented. Indefinite storage and use in health professions education are supported, while use in research is also permitted, however, such use is limited and dependent on circumstance and purpose. The development of current digital repositories and three-dimensionally printed models based on archival collections that were collected without informed consent, or those promoting commercial opportunity, are not supported. New embryonic and fetal donations obtained with informed consent should include reference to potential uses with new technology and virtual, genetic, or imaging applications.  相似文献   

3D打印技术在中小学教学中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年伊始,3D打印技术突然成为人们关注的热点,由工业、建筑、军事等应用领域逐渐走向民用领域.教育领域,特别是基础教育领域应用3D打印技术还处于起步、探索阶段.文章介绍了什么是3D打印技术;3D打印技术在本质上是多媒体技术的延伸,是虚拟现实技术的延伸,它拓展了人的感觉和知觉,促进了人的思维能力的进一步发展;列举了3D打印技术在中小学学科教学中应用的几个案例;3D打印技术目前面临的一些诸如普及慢、成本高、速度慢等局限性.最后指出,3D打印技术作为第三次工业革命的重要标志之一,未来4~5年,必将普遍走进中小学课堂,必将对现有教学产生深刻的影响和变革.  相似文献   

New technological developments have frequently had major consequences for anatomy education, and have raised ethical queries for anatomy educators. The advent of three-dimensional (3D) printing of human material is showing considerable promise as an educational tool that fits alongside cadaveric dissection, plastination, computer simulation, and anatomical models and images. At first glance its ethical implications appear minimal, and yet the more extensive ethical implications around clinical bioprinting suggest that a cautious approach to 3D printing in the dissecting room is in order. Following an overview of early groundbreaking studies into 3D printing of prosections, organs, and archived fetal material, it has become clear that their origin, using donated bodies or 3D files available on the Internet, has ethical overtones. The dynamic presented by digital technology raises questions about the nature of the consent provided by the body donor, reasons for 3D printing, the extent to which it will be commercialized, and its comparative advantages over other available teaching resources. In exploring questions like these, the place of 3D printing within a hierarchical sequence of value is outlined. Discussion centers on the significance of local usage of prints, the challenges created by regarding 3D prints as disposable property, the importance of retaining the human side to anatomy, and the unacceptability of obtaining 3D-printed material from unclaimed bodies. It is concluded that the scientific tenor of 3D processes represents a move away from the human person, so that efforts are required to prevent them accentuating depersonalization and commodification.  相似文献   

随着新一轮科技与产业革命,"中国制造2025"国家战略的实施,对高校人才的培养形成了新工科建设理念,如何适应新形势、新常态下的人才需求成为当前工程训练改革面临的重要课题。通过分析国内3D打印人才缺口及高校3D打印工程实践教学的现状,提出各高校在实践教学过程中除了注重教学的序列性,更要注重教学的层次性,让人才培养模式做到循序渐进、层次分明,从而引领增材制造行业有序发展,带动整个制造业的转型升级。  相似文献   

新工科理念下,按照“与当前工业主流技术相衔接”的原则,结合3D打印技术的原理及特点和工程训练实践教学的宗旨,提出将3D打印实践教学与企业产品研发流程相结合的教学组织模式。首先,以培养学生的基本建模和设备操作能力为目的。其次,根据工程训练实践教学的宗旨,结合实际在教学过程中对学生提出具体产品设计要求,让学生有目的地进行设计创新。最后,打印出符合设计要求的实体模型。让学生体会从设计理念到设计过程,从概念设计到成品加工的过程,达到增强学生工程意识和工程实践创新能力的目的。  相似文献   

Two material 3D printing is becoming increasingly popular, inexpensive and accessible. In this paper, freely available printable files and dual extrusion fused deposition modelling were combined to create a number of functional anatomical models. To represent muscle and bone FilaFlex3D flexible filament and polylactic acid (PLA) filament were extruded respectively via a single 0.4 mm nozzle using a Big Builder printer. For each filament, cubes (5 mm3) were printed and analyzed for X, Y, and Z accuracy. The PLA printed cubes resulted in errors averaging just 1.2% across all directions but for FilaFlex3D printed cubes the errors were statistically significantly greater (average of 3.2%). As an exemplar, a focus was placed on the muscles, bones and cartilage of upper airway and neck. The resulting single prints combined flexible and hard structures. A single print model of the vocal cords was constructed which permitted movement of the arytenoids on the cricoid cartilage and served to illustrate the action of intrinsic laryngeal muscles. As University libraries become increasingly engaged in offering inexpensive 3D printing services it may soon become common place for both student and educator to access websites, download free models or 3D body parts and only pay the costs of print consumables. Novel models can be manufactured as dissectible, functional multi‐layered units and offer rich possibilities for sectional and/or reduced anatomy. This approach can liberate the anatomist from constraints of inflexible hard models or plastinated specimens and engage in the design of class specific models of the future. Anat Sci Educ 11: 65–72. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

"逆向工程与3D打印技术"课程的开设,是为了培养医学院校学生的医工结合的能力。以项目为驱动将知识点融入项目中进行教学,采用计算机软件操作、实验设备操作等教学手段,使学生了解医学领域相关的逆向工程和3D打印技术的基本理论知识和实践应用技能,为现代医学培养医工结合的复合型应用人才。  相似文献   

Understanding the three‐dimensional (3D) nature of the human form is imperative for effective medical practice and the emergence of 3D printing creates numerous opportunities to enhance aspects of medical and healthcare training. A recently deceased, un‐embalmed donor was scanned through high‐resolution computed tomography. The scan data underwent segmentation and post‐processing and a range of 3D‐printed anatomical models were produced. A four‐stage mixed‐methods study was conducted to evaluate the educational value of the models in a medical program. (1) A quantitative pre/post‐test to assess change in learner knowledge following 3D‐printed model usage in a small group tutorial; (2) student focus group (3) a qualitative student questionnaire regarding personal student model usage (4) teaching faculty evaluation. The use of 3D‐printed models in small‐group anatomy teaching session resulted in a significant increase in knowledge (P = 0.0001) when compared to didactic 2D‐image based teaching methods. Student focus groups yielded six key themes regarding the use of 3D‐printed anatomical models: model properties, teaching integration, resource integration, assessment, clinical imaging, and pathology and anatomical variation. Questionnaires detailed how students used the models in the home environment and integrated them with anatomical learning resources such as textbooks and anatomy lectures. In conclusion, 3D‐printed anatomical models can be successfully produced from the CT data set of a recently deceased donor. These models can be used in anatomy education as a teaching tool in their own right, as well as a method for augmenting the curriculum and complementing established learning modalities, such as dissection‐based teaching. Anat Sci Educ 11: 44–53. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

目的:探讨基于3D打印技术的教学翻转课堂模式在留学生骨科临床教学中的应用。方法:对比留学生在骨科临床学习过程中,分别利用基于3D打印模型的教学翻转课堂模式及传统课堂模型教学,通过闭卷考试和问卷调查的方式评价教学效果及课堂满意度,并对两组教学效果及课堂满意度进行对比。对比学生的接受与掌握程度,评价基于3D打印技术的教学翻转课堂模式在留学生骨科临床教学中的作用。结果:基于3D打印技术的教学翻转课堂模式组理论测验成绩及满意度明显优于传统教学组(P=0.000),题目数量及测试时间均相等。结论:基于3D打印技术的教学翻转课堂模式有助于留学生直观、高效、准确地学习骨科相关临床诊断知识,是一种值得推荐的教学模式。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) printing technology has become more affordable, accessible, and relevant in healthcare, however, the knowledge of transforming medical images to physical prints still requires some level of training. Anatomy educators can play a pivotal role in introducing learners to 3D printing due to the spatial context inherent to learning anatomy. To bridge this knowledge gap and decrease the intimidation associated with learning 3D printing technology, an elective was developed through a collaboration between the Department of Anatomy and the Makers Lab at the University of California, San Francisco. A self-directed digital resource was created for the elective to guide learners through the 3D printing workflow, which begins with a patient's computed tomography digital imaging and communication in medicine (DICOM) file to a physical 3D printed model. In addition to practicing the 3D printing workflow during the elective, a series of guest speakers presented on 3D printing applications they utilize in their clinical practice and/or research laboratories. Student evaluations indicated that their intimidation associated with 3D printing decreased, the clinical and research topics were directly applicable to their intended careers, and they enjoyed the autonomy associated with the elective format. The elective and the associated digital resource provided students with the foundational knowledge of 3D printing, including the ability to extract, edit, manipulate, and 3D print from DICOM files, making 3D printing more accessible. The aim of disseminating this work is to help other anatomy educators adopt this curriculum at their institution.  相似文献   

In recent decades, three-dimensional (3D) printing as an emerging technology, has been utilized for imparting human anatomy knowledge. However, most 3D printed models are rigid anatomical replicas that are unable to represent dynamic spatial relationships between different anatomical structures. In this study, the data obtained from a computed tomography (CT) scan of a normal knee joint were used to design and fabricate a functional knee joint simulator for anatomical education. Utility of the 3D printed simulator was evaluated in comparison with traditional didactic learning in first-year medical students (n = 35), so as to understand how the functional 3D simulator could assist in their learning of human anatomy. The outcome measure was a quiz comprising 11 multiple choice questions based on locking and unlocking of the knee joint. Students in the simulation group (mean score = 85.03%, ±SD 10.13%) performed significantly better than those in the didactic learning group, P < 0.05 (mean score = 70.71%, ±SD 15.13%), which was substantiated by large effect size, as shown by a Cohen’s d value of 1.14. In terms of learning outcome, female students who used 3D printed simulators as learning aids achieved greater improvement in their quiz scores as compared to male students in the same group. However, after correcting for the modality of instruction, the sex of the students did not have a significant influence on the learning outcome. This randomized study has demonstrated that the 3D printed simulator is beneficial for anatomical education and can help in enriching students’ learning experience.  相似文献   

The pterygopalatine fossa (PPF) is a bilateral space deep within the skull that serves as a major neurovascular junction. However, its small volume and poor accessibility make it a difficult space to comprehend using two-dimensional illustrations and cadaveric dissections. A three-dimensional (3D) printed model of the PPF was developed as a visual and kinesthetic learning tool for completely visualizing the fossa, its boundaries, its communicating channels, and its neurovascular structures. The model was evaluated by analyzing student performance on pre- and post-quizzes and a student satisfaction survey based on the five-point Likert scale. The first cohort comprised of 88 students who had never before studied the PPF. The second cohort consisted of 30 students who were previously taught the PPF. Each cohort was randomly divided into a control group who were provided with a half skull and an intervention group that were provided with the 3D printed model. The intervention group performed significantly better on the post-quiz as compared to the control group in cohort I (P = 0.001); while not significant, it also improved learning in cohort II students (P = 0.124). Satisfaction surveys indicated that the intervention group found the 3D printed model to be significantly more useful (P < 0.05) as compared to the half skull used by the control group. Importantly, the effect sizes for cohorts I and II (0.504 and 0.581, respectively) validated the statistical results. Together, this study highlights the importance of 3D printed models as teaching tools in anatomy education.  相似文献   

For centuries, cadaveric material has been the cornerstone of anatomical education. For reasons of changes in curriculum emphasis, cost, availability, expertise, and ethical concerns, several medical schools have replaced wet cadaveric specimens with plastinated prosections, plastic models, imaging, and digital models. Discussions about the qualities and limitations of these alternative teaching resources are on‐going. We hypothesize that three‐dimensional printed (3DP) models can replace or indeed enhance existing resources for anatomical education. A novel multi‐colored and multi‐material 3DP model of the upper limb was developed based on a plastinated upper limb prosection, capturing muscles, nerves, arteries and bones with a spatial resolution of ~1 mm. This study aims to examine the educational value of the 3DP model from the learner's point of view. Students (n = 15) compared the developed 3DP models with the plastinated prosections, and provided their views on their learning experience using 3DP models using a survey and focus group discussion. Anatomical features in 3DP models were rated as accurate by all students. Several positive aspects of 3DP models were highlighted, such as the color coding by tissue type, flexibility and that less care was needed in the handling and examination of the specimen than plastinated specimens which facilitated the appreciation of relations between the anatomical structures. However, students reported that anatomical features in 3DP models are less realistic compared to the plastinated specimens. Multi‐colored, multi‐material 3DP models are a valuable resource for anatomical education and an excellent adjunct to wet cadaveric or plastinated prosections. Anat Sci Educ 11: 54–64. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

文章分析非圆齿轮的结构参数特征,完成了非圆齿轮的3D设计,利用SolidWorks软件建立非圆齿轮的三维模型,并生成STL文件,最后采用3D打印技术打印出非圆齿轮。文章提出的方法与实验为非圆齿轮的智能加工提供了新思路。  相似文献   

在高中立体几何教学中,灵活运用3D打印技术不仅能够使整体课程更具有实践意义,还能够进一步提升高中立体几何教学的实效性。文章概述3D打印技术,分析高中立体几何教学的现状,探讨3D打印技术在高中立体几何教学中的具体应用,以进一步提升高中立体几何教学的实效性。  相似文献   

董峰 《成才之路》2020,(9):70-71
中职学校开设3D打印技术课程,不仅能增强学生的专业技能,而且能提高学生的综合素质。文章分析3D打印技术的含义及其与中职教育的关系,探讨中职学校3D打印技术校本课程的设计方案,指出教师要科学、合理地开发校本课程,创设和谐的教学氛围和环境,以促进3D打印技术校本课程的开发。  相似文献   

基于“互联网+”背景下,针对传统的留学生人体解剖学教学存在的问题,应运而生了“互联网+”教育模式,即利用信息技术及互联网平台,将虚拟仿真平台、慕课等新的模式和方法应用于教学,为留学生人体解剖学教学提供了新的思路和方法,从而促进了我国现阶段医学留学生解剖学课程的教学质量的提高。  相似文献   

The concept that multisensory observation and drawing can be effective for enhancing anatomy learning is supported by pedagogic research and theory, and theories of drawing. A haptico-visual observation and drawing (HVOD) process has been previously introduced to support understanding of the three-dimensional (3D) spatial form of anatomical structures. The HVOD process involves exploration of 3D anatomy with the combined use of touch and sight, and the simultaneous act of making graphite marks on paper which correspond to the anatomy under observation. Findings from a previous study suggest that HVOD can increase perceptual understanding of anatomy through memorization and recall of the 3D form of observed structures. Here, additional pedagogic and cognitive underpinnings are presented to further demonstrate how and why HVOD can be effective for anatomy learning. Delivery of a HVOD workshop is described as a detailed guide for instructors, and themes arising from a phenomenological study of educator experiences of the HVOD process are presented. Findings indicate that HVOD can provide an engaging approach for the spatial exploration of anatomy within a supportive social learning environment, but also requires modification for effective curricular integration. Consequently, based on the most effective research-informed, theoretical, and logistical elements of art-based approaches in anatomy learning, including the framework provided by the observe–reflect–draw–edit–repeat (ORDER) method, an optimized “ORDER Touch” observation and drawing process has been developed. This is with the aim of providing a widely accessible resource for supporting social learning and 3D spatial understanding of anatomy, in addition to improving specific anatomical knowledge.  相似文献   

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