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The novelty of three-dimensional visualization technology (3DVT), such as virtual reality (VR), has captured the interest of many educational institutions. This study’s objectives were to (1) assess how VR and physical models impact anatomy learning, (2) determine the effect of visuospatial ability on anatomy learning from VR and physical models, and (3) evaluate the impact of a VR familiarization phase on learning. This within-subjects, crossover study recruited 78 undergraduate students who studied anatomical structures at both physical and VR models and were tested on their knowledge immediately and 48 hours after learning. There were no significant differences in test scores between the two modalities on both testing days. After grouping participants on visuospatial ability, low visuospatial ability learners performed significantly worse on anatomy knowledge tests compared to their high visuospatial ability counterparts when learning from VR immediately (P = 0.001, d = 1.515) and over the long-term (P = 0.003, d = 1.279). In contrast, both low and high visuospatial ability groups performed similarly well when learning from the physical model and tested immediately after learning (P = 0.067) and over the long-term (P = 0.107). These results differ from current literature which indicates that learners with low visuospatial ability are aided by 3DVT. Familiarizing participants with VR before the learning phase had no impact on learning (P = 0.967). This study demonstrated that VR may be detrimental to low visuospatial ability students, whereas physical models may allow all students, regardless of their visuospatial abilities, to learn similarly well.  相似文献   

Growing evidence supports the use of reflective writing activities centered around the human cadaveric dissection experience to support and assess elements of medical student wellness. Dissection may promote personal and professional development, increase resilience, and foster a sense of connection and community. This study employed a qualitative analysis of a reflective writing exercise to explore the question: “What is the impact of the cadaveric dissection anatomy experience on the personal and professional development of medical students?” This cross-sectional study was conducted at the conclusion of the first-year anatomy module. A total of 117 United States allopathic medical students were given a questionnaire designed to elicit the students' experiences and introspection. The exercise included four reflective questions that were provided to 20 groups of six students. Grounded theory analysis was used to explore themes that arose in students' responses. Participants exhibited several common reactions to cadaveric dissection. After analyzing all responses, 266 unique open codes were identified for all four questions. These open codes were sorted into ten distinct axial codes, which are broader categorical themes of open codes. The aims of our study were to identify themes that emerged as students reflected on the impact of their dissection experience using reflective writing as a tool to capture these themes and to gather information to inform pedagogical methodologies. The researchers observed that the educational effects of dissection captured in the reflective writing resembled those found in other areas of medical education that emphasize professional identity formation and important humanistic qualities.  相似文献   

Studies have demonstrated that students experience a variety of intense emotions in anticipation of human anatomical dissection, including enthusiasm, gratitude, responsibility, apprehension, detachment, anxiety, and spiritual or moral reflection. The exercise described here provides an opportunity to start a conversation about the complexity of students’ emotional reactions to the anatomy experience. The intention of this exercise is to normalize the variety of emotions that anatomy students experience, both to demonstrate to students that their emotions are normal and to encourage the empathy for others' reactions which may differ from their own. In the lecture hall setting before the first day of dissection, students are asked to draw how they feel about the dissection experience and are provided an opportunity to discuss their drawings with their peers. The course director then provides a slide show demonstration of drawings from previous years, and experienced anatomy faculty facilitate a large group discussion in which students react to the drawing exercise and slide show and ask questions which are addressed by the faculty. This exercise provides an opportunity for students to practice appropriately communicating about emotionally complex experiences in a professional setting. The exercise is straightforward to implement and is easily modifiable for different class sizes and curricular structures.  相似文献   

Human cadaveric prosections are a traditional, effective, and highly appreciated modality of anatomy learning. Plastic models are an alternative teaching modality, though few studies examine their effectiveness in learning of upper limb musculoskeletal anatomy. The purpose of this study is to investigate which modality is associated with a better outcome, as assessed by students' performance on examinations. Overall, 60 undergraduate medical students without previous knowledge of anatomy participated in the study. Students were assigned into two groups. Group 1 attended lectures and studied from cadaveric prosections (n = 30) and Group 2 attended lectures and used plastic models in the laboratory (n = 30). A knowledge assessment, including examination with tag questions (spot test) and written multiple-choice questions, was held after the end of the study. Students' perceptions were also investigated via an anonymous questionnaire. No significant difference in students' performance was observed between the group using prosections and the group using plastic models (32.2 ± 14.7 vs 35.0 ± 14.8, respectively; P = 0.477). Similarly, no statistically significant difference was found regarding students' satisfaction from using each learning modality (P = 0.441). Plastic models may be a valuable supplementary modality in learning upper limb musculoskeletal anatomy, despite their limitations. Easy to use and with no need for maintaining facilities, they are highly appreciated by students and can be useful when preparing for the use of cadaveric specimens.  相似文献   

The professional behavior of future doctors is increasingly important in medical education. One of the first subjects in the curriculum to address this issue is gross anatomy. The Tuebingen Medical Faculty implemented a learning portfolio and a seminar on medical professionalism during the dissection course. The aims of this research project are to get an overview of how students form a professional identity in the dissection course and to compare the content of both their oral and written reflections on the course. A qualitative analysis was conducted of the oral and written reflections on the dissection laboratory experience. This study was conducted during winter term 2013/2014 with a cohort of 163 participants in the regular dissection course. Written reflection texts (from n = 96 students) and audio recordings from four oral reflection seminar discussions (with n = 11 students) were transcribed and deductively categorized with Mayring’s qualitative content analysis method. Both qualitative analyses show that students reflected on many topics relevant to professional development, including empathy, respect, altruism, compassion, teamwork, and self-regulation. Quantitative analysis reveals that students who attended the oral reflection wrote significantly more in their written reflection than students who did not. There is, however, no difference in the reflection categories. Reflection content from students corresponds with categories derived from existing competency frameworks. Both the seminar (oral reflections) and the learning portfolio (written reflections) present excellent opportunities to foster professional development during anatomy education; the key is using them in conjunction with the dissection course.  相似文献   

Dissection videos are commonly utilized in gross anatomy courses; however, the actual usage of such videos, as well as the academic impact of student use of these videos, is largely unknown. Understanding how dissection videos impact learning is important in making curricular decisions. In this study, 22 dissection videos were created to review structures identified in laboratory sessions throughout the Organ Systems 1 (OS1), 2 (OS2), and 3 (OS3) courses. Dissection videos were provided to 201 first-year medical students, and viewing data were recorded. Demographic data for age and gender identity were also collected from students. Overall, there was a significant decrease in total views (P = 0.001), the number of students who pressed play (P < 0.001), and the number of students who viewed ≥ 90% of the total length of videos (P < 0.001) from OS1 to OS3. The total adjusted time spent viewing videos was not significantly different between individual OS courses. There were some instances where significant differences existed in examination performance between those who did and did not view videos, and by time spent viewing videos. There were no significant differences in time spent viewing videos by gender. Together these data suggest that students may utilize dissection videos more at the beginning of a dissection course, although they remain an important resource throughout the year for a subset of students.  相似文献   

The role of physician assistant/associate (PA) has expanded from its inception in the United States over 50 years ago, to European countries including Ireland. While there is an increasing body of evidence exploring the role and training of PAs in clinical settings, there is a scarcity of research exploring PA students' perspectives in relation to their experience of anatomy dissection, or how these experiences may contribute to the development of their core professional identity. Students in the first two cohorts of PA Program at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland program were invited to interviews which solicited them to reflect and report on their own experiences of anatomical dissection during their course. Participants' responses were analyzed using a thematic inductive approach; common themes and patterns were organized into a hierarchical structure, which generated the final framework of themes. Ten participants took part in the study; only one had previous personal experience of dissection, while two further participants had some familiarity with prosected specimens. The first theme concerned the participants' expectation of anatomical dissection, with sub-themes of preconceptions, smell, and emotions. The second theme involves discussion of coping strategies that the participants used, including talking, viewing the cadaver as their first patient, and naming (or not naming) the cadaver. The third theme includes how the participants' talked about respect and compassion in the dissection room, development of team working skills, and awareness of bereavement and organ donation. A number of recommendations were also made for the experience and orientation of future students in such a program.  相似文献   

Tuebingen's Sectio Chirurgica (TSC) is an innovative, interactive, multimedia, and transdisciplinary teaching method designed to complement dissection courses. The Tuebingen's Sectio Chirurgica (TSC) allows clinical anatomy to be taught via interactive live stream surgeries moderated by an anatomist. This method aims to provide an application‐oriented approach to teaching anatomy that offers students a deeper learning experience. A cohort study was devised to determine whether students who participated in the TSC were better able to solve clinical application questions than students who did not participate. A total of 365 students participated in the dissection course during the winter term of the 2012/2013 academic year. The final examination contained 40 standard multiple‐choice (S‐MC) and 20 clinically‐applied multiple‐choice (CA‐MC) items. The CA‐MC items referred to clinical cases but could be answered solely using anatomical knowledge. Students who regularly participated in the TSC answered the CA‐MC questions significantly better than the control group (75% and 65%, respectively; P < 0.05, Mann‐Whitney U test). The groups exhibited no differences on the S‐MC questions (85% and 82.5%, respectively; P > 0.05). The CA‐MC questions had a slightly higher level of difficulty than the S‐MC questions (0.725 and 0.801, respectively; P = 0.083). The discriminatory power of the items was comparable (S‐MC median Pearson correlations: 0.321; CA‐MC: 0.283). The TSC successfully teaches the clinical application of anatomical knowledge. Students who attended the TSC in addition to the dissection course were able to answer CA‐MC questions significantly better than students who did not attend the TSC. Thus, attending the TSC in addition to the dissection course supported students' clinical learning goals. Anat Sci Educ 10: 46–52. © 2016 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

As point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) invades medical specialties, more students covet earlier ultrasound (US) training programs in medical school. Determining the optimal placement and format in the curriculum remains a challenge. This study uses student perceptions and confidence in interpreting and acquiring images to evaluate the effectiveness of an US curriculum and assesses their performance on US content. A unique US curriculum was incorporated into first-year clinical anatomy at Tufts University School of Medicine (TUSM). Students completed surveys evaluating changes in US confidence and perceptions. Mean ratings on pre- and post-surveys were compared using Mann–Whitney U tests. Performance on US examination questions was evaluated. Two independent evaluators coded narrative responses and NVivo software was used to identify common themes. Two hundred eleven students completed the US curriculum. Students reported higher post-curriculum mean confidence ratings on US comprehension, operation, image acquisition, artifact recognition, and normal image interpretation (P < 0.0001). US reinforced anatomy concepts and clinical correlates (9.56, ±0.97 SD; 9.60, ±1.05). Students disagreed with items stating learning US is too difficult (1.2, ±2.2) and that it interferes with learning anatomy (0.68, ±1.7). Students scored above passing on practical US knowledge questions, supporting survey data, and the relation to learning spatial relationships. Qualitative analysis identified seven major themes and additional subthemes. Limited integration of US breaks barriers in students' perceptions and confidence in performing POCUS. The TUSM US curriculum is a natural marriage of anatomy and POCUS applications, serving as a template for medical schools.  相似文献   

Hand-held devices have revolutionized communication and education in the last decade. Consequently, mobile learning (m-learning) has become popular among medical students. Nevertheless, there are relatively few studies assessing students' learning outcomes using m-learning devices. This observational study presents an anatomy m-learning tool (eMed-App), an application developed to accompany an anatomy seminar and support medical students' self-directed learning of the skeletal system. Questionnaire data describe where, how frequently, and why students used the app. Multiple choice examination results were analyzed to evaluate whether usage of the app had an effect on test scores. The eMed-App application was used by 77.5% of the students, mainly accessed by Android smartphones, and at students' homes (62.2%) in order to prepare themselves for seminar sessions (60.8%), or to review learning content (67%). Most commonly, students logged on for less than 15 minutes each time (67.8%). Frequent app users showed better test results on items covering eMed-App learning content. In addition, users also achieved better results on items that were not related to the content of the app and, thus, gained better overall test results and lower failure rates. The top quartile of test performers used the eMed-App more frequently compared to students in lower quartiles. This study demonstrated that many students, especially the high-performing ones, made use of the eMed-App. However, the app itself did not result in better outcomes, suggesting that top students might have been more motivated to use the app than students who were generally weak in anatomy.  相似文献   

This study describes a new teaching model for ultrasound (US) training, and evaluates its effect on medical student attitudes toward US. First year medical students participated in hands‐on US during human gross anatomy (2014 N = 183; 2015 N = 182). The sessions were facilitated by clinicians alone in 2014, and by anatomy teaching assistant (TA)‐clinician pairs in 2015. Both cohorts completed course evaluations which included five US‐related items on a four‐point scale; cohort responses were compared using Mann‐Whitney U tests with significance threshold set at 0.05. The 2015 survey also evaluated the TAs (three items, five‐point scale). With the adoption of the TA‐clinician teaching model, student ratings increased significantly for four out of five US‐items: “US advanced my ability to learn anatomy” increased from 2.91 ± 0.77 to 3.35 ± 0.68 (P < 0.0001), “Incorporating US increased my interest in anatomy” from 3.05 ± 0.84 to 3.50 ± 0.71 (P < 0.0001), “US is relevant to my current educational needs” from 3.36 ± 0.63 to 3.54 ± 0.53 (P = 0.015), and “US training should start in Phase I” from 3.36 ± 0.71 to 3.56 ± 0.59 (P = 0.010). Moreover, more than 84% of students reported that TAs enhanced their understanding of anatomy (mean 4.18 ± 0.86), were a valuable part of US training (mean 4.23 ± 0.89), and deemed the TAs proficient in US (mean 4.24 ± 0.86). By using an anatomy TA‐clinician teaching team, this study demonstrated significant improvements in student perceptions of the impact of US on anatomy education and the relevancy of US training to the early stages of medical education. Anat Sci Educ 11: 175–184. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Near-peer teaching is an educational format which utilizes tutors who are more advanced in a curriculum's content to supervise students' activities and to act as instructors in laboratory settings. This format is often used in anatomy laboratory courses. The goal of the present study is to describe the design and implementation of near-peer teaching in an anatomy course and to evaluate students' perceptions of the program. A total of 700 students were registered for this anatomy course which employed near-peer instructors. Of enrolled students, 558 (79.7%) agreed to participate in this study. In general, the practical section (e.g., the clinical hour, image-based anatomy session, and gross anatomy laboratory) of the course was viewed more favorably compared to the theory section (54.8%, n = 306), with dissection and prosection in the laboratory rated as the most valued experiences (34.9%, n = 195). Near-peer teaching is a viable option that satisfies the demands of modern curricula using small groups. This format stimulates learning within courses that have large numbers of students and low faculty-to-student ratios.  相似文献   

The supplementation of lecture-based anatomy teaching with laboratory sessions, involving dissection or anatomical specimens, is commonly used. Hands-on dissection allows students to handle instruments correctly while actively exploring three-dimensional anatomy. However, dissection carries a potential risk of sharps and splash injuries. The aim of this study was to quantify the frequency rate of such cases per 1,000 student-hours of dissection and identify potential factors than might influence safety in anatomy laboratories. Data were retrospectively collected from September 2013 to June 2018 at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK. Overall, 35 sharps injuries were recorded in undergraduate medical students, with a frequency rate of 0.384 and no splash cases. A statistically significant, moderate negative association between year of study and frequency rate (rho(25) = −0.663; P < 0.001) was noted. A statistically significant difference in the frequency rate between different semester modules (χ2(4) = 13.577, P = 0.009) was observed with the difference being between Year 1 Semester 2 and Year 3 Semester 1 (P = 0.004). The decreasing trend with advancing year of study might be linked to increasing dissecting experience or the surface area of the region dissected. The following factors might have contributed to increased safety influencing frequency rates: single-handed blade removal systems; mandatory personal protective equipment; and having only one student dissecting at a given time. The authors propose that safety familiarization alongside standardized training and safety measures, as part of an evidence-based culture shift, will instill safety conscious behaviors and reduce injuries in anatomy laboratories.  相似文献   

Gross anatomy dissection in contemporary medical education must balance the traditional value of learning from the cadaver with the possibilities created by the use of digital tools as supplemental resources that personalize and deepen the student learning experience. This study broadly examined the design, implementation, and use of AnatomyShare, a novel iPad application employing learner-generated content that allows students to securely share annotated images of their dissections with each other and take faculty-generated image-based quizzes during their first-year medical school gross anatomy course. Almost all students enrolled in the course used the application (N = 176; 91% use based on analytics). Seventy-five students responded to a survey asking how and when they used the application, along with their perceptions of its usefulness and contribution to learning. More students reported using the application outside of laboratory (97.3%) than during laboratory (85.3%), despite only in-laboratory use being required. Taking quizzes using the “Exam” feature was the highest rated use of AnatomyShare, and students cited that the application exposed them to anatomical variation and motivated them to correctly identify structures during dissection. While steps need to be taken to combat low-quality learner-generated content and to enhance meaningful student interaction and collaboration, AnatomyShare was a feasible and highly rated supplement to dissection that provided valuable assessment opportunities for students. Future research will examine the impact of use on course grades and engagement in gross anatomy dissection.  相似文献   

Technological advancements have made it possible to create realistic virtual representations of the real world, although it is unclear in medical education whether high physical fidelity is required in virtual learning resources (VLRs). This study, therefore, aimed to compare the effectiveness of high-fidelity (HF) and low-fidelity (LF) VLRs for learning anatomy. For this study, HF and LF VLRs were developed for liver anatomy and participants were voluntarily recruited from two cohorts (cohorts 1 and 2). Knowledge outcomes were measured through pre- and post-tests, task outcomes including activity score and completion time were recorded and participants' perceptions of the VLRs were surveyed. A total of 333 participants (165 HF and 168 LF) took part in this study. Knowledge outcomes were higher for the HF activity in cohort 1 and for the LF activity in cohort 2, although not significantly. There were no significant differences in activity score within either cohort, although completion time was significantly longer for the HF activity in cohort 1 (P = 0.001). There were no significant differences within either cohort in perceptions of the VLRs regarding usefulness for reviewing conceptual knowledge, esthetics, quality, mental effort experienced, or future use, although the LF VLR was scored significantly higher regarding the value for understanding in cohort 1 (P = 0.027).This study suggests that high physical fidelity is not necessarily required for anatomy VLRs, although may potentially be valuable for improving knowledge outcomes. Also, level of prior knowledge may be an important factor when considering the physical fidelity of anatomy VLRs.  相似文献   

The state of alarm due to Covid-19 pandemic in Spain stopped all educational and most university research activities. The Spanish Anatomical Society (SAE) Consensus Expert Group on Body Donations piloted a study based on a questionnaire to know the status of body donations and dissection activities during the lockdown, as well as the future implications of Covid-19 pandemic for body donation programs and anatomy teaching. The questionnaire results show that Spanish Universities refused body donations and stopped all dissection research and teaching. The Covid-19 expected influence on anatomy teaching was referred to the increase in teaching workforce and resources required to apply the new safety measures to future practical activities, as well as to prepare and adapt teaching material for online-only programs. The application of reinforced safety measures was expected to be perceived by the respondent's students as a gain in teaching quality, while the transformation of the anatomy courses in online-only programs will be perceived as a quality decrease. The respondent's concerns about future institutional implications of the pandemic were related to increased costs of the adaptation of the facilities and the reinforced preventive measures, as well as the eventual decrease in donations. The complete lockdown applied to dissection rooms was not justified by scientific evidence and represented a break of the confidence deposed in the institutions by the donors. A consensus is required for the adoption of a renewed, comprehensive protocol for present and future body donations including the evidence Covid-19 pandemic has contributed to create.  相似文献   

Didactic and laboratory anatomical education have seen significant reductions in the medical school curriculum due, in part, to the current shift from basic science to more clinically based teaching in North American medical schools. In order to increase medical student exposure to anatomy, with clinical applicability, a student-run initiative called surgically oriented anatomy prosectors (SOAP) club was created within the extracurricular program at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada. SOAP invites surgeons and residents from various surgical specialties to demonstrate, on a cadaver, a surgical procedure of their choosing. During the demonstration, the anatomy, as it relates to the surgical procedure, is discussed. The students then break into smaller groups to examine the relevant anatomy on the cadavers, during which time the discussion is broadened. The group continues the conversation in a social environment with refreshments. SOAP is one of the most popular extracurricular clubs with 65% of first and second year medical students registered as members. The high demand for SOAP, along with the positive participant feedback, may be due to its utilization of the principle of education through recreation, which seeks to provide opportunities for learning seamlessly throughout all facets of life. It also demonstrates the desire, amongst certain medical students, to learn applied anatomy, particularly within a surgical context.  相似文献   

Within medical education a reduction in curriculum time for subjects, such as anatomy puts pressure on educators to ensure the same learning outcomes are conveyed in less time. This has the potential to impact negatively on student experience. Near-peer teaching (NPT) is often praised as an effective revision tool, but its use as a frontline teaching resource remains unreported. The study explores the potential for NPT to promote delivery of learning outcomes and maximize student experience within a neuroanatomy module for second year medical students. The study occurred in three educational settings, (1) frontline NPT of cranial nerves, (2) revision session NPT of cranial nerves, and (3) NPT alongside faculty staff in laboratory-based neuroanatomy practical exercises. For the first and second components, knowledge was measured using a pre- and post-session test and student perception was ascertained with a questionnaire. For the third component, student perception was assessed with an end-of-module survey. The results show that overall, NPT was well received by learners. A significant knowledge gain was seen between the pre- and post-session test of the frontline NPT session. The study presents evidence in favor of using NPTs to supplement the delivery of learning outcomes in a time and resource constrained curriculum. In particular, for the effective delivery of frontline material. Anat Sci Educ 0: 1–9. © 2018 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Professionalism and ethics have gained widespread recognition as competencies to be fulfilled, taught, and assessed within medical education. The role of the anatomy course in developed nations has evolved over time and now encompasses multiple domains, including knowledge, skills, and the inculcation of professionalism and ethics. The Medical Council of India recently recommended the integration of professionalism teaching in undergraduate medical curricula. The authors investigated whether the initial orientation lectures and instructions given by faculty at the outset of undergraduate medical anatomy courses throughout India served a “hidden curriculum” regarding professionalism practices, and whether these orientation messages could serve as an early exposure to medical professionalism and ethics for medical students. An online survey was carried out among 102 anatomy faculty members across India requesting details about specific professionalism protocols and instructions regarding behavior in the dissection hall that are routinely given to preclinical students, as well as the importance that they placed on professional behavior. It was found that most faculty members regularly instruct students regarding expected behavior during the anatomy course, including dissection practices. These instructions stress attributes of professionalism like humanism, accountability, and honesty. However, there needs to be a more concentrated effort by educators to prohibit such unprofessional practices like dissection hall photography, and better information is required regarding biomedical waste disposal. Despite the absence of clear guidelines for professionalism teaching in medical education in India, the existing framework of anatomy education provides an opportunity to introduce the concept of professionalism to the first‐year medical student. This opportunity may provide an early foundation for designing a professionalism‐integrated curriculum. Anat Sci Educ 10: 433–443. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

In recent decades, three-dimensional (3D) printing as an emerging technology, has been utilized for imparting human anatomy knowledge. However, most 3D printed models are rigid anatomical replicas that are unable to represent dynamic spatial relationships between different anatomical structures. In this study, the data obtained from a computed tomography (CT) scan of a normal knee joint were used to design and fabricate a functional knee joint simulator for anatomical education. Utility of the 3D printed simulator was evaluated in comparison with traditional didactic learning in first-year medical students (n = 35), so as to understand how the functional 3D simulator could assist in their learning of human anatomy. The outcome measure was a quiz comprising 11 multiple choice questions based on locking and unlocking of the knee joint. Students in the simulation group (mean score = 85.03%, ±SD 10.13%) performed significantly better than those in the didactic learning group, P < 0.05 (mean score = 70.71%, ±SD 15.13%), which was substantiated by large effect size, as shown by a Cohen’s d value of 1.14. In terms of learning outcome, female students who used 3D printed simulators as learning aids achieved greater improvement in their quiz scores as compared to male students in the same group. However, after correcting for the modality of instruction, the sex of the students did not have a significant influence on the learning outcome. This randomized study has demonstrated that the 3D printed simulator is beneficial for anatomical education and can help in enriching students’ learning experience.  相似文献   

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