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物理学史具有历史的还原与整合、窗口、培养创新能力、培养正确世界观和方法论等课程功能。为实现上述功能,可从物理知识的建立、物理学思想的发展、物理学实验的发展、物理学家的艰苦探索、学科的交叉发展和中外物理学发展史比较等六个教学维度去进行教学。  相似文献   

In physics teaching experimentality is an integral component in giving the starting point of knowledge formation and conceptualization. However, epistemology of experiments is not often addressed directly in the educational and pedagogical literature. This warrants an attempt to produce an acceptable reconstruction of the epistemological role of experiments in physics by drawing insight from history and philosophy of physics. Towards that end, the experiments’ role in the 19th-century physics is discussed. We propose here a reconstruction, which is based on the idea that in epistemology of experiments the inductive-like generative justification of knowledge is central. A generative view makes it possible to retain those aspects of experiments which make them purposeful for learning and can give a starting point for students’ own construction of knowledge. The reconstruction also helps to conceive the experiments with their correct historical role and helps to bring back the generative use of experiments in teaching, which, after all, has never vanished from the practice of physics.  相似文献   

Miriam Reiner 《Interchange》2006,37(1-2):97-113
This paper takes a cognitive perspective in an attempt to analyze mental mechanisms involved in contextual learning. In the following, it is suggested that contextualized environments evoke mental mechanisms that support reasoning about what if, imaginary situations – utilizing a powerful mental mechanism known from the history of physics as thought experiments (TEs). Thought experiments are associated with visualization of data and imagery that originate in implicit knowledge. This paper suggests that thought experiments rely on sensory memories constructed by the learner during past experience. Such sensory memories are activated by the context. The first part of the paper deals with the definition, nature, incidents, and experimental data related to implicit knowledge and TEs. Empirical results are then analyzed in order to explore the role of sensory memories and underlying schemata in TEs, thereby suggesting a set of embodied schemata that act as implicit assumptions and provide context-dependent epistemological primitives that underlie imaginary events in a manner that will statistically match the outer world.  相似文献   

在物理中学中,物理规律、实验、物理理论以及物理学家的思想品德无不体现了美,它不仅给人以美的享受,更给人以启迪,振奋和激励。作为一个物理教师,不仅要在物理教学中向学生传授物理知识,还应该对学生进行美育的培养,让学生接受美的熏陶,使学生能感受美,追求美进而创造美。  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the way thought experiments (TEs) can be used as didactical tools in teaching physics to upper secondary-level students. A qualitative study was designed to investigate to what extent the TEs called ‘Einstein's elevator’ and ‘Einstein's train’ can function as tools in teaching basic concepts of the theory of relativity to upper secondary-level students. The above TEs were used in the form they are presented by Einstein himself and by Landau and Rumer in books that popularize theories of physics. The research sample consisted of 40 Greek students, divided into 11 groups of three to four students each. The findings of this study reveal that the use of TEs in teaching the theory of relativity can help students realize situations which refer to a world beyond their everyday experience and develop syllogisms according to the theory. In this way, students can grasp physics laws and principles which demand a high degree of abstract thinking, such as the principle of equivalence and the consequences of the constancy of the speed of light to concepts of time and space.  相似文献   

为加强大学物理实验室的建设,我校购进了大量的新型大学物理实验仪器,对物理实验教学起到了积极的促进作用。所以对新型大学物理实验仪器的探讨就显得重要。新型大学物理实验仪器多在传统仪器原理的基础上应用传感器设计而成,该类仪器使实验变得简单方便、一目了然,大大提高了实验的效率,减小实验的误差,使实验起到更好的效果。但它们在优化...  相似文献   

We want physics specialized high school and college students to think like physicists, and this involves an understanding of the scientific methods of inquiry and the ability to use these methods in their own investigations. In order to do that, students have to be made aware that no experimental result has any physical meaning unless an estimate of the uncertainty or precision is assigned to it. In this paper, we describe two simple experiments in which high school and college students measure physical constants, and make an easy analysis of their experimental data by applying the tools offered by microcomputers.  相似文献   

物理演示实验是配合讲授或课堂讨论进行的实验 ,具有引人入胜、发人深思 ,实验条件明确、观察对象突出、演示层次分明等特点 ,能充分调动学生学习的主动性和积极性。合理、正确的利用演示实验 ,为有效进行中学物理教学创造良好的条件。  相似文献   

物理学需要美,美能使人们在愉快之中接受他。在享受物理的美的同时,物理学又不失其严谨性和逻辑性,他与哲学的思维与发展是一脉相承。物理学的发展中,物理学家不仅给我们留下了宝贵的知识,更给我们留下了更多的创新的方法。我们这一代人要认真归纳。传承下去,它不仅有教学意义更有社会意义。  相似文献   

We assessed the impact of teaching methodological aspects of physics on students’ scientistic beliefs and subject interest in physics in a repeated-measurement design with a total of 142 students of upper secondary physics classes. Students gained knowledge of methodological aspects from the pre-test to the post-test and reported reduced scientistic beliefs, both from their own views and from their presumed prototypical physicists’ views. We found no direct impact of teaching on students’ subject interest in physics. As path analysis indicates, this result can be traced back to opposing paths: Lower scientistic beliefs of students attenuate subject interest while lower presumed scientistic beliefs that they hold of physicists foster subject interest. This finding is in accordance with the self-to-prototype matching theory that predicts an impact of the overlap between students’ self-image and their prototypical image on subject interest in physics.  相似文献   

“真、善、美三位一体”是物理科学信念的灵魂。是历代物理学家和科学共同体在其科学探索活动中,所必不可少的预设和基本前提。它对物理学的发展有着极其重要的激励和约束作用,“真、善、美的统一”及其实现机制途径,成了物理学乃至整个自然科学及哲学永恒的命题。  相似文献   

本文从高中物理教学过程中关于高初中物理之间新旧知识结构的衔接,教学方法和学习方法上的更新,考试内容深浅度的掌握等方面对高初中物理教学衔接问题作了初步探讨,从而说明正确进行高初中物理教学的衔接工作,是高中学生能否尽快适应高中物理内容的学习和能否学好高中物理的关键。  相似文献   

文章提出了物理教学中美育的任务,论述了进行美育教育的三个方面,第一,物理科学蕴含着深刻的美的本质;第二,物理中美的本质被物理学家人化为有功利性的外在审美形式;第三,物理教师在再现这些基本外在形式时,进行人化审美再创造。  相似文献   

科学真理是对现象本质的揭示,真实普遍的反映,物理学研究的是自然现象的普遍规律,从古到今的许多物理学家,在揭示自然规律时大都遵循着对称、协调、和谐、自然的完美性美学原则。因此,美学思维渗透在物理学理论研究中。  相似文献   

面临素质教育挑战,国家要求将美育融入学校教育的全过程.中等学校的物理教学,应结合物理学科实际,充分挖掘出表现物质世界和物理现象的自然美、物理规律和物理公式的形式美、物理学家高尚品质的人性美的美学素材,通过学科教育进行美育渗透,让学生感受物理科学的简洁美、和谐美和对称美,在美的环境中,愉悦地学习物理知识.  相似文献   

物理教学中的美育渗透   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
面临素质教育挑战,国家要求将美育融入学校教育的全过程.中等学校的物理教学,应结合物理学科实际,充分挖掘出表现物质世界和物理现象的自然美、物理规律和物理公式的形式美、物理学家高尚品质的人性美的美学素材,通过学科教育进行美育渗透,让学生感受物理科学的简洁美、和谐美和对称美,在美的环境中,愉悦地学习物理知识.  相似文献   

本文简要地介绍与评析了科学史上数则物理学家受不同因素的影响而造成的重大过失,尤其是痛斥了因伦理道德的丧失而导致的那种令人发指的极端化的错误。旨在揭示阻碍物理学发展的诸多"科学反例"及其潜在的教育功能。  相似文献   

The relationship between physics and mathematics is hardly ever presented with sufficient clarity to satisfy either physicists or mathematicians. It is a situation that often leads to misunderstandings that may spread quickly from teacher to student, such as the idea that mathematics is a mere instrument for the physicist. In this paper, we examine the historical construction of this relationship, with reference to the French philosopher Michel Paty, and we look briefly at its presence in the construction of thermodynamics. We then present the results of an empirical study on the way these relations are perceived among undergraduate students, in their last year of a university course on physics, in the discipline of Thermodynamics. The study points to significant relations between the students’ performance in terms of problem solving and the epistemic view they hold.  相似文献   

Arthur Stinner 《Interchange》2006,37(1-2):19-30
This article traces the development of a contextual approach to the teaching of science (physics) subsequently called the Large Context Problem (LCP) approach. This approach is based on the general observation that learning could be well motivated by a context with one unifying central idea capable of capturing the imagination of the students. The design and the placing of the LCP is followed by a detailed discussion of the contexts of inquiry (as we find it in Newtonian physics) that attempts to give the contextual activities found in the LCP a sound theoretical backing. However, the contextual base must also be informed by the findings of constructivist learning theories as well as the history of science. Moreover, thought experiments (TEs) are considered an important aspect of science (physics) teaching and three kinds of TEs are discussed. All these ideas are summarized for a quick overview in a table called “Levels of investigation for scientific inquiry.”  相似文献   

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