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A Piaget‐type questionnaire was presented to about 800 students of the Science Faculty of Bari University at the very beginning of their first academic year. The score results of the questionnaire were analysed in terms of cognitive development and correlated with the grade obtained in the final examination at secondary school. The correlation (when statistically significant) were always positive but low. This suggests that more attention should be paid in the final examination to students’ master of high‐level cognitive processes.  相似文献   

高职两年制的课程开发   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周济同志在全国第三次高职教育产学研结合经验交流会上指出:"高职教育要培养千百万高技能性人才,办让人民满意的教育.""高等职业教育学制由三年逐步过渡到两年.这不仅是一个单纯的学制问题,实际上是一个导向和机制问题."我校从2002年起开始试办高职两年制专业,实践使我们认识到高职三年制过渡到两年制的关键是课程开发.课程是高等职业教育教学活动的内容纲要和目标体系,是教师教学工作和学生学习活动的总体规划.课程开发牵一发而动全身,直接影响教学内容、教学方法和管理方法的选择.目前多数学校采取的以课程定工作量和报酬的管理方法也将随之变化,最终将影响到培养人才目标的实现程度和教学效率的高低.  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了学校诊断技术的绷起和构建的过程,阐述了它的基本框架,认为该技术是教育观念和理论与教育实践和行为之间的中介,基于多学科的基础和学校工作经验,建立这门技术学科势在必行。  相似文献   

依据恩格斯的"历史合力论",新世纪文学走向取决于时代生活进程、民族文学传统与世界文学格局的合题效应.20世纪形成的现代文学传统的现实主义主潮有着强大的历史惯性,西方文学的现代主义、后现代主义凭借全球化之风产生极大渗透力,时代生活进程的初始现代化,呼唤直面现实、激励精神的现实主义.三大推动力的合力所致,新世纪文学既以现实主义为主潮,又存在着现代主义与后现代主义新潮.二者建立互动关系之日,便是新世纪文学辉煌之时.  相似文献   

Restructuring of the existing school system is proposed at the elementary, secondary, and university levels; the specific directions that such restructuring might take are delineated, especially for the secondary school level. Reasons are presented for postulating radical changes in our present patterns of schooling, and the overall objectives of the restructuring plan are described. These objectives emphasize developing in youth the commitment and skills necessary for collective solution of complex social problems. Plans are outlined for a hypothetical implementation (within OISE) of the job assignment aspect of the restructuring plan, and also for long-range introduction of the plan to the larger educational community.
Résumé Cette étude propose la restructuration du système scolaire actuel aux niveaux élémentaire, secondaire et universitaire; elle esquisse les orientations particulières que pourrait adopter une telle restructuration, notamment au niveau du secondaire. Elle explique les raisons qui militent en faveur des modifications radicales à apporter à nos actuelles méthodes de formation scolaire et décrit les objectifs d'ensemble de la restructuration proposée. Ces objectifs soulignent la nécessité de développer chez les jeunes le sens de l'engagement et les connaissances nécessaires à une solution collective de problèmes sociaux complexes. L'auteur ébauche les plans d'une application éventuelle de l'aspect affectation des tâches (au sein de l'OISE) du plan de restructuration proprement dit, ainsi que les étapes d'introduction à longue portée du plan en question à l'ensemble de la collectivité enseignante.


The author would like to thank Mrs. Judy Spigel for her extensive editorial assistance, which helped substantially in the refinement of this paper.  相似文献   

学校的变革发展需要提供强大的驱动力,包括内驱力和外驱力.以往的学校更多依赖于单一的外驱力.学校发展力量不平衡;内驱力是学校发展的内在动力,需要加强培育和利用.学校内驱力形成最关键的就是学校价值观和学校愿景的培育.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the prospects for research and development in the education and training fields offered by the European Communities. The position of the EC is explained in relation to the existing and forthcoming Framework Programmes of research and development. The 1987–91 Framework Programme has committed most of its funding to existing programmes. Only one, DELTA directly concerns R&D in the education and training technologies. This commenced in 1989 with only 20 million ECU and ends in Spring 1991. In the new Framework Programme, DELTA is expected to continue with funding of between 40 and 60 million ECU though this remains undecided at present. The earliest date for a new DELTA call for proposals in Spring 1991, meaning that work on the new four year programme will not commence until late autumn 1991 at the earliest. There will therefore be a considerable gap between the two. An outline of the likely structure and contents of a new DELTA programme is given, characterised by better liaison with other programmes and a more rational approach to the development of the advanced learning technologies. Other, non‐Framework Programmes concerned with aspects of education and training such as COMETT, LINGUA, EUROTECNET and TEMPUS are placed in context with this. The paper concludes with general advice and explanation of EC procedures for application, evaluation and approval of proposals for Framework R&D Proposals.  相似文献   

素质教育有狭义和关广义的概念。素质是人的质量或人的身心发展的总水平。素质教育以人为本,既强调个人,又强调整体。素质教育的根本宗旨是提高国民素质,重点是培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。另外,素质教育评价是促进素质教育的全面实施,提高素质教育,教学的效果的重要手段。评价不能仅仅靠一手段来获取反馈信息,而应该是遵循一个科学性,发展性,广泛性,全面性,多面性等原则相结合。  相似文献   

The presentations of evolutionary theory in 13 prominent, secondary-school biology textbooks—3 Chinese, 8 American, and 2 Soviet—were examined using the methods of content analysis. For each book, the amount of text devoted to each of 80 evolutionary topics was assessed. Such word counts were enumerated not only for the main narrative, but also for eight supplemental components (illustrations, marginal information, appendixes, etc.). Pronounced differences in topic emphasis among the 13 textbooks and systematic trends between countries are discussed. The strong emphasis on evolution in the USSR textbooks is impressive, but these textbooks also neglect some major themes, and they devote considerable text to certain concepts of an erroneous or dubious nature. The PRC (People's Republic of China) textbooks fail to introduce a considerable number of topics that are prominent in the other two systems. The eight USA textbooks exhibit great diversity in terms of total evolutionary content, number of themes treated, and which topics are emphasized. Unlike the USSR and PRC textbooks, the USA books position a vast amount of evolutionary content (26.5%-55.8%) within components outside the main narrative. The evolutionary text of USA editions is dispersed throughout and is presented surprisingly early. Several individual themes that proved particularly revealing are examined, including human evolution, law of recapitulation, evolution and religion, evidences of evolution, punctuated equilibria, and artificial selection.  相似文献   

学校文化的系统结构解析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学校文化是引领社会发展的先进文化,是以教育价值观为核心的各要素有机联系的系统,规定着学校的发展.学校文化创新是学校健康、可持续发展的根本.  相似文献   

校本课程开发是农村初中课程改革中的一项重要内容.在经济欠发达地区农村初中课程改革的实施过程中,校本课程开发受到了开发环境和开发主体等因素的制约.面对这一现实情况,若要使校本课程开发真正起到体现农村学校办学特色的作用,就必须改善校本课程开发的客观环境,提高校本课程开发主体的自身素质,建立合理的校本课程开发评价机制.  相似文献   

In this study pupils in grades 1 through 9 (ages 7–16) of the Swedish comprehensive school rated their interests in mathematics and Swedish (separately for reading and writing). They also judged other aspects of their school work and situation, such as need for control and challenging tasks, their perception of the teacher, their concern with how well other pupils succeeded, and their well-being at school. Teachers rated their level of achievement in Swedish and mathematics. It was found that interests tended to decrease over time, especially in mathematics. High achievers were more interested but they as well as low achievers showed a drop in interest over the years at school. Need for control rose and general well-being dropped. The developmental trends of the interest variables could not be accounted for by a rising need for control. The decrements in challenge and well-being could explain a part of these trends in Swedish but not in mathematics.  相似文献   

This article provides information on the educational problems and needs of hearing-impaired students from three major multi-cultural groups, the Afro-American, Hispanic, and Asian. The focus is upon identification and programming for these needs within the public school system, based especially upon experience within the San Diego City Schools. The factors addressed include: demographic shifts and the dropout rate among these students, and cultural considerations for education. Specific educational considerations discussed include: assessment, programming, bilingual education, curriculum and instructional strategies, teacher-training and program models.  相似文献   

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