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December 23 to January 1Apple Tree(苹果树)January 2 to January 11Fir Tree(冷杉、杉木)January 12 to January 24Elm Tree(榆树)January 25 to February 3Cypress Tree(柏树)February 4 to February 8Poplar Tree(白杨)February 9 to February 18Cedar Tree(雪松)February 19 to February 28.Pine Tree(松树)March 1 to March 10Weeping Willow Tree(垂柳)March 11 to March 20Lime Tree(欧椴树、酸橙树)March 21Oak Tree(橡树)March 22 to March 31Hazelnut Tree(榛树)April 1 to April 10Rowan Tree(花楸树)Apri…  相似文献   

1.表示“回复,反应”意思的词,如: answer to question(问题答案)He made no answer to my question. solution to the problem(问题的解决办法)Please find the solution to the problem response to the inquiry(对调查的回答) response to the reaction (对建议的反应) reply to the letter(对信的回复) 2.表示“出口、入口或与建筑物有关”的词汇,如: entry to the inner palace进入内宫  相似文献   

to可以作介词,也可以作为动词不定式符号。试比较下面句子: (I've been looking forward to coming to Beijing for along time.(to作介词) 好久以来我一直盼望到北京来。 I want to go home.(to 作动词不定式符号) 我想回家。) 如何区分介词to和动词不定式符号to呢? 一、从词语上,object to(反对),look forward to(盼望),be(get) rsed to(习惯于),in addition to(除…外),according to(根据…)等中的to一般为介词,其后一般用动名词作宾语。例如: We obiected toleaving in such a hurry. 我们反对这样匆忙地离开。 I'm used to doing the shopping. 我己习惯于购物了。 二、如果to后面,能跟名(代》词是介词,否则是动词不定式符号。例如:  相似文献   

我们知道,柯西不等式:a_i,b_i∈R,则sum from i=1 to n a_i~2 sum from i=1 to n b_i~2≥(sum from i=1 to n a_ib_i)~2……(1)当且仅当a_i=kb_i(i=1,2,…,n)不等式等号成立。它可以作如下变形: 由(1)得(sum from i=1 to n a_i~2 sum from i=1 to n b_i~2)~(1/2)≥sum from i=1 to n a_ib_i,添项变为sum from i=1 to n a_i~2 2 (sum from i=1 to n a_i~2 sum from i=1 to n b_i~2)~(1/2) sum from i=1 to n b_i~2≥sum from i=1 to n a_i~2 2sum from i=1 to n a_ib_i sum from i=1 to n b_i~2,或sum from i=1 to n a_i~2-2 (sum from i=1 to n a_i~2 sum from i=1 to n b_i~2)~(1/2) sum from i=1 to n b_i~2≤sum from i=1 to n a_i~2-2 sum from i=1 to n a_i b_i sum from i=1 to n b_i~2,分别配方,并开方转  相似文献   

周娟 《考试周刊》2007,(14):86-87
面向21世纪教育的四大支柱,就是要培养学生四种本领,通常可以用四个L表达:学会认知(Learning to know)、学会做事(Learning to do)、学会合作(learning to live together)、学会生存(Learning to be)。  相似文献   

The way of teaching in the early stages has been the question of discussion for years. Here I will limit myself to five points: (1) to help the students form good habits of learning; (2) to teach the students the perfection of the English sound system; (3) to help the students form good habits of reading; (4) to teach grammar in speech, not by constructing sentences according to rules; (5) to reduce to a minimum the use of translation by the learning of vocabulary. My aim is to put the question for further discussion.  相似文献   

Growing older gives us much to grumble(发牢骚)about,butnew findings may help to offset(弥补)those woes(缺憾,痛苦):personality,scientists say,appears to improve with age.Some expertsargue that personality is genetically programmed to stop changing at acertain age.Others assert(认定)that some aspects may morph(发生变种)throughout adulthood,but not nuch.The new work suggests  相似文献   

Bbare-infinitive 不带 to 的不定式不定式(infinitive)分为带 to 的不定式(to-infinitive)和不带 to 的不定式(bare-infinitive)。不带 to 的不定式与动词原形同形。通常出现在情态助动词、半助动词和使役动词(如 let,make 等)后面以及某些固定搭配中。例如:  相似文献   

Ⅰ.用正确时态填空:(10%)It________(be) over a yearnow since I____(begin) to studyEnglish. I____(be) glad to saythat I____(get) on quite well Ayear ago, I____(take) great interestin English, but I____(be) not veryclear about how to learn it well.  相似文献   

对于A=(a_(?))∈M_n,我们知道A的行列式是一个矩阵函数,即detA=sum from α∈(?) to ε(σ) multiply from t=1 to (?) a_(to)(t)multiply from t=1 to (?) a_(to)(t)=a_(1o)(1)·a_(2o)(2)·……·a_(mo)(m)表示几个不同行不同列元素之积。  相似文献   

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