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Many professionals utilize computer systems to assist them with the exercise of their skilled knowledge. These systems are designed with many core features, but their adoption is heterogeneous, with some users adopting more features than others. In this qualitative study, the empirical context is the use of Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) by primary care physicians in Ontario, Canada. We have collected data from interviews, and by using the methodology of grounded theory, we theorize that guidance from the professional association to which the members belong is able to positively influence its members to adopt more core features. Although professionals operate with a high degree of autonomy, their professional association governs their actions. By setting standards and offering education, the association is able to guide its members to make more enhanced use of core features. The theoretical contribution is the conceptualization of a higher order construct, Professional Association Guidance.  相似文献   

The computerized healthcare information system has undergone tremendous advancements in the previous two decades. Medical institutions are paying further attention to the replacement of traditional approaches that can no longer handle the increasing amount of patient data. In recent years, the healthcare information system based on big data has been growing rapidly and is being adapted to medical information to derive important health trends and support timely preventive care. This research aims to evaluate organization-driven barriers in implementing a healthcare information system based on big data. It adopts the analytic network process approach to determine the aspect weight and applies VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kzompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) to conclude a highly appropriate strategy for overcoming such barriers. The proposed model can provide hospital managers with forecasts and implications that facilitate the withdrawal of organizational barriers when adopting the healthcare information system based on big data into their healthcare service system. Results can provide benefits for increasing the effectiveness and quality of the healthcare information system based on big data in the healthcare industry. Therefore, by understanding the sequence of the importance of resistance factors, managers can formulate efficient strategies to solve problems with appropriate priorities.  相似文献   

案例研究成为国内学者探索中国情境下基于企业实践的管理理论的重要研究方法,本文基于现有案例研究方法相关理论,从数据处理的角度提出一个评价案例研究数据科学性的评价体系,以全面评估案例研究者处理数据问题的严谨性和规范性,为研究者运用不同类型的数据进行科学的案例研究提供理论依据.该体系包括由六项指标构成的数据收集策略评价要素(数据选择理由、多种数据来源、数据来源说明、数据补充清理、数据偏差说明、建立案例研究数据库)和由两项指标构成的数据分析策略评价要素(构念与数据的契合性说明、构念三角验证).以上述评价体系中的各项指标为基础设计测量题项,并以2007年—2011年已发表在国内领先管理期刊的122篇案例研究论文为样本,将基于一手数据的案例研究论文样本与基于二手数据的案例研究论文样本进行对比,分析国内案例研究者在处理数据科学性问题上的实践和不足.最后,给出提高案例研究数据科学性的研究策略,以期推动中国的管理学案例研究的发展.  相似文献   

Master Data Management (MDM) is an approach for effective management of shared master data across organizations. In the public sector, MDM initiatives have been developed; however, the adoption among local government remains slow and there has been little interest in MDM adoption in extant research. Building on a Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework, a conceptual model which highlights a set of potential determinants affecting the adoption of MDM by local government was developed. To validate the model, data were collected via survey from 224 responses from Malaysian local government department units. Using SEM-PLS, the study confirmed that data quality and data governance are two determinants of MDM adoption specific to the context of Malaysian local government, and four other determinants – complexity, top management support, technological competence, and citizen demand – are found to have significant effects on MDM adoption by local government. Surprisingly, three determinants – relative advantage, data security, and government policy – are found to have non-significant relationships to the adoption of MDM by local government. In addition, top management support is revealed to be a cornerstone of MDM technological competence in local government. The study contributes to the theoretical, contextual, and practical knowledge of MDM and IT adoption in the context of local government.  相似文献   

The number of firms that intend to invest in big data analytics has declined and many firms that invested in the use of these tools could not successfully deploy their project to production. In this study, we leverage the valence theory perspective to investigate the role of positive and negative valence factors on the impact of bigness of data on big data analytics usage within firms. The research model is validated empirically from 140 IT managers and data analysts using survey data. The results confirm the impact of bigness of data on both negative valence (i.e., data security concern and task complexity), and positive valence (i.e., data accessibility and data diagnosticity) factors. In addition, findings show that data security concern is not a critical factor in using big data analytics. The results also show that, interestingly, at different levels of data security concern, task complexity, data accessibility, and data diagnosticity, the impact of bigness of data on big data analytics use will be varied. For practitioners, the findings provide important guidelines to increase the extent of using big data analytics by considering both positive and negative valence factors.  相似文献   

彭芳 《科技广场》2013,(6):137-140
随着电子商务的快速发展,高校也相应地开设了电子商务专业。但由于该专业具有学科交叉性和复合性等特点以及传统教学方法效果不佳,所以本文提出了一种全新的教学模式和教学方法——博客,并且讨论博客在电子商务专业学习中的作用以及应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

伍虹儒 《大众科技》2013,(3):154-156,94
在经济全球化条件下,我国利用要素优势大量吸引外国直接投资,在很大程度上加快了工业化进程,OEM也在一定程度上优化了我国对外贸易结构。但我国以定牌加工组装为主。文章对我国电子制造业进行研究,讨论OEM对我国电子制造业影响,提出相应建议。  相似文献   

刘春 《科技广场》2013,(10):152-155
作为我国新型支柱产业的重要组成部分,电子信息产业具有极大的价值创造力和技术依赖性。随着信息技术的不断发展,电子信息对其他产业的连带效应和影∥’力在逐渐扩大,与此同时,技术的快速更新必然要求电子信息产业具备强大的创新能力以适应社会的发展和市场的激烈竞争。对创新能力做出测评既是产业发展的内在需要,同时也能够为电子产业良性循环链的建设提供积极的引导作用。  相似文献   

Master data management (MDM) is a topic of increasing prominence both in the scientific and in the practitioners’ information systems (IS) community. As a prerequisite for meeting strategic business requirements, such as compliance with regulations, business integration, or integrated customer management, MDM comprises numerous activities. One of the central activities is designing and maintaining the master data architecture. Interestingly, though, the scientific community has remained almost silent with regard to the question as to how companies should proceed when designing the master data architecture. In order to shed light on this unexplored topic, the paper at hand presents the findings of a case study at Bosch Group. The case study shows that designing the master data architecture is a multidimensional task which requires balancing the interests of various organizational stakeholders, managing an array of technical opportunities, and meeting requirements of numerous master data classes. Also, the case study suggests that taking advantage of architectural design patterns may be an appropriate way to adequately address the complexity of the task.  相似文献   

A320系列飞机是AIRBUS公司研发的单通道电传操控民用客机,它是世界上第一种采用电传操纵及侧杆驾驶的民用客机。该飞机的电子设备舱存放大量与飞行相关的控制计算机,当飞机在飞行过程中各计算机会产生大量的热量,严重影响航空运行安全。本文深入研究电子舱通风的工作原理,并总结分析航线维护过程中电子舱通风系统故障产生原因与排故思路。  相似文献   

随着教育信息化的推进,越来越多的先进设备被引入到课堂教学中来,电子书包进入课堂已是必然趋势。在介绍电子书包这一新兴设备的基础上,总结了电子书包在课堂教学中的应用优势,对电子书包在教学中的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

刘春茂  刘毅 《情报科学》2001,19(11):1193-1198
本文通过对京、津、泸三地电子商务发展情况进行比较,从而发现三地电子商务发展的特点、优势及不足。并在此基础上对我国电子商务发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

电子商务是以信息技术为基础的商务活动,而统计分析是电子商务系统中不可或缺的一部分。本文讲述了统计分 析在电子商务系统中的重要性,并介绍了统计分析及其统计分析结果图在电子商务系统中的设计和实现方法。  相似文献   

近年来,人工智能作为一个战略新兴产业已经成为我国“新基建”建设中的重要一环。人工智能的发展得益于算法、数据和算力三方面共同的进步。由此,对数据的需求正呈现爆发式的增长。大部分科技公司将其需要的数据转交给数据工厂,通过数据工厂的处理人员进行加工以节约成本,既推动了人工智能的发展,又促进了就业。数据标注行业也因其劳动密集型、代加工的特征而被印上了新时代“富士康”的标签。然而,由于该行业处于快速发展阶段,对技术更新速度要求较高、行业内缺乏统一的规范和标准,加之我国面临着人工成本日益上涨等问题,数据标注行业正面临着潜在的风险与危机。本文对我国数据标注行业进行探索与研究、与国外先进公司进行比较,并识别出该行业的潜在问题,通过构建转型升级路径实现数据工厂的“去OEM化”以提高数据处理的效率及质量,最终实现由劳动密集型产业向技术密集型产业的转变。  相似文献   

This paper presents a general framework for studying the digital innovation ecosystem. The notion of complex networks offers a conceptual lens to analyze the emergence and evolution of a digital innovation ecosystem. The framework uses digital data and evolutionary community detection analysis for the empirical inquiry of the digital innovation landscape. The proposed framework is applied to the big data ecosystem. Data from Twitter, for a three year period, is processed and analyzed. This study reveals a large number of elements that are diverse in form and capacity, including organizations, concepts (e.g., #analytics, #iot), technologies (e.g., #hadoop), applications (e.g., #healthcare), infrastructures (e.g., #cloud), regulations, professional meetings and associations, tools, and knowledge. These elements and their communities have evolved in the big data ecosystem. The findings highlight the evolution of digital innovation by two mechanisms, variation and selective retention, which are nonlinear and often unpredictable. Implications are presented and potential ways to improve the proposed framework are discussed. The study aims to make both conceptual and methodological contributions to digital innovation research.  相似文献   

针对数字电子技术课程的基本理论枯燥、实践性很强的教学特点,将Multisim仿真技术应用到教学中,弥补了传统教学手段的不足。通过在数字电子技术的理论教学、验证性实验和设计性实验环节中的具体电路应用,阐述了Multisim仿真技术在数字电子技术教学各个环节中发挥的重大作用。  相似文献   

分析了分布式数据库的优点和目前地方多个图书馆电子资源的现状,提出了在地方多个图书馆网络环境下的电子资源通过分布式数据库技术实现资源共享的具体设计方案。  相似文献   

电子商务模式下企业客户价值分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵珑 《科技广场》2005,(5):60-62
本文在分析电子商务模式的基础上,对客户价值及客户价值链进行了较详细的阐述,得出企业客户价值分析包括客户细分和客户行为分析两方面内容,最后简单介绍了在电子商务模式下利用数据挖掘技术进行客户价值分析的方法。  相似文献   

曹彦辉 《科技广场》2007,(3):204-205
给出了一种以FreescaleMC68HC908QY4为核心的新型电子秤的设计方案,较详细的说明了FreescaleQY4单片机内部结构、A/D转换原理和应用场合。  相似文献   

对张家界旅游电子商务现状进行了调研,分析了张家界旅游电子商务网站的服务功能和存在的主要问题,结合张家界旅游电子商务发展现状提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

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