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Two-year-olds use the sentence structures verbs appear in--subcategorization frames--to guide verb learning. This is syntactic bootstrapping. This study probed the developmental origins of this ability. The structure-mapping account proposes that children begin with a bias toward one-to-one mapping between nouns in sentences and participant roles in events. This account predicts that subcategorization frames should guide very early verb learning, if the number of nouns in the sentences is informative. In 3 experiments, one hundred and thirty-six 21- and 19-month-olds assigned appropriately different interpretations to novel verbs in transitive ("He's gorping him!") versus intransitive sentences ("He's gorping!") differing in their number of nouns. Thus, subcategorization frames guide verb interpretation in very young children. These findings constrain theoretical proposals about mechanisms for syntactic bootstrapping.  相似文献   

本文讨论句模的性质及确定句模的原则和方法。句模是根据句子语义平面特征分出来的句子类别 ,句模界定部分讨论了句模和动核结构的关系 ,句模和语模的关系 ,句模、句型和句类的关系 ,简单句模和复杂句模的关系 ,简单句、复杂句、复句的关系。定模的原则和方法部分确定了动核和动元为句模的基本成分、动核结构为基本骨架以及语序影响句模这两条原则。本文还讨论了汉语动词的分类及动词支配的语义成分 ,对动元的语义角色逐一作了说明。  相似文献   

“认定”义动词大致分为两类:“内向”动词与“非内向”动词。其中,“内向”动词可以形成两种不同的句式,一种是“主动宾”结构,另一种则是双宾句。构式理论认为这两种句式属于不同的构式,具有不同的构式义.双宾结构整体上具有“取得”义。“内向”动词之所以可以进入双宾语“取得”句式,是因为这类动词表示使句式义表示的动作行为得以实现的“手段”,即通过“结交”这种手段而有所得。“主观性”是语言的一种特性,当说话人想要表达某人通过“结交”的手段有所得时,则会采用这种“取得”义双宾句式。  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that toddlers readily encode each noun in the sentence as a distinct argument of the verb. However, languages allow multiple mappings between form and meaning that do not fit this canonical format. Two experiments examined French 28‐month‐olds' interpretation of right‐dislocated sentences (nouni‐verb, nouni) where the presence of clear, language‐specific cues should block such a canonical mapping. Toddlers (N = 96) interpreted novel verbs embedded in these sentences as transitive, disregarding prosodic cues to dislocation (Experiment 1) but correctly interpreted right‐dislocated sentences containing well‐known verbs (Experiment 2). These results suggest that toddlers can integrate multiple cues in ideal conditions, but default to canonical surface‐to‐meaning mapping when extracting structural information about novel verbs in semantically impoverished conditions.  相似文献   

在现代汉语中,“允准”动词同时带有宾语和补语两个成分作动词后成分的条件,是在补语前复制这个动词。动词复制结构中的动词均由及物动词构成,其后可以接论元和补足语。这个结构可以改写成“的”字结构,但是我们只能从句法上去看待这种转换,能转换的表明能复制,但不能从逻辑上去等同二者的语义。另一方面在“显性句法”中,运算系统CHL都与π和λ相关,从词汇序列LA和运算结果来看,由“是”和“像”构成的动词复制结构句法是不成立.  相似文献   

授受动词作为补助动词在一个授受事件句式中同时出现两次所构成的授受补助动词双重同现句一共有4个句式,文章通过语料库查找实例,从动作者等要素分析考察了实例使用状况,验证了先行学说,归纳出基本句式结构和句意,分析了实例使用偏差成因,归纳出双重授受句式最容易使用的是补助动词2为受益义的句式,补助动词2为クダサル的敬语组合,而最少用的是补助动词2为施惠义的句式、补助动词含サシアゲル的敬语组合的使用特点。  相似文献   

现代汉语“把”字句谓语动词的语义特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"把"字句形成的句法条件不足以解释这一复杂句式。笔者试从语义角度出发,揭示"把"字句句法形式与谓语动词语义特征之间的对应关系,找到除句法条件外,构成"把"字句的另一个内部因素———谓语动词的语义特征。总结归纳了4大类13小类能够充当"把"字句谓语的动词的语义特征。  相似文献   

先秦汉语动词作主语、宾语跟名词作主语、宾语是不同的,先秦汉语动词作主语、宾语有四种不同情形:动词作主语、宾语;动词作主语、宾语后活用为名词;动词作主语、宾语时兼有名词性质;动词跟作主语、宾语的词是不同的单位。因此,先秦汉语动词的活用和兼类就少一些。  相似文献   

楚简帛有“可”、“可以”、“能”等助动词,共计15个,除“愿”、“当”、“宜”、“可得”外,其它助动词皆有各种否定句式出现。但“愿”、“当”、“宜”、“可得”的否定句式在其他先秦文献中可见,句式种类也趋近成熟。根据否定词出现的位置,楚简帛助动词的否定句式可分为前附否定、后附否定和双重否定三类,它与肯定句在语法结构、意义和使用频率上都呈现出明显的不对称性。此外,否定句的否定语义不限于助动词,在句子层面上亦构成否定,具有跨层级性。  相似文献   

在汉语句子中,除了动词以外,形容词、名词、数量词和象声词都可以充当谓语,这类句子称为非动词谓语句。研究表明,非动词谓语句中实际上存在着隐性动词。将其翻译成相应的英语时,其中的谓语动词必不可少,这与汉语的隐性特征和英语的显性特征是一致的。  相似文献   

对普通高中课程标准各学科"内容要求"中所使用的动词进行初步统计分析。给出一个动词采集原则;对14个学科"内容要求"的3528个有效动词(目标)语句及使用的364个动词分布作以分析,并对总体上使用次数最多的动词和每个学科使用次数最多的动词、各学科课程标准所采用的语句数和动词数作了说明;指出课程标准的这364个动词基本上涵盖了布卢姆教育目标分类学所采用的动词;提出了进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

作者主要对英语中"介词 抽象名词"这种结构进行了分析.发现:"介词 抽象名词"在句子中修饰动词时的功能=副词的功能;这种结构在翻译时与副词相似.作者还将这种结构与介词短语所构成的习语性副词短语进行了比较.  相似文献   

汉语被动句中"被"的属性问题一直存在着争议,有学者认为"被"是表示遭受意义的动词,"被"字句是以"被"为主动词的主动句。但是我们分析失语症患者的语言理解后发现,他们对实意动词和主动句的理解与正常人没有差异,但是对功能语类的理解却出现巨大的偏差和缺失,这一特征与失语症患者被动句的理解偏差和缺失表现出一致性,说明"被"不是实意语类而应当归属于功能语类。  相似文献   

非指示性there在句法上与动词to be连用,表示有的意思。there为一虚词,无指示性,所以不作句子重音。语义上,there表明主语的物质位置,与英语的各种基本句型结构之间具有一种互动的转换关系,引出了在抽象的空间中存在的某人、某物或发生了某事。  相似文献   

本文根据语义格框架描写了省略动词的体词谓语句,从中可以发现这类省略句在表义功能、时体表达上的受限性。指出谓语动词的省略要受到语义格框架的制约,且可省略的谓语动词也相当有限,主要是自主的动作动词中的一小部分。  相似文献   


Process of acquisition of grammar was studied with 320 children randomly selected from 2nd, 4th, and 6th graders in three schools representing different socioeconomic backgrounds. Ss were individually presented 6 nonsense sentences and asked to guess the meaning of a stimulus word planted in each sentence. Two types of cues, grammatical "signal" and "signal plus syntactic position," were provided to suggest three parts-of-speech (noun, verb, and modifier). Responses were classified either as homogeneous (proper grammatical identification) or heterogeneous.

No difference was found in frequency of homogeneous responses with regard to children's socio-economic background. Significant differences were associated with increase in cue information and with increase in age.  相似文献   

Children aged 8 through 11 (N = 250) were given a word-by-word sentence task in both the visual and auditory modes. The sentences included an object relative clause, a subject relative clause, or a conjoined verb phrase. Each sentence was followed by a true-false question, testing the subject of either the first or second verb. Participants were also given two memory span measures: digit span and reading span. High digit span children slowed down more at the transition from the main to the relative clause than did the low digit span children. The findings suggest the presence of a U-shaped learning pattern for on-line processing of restrictive relative clauses. Off-line accuracy scores showed different patterns for good comprehenders and poor comprehenders. Poor comprehenders answered the second verb questions at levels that were consistently below chance. Their answers were based on an incorrect local attachment strategy that treated the second noun as the subject of the second verb. For example, they often answered yes to the question "The girl chases the policeman" after the object relative sentence "The boy that the girl sees chases the policeman." Interestingly, low memory span poor comprehenders used the local attachment strategy less consistently than high memory span poor comprehenders, and all poor comprehenders used this strategy less consistently for harder than for easier sentences.  相似文献   

“把字”句要求谓语动词具有处置性,对于一些动作性不强的动词来说,只要在后面带上表示结果或趋向的补语,也能体现处置性。处置性有的见诸行动,有的只是意念上的。处置主体与处置对象之间有的存在双向互动性。  相似文献   

汉语中,尤其是古汉语和口语中,存在着大量的非动词谓语句。除了动词以外,形容词、名词、数量词和象声词都可以充当谓语,这类句子称为非动词谓语句。将其翻译成相应的英语时,其中的谓语动词必不可少,这与汉语的隐性特征和英语的显性特征是一致的。  相似文献   

"散动"是《马氏文通》中提出的重要语法学术语,它主要包含有两层意思,从语义分析来说是指与"坐动"(谓语核心动词)相对的"非谓语核心动词";从句法结构分析来说是指与"语词"相对的动词短语中的"述语"."散动"与"读"是从不同的角度分析汉语中的短语,虽然在功能上基本相同,但内涵不尽一致.它的设立对汉语语法学的完善有着深刻的启示作用.  相似文献   

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