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在等级系统中,用户以及他所拥有的信息严格分成若干个安全等级,这种中的访问控制问题非常重要。文章提出了等级系统中的一个访问控制方案,该方案普遍适用于各种等级系统,具有很强的安全性,并且允许所有用户自主地选择自己的秘密密钥。  相似文献   

<正>工作,人生极其重要的组成部分之一,无论是在校园中,还是踏入社会,它都会让同学们有一阵的脑仁儿疼,瞬间变成选择困难星人。在2048年,这个问题依然存在,不过好在本刊有高人指点,可以预测一下就业发展。现在不如未雨绸缪,看看将来你要找个什么工作?[01]程序猿不好当——家电类、企业编程类职位大幅缩减Logo语言的广泛运用甚至影响到了中学生竞赛。罗技是一名准备参加今年全国编程大赛的中学生,与其他仅按照往年题库准备的竞赛选手不同,他从Logo语言问世便开始关注并学习。当Logo语言进入竞赛的消息宣布后,他立刻报了这个  相似文献   

儿童:需要尊重的生命   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一呼唤尊重儿童是因为我们曾经不尊重儿童。长期以来,人们没有对儿童给予尊重。这种现象是由于人们的错误观念所致,这些观念具体表现为:(一)儿童不成熟观在一些教师和家长看来,儿童是不懂事的,生来就需要大人管,因此成人和儿童之间的关系是管与被管的关系。教师、家长管学生是天经地义的。在我国传统的教育方式中,儿童一直是被视为未来“开明社会”中的行为者。这个概念意味着儿童是“不完善的人”,“是尚不了解世界,尚无能力,尚无长大成人,一味地将儿童时代界定为一个准备时期,一个转折时期,我们将儿童锁入监狱,他们必须在…  相似文献   

周海亮  叶子 《高中生》2011,(10):26-27
例题 (湖南理科卷第16题)对于n∈N,  相似文献   

要"大众化"规模更要创新机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科教兴国作为一项基本国策已毋庸置疑,培养创新人才和大力发展高等教育也成为近期科教界研究的热点问题。然而这两方面的问题往往被割裂开来考虑,在谈“大众化”的时候,常常只顾规模;而谈创新人才的时候,又忽略了学习化社会的重要性。处理好这两者的关系正是我国现阶段在借鉴国外经验进行高等教育改革时必须重视的问题。美国的大众化可以追溯到20世纪50年代,但在19世纪末20世纪初就已经建立了符合大众化规模的高等教育基本结构:[1]以行业理事会和校长、教授为主的管理层,开放、流动的人事体制和晋级制度,以学术出版物为学术水平的…  相似文献   

The Philippine school system is considered as one of the largest in the world with 41,989 public elementary and secondary schools and 7,790 private schools under the supervision and regulation of the Department of Education [DepEd Fact Sheet, 2005]. On top of this statistics are 40 duly-registered educational institutions called the Philippine Schools Overseas, which operate in nine countries such as Bahrain, China, Greece, Kuwait, Libya, Oman, Qatar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates. This paper presents the context and background of the proliferation of Philippine schools, specifically in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To set the limits of the scope, this paper focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of community schools and privately-owned schools. Finally, the paper offers some vital measures relative to the supervision, standards of and support for Philippine Schools Overseas.  相似文献   

This account of practice provides a practical example of the use of action learning within a masters educational programme, an MA in Change Management designed and delivered by a collaborative partnership between the Isle of Anglesey County Council (ACC) and Liverpool Business School (LBS), Liverpool John Moores University. The account has been developed by the LBS Programme Manager, Tricia Harrison and the ACC Training Manager, Carys Edwards. The involvement of both the provider and receiver of the training activity provides a balanced, rigorous but practical approach to the content of this account. The background and content of the programme will be discussed, followed by critical comment on the action learning process.  相似文献   

经过二十多年的改变开放,中国社会的经济体制已由社会主义计划经济初步转变为社会主义市场经济。而市场经济的最主要的驱动机制是利益机制。为适应新的形势,推动市场经济健康发展,应将利育融入教育之中。所谓利育,就是教人对利有一个正确的认识,确立正确的谋利、分利原则,以正确处理人与人、人与社会之间的利益关系。  相似文献   

This study utilized a constructive-developmental approach to accomplish 3 purposes: to create a developmental stage profile for a population of students attending a single community college, to analyze variations within and between subpopulations, and to explore the implications for administrators and planners seeking to provide supportive environments for different populations of students. The resulting profile indicated a wide range of variation within the overall population and significant variations between traditional and non-traditional age students. Implications for educational programming and supportive services were identified by using a constructive-developmental approach as an interpretive framework.  相似文献   

In recent years as public health measures such as improved sanitation, water supply, and immunization have taken effect in developing as well as economically developed countries, there has been an increase in attention to health problems arising from voluntary behaviour such as sexual activity and substance abuse rather than simply from passively acquired infection. This is of special relevance to adolescents who have generally been given lower priority in health services because they are relatively disease-free yet whose patterns of behaviour have great significance for their present and future health. However establishing or changing health behaviour during the dynamic period of adolescence can be difficult especially when the environment is rapidly changing too. This is especially so in developing countries where the traditional directive approach to guidance may need to give way to a somewhat more non-directive style of counselling in order to accommodate greater adolescent autonomy, without loss of fundamental cultural values. Because few people in developing countries are experienced in such techniques WHO has developed a module for training counselling skills for adolescent sexual and reproductive health which preserves culture specificity in a non-directive approach and uses behavioural techniques to train communication microskills.  相似文献   

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