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移动教育的理念与关键技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
移动教育是随着移动通信技术和计算机技术的不断发展演变而来的一种教育方式,其目标是实现任何时间、任何地点、任何方式的教学活动。本文主要讨论了移动教育的理念和技术环境。其中移动教育的环境包括统一的教学平台、设备自适应的资源组织、统一的消息传递系统等。作者对移动教育环境的基本结构及其关键技术进行了讨论,最后通过试验给出结论,并对移动教育的前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

在教育行业中,移动教育方式使教学打破了时间、地点与教学方式的束缚,在创新教学理念的同时,提高了教学的质量与效率,为教育行业带来了突破性的创举。本文在阐述移动教育理念的基础上,分析了移动教育系统的框架构建,然后研究了开展移动教育所涉及的关键技术,为实现移动教育方式的推广性应用提供参考。  相似文献   

基于MAS和Moodle的移动学习管理系统与关键技术设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以WLAN和MAS技术为基础,设计支持不同接入方式的手持设备登录移动学习管理系统的网络模型;以Moodle为基础,构建支持移动学习的移动学习管理系统;讨论设备识别技术、内容自适应技术和MAS应用模块开发,支持不同的手持设备进行移动学习。  相似文献   

基于 Agent 的移动学习设备自适应模型的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
移动学习就是通过移动设备实现在任何时间、任何地点进行的学习;然而移动设备间的差异性很大,处理平台的异构性可使不同的移动设备支持不同课程资源显示格式.为了使移动设备可以像PC机一样获取网络课程资源,适应异构的移动计算环境,作者重点讨论了如何利用 Agent 技术建构设备自适应系统模型,实现资源格式的自动转换.  相似文献   

网络信息与通信技术驱动下的全球化时代,不断赋予兼具便捷性与多媒体数字处理功能的移动设备在促进教育与学习革命上的重要使命.通过国际组织、国家政府以及移动技术与学习领域研究人员的推动,移动学习在促进教师专业发展、变革学习者学习方式、促进发展中国家教育公平方面发挥愈加突出的重要作用.由于移动学习是一个较新的领域,仍面临诸多理论与实践上的困境与挑战.在未来只有通过一系列强有力的政策支持、完善的硬件设施以及丰富的教学资源开发,才能更好地达成移动学习促进教育公平与提升教育质量的重要目标.  相似文献   

浅谈移动学习形式在开放教育中的优势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着移动互联技术和移动通信技术发展,移动学习已经成为教育信息化的一个重要方面。开放教育恰恰是将现有的教学资源开放出来,供学习者自由参考、学习的一种教学模式。文章提出移动学习形式的独特性在开放教育中的优势。  相似文献   

移动学习平台是促进移动学习快速发展的重要因素,无线网络技术和移动通信技术及其相关移动终端设备的快速普及,使得基于有线网络和个人计算机的网络学习平台已不能满足当前学习者的实际需求.从无线移动网络环境下学习者的实际要求出发,研究具有移动Web即时通信、资源实时移动共享等功能的移动网络即时协作学习平台的体系机构和系统功能,探究实现该系统平台的关键技术,以便为移动学习者提供一种支持即时协作交流、实时共享资源与知识经验的新型移动网络即时协作学习平台.  相似文献   

云教育平台比传统的网络教育平台更适用于移动学习。文章从"云教育"的内涵出发,通过与传统网络教育平台的对比研究,详细分析了云教育平台在移动学习中的优势以及它对移动学:习的改造。最后,基于云教育平台的优势,将移动学习和云平台相结合,构建了一种基于云教育平台的自主移动学习模型。  相似文献   

社区教育学习平台存在可视化程度不够、交互性弱等问题,制约着学习者的学习活动和学习效果.构建社区教育移动学习平台,遵循易用性、一致性、导向性原则,从学习内容、学习互动、学习评价等方面进行框架设计,以更好地满足学习者个性化和多样化的学习需求.  相似文献   

社区教育移动学习模式赋予了学员更大的学习空间与自由度,也有利于推动资源共享与建设学习型社会。目前该模式的开发面临的障碍包括相关社区教育机构各自为政、"社区学习共同体"数量极少、缺乏激励机制和特色化资源等等。为实现社区教育移动学习模式的开发创新,相关教育机构需要协同攻坚,建设移动学习圈,创设学分银行,结合地方经济、文化特色与教师特长开发微型化、特色化资源以满足学员的差异化需求。  相似文献   

信息技术教育是以计算机作为学习工具,培养学生信息素养的教育,通过对信息技术教育学的课堂教学进行探索和研究,提出"1+1"的教学模式,并给出了具体讲授方法.  相似文献   

Potentials for empowerment in critical education research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Within the typology of research orientations commonly represented in the social science literature — empiricist, interpretive and critical — it is the methodologies of the critical orientation that are burgeoning. Significantly, the moral imperative in the critical theorising which drives and shapes these methodologies is empowerment and emancipation. That is to say, critical educational research is potentially empowering because of its emancipatory intent. However, as cogently argued and demonstrated by a number of researchers, “an emancipatory intent is no guarantee of an emancipatory outcome” (Acker et al., 1983: 431). Just being informed by critical theory then, is no guarantee that a critical research approach will be empowering, or be empowering in a way we recognise as significant. This paper has been prepared with two objectives in mind: to clarify three ways empowerment has been conceptualised in the literature, and to use this conceptual scheme as a template to ascertain the empowerment potentials in critical educational research methodologies.  相似文献   

移动机器人自主导航技术研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了移动机器人的几种导航方式。对自主导航技术的关键技术———路径规划技术进行了深入研究,对人工智能以及多传感器信息融合技术在移动机器人导航中的应用进行了论述,并对移动机器人自主导航技术的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

移动科技论文共享平台在移动平台不同信息处理技术研究的基础上,提出了采用微软通信基础(windows communication foundation,WCF)技术实现移动科技论文共享的新技术,并从移动论文共享平台的架构设计、功能及流程设计论述了该系统需要实现的目标,对于系统实现中涉及到的关键技术进行研究,并对其中的核心技术所达到的效果进行测试,最终在模拟环境下实现了基于WCF技术的移动科技论文共享平台。  相似文献   

Despite having been a prolific academic, whose work exerts considerable cross-discipline influence, the ideas of Foucault are largely neglected in educational technology scholarship. Having provided an initial brief overview of the sparse use of Foucault's work in this sub-field, this paper then seeks to generate new understandings, arguing that his texts have ongoing relevance, particularly if ed-tech research is to escape its limited, instrumentalism and critically engage with broader social, economic and political concerns. To this end Foucault's writings on technology, discourse and panopticism are considered and the analytical insights they offer into educational technology research explored. Whilst recognising that it is impossible to do justice to Foucault's oeuvre in such a short piece, it is hoped that through providing an introduction to these key concepts and suggesting problems that they could be used to addresses a more critical approach to educational technology will be engendered.  相似文献   

Mobile devices are highly portable, easily distributable, substantially affordable, and have the potential to be pedagogically complementary resources in education. This study, incorporating mixed method analyses, discusses the implications of a mobile learning technology-based learning model in two public primary schools near the Mexico-USA border in the state of Baja California, Mexico. One school was located in an urban slum and the other in a rural village community. Empirical and ethnographic data were collected through a series of achievement tests, observations, surveys, and interviews involving 160 s grade school children recruited by convenience sampling. The general technology infrastructure, distinctive features of mobile learning to supplement literacy development, profound contextual phenomena arising from the two uniquely underserved communities, and social factors possibly influencing the educational experiences are discussed. The findings suggest that students in the rural village, seriously lacking educational resources and technology exposure, may have benefited substantially more from mobile technologies than urban school students possibly due to their relatively higher socio-economic status and higher parental involvement and interest in education. In contrast, there was no evidence of interaction with parental education levels, the experience of teachers or school principals, or the teacher’s perception or preparation of the technology. Overall, the mobile learning technology adoption was rapid, seamless, and actively driven by the students rather than the teacher. The challenges of the phenomenal migratory nature of most families in this unique geographical region are also discussed to benefit future studies.  相似文献   

Scientific research in education: A critical perspective1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reviews the debate in the USA about quality in educational research which has underpinned particular approaches to educational research being mandated in federal legislation. It argues that the movement towards ‘evidence‐based policy and practice’ oversimplifies complex problems and is being used to warrant governmental incursion into legislating scientific method. It calls for critical readings of current policy and direct engagement in policy forums—putting critical theory to work.  相似文献   

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