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儿童价值观教育主要面临脱离儿童生活和师生对话的匮乏两大困境。儿童价值观教育的出路要求价值观教育贴近儿童生活、提升儿童主体意识加强师生对话。游戏是儿童的一种生存状态和生活方式,也是突破儿童价值观教育困境的重要出路,在游戏精神的体验过程中回归儿童生活,在游戏规则的制定过程中达到平等对话,游戏是儿童价值观教育的重要载体。  相似文献   

学习和游戏是儿童最为根本的两种活动和生活方式。然而,今天的儿童却遭遇了沉重的"拔根":学习的奴役和游戏的消逝。被拔根的儿童过着不幸的"受教育"的生活。我们发现,儿童在被成人"发现"之后又被成人"主宰"了。  相似文献   

儿童的"游戏精神"是指体现儿童游戏活动诸特点的一种心理状态,以及在这种心理状态支配下儿童对待事物的主观态度,是一种自由的、超功利的精神。"游戏精神"观照下的儿童写作教育策略体现为:确立符合"游戏精神"的儿童写作教育目标和训练文体;建立合理科学的教师引导与评价体系。  相似文献   

作为人类存在的基本方式之一,游戏是人类的共有本性。爱游戏是儿童的天性,儿童的生活植根于游戏之中,游戏赋予了儿童有灵性的童年生活。为使教育回归生命的本真,在引导和促进儿童发展的活动中,幼儿教师要融入游戏精神,与儿童共游戏,诉求同作"游戏人",在游戏中实现自身心灵的成长,从而臻达卓越品质。  相似文献   

音乐游戏是学前儿童音乐教育中的一项重要内容(其他四项内容为歌唱、韵律活动、打击乐器演奏、音乐欣赏),也是小学低年级音乐教学表演领域中综合性艺术表演(律动、集体舞、音乐游戏、歌表演等)的一项重要内容。儿童的世界是游戏的世界。游戏是儿童的基本活动,是向儿童进行教育的重要手段。儿童的游戏是多种多样的,分类的方法也各不相同。教育学以游戏作为教育的手段为着眼点,既注意儿童的自然游戏,又注意为儿童编制有规则的游戏。音乐游戏是一种  相似文献   

游戏,它是儿童存在的一种形式,也是儿童生命的一种状态;游戏,是儿童生活的重要内容,更是习作教学丰富的资源。习作教学要走向儿童,就应当保持一种“游戏状态”,以其独特的魅力召唤着儿童,以其丰富的活动丰盈着习作,让整个教学过程焕发出勃勃生机。下面,笔者就以自主开发的游戏类习作课程《“神奇宝贝”俱乐部》为例谈些粗浅做法。  相似文献   

李德敬 《小学生》2011,(6):18-18
数学游戏是容易被儿童接受的学习数学知识的一种喜闻乐见的教学形式。好的数学游戏不仅可以充实儿童的游戏生活,而且可以激发他们学习数学的兴趣,同时丰富他们的想像能力,在兴趣盎然的气氛中发展他们的智力。所以,坚持数学知识和游戏因素的巧妙结合,以玩为教学载体,寓教于乐,  相似文献   

游戏作为儿童生活和儿童文化的一个自然的组成部分,是儿童生活的一种主要状态,对儿童文化具有一定的促进作用。探讨儿童游戏与儿童文化的关系及其对教育工作的启示,对于促进儿童素质、推进儿童文化的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

游戏是儿童的特权,儿童教育需要"自由、自在、自然"的游戏精神。游戏精神、游戏文化、游戏教育应该也有必要在我们的教育中占有重要的一席。我们的"游戏文化"特色学校建设实践包括"游戏文化大乐园""游戏思想进课堂""游戏文化主题大单元""游戏文化教育资源""游戏文化校本课程"五大块,以游戏活动为媒介,以健全儿童的生命人格,建造儿童发展的精神家园为价值追求,以"充实生活、自由成长、快乐学习、健全生命"为发展目标,力求探索出一种适合儿童、提升儿童的现代特色学校的教育模式。  相似文献   

游戏是儿童的特权,儿童教育需要"自由、自在、自然"的游戏精神。游戏精神、游戏文化、游戏教育应该也有必要在我们的教育中占有重要的一席。我们的"游戏文化"特色学校建设实践包括"游戏文化大乐园""游戏思想进课堂""游戏文化主题大单元""游戏文化教育资源""游戏文化校本课程"五大块,以游戏活动为媒介,以健全儿童的生命人格,建造儿童发展的精神家园为价值追求,以"充实生活、自由成长、快乐学习、健全生命"为发展目标,力求探索出一种适合儿童、提升儿童的现代特色学校的教育模式。  相似文献   

随着移动终端的发展、教育游戏的日趋完善,将手机游戏引入教育领域必定会掀起一股娱乐教育的热潮。文章尝试提出手机教育游戏的定义,分析其教育价值,并从开发应用角度、教育学习角度、游戏娱乐角度三个角度阐述手机教育游戏的设计原则,最后展望了其发展前景。  相似文献   

With games captivating the minds of many children in the United States, educators may be interested in trying to introduce games into their classrooms. This article offers educators insights into how to understand and incorporate games that are inherently social, promoting effective discourse in their classrooms. Although educational games and more generally educational technology are largely seen as being designed for individuals, tools exist that are designed for group play that can spark both peer-group and intergenerational play and discussion. Games that promote conversation and cooperation allow children to develop social skills, build community, and practice various modes of mentorship. Knowing about both the history and the research concerning how social games can be used helps educators critically analyze the effective use of games in the classroom and augment students learning of difficult concepts.  相似文献   

为了设计出兼具教育性与趣味性的教育游戏,使设计出的游戏充分考虑到学习者需求,既重视游戏方式和内容的科学性,又强调游戏方法和形式的趣味性,基于斯坦福D.school设计思维模型,结合“趣思维”游戏案例设计过程,从游戏设计前期分析、内容及方向确定、游戏设计与制作、反复测试再调整等方面,具体阐述教育游戏设计方法。“趣思维”案例的成功设计表明,该设计方法能够运用于具体教育游戏设计中,可以设计出更贴合用户想法、兼顾教育与趣味的教育游戏。基于设计思维模型五环节提出的教育游戏设计方法,能够充分了解用户需求,使设计思路更加清晰,设计出内容丰富、条理明确、更有市场的教育游戏,初步实现设计思维与教育游戏的结合。  相似文献   

构建有效的教育游戏设计模型是当前亟待研究的课题。在国内外心流理论和教育游戏设计相关成果的基础上,使用基于设计的研究方法,构建了基于心流理论的教育游戏设计框架。继而分析了该设计框架的构成要素及其设计方法,并基于该研究框架研发了特殊儿童言语学习游戏案例且进行了实证研究。研究发现,学习者在教育游戏中产生心流体验的前提条件有三个:清晰的任务目标、及时的反馈和任务与技能的平衡。为生成以上前提条件,教育游戏设计应分为四个阶段:游戏目标分析、游戏情境创设、游戏玩法设计和游戏元素设计,每个阶段应采取对应的设计任务使阶段性设计成果具备心流体验产生的条件。  相似文献   

Studies of African indigenous games often focus on a specific game or on games from different regions. This article, rather, examines five popular African board games in order to find the similarities and differences among these games. The analysis shows similarities among them. However, these similarities do not necessarily mean that these games are identical. The review of the games indicates that these games are different when elements such as rules and play are used to study them. This article also demonstrates that these board games are tools that can be integrated into the curriculum through a discussion of the educational affordance of each game. The article is an invitation to educators and game researchers to broaden the definition and exploration of game-based learning.  相似文献   

The 2008 commercial video game Spore allowed more than a million players to design their own life forms. Starting from single-celled organisms players played through a caricature of natural history. Press coverage of the game??s release offer two frames for thinking about the implications of the game. Some scientists and educators saw the game as a troubling teacher of intelligent design, while others suggested it might excite public interest in science. This paper explores the extent to which these two ways of thinking about the game are consistent with what players have done with the game in its online community. This analysis suggests that, at least for the players participating in this community, the game has not seduced them into believing in intelligent design. Instead the activities of these players suggest that the game has played a catalytic role in engaging the public with science. These findings indicate that designers of educational games may wish to consider more deeply tensions between prioritizing accuracy of content in educational games over player engagement.  相似文献   

This paper is a response to ??Challenges and Opportunities: Using a science-based video game in secondary school settings?? by Rachel Muehrer, Jennifer Jenson, Jeremy Friedberg, and Nicole Husain. The article highlights two critical areas that I argue require more research in the studies of video games in education. The first area focuses on the need to better understand how children interact with non-educational games, outside of the school setting. This includes issues such as ??gamer culture?? and game play styles. The better we understand these issues, the better educational game designers and implementers can imagine the kinds of behaviors that might be elicited from students when we bring educational games into their classroom. In this focus, the student is the unit of analysis, but it is the student in and out of the classroom: the way the student understands video games when she is at home, playing with friends, and at school. The second area focuses on the study of the classroom as a unit of analysis. As the authors of this study reveal, classroom cultures affect the reception and success of an educational game. This is to ask, how does a game play when students have to play it in pairs or groups for a lack of resources? What is the role of the teacher in the success of video game implementation? How does a game react to multiple server requests in a short period of time? These are issues that are still largely unexplored in the educational game design literature.  相似文献   

Information and communication technology (ICT) use among children in low-income countries remains understudied. The purpose of this study is to describe laptop usage among children in the context of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) project 4 years after the laptops were first introduced in a community in Madagascar. The study was conducted using a mixed-method approach combining analysis of ICT use history, empirical observations, and interviews with children and parents. In class, activities involving laptops—including educational games, information research, and the creation of texts and storyboards—were found to be aligned with existing classroom activities. Outside school, computers were found to be used in individual, group, or family settings to listen to music and watch videos, play games, share content, and do homework. The study also found that computers play a major role in everyday routines, opening up new possibilities in photography and video-making. The findings also indicate that computer usage encourages children to learn new literacies in which image plays a central role and new forms of self-expression if they are accompanied and supported by their family.  相似文献   

在学前教育深化改革、提高质量、以游戏为基本活动的背景下,语言游戏应成为幼儿园语言教育的重要形式。本文通过问卷调查法和访谈法,采用分层随机抽样方法,对浙江省丽水、宁波、温州、杭州等不同城市不同等级的8所幼儿园的193位教师进行了深入调查。结果发现:幼儿园教师普遍认同语言游戏的重要教育价值,公办园和民办园之间认知差异不显著;语言游戏开展类型以口语类和语言动作类为主;存在的主要问题是语言游戏总体上开展频率不高,且以教师主导为主,幼儿自主开展频率低。其原因主要在于:教育行政部门以及幼儿园对语言游戏重视不够;现有相关研究、资料和教育培训不足;教师对语言游戏本质特征和指导要点存在严重误解。建议教育管理部门重视语言游戏的价值,并加强宣传和建立保障机制,引起幼儿园重视;加大对专家学者从事语言游戏理论和实证研究的支持力度;加快组织相关人员整理开发经典、丰富、新颖的语言游戏案例资源;加强对幼儿园教师语言游戏相关教育培训。  相似文献   

This article examines the ascendance of team sports as tools of “character building” in British Victorian public schools in the second half of the nineteenth century. The focus of this enquiry is the commonly overlooked pedagogical innovation underlying this process – the utilisation of organised games as educational tools. Relying on Roger Caillois' delineation of the unique qualities of game playing, I explore how team sports’ game qualities shaped their educational function and perception in Victorian public schools. Broadly stated, these game qualities enabled team sports to function as an ideal site for shaping on-court behaviour, while limiting their long-term effect on student conduct. Two central limitations of the Victorian application of game playing are pointed out. First, offering an organised model of play, team sports increased adult control over students’ play patterns, yet they concurrently undermined student agency within play, and the relevance of these activities to external contexts. Moreover, Victorian educators assumed that lessons learned on the court would readily carry over to other areas of students’ lives and failed to meaningfully incorporate team sports into the broader educational curriculum. These lessons concerning the educational function of games are particularly timely in light of the growing pervasiveness of games, physical and virtual, in educational contexts and in children’s lives in general.  相似文献   

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